Chapter 668

The Commander of the Jinyiwei Capital made the Si Yamen really talk about the rank sequence, which is far from being ranked in the capital, but when it comes to the prestige among the common people, this Yamen is the first.

Therefore, the street in front of the government office has never been very lively. Anyone who wants to come to such a place to attract bad luck has to avoid it as far away as possible. There are very few people on the road.

Luo Sigong stood here for almost two hours, no one was seen on the road, but there were two groups of his own family members, and one of them came tonight after drinking too much last night. It was someone who came back from Shaanxi to run a business, other than that, there was no one else.

Seeing this cavalry team appear, everyone's first reaction was that Mr. Wang is here, but then they felt that something was wrong. Mr. Wang should be beaming when he takes office on a horse and a sedan chair. No matter how you look at the current scene, it is murderous.

The cavalry lined up in a column of five and marched neatly. It can be seen that the cavalry on the horses were all wearing good armor, and the helmets and visors did not look like the standard of Ming soldiers and horses, but there was a kind of Impressive spirit.

More than twenty riders, complete with saddles and bridles, cavalry in full armor, and moving in order, the momentum is quite loud, the horseshoes knocked on the ground, making a muffled sound.

The closer the cavalry came, the more flustered the waiting crowd became. On the battlefield, the cavalry rushed in formation, and they often rushed in formation. Before the cavalry rushed, the infantry could not restrain the formation and collapsed.

Although a group of Jinyiwei officials waiting in front of the official office are military generals, they usually do errands in the yamen. At best, they lead their subordinates to arrest people and try cases, and few of them have gone through the battle.

Seeing the cavalry on the opposite side gradually approaching, the gong and drum team invited to play the gongs and drums couldn't stand it anymore. A few musicians who played the gongs and drums dropped their instruments and ran around.

These musicians made a head start as soon as they ran away. Those Baihu in the Experience Department, who had the title of Baihu, were standard literati, and they also turned their heads and ran towards the official office. Certainly not rushing into the official office.

The musicians and the experience department are not military generals, so it's normal to be panicked, but the performance of the rest of them is not much better.

Some people held their hands on the hilts of their sabers, and some people stepped back unconsciously. The scene was already a bit chaotic, but Luo Sigong still had a bit of courage, but he was also a little uncertain. Wearing armor, he couldn't see who it was, Luo Sigong looked back and then looked in front of him, feeling more and more hopeless.

"Luo Dutang, go back to the official office and take shelter for now!!"

"What are you still doing stupidly, hurry up and call someone, let the guards from the guard office come over!!"

A group of people yelled and shouted, a few thousand households were still calm, and the rest were either looking around for places to hide, or panicked and shouted.

There are two soldiers from hundreds of households in the official office as guards, but these soldiers are also the children of Jin Yiwei, and everyone knows whether they can be useful.

Seeing the man on the right side of the first row of the cavalry raise his arms high, and the cavalry also began to slow down, Luo Sigong swallowed and took two steps back unconsciously.

The horse team stopped about five steps in front of him, the horses' hooves trampled on the road, kicking up high dust, when it stopped, another wind blew in, and the dust happened to be blown into the welcoming team, causing There are people all over their bodies and faces, but at this time, a group of people can no longer take care of this, and the formations that were arranged on both sides just now are already in chaos.

The cavalry stopped over there, and this side also knew that there was no malice, but just now the ground shook, and the murderous aura was so strong that everyone's mind was shocked, and they couldn't recover for a while.

"How can I trouble Lord Luo, you are a superior, Wang is a subordinate, Wang should take the initiative to visit after taking office, why did you come out to greet him, kill him, kill him!!"

Hearing the loud voice on the horse, the group of people finally knew that this menacing group of armored cavalry was really the new commander of the Jinyi Guard Tong Zhi Wang Tong, just now he was secretly cursing that he was too late to come, and now he is even more scolded Oh my god, Wang Tong over there got off his horse while he was speaking.

With every gesture, the armor and blades of Wang Tong and the guards behind him collided with each other, coupled with the snorting of the horses, and the dust that had not fallen, a few people who had been to the border had an illusion that this was not the gate of the Jinyiwei official office, but It is on the battlefield of the frontier fortress.

"Master Wang, you and I are on business in the same place. We are from our own family, so what kind of Shangguan's subordinates are here? Isn't it natural to speak like this? Don't call me like that in the future, just call me old brother!!"

A smile appeared on Luo Sigong's face, and he hurriedly responded. The two of them were laughing and joking, and seemed quite affectionate. The Zhenfu, Qianhu, Baihu, and other official documents who were looking at each other were secretly cursing in their hearts. Thinking of you, Luo Sigong, who is Zhengyin's Dutang at any rate, you almost knocked your head on the ground against a deputy, and you still have to lose face.

Jinyiwei pays attention to inheritance. The sons have inherited their father’s business from generation to generation. Most of the people who work here are born in Jinyiwei for more than three generations. Naturally, they have seen it before and know the rules and allusions. Jinyiwei has been passed down for so many years When you come down, you don’t care about the outside, but you understand the inside layer by layer.

There is one aspect of killing people at the first level of the official university, and there is also the inheritance of qualifications. Wang Tong's father is just a small banner. His background is also much worse than that of Luo Sigong's grandfather, Qianhu, and the commander.

But looking at the appearance in front of him, Luo Sigong almost doesn't want any face. It's really shameful to flatter Wang Tong who doesn't have a few beards. I'm not alone. , when the time comes, do what etiquette should do, and never slavishly flatter.

After a few words of politeness from both parties, Luo Sigong turned around and said in a raised voice:
"This is the new Commander Tongzhi, Mr. Wang Tong, who is also your superior. From now on, what Mr. Wang says is what I say, and there must be no violation of it. Do you know it!!?"

After a few scattered responses below, Luo Sigong blushed, and then raised his voice and said:

"I haven't seen Lord Wang yet!!"

Hearing Luo Sigong's words, Wang Tong cupped his fists and said with a smile:

"Wang is a new official, and I ask my colleagues to take care of me in the future."

Everyone was thinking of bowing and bowing, and it's okay to be polite, but when they looked over, they happened to see the guards behind Wang Tong. Wang Tong's guards hadn't lifted their visors, and they were sizing up everyone from the gaps in their visors.

Seeing those armored soldiers with knives and axes looking over them with murderous intent, everyone who hadn't fully recovered from the panic just shivered in their hearts. The timid ones knelt down involuntarily. When we got down, some people knelt down, and it was not easy for others to stand, and everyone knelt down.

Luo Sigong was originally a little annoyed because of the sparse answer just now, but he didn't expect that everyone would kneel down in such a solemn manner for the salute, which made him a little confused.

"I'm really sorry to keep Mr. Luo waiting for a long time. Just now when the officials and his party were wearing this armor while walking on the road, they were interrogated several times by the police officers from Wucheng Bingma Si and Shuntian Mansion, which wasted time."

"Your Majesty Wang, why be polite, but why don't you come here in the official robes of the regimental collar? It's better to wear a regimental collar shirt to be more comfortable when working in the office!!"

"When we were in Tianjin, Jinyiwei wore military uniforms with knives from top to bottom, but they didn't know that there was such a rule here. It really made Mr. Luo laugh."

The two sides walked in politely, but among the Qianhu who came out to greet each other, there were two familiar faces, one was Qianhu Zhou Linbing, his immediate boss back then, and the other was Wang Tong who was in Beijing and Tianjin Wei. Ge Li and Ge Qianhu, who had each fought once, both of them bowed quickly when they saw Wang Tong look over.

Just now when he rode over, the flustered Wang Tong of the welcoming team in front of the door was caught in his eyes. Seeing the appearance of this group of people, he was polite on the surface, but he was sneering in his heart. He and Luo Sigong had already entered the official office. Some people went out on business, but no one came over to greet them.

The official office was very indifferent to Wang Tong, and Wang Tong could feel it himself. Twenty soldiers followed him silently. Seeing these soldiers in the official office, many officials and servants were not as panicked as those outside. They were all discussing and laughing in low voices, some words were also heard by Wang Tong intentionally or unintentionally:
"It's a prestige to make such a thing, and it's not a simple, poor look like a countryman who went to the city!!"

"What is his background? His father is just a small flag. He has never seen anything in the world. This man likes to eat noodles and stew meat."

"Tsk tsk, such a person actually came to be a commander and acquaintance, throw away our pro-military people!"

Luo Sigong looked around angrily, all the passers-by were busy with their heads down, and couldn't tell who was talking.

From the information from the Department of Public Security to today's personal meeting, Luo Sigong, the commander of the Jinyi Guards, did not sit so comfortably, no wonder he didn't miss this position at all, and was so cooperative with him.

"Why don't you see Ren Tongzhi, Yang Qian, and Yan Qian?"

"These few have official business to do today, but they can't attend the banquet for Mr. Wang's dust at noon today. What a pity!"

Luo Sigong said with a dry smile, Wang Tong didn't care about this issue, but he arrived at Wang Tong's office in front of him. The so-called office is the office of later generations. , Luo Sigong raised his hand and introduced with a smile:
"This is Mr. Wang's housekeeping. All the regulations are the same as Luo's. If you are not satisfied with anything, just open your mouth and Mr. Wang will be satisfied."

Wang Tong shook his head and said with a smile:
"Wang trains recruits outside the city, patrols the streets and arrests them in the streets, and pickets military discipline in various places inside and outside the city. Thank you Lord Luo for your kindness, but Wang does not work in the office."


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(End of this chapter)

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