Chapter 664
The Minister of the Ministry of Officials has the right to decide the appointment and promotion of the Beijing officials below the fifth rank and the local officials below the fourth rank, while the higher-ranking officials are promoted by the six high-ranking officials led by the Minister of the Ministry of Officials. In the bureaucratic system of the Ming Dynasty, the power is extremely important. , the Minister of the Ministry of Officials was commonly known as Dazai.

Since the Jiajing year, those who are ministers of the Ministry of Officials must join the cabinet, which has further strengthened this position. Yan Qing, who was promoted from the Minister of the Ministry of Justice to the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, after Zhang Siwei resigned, was vaguely the leader of Zhang Siwei's confidant of the remaining party .

The above-mentioned two from the Ministry of Industry and the Ministry of Punishment took turns to interrogate Wang Tong, but Wang Tong was refuted with great principles and was speechless. The scene was embarrassing, but Yan Qing spoke.

Yan Qing opened his mouth, but what he asked was not what Wang Tong did yesterday, but what role Wang Tong would be in charge of in Jinyiwei in the future. Everyone was taken aback, but everyone here is very intelligent, and they immediately understood Yan Qing's intention was that it was impossible to find Wang Tong's faults in yesterday's incident, but he wanted to disown Wang Tong, but he was planted back by Wang Tong.

After this incident, if the Qing rumor officials in the capital want to make trouble again, they may have to weigh Wang Tong's fierce methods. To pester this is to bring shame on themselves. It is better to look farther away. It is impossible to prevent Wang Tong from entering the capital. The next step is to restrict what Wang Tong can do in the capital.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials is in charge of personnel affairs. Although Commander Tongzhi of Jin Yiwei is not under his jurisdiction, as a cabinet scholar and Minister of the Ministry of Officials, he is still in the process of being cleaned up.

The embarrassing atmosphere in the side hall was relieved, Pan Jixun, who had nothing to say, also returned to the queue. Emperor Wanli frowned when he heard this question, but he didn't want to understand Yan Qing's intentions, but Emperor Wanli didn't care. Turning around with a smile, he asked:

"Luo Sigong, you are Wang Tong's supervisor, how did you arrange it?"

Everyone's eyes were focused on Luo Sigong, with a loyal and humble face, Luo Sigong bowed to Emperor Wanli and said:
"Reporting to Your Majesty, I haven't made any arrangements yet. Wang Tong is different from the others. In fact, I plan to meet Wang Tong this afternoon and ask him what he wants to do with Jinyiwei."

Emperor Wanli was taken aback, but the expressions of all the ministers in the room changed. Luo Sigong's attitude would have knocked Wang Tong's head on the ground heavily. After Luo Sigong finished speaking, he turned around with a smile on his face and asked:
"I don't know what Master Wang wants to control!?"

"Absurd, Jin Yiwei's commander has two real positions, and the commander has two real positions. Each has his own responsibility. How can he break the rules and control whatever he wants!"

Before the words were finished, someone shouted and asked. An old man with white beard and white hair had already stood up. He was one of the few ministers in the room who had a seat. According to what he knew in advance, he should be Xu Xuemo, Minister of the Ministry of Rites.

Luo Sigong didn't seem to hear the question from the Minister of Rites, but just looked at Wang Tong with a smile on his face. Anyone who is not blind can see this intention to please him.

A smile appeared on Emperor Wanli's face, and the eyes of all the people in the palace collided quickly, and they all saw embarrassment from each other, but they couldn't do anything.

In the room, Shen Shixing still had a calm expression. Zhang Xueyan, Minister of the Ministry of War, coughed dryly, but lowered his head. Emperor Wanli nodded slightly, and said loudly:
"Wang Tong, since Luo Sigong asked that, you can just say what you want."

Wang Tong also saw the friendly intention in Luo Sigong's expression, and heard this question. In fact, Wang Tong himself was very surprised, but his mind turned sharply, and he quickly came to the result. Wang Tong took a step forward. , first bowed to Emperor Wanli, then nodded to Luo Sigong, and said loudly:
"Returning to Your Majesty, since Master Luo asked this question, I boldly said that when I was in the capital, I was only a hundred households in South Street, and when I went to Tianjin Wei, I was only a thousand households in the sub-district. I have little knowledge and experience, but I ask myself that I have a lot of experience in military training and military discipline, and I used to patrol the streets below to arrest people in the past, and I am willing to train soldiers for the Jinyi Guards, to pick up the military discipline of the Jinyi Guards, and to be responsible for patrolling the streets to arrest people."

Answering loudly here, Emperor Wanli was taken aback again, covered his mouth and coughed a few times unnaturally, winked at Wang Tong a few times, and there were more than a dozen or twenty people in the hall discussing matters. Overcoming others, Minister of Rites Xu Xuemo sat back in confusion, while Minister of Officials Yan Qing bowed down and said:
"Your Majesty, Wang Tong has a sincere heart to serve the country. He does not want to enjoy wealth and honor, but is willing to deal with practical matters. I think this kind of loyalty should be praised and praised to inspire future generations."

"Your Majesty, I think what Lord Yan said is true!!"

"Your Majesty, what Wang Tong has done really shames the ministers."

Seeing Yan Qing get up, Yang Wei, Pan Jixun and the others all understood, and stood up and bowed down. Zhang Cheng and Zhang Cheng beside him exchanged glances, but Zhang Hong picked up a brush and quickly wrote on the bookcase. A few lines:

"Add it up, you can't get it down."

Several eunuchs in the Supervisor of Ceremonies all nodded. Wang Tong was given such a high hat, and he couldn’t do it if he wanted to. It just made him unable to take back his words. Just asked:
"Wang Tong, I'll ask you again, are you willing to take care of these things?"

"What Your Majesty said is that these errands are too complicated. Mr. Wang has just returned to the capital. How about getting acquainted with Beizhen Fusi first?"

Over there, Wanli also asked, and Luo Sigong also asked, everyone understood very well, Emperor Wanli didn't want Wang Tong to go, but Yan Qing and the others let Wang Tong's words be confirmed.

No matter how you think about such things, you can understand that the errands Wang Tong mentioned must not be of any good meaning, so Emperor Wanli stopped him with words, and Wang Tong knelt down and kowtowed and said:
"Reporting to Your Majesty, I am willing to take care of this matter."

Upon hearing Wang Tong's words, Emperor Wanli's expression changed, and he still waved his hands and said boringly:

"In this case, Luo Sigong, you can arrange it!!"

"Long Live God stays with Wang Tong, Xinuange gives a banquet~~~"

After the dynasty was over, the ministers left the side hall, and there was an eunuch passing the decree behind him, and a Jin Yiwei commanded the Tongzhi. Within two days after entering Beijing, the palace actually gave a banquet. There is really no one with such kindness. can match.

All the ministers walked out with gloomy faces. The chief assistant of the cabinet, Shen Shixing, and Zhang Xueyan, the minister of the soldiers' department of the cabinet university, walked in front with a calm expression. After a while, the two sides distanced themselves.

"Pretending to be, it's just a heretical book. If it wasn't for brother Ziwei's praise, how could he get the position of Minister of the Ministry of War, but when he was appointed, he would make every possible excuse. What a villain."

Someone said harshly that Zhang Xueyan used to be the servant of the household department. Because of the compilation of the classic "Wanli Accounting Records", Zhang Juzheng considered him meritorious and promoted him to the position of household secretary. Zhang Xueyan has no faction, no one can offend, and was promoted to this position. According to the thoughts of Zhang Siwei's cronies, Zhang Xueyan changed from the Ministry of Households to the Ministry of War, and entered the cabinet. Quiet and indifferent, never participating in party struggles, this made everyone resentful.

But now that Zhang Siwei has gone home to keep his filial piety, and Shen Shixing is the chief assistant of the court, he would naturally like to see such a different kind in the six ministers, so as not to make things difficult for himself. As a result, Zhang Xueyan was isolated among the ministers, but others were also There is nothing to do with him.

"Don't worry about Zhang Xueyan for now. When you go back, arrange your own people to hurry up and go to school. Praise Wang Tong. A military soldier is a military soldier. I don't know the importance. I don't choose the North-South Town Fusi and Experience Department, but take care of training and patrolling the streets. , we must settle this matter with him, so as not to cause accidents!"

Someone said in a deep voice, and the surrounding people all agreed, and then said in a low voice:

"It was a mistake to lift Luo Sigong up, I didn't expect him to be so ignorant"

"Don't make too many details, Wang Tong is the top priority. If the palace trusts him, what use is it to wait for me? Can't you see today's favor?"

"Your Majesty, although these people's snacks are delicious and sweet, you can't eat too much. If you eat too much, your body will not be able to bear it if you don't exercise. Your Majesty has a body of ten thousand gold."

"That is, you come, I only eat a few yuan, and I feel too tired to eat it on weekdays."

In the side hall, Zhang Cheng and Zhao Jinliang waited on the left and right. Emperor Wanli and Wang Tong sat opposite each other. Emperor Wanli picked up the creamy snacks on the silver plate with chopsticks and ate happily there. He put down impatiently when he heard Wang Tong's words.

"Long Live Lord, what Wang Tong said is also right. The chiefs of the Tai Hospital all said that this cream is too greasy and should not be eaten in excess."

Emperor Wanli pushed the silver plate aside and said:
"Got it, got it, Wang Tong, Jin Yiwei's South Town Fusi Guanjun, Beizhen Fusi Guanmin, experienced Siguan audit documents and records, which one of these three places is not good for you, you have to do some training Newcomers, picketing military discipline, patrolling the streets to arrest you, you didn't see those officials scrambling to put a high hat on you, just because they were afraid that you would repent, these hard and tedious jobs are offending people, what are you doing!"

Wang Tong heard the complaining words, and just about to stand up, Emperor Wanli waved his hands repeatedly and said:
"Sit down and talk, sit down and talk."

"Your Majesty, if I want to take charge of any part of the North-South Town Fusi and the Experience Department, I am afraid that I will be entangled in the court meeting, and I will not give up until now. I have just entered Beijing, so why bother to make noise for Your Majesty, and Jinyiwei has guards The responsibility of arresting and spying is a decisive force in the key areas of the capital, but now it has formed its own system. I take the liberty to ask Your Majesty, does His Majesty control more of the Jinyiwei, or does the foreign minister control more of the Jinyiwei, or the Jinyiwei themselves? some more."

"Several commanders and envoys, all recommended by the cabinet, plus Jin Yiwei's internal son and stepfather career, I really don't know much."

"Your Majesty, what I'm doing is to regain the control of Jinyiwei for Your Majesty!"
thanks for your support

(End of this chapter)

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