Chapter 665
It is rare to see that the yamen of the capital are so fast. On the first day of February, there were more than [-] low-level officials missing in the palace. If they were employed, or resigned, they were all kicked out of the capital.

What is the reason, everyone also understands in their hearts, it is not because they blocked Wang Tong outside the city gate, but inexplicably took the crime of deceiving the emperor on themselves.

It was only five years since Wang Tong left the capital. Those who have such good deeds recalled all the incidents Wang Tong did in the capital, such as running a martial arts gym and beating nobles, and other glorious deeds. Some sources were more informed, saying that the great chaos in the palace was also due to the protection of Mr. Wang.

There are so many jokes that seem to be commentary legends. Many civil servants and business travelers from all over the world have only come to Beijing in the past few years. Many people don’t know this wonderful allusion.

However, in February of the 11th year of Wanli, Wang Tong was not the object of awe and admiration. He was a joke in the capital.

People often talk about it when chatting, saying that this wealth was brought by the previous life, and even if you have the chance in the next life, you will not have the aura of wealth if you are in a high position.

Look at Wang Tong, his father is just a small flag, and his situation is much smaller. The North and South Zhenfu Division has one in charge of the army and one in charge of the people, with great power. The department and various departments are stationed around the necks of thousands of households. If you don’t go to these three places, you actually have to train recruits, patrol the streets to arrest them, and picket military discipline.

Training recruits and patrolling the streets to arrest them are all hard work, and there is not much benefit in the account. No one knows that this picketing of military discipline is offending people.

Doing such things instead of enjoying the good wealth and honor, isn't this the poor life brought about in the previous life? It can be seen that the poor and poor life was brought about during life.

The common people talked like this, and those who knew the details of the Jinyiwei thought it was a joke, training recruits, what is called a recruit in the Jinyiwei, Jinyi’s own army, in order to be reliable, allowed the inheritance from generation to generation, and the son followed the father’s career. Passed down from generation to generation.

In Jingshi Jinyiwei, there are 60-year-old and 70-year-old veterans, as well as twelve or thirteen-year-old newcomers. These people have been in the capital for generations, and they may not have any noble relatives, but they communicate with each other, and the relationship is intricate. There was a lot of reaction, and the disposition of a school lieutenant somewhere might involve thousands of households, which was very troublesome.

This is even more so when patrolling the streets to arrest this. At the foot of the emperor, throwing a stone on the street can hit a seventh-rank official. Those who can control are small and small households. They dare not make trouble. Those who can't control are high-ranking Big family, they are born to cause trouble, how to manage it, if one is managed, maybe the sixth department of the cabinet will post a post to ask, if one is managed, it may be a relative of the eunuch in the palace, and in the end it will be messed up, if it can be managed, How could Shuntian Mansion be as angry as the little daughter-in-law?

Picket military discipline, if you want to do this job well somewhere, you must first establish a good relationship with your superiors, colleagues and subordinates. If you are unselfish and offend everyone, what are you going to do? Wait for others to give you a cold face , just to trip you up.

The three hard tasks, Wang Tong actually took them all into his arms. What is he trying to do? Could it be that he is relying on the emperor's favor to bully others? If the emperor's favor is so useful, then there is no need for six cabinet departments and 24 yamen of the inner court up.

The common people said that Wang Tong did not have a rich life, and those who knew the inside story said that Wang Tong asked for trouble. The whole capital looked at Wang Tong's disheveled face, and he was very unlucky.

On the second day of February, the weather was fine, and the Huwei Martial Arts Hall, which had been deserted for many years, had guests. Wang Tong temporarily used it as a martial arts arena, practicing with a spear.

He was training with Ma Sanbiao, who learned martial arts almost at the same time as Wang Tong, but according to Li Wenyuan, Ma Sanbiao is a born warrior, and his understanding and experience of fighting in battle formations is much better than Wang Tong's.

But the contest of pure battlefield skills will not be quickly determined like a showman's style. Two people hold poles and use standard postures to assassinate and block over and over again. It is extremely boring. The little eunuch guarding here watched After a while, he actually yawned, not daring to be rude, and quickly hid aside.

General Tan and the other two family members of the Tan family will stand aside, holding handkerchiefs, cloaks and other utensils in their hands.

"Although Ma Sanbiao is brave, his temper is a bit impatient. He can concentrate on the battlefield. This kind of spear assassination training will take a long time, and I'm afraid it won't work."

As soon as Tan Jiang finished speaking, he heard a muffled sound, and Ma Sanbiao cried out in annoyance, but he was poked into the chest armor with the pole in Wang Tong's hand, and he was regarded as a loser.

"Sanbiao, you're so much older than me, but why can't you keep calm?"

Wang Tong took the towel handed by General Tan and wiped off the sweat on his forehead. Ma Sanbiao said with a dry smile:

"Stuffy and stuffy, don't do anything, don't do anything!"

"Have you found the house yet? Your mother-in-law is still alive. It's safer to come back in the spring, and let Aunt Ma accompany her, so as not to go out and suffer from the cold now."

Wang Tong walked towards his house, and said with a smile while walking, Ma Sanbiao nodded and replied:
"Thank you for remembering, my lord. The house has already been bought. The three-entry house, maids and servants all use Tianjin Wei. We can trust the people there."

"Dongcheng, Xicheng, you don't buy many good houses, but you buy them in Nancheng. I don't care how you live. Aunt Ma has worked hard all her life, so you don't want her to live better."

Listening to Wang Tong's words, Ma Sanbiao scratched his head, and said with some embarrassment:
"My lord is wrong to blame me. My mother told me to live in Nancheng alone, saying that it is convenient to take care of my lord nearby. Besides, there are many neighbors here, so I am comfortable."

That's what the old man thought. Wang Tong shook his head, turned to General Tan and said:
"Our people are settled!"

"It's all arranged. A few Zhuangzi from the Sanyang Sect outside the city were treated as thieves and confiscated as officials. Miss Song bought it at a low price. This time it happens to be used to accommodate our people. They work in shifts and work outside. You can also practice on a regular basis.”

Wang Tong took a total of more than 600 people to the capital. Of course, so many people cannot be resettled in the capital. Buying land outside the city has become an arrangement.

"Jin Yiwei Commander Tong Zhi, there are two people who are trusted by hundreds of households, others can't say anything, let them rotate at that time!"

While talking, he walked to the gate of the garden, Wang Tong still lived in the same yard, next to the Delicious Restaurant, at this time a wave of guards went in to eat, they were quite surprised to see Wang Tong.

However, a few experienced eunuchs still recognized Wang Tong, and they all bowed slightly there to salute, but Chen Dahe sat on the wooden bench at the door and smashed walnuts to eat. When he saw Wang Tong coming, he clapped his hands in panic and stood up, speaking said:
"Xu Guangguo is still here."

Wang Tong nodded, turned his head to General Tan and said:

"If this person understands his situation, he should kneel in the yard. If he is standing, then there is no need to talk about it."

General Tan smiled, but didn't answer, Wang Tong pushed the door and went in, Xu Guangguo was kneeling in the yard, it was not very comfortable to kneel outside for a long time in the weather in February, Xu Guangguo's lips were already purple, his face had turned blue Seeing Wang Tong coming in, Xu Guangguo kowtowed directly.

Wang Tong didn't care about it either, and went into the house on his own. After entering the house, Wang Tong took a sip of tea and said to Ma Sanbiao:

"Let Xu Guangguo in!"

Although the few people in the room were puzzled, it was not easy to disobey. Ma Sanbiao hurriedly went out and called people in. Xu Guangguo is a scholar, but his body is well maintained but not strong. Some staggered, but immediately knelt down after entering the door.

"Mr. Xu, before I came to the capital, someone came to you and asked you to tell me the details, and then I will try to guarantee your high school next year, and then I will become an official step by step, right?"

Xu Guangguo just kowtowed there, and everyone suddenly realized. Ma Sanbiao muttered a curse, and said in a rough voice:

"This kind of ungrateful thing, I knew it would freeze to death outside."

Wang Tong shook his head and said:

"Mr. Xu's thoughts changed quickly, and he told everything he knew at the time, but afterwards he felt that it was wrong, so he hurried out of the city to tell the officer, and finally made his family's crimes less. Mr. Xu, do you think this is the case? ?”

"My lord's lesson, my lord's lesson, the villain was in a daze at the time, please take it for the sake of the villain's repentance, and give the villain another chance, the villain has worked hard for the adult in the capital, no credit but hard work, this time It is indeed the lard that has blinded my heart.”

Wang Tong had a sneer on his face, but he sighed in his heart, if Yang Sichen was here, even though he was a juror, he would not be able to make such a humble gesture as Xu Guangguo.

"I know when you saw Gu Xiancheng, I also know that you and Li Sancai were drinking flower wine somewhere, and I also know that your uncle asked someone to bring you a message. If you didn't know the importance at the end, now you are inciting scholars and common people to slander Your Majesty's treasonous criminal, you are now in prison, and your wife and children will live on the streets and even be sold into church workshops, do you know?"

Wang Tong said a few times that he knew, but Xu Guangguo understood it, kowtowed a few times, and said in a crying voice:

"The adults are merciful, but the small ones know that they are wrong. The small ones have suffered too much in their official career. When they hear that someone has made a Jinshi, their heads are dizzy. Li Sancai and Gu Xiancheng said that this is a big boss in the court. The villain was also scared at the time!!"

"The big guys in the court?"

"The villain doesn't know, but Li Sancai has made friends all over the world, and Gu Xiancheng often visits high-ranking officials' residences. The villain thinks that they are not lying."
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(End of this chapter)

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