Chapter 667
King Lu went to Weihui Mansion to become a vassal. Everyone in the capital knew that after there was a disturbance in the palace, they drove King Lu to become a vassal.

Prince Lu's former betrothed Yue's family Yongshengbo's mansion was investigated for colluding with the Tartars. King Lu's companion served as the horse supervisor and eunuch Lin Shulu died of illness in the palace.

Sanyang taught the demons to cause chaos, and the palace only said afterwards that it was settled, that many of the heroes were rewarded, and they didn't say who was the mastermind, nor who was implicated. Everyone knew that the palace should deal with it in a low-key manner, but you can see this about King Lu. Once you do something, who can't guess what?

Xu Guangguo's temperament is suitable for this kind of private affairs. Of course, he has long understood the key to it, and he has some guesses.

First, he asked about the changes in the vassal family, what should the local magistrate do, and then asked himself and answered that the magistrate should lead the soldiers to surround the mansion of the vassal family, and then said that the place where he took office was Weihui Mansion in Henan Province, plus the previous one. Kneading, kneading and beating, such naked hints, there is nothing to understand.

The room couldn't say how warm it was, but Xu Guangguo was sweating on his forehead, and Wang Tong didn't urge him, just waited there with a smile. Xu Guangguo was silent for a while, then raised his voice slightly and said:
"Even if you are a Jinshi, you may not be able to have a place in the Weihui Mansion in the future. Both left and right are involved. If you just do it boldly, my lord, students take the liberty to ask, the family will be worse than the family!"

This question was ignorant, but Wang Tong understood, nodded and said:

"If anything happens, your family is safe."

"Then thank you for your care. If the students do well, the whole family will be rich and prosperous in the future. If they don't do well, they will be taken care of by adults. Thank you, sir!"

After finishing speaking, Xu Guangguo knelt down and kowtowed solemnly. When he stood up again, he was much calmer and said with a smile:

"That day when they came to look for the students, the students lost their minds when they mentioned Jinshi's background, but they didn't expect to have such a future with Mr. Wang."

It's dangerous, but Lu Wang can't make any trouble now, but Xu Guangguo, as long as his wife has been a magistrate for a few years, he will definitely be prosperous when he comes back.

"My lord, although the Qing rumor officials are low in rank, they are numerous and powerful. The opinions of scholars in the world are often controlled by them. Your lord should not take it lightly. Once or twice, your lord may be safe because of His Majesty's favor, but your lord must also listen to it." If you don't deal with it, you will be in trouble!"

Seeing Wang Tong not paying much attention, Xu Guangguo paused, and said in another way:

"Your Excellency doesn't care. The wealth and lives of so many people below depend on your care. Your Excellency can't be careless!"

Wang Tong laughed haha, waved his hands meaninglessly, and said:
"Qingliu, Qingliu, if he really does not eat the fireworks of the world, I am really afraid. Li Sancai has a way to deal with him, so you don't have to worry about it!"

Seeing that Wang Tong was quite confident, Xu Guangguo didn't want to say much, but he just sighed in his heart. Mr. Wang has not been in the capital for a long time, and he has not dealt with these Qingliu for a long time. If he doesn't know the troubles of these people, he will suffer a loss sooner or later.

Unknowingly, Xu Guangguo really put himself in the position of Wang Tong's own family and considered the gains and losses.

When he came to Beijing to take up his post, he debated fiercely with his ministers in the court, beat Xu Guangguo, and chose the right person for the task entrusted by Emperor Wanli. Wang Tong never had a day off.

However, he has already received the attention of all parties in the capital, and his every move is watched by many people. On the fourth day of February, everyone in the family got the news that Wang Tong sent a few policemen to Tianjin Wei. Big things, no one pays attention.

Since more than 30 Qingliu committed the crime of deceiving the emperor outside the city, the hustle and bustle of Qingliu in the capital has become much quieter. Although Wang Tong has too many places for them to target, Wang Tong's methods have chilled them, and no one dares to continue What a little trick.

The important ministers who were hostile to Wang Tong also stopped moving for the time being, and even restrained their disciples not to move, and let Wang Tong make troubles on his own.

Wang Tong went to train recruits, picket military discipline, and patrol the streets to arrest them. This is all self-sufficient work. There is no need to do anything. When Wang Tong himself does a bad job and makes him look ugly, he will be impeached when he is impeached. If he fell out of favor in front of the Wanli Emperor, then he will have to worry about it.

On the seventh day of the second lunar month, Wang Tong rode out wearing the robes of a third-rank military general. This day was his first day in command of the Jinyiwei Capital.

Wang Tong's residence is not close to the Commander Si Yamen of the Jinyiwei Capital, and it took a while to ride there. The commander is a general of the third rank, and he is the first-class key position in the capital. Naturally, it can't be too simple. General Tan led the two The ten guards also wore the flying fish uniforms of Jinyi guards and rode horses to guard them.

A group of more than [-] riders is also mighty, and the people on the road dodge one after another. The foot of the emperor, the capital of the capital, is naturally different from Tianjin Wei. After walking two streets, the pedestrians on the side of the road dodge, but the eyes that look at this group of people are different. Some are different, and some people are talking and laughing in whispers.

There were many people, horses and vehicles on the streets of the capital, and Wang Tong didn't dare to gallop his horse. He naturally noticed the reaction of the people on both sides of the road. The reaction didn't look like reverence, but seemed a little ridiculed.

Assuming office is also an urgent business, Wang Tong will not delay on the road, but he still ordered a guard to come down to inquire, and he left first.

While still on the road, the guard who stayed behind to inquire also followed. This guard was also smart, and he didn't get off his horse to inquire directly. Asking, the people on the side of the road will naturally not pay attention to who the person is right away, and they will just say the same thing.

"You say what they say! The official has sent you to ask, are you afraid that you won't be able to hear it!"

After hearing Wang Tong's words, the guard who asked the question said:
"The person who asked said that adults are neither fish nor fowl, and wearing a majestic official uniform also looks like an opera?"

Having said that, Wang Tong also slowed down his horse, and asked with interest:

"how to say?"

Seeing that Wang Tong was not angry, the guard felt relieved and explained:
"What are you talking about, since your lord is wearing black gauze and a tunic collar shirt, you have to sit in a sedan chair, and there are guards of honor at the front and back, but your lord wears an official robe but rides a horse, and also brings some guards, making it like a headhunter in the Shuntian Mansion."

Wang Tong was stunned for a moment, then laughed dumbly, and asked:
"They don't know that I'm a military general? A general doesn't ride a horse, but sits in a sedan chair. Isn't that a breach of duty?"

The guard who asked the question was quite conscientious. He scratched his head when he heard this, and said:
"The little one also asked the same question. Some people said that everything under the emperor's feet should be decent, that he should be dressed in what way he is an official, and that he should be stylish in whatever way he dresses. If it doesn't match, it's Cuo Dajin City, was ridiculed in vain."

A group of people rode slowly, and General Tan was also listening to the conversation here. Hearing this, he saw Wang Tong's expression was indifferent, and thought Wang Tong was unhappy, so he immediately explained in a deep voice:

"Master, don't worry about such bastard words. This place in the capital is the most flashy. It looks good, and no one cares about the inside."

After General Tan finished speaking, Wang Tong reined in his mount, and everyone stopped, thinking that Wang Tong was going to get angry, or show up with a guard of honor, which is not difficult, just let the Yamen know.

Being watched by everyone, Wang Tong was silent for a while, and said with a smile:

"That commoner is right, you have to dress up when you do an errand. We are the generals of Jinyiwei. I wear this collar shirt and a black hat. It looks like a civil servant. It is indeed a joke. You guys This is the first time I wear this flying fish suit, it looks awkward."

Everyone looked at each other and laughed. In Tianjin Weidu, they were either dressed up or armored. It was a bit awkward to wear a flying fish suit that was more of a dress.

"Go back to change armor first, train new recruits, picket military discipline, I must first give them a look!!"

Several staff members of Luo Sigong's family were resigned by him. Although some people threatened him to reveal the past, Luo Sigong ignored it. What he saw and heard in the side hall that day made Luo Sigong understand very well. Now Unlike when Zhang Juzheng was in power, everything was decided by Emperor Wanli.

Since Emperor Wanli trusted Wang Tong, then he could just follow the Lord's wishes and ignore other things. The Luo family has been in Jinyiwei for many years, and they have gone up from generation to generation, relying on this judgment that never made a wrong bet.Luo Sigong was wondering about one thing now, why didn't Emperor Wanli let Wang Tong be the commander of the capital, and let Wang Tong take on so many drudgery.

Knowing that Wang Tong is coming today, Luo Sigong went out early to wait. The commander, the governors, the thousand households, the hundreds of households in the experience department, and the officials who knew about something all came out to wait, but the remaining commander As you know, there are two other conductors who did not show up.

It was time to come out to meet him. He thought he would be here soon, but he didn't expect to wait until noon, but there was no one. Luo Sigong couldn't stop looking at the intersection in front of him. He also sent people over to have a look. Replying the letter, Luo Sigong was anxious, but the rest of the people were cursing their mothers in their stomachs.

"The ground seems to be shaking"

"Wait until you're dizzy, it seems like you're really shaking"

The ground was indeed trembling. A cavalry team appeared at the intersection directly opposite the official office. More than [-] cavalry came jogging in a neat line. Under the noon sun, the armor of the cavalry on horseback gleamed.
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(End of this chapter)

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