Chapter 666
Everyone in the room watched Wang Tong kneading Xu Guangguo there, and they all stood with their hands down. Everyone in the room, including Xu Guangguo himself, knew in their hearts that the matter had not yet reached the point of decision.

If Wang Tong really wants to do something to this Xu Guangguo, he doesn't have to come to this house to kneel down, come in and hang with words of kindness and power. After mentioning the two names "Gu Xiancheng" and "Li Sancai", Wang Tong became more cautious. He pondered for a while, and asked:
"Li Sancai, what position is he now, and what does Gu Xiancheng do?"

Hearing Wang Tong's question, the atmosphere in the room became calmer. Xu Guangguo wiped his face on the ground and replied:
"Responding to my lord, Li Sancai is Yuanwailang of the Fujian Division, and Gu Xiancheng is now the head of the Shandong Division."

Yuan Wai Lang is only from the fifth grade, and his main job is the sixth grade. This is really nothing among the six departments. In this way, the official must have jumped in front of the stage, and there is some black hand behind him. Li Sancai's name Wang Tong has an impression. The capital's public criticisms against him all have the shadow of Li Sancai.

When the Huwei Army was first set up, it was Li Sancai who evacuated at the Daming Gate, which made the court officials take the opportunity to attack, and it took some effort to calm down.

Li Sancai's family is a giant merchant in Tongzhou. After the attack on Wang Tong by Shangshu failed, Tianjin Wei flourished. Tongzhou, as the terminal of the canal, declined somewhat. However, Li's family reacted quickly and was the first to invest money to open a store in Tianjin Wei. For those who do business, in Tianjin Wei now, the Li family's business is not small.

Opening up the business in Tianjin Wei means that Wang Tong's neck is in his hands. Naturally, he dare not make any more righteous remarks in the court. It has been quieted down for a long time, but he did not expect someone to mention it again today.

As for Gu Xiancheng, Wang Tong was still puzzled when he heard Xu Guangguo's words. Tan Jiang beside him frowned, but remembered the relevant situation, and bowed closer and said in a low voice:
"Before Zhang Juzheng left, Gu Xiancheng was quite close to Zhang Siwei. He often visited him. At first he was still in the living room, but later he invited him to meet in the study."

"Oh? Zhang Siwei's party is behind them?"

The voice of the conversation was not too low, and Xu Guangguo who was kneeling over there could also hear it. The expression on Xu Guangguo's face suddenly became very exciting. Wang Tong knew so clearly about the private affairs of the capital, so he thought he was in Tianjin. Once in the capital, the distance is far away, as long as some things are kept secret, they will definitely not be discovered there.

Looking at it now, the conscious and ingenious side betting that day was a real way to bring disaster. Up to now, Xu Guangguo has thrown away the last trace of luck in his heart, cleared his throat and said below:
"My lord, there is no one behind Li Sancai and Gu Xiancheng, they are a party!"

The eyes of everyone in the room turned to Xu Guangguo, Xu Guangguo continued:

"The big bosses in the court fight each other. I usually don't speak. I always let the disciples below stand out. Otherwise, I will instigate the Qingliu. People like Li Sancai are the knives in the hands of the ministers in the court."

Wang Tong had a rough idea of ​​the connection and interaction between the important ministers in the court and the rumor officials below, but his grasp of it was still specious. When Xu Guangguo opened his mouth to explain, he also listened carefully.

Xu Guangguo didn't know how to end the pretentiousness today. Seeing Wang Tong's attention on it, he was relieved and explained seriously:
"Those who can be Qingliu in the capital are naturally Jinshi. Their family background is not bad, but it is not easy to live in the capital. There is nothing cheap. They also spend a lot of money in communication with each other. They have to do it if they are unborn. Few people are borrowing pawns, and the way many officials Qingliu usually get money is to participate in the impeachment discussion. If the big boss wants to do something, someone will bring a message to these Qingliu, and after the meeting, someone will give it a certain amount. It's good, but doing this way is risky after all, and it's not easy to face. Li Sancai's family is a wealthy Tongzhou merchant, so he doesn't care about money. Pursuing compensation, so generous and donating money, naturally everyone will form friendship with him."

Wang Tong shook his head slowly. This kind of person has gained influence by relying on money, and he is also a very measured character in his actions. Bian Xu Guangguo continued:
"If things go on like this, Li Sancai's words will become more and more useful among Qingliu officials. Gu Xiancheng is different. Gu Xiancheng is very ambitious. He likes to make friends, likes to lobby, and likes to stand out and do things that are both vertical and horizontal. He has only been an official for two years. Gu Xiancheng and Li Sancai's behaviors are very similar, so naturally they hit it off, Li Sancai has a lot of contacts, Gu Xiancheng is good at running around, and because of the presence of these two people, Jingshi Qingliu is getting closer and closer. "

"You mean they are not willing to make knives for others, but they have their own thoughts."

"Although what your lord said is not entirely correct, it is not too far off. Now Li Sancai is only from the fifth rank, and Gu Xiancheng is only from the sixth rank. But because they are Qingliu Wang, the officials of the capital and the local officials of the third and fourth ranks have different opinions. Seriously, now, apart from a few bigwigs in the cabinet, even the ministers of the six ministries have taken the initiative to make friends with them."

Wang Tong let out a sigh of relief, but he really didn't expect that Li Sancai and Gu Xiancheng, who were not high-ranking officials, would have such great energy in the officialdom of the capital.

"Li Sancai has targeted this official several times, and this time he instigates such a thing. What kind of enmity is there?"

"Everyone in the world knows that His Majesty is close to Your Majesty. As soon as Your Majesty enters Beijing, he immediately becomes very important. If His Majesty's words are effective, the weight of others' words will be lightened. Whoever His Majesty trusts is the wealth and wealth of his Majesty. It is a matter of future. Adults are like enemies. Furthermore, adults are generals of the inner guard. Officials and scholars denigrate the generals of the personal guards. This has always been a common enemy. First, everyone responds. Second, it can gain the reputation of not fearing the powerful, which will be of great benefit to the future. This time, someone behind the left and right is instigating, and they will naturally do a good thing in one fell swoop."

Xu Guangguo had something to say, Wang Tong pondered for a while, nodded in satisfaction, and said:
"Get a chair for Mr. Xu, kneel on the ground so you don't get frozen!"

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Xu Guangguo's body went limp, and he almost collapsed on the ground. He finally relaxed. When people in the capital were doing these things, they thought it was nothing more than a political dispute, but Xu Guangguo knew that it was related to the top of the head. He opened a tax card in Cangzhou, but Wang Tong directly sent soldiers there, what a cruel method.

Not to mention the chaos of the Three Yang Sect in the palace, and Wang Tong's escort in the palace, that is a world-class merit, such a cruel method, such a meritorious family, how can they offend.

It is a lifelong dream of a scholar to have a Jinshi background in the imperial examination, especially for those who have failed many times. Xu Guangguo was in a daze after being made this promise that day, and he did not wake up until Wang Tong was about to arrive. , Thinking of the consequences, I broke out in a cold sweat, and hurried out to report.

Even so, today is still in such a situation. Xu Guangguo's body is cold and his knees hurt, but he doesn't dare to complain at all, but he is glad that he knows that he has passed the test. If Wang Tong politely invites him out today, he will be in big trouble up.

"I will take the test next year, so don't take it!"

Xu Guangguo just took a breath when he heard Wang Tong say this. He raised his head and opened his mouth. He hesitated for a while, but lowered his head and said respectfully:
"Students have learned a lot from doing business with adults, and they are thinking of begging adults to study abroad for a few more years"

"You are different from Yang Sichen, you know how to tell lies, you know how to play with the wind, you have another advantage, you know the pros and cons better than Yang Sichen!"

Before Xu Guangguo said a few words, he was interrupted by Wang Tong with a smile. Xu Guangguo smiled with a smile uglier than crying, but still lowered his head. Wang Tong said with a smile:

"There is a prefect over there in Henan, are you willing to go there?"

Xu Guangguo originally lowered his head, but when he heard Wang Tong's question, he raised his head in astonishment, and was stunned for a moment, not knowing how to answer, Zhizhou is the sixth rank, but the magistrate's mansion is the fifth rank, and if he manages a mansion and then rises up, he will participate in politics and be a political envoy The position of a standard local official, not to mention the rank, being a magistrate and managing a few prefectures and counties, needless to say what the benefits are, except for special cases such as Hai Ruina, the position of the magistrate is already an anomaly. The magistrate didn't even think about it. Xu Guangguo thought that he would run around and communicate with Wang Tong in the capital from now on, obediently playing a role like a staff member, but he didn't expect Wang Tong to ask such a question.

He didn't react for a while, and only after seeing the smile on Wang Tong's face did he confirm that it was true. He coughed laboriously, wanted to speak but failed several times, and finally said dryly:
"Students are less talented, but adults expect so, and students are willing to do their best."

After saying a few words, Xu Guangguo left his seat and knelt on the ground, kowtowed several times, and when he raised his head, tears streaming down his face, he said in a hissing voice:
"A lord is so kind, but a villain does such a thing. I am extremely ashamed. From now on, I will do my best for the lord."

For people like Xu Guangguo, the most important thing is their own wealth. Wang Tong let him get the position of magistrate, and he was naturally grateful. Wang Tong waved his hand with a smile and said:
"It's His Majesty's will to let you sit in the prefect's position alone. You are diligent and loyal, and you will live up to His Majesty's kindness."

Xu Guangguo said a few words of eulogy on the ground, and then he stood up, but Wang Tong sent all the people out of the room, and asked:
"I am not familiar with the locality. I heard that if there is any change in the local vassal, the magistrate can lead troops to surround it. Mr. Xu, do you know this rule?"

Hearing this sentence, Xu Guangguo's heart jumped a few times, but he didn't answer directly, but asked:

"My lord, I don't know which mansion the students go to in Henan!"

"Weihui Mansion!!"
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(End of this chapter)

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