Chapter 669
Originally, most of the people who lived in the eastern part of the capital were officials, but in recent years, more businessmen were born, and many large shops and warehouses opened one after another.

The reason is very simple. The official road at the east gate of the capital's east city happens to be the one connected to Tianjin Wei. The contacts between Tianjin Wei and the capital are all through this official road. The flow of people and logistics is extremely prosperous. Naturally, there are many businessmen nearby. Set up a family business.

The mansion of Wailang Li Sancai, a member of the Fujian Department of the Ministry of Household Affairs, is also here. Yuan Wailang is not a high-ranking official. No matter how fat or thin he is, the house has certain regulations, and the rules cannot be exceeded.

However, the three-entry house is extremely exquisite, the servants live in the nearby house, and the coachman has another residence. Several houses are connected together, and the place is not small. Staff is poor.

After all, Yuan Wai Lang is a doctor's deputy, his grade is not low, but the benefits are not many, even if he has the means to make money, he should keep a low profile and restrain himself, so as not to be jealous of others.

The person who can do this and everyone takes it for granted is Li Sancai. Who doesn't know that his family is rich and rich, and who doesn't know that his family is a giant merchant in Tongzhou.

Li Sancai once told the Daming Gate that Wang Tongjian's Huwei army was a scheming warrior with a wicked heart, and even though he was reprimanded afterwards, he became even more famous in the capital.

In addition, he has a lot of money in the past few years, and he likes to make friends with others. He has vaguely become the leader of the young officials of the Qingliu scholars in the capital. Even the senior officials of the Sixth Ministry of the Cabinet dare not despise him.

After getting to know Gu Xiancheng, the head of the household department, Li Sancai's reputation has risen to a new level. Gu Xiancheng came from a humble background. Although he has excellent results in the imperial examination, because he has no background, he especially likes to make connections and make bets in the struggle between the various big men in the court. participate.

Li Sancai likes to be a generous and righteous celebrity, some things are naturally inconvenient to do, so Gu Xiancheng is just right, but Gu Xiancheng came from a humble background, no foundation, no financial resources, although he was willing to do things but was powerless, Li Sancai and him Met, it hit it off.

Every day when he comes back from the yamen, Li Sancai’s house is always full of visitors. Some people think that there are many like-minded people here, some people think that this place can be famous, and some people think that this place can be used as an Olympic aid, clearing scholars, and young officials naturally. They all gathered.

Among them, there are naturally high-ranking officials and nobles in the capital, and there are people who want to use and instigate this power, but for Li Sancai, the more people who visit the door, the more people they make friends with, even if they are people who use it. The more he has, the higher his reputation will be, and the more beneficial he will be.

Although words are useless, but this reputation is praised by everyone, and there are many benefits. He has become a member of the Fujian Division from a principal. It seems to be a normal promotion. Among those who are qualified to be promoted, Li Sancai has the lowest qualifications , even strictly speaking, he has not yet reached the age limit for being promoted.

It's not that the officials above are all afraid of the contacts and public opinion in Li Sancai's hands, or want to take advantage of them, and give the green light everywhere, which makes Li Sancai get this position.

"Did Chen Ge send the 1000 taels of An's silver?"

"If you go back to the master, it was handed over to their family yesterday. Chen Ge is very grateful."

Hearing the servant's answer, Li Sancai just waved his hand, signaling him to step back, looked at Gu Xiancheng beside him, and said with a smile:

"Uncle Shi (Gu Xiancheng's words), do you think this money is unnecessary?"

Gu Xiancheng coughed dryly, and said with some embarrassment:
"Chen Ge has already been deprived of his reputation and ordered to return to his hometown. Brother Daofu's donation of a hundred taels of silver is already an act of righteousness. Why spend so much money?"

The sky was getting dark and the lights were already lit in the room. Li Sancai stretched out his hand and asked to sit down. He and Gu Xiancheng had not known each other for a long time, but the relationship between the two parties was very close, and they were not polite to each other. Gu Xiancheng said, Li San Sancai opened his mouth and said:

"Zou Yuanbiao and the others offended Zhang Juzheng that day, and were deprived of their fame, or sent to a distant place. Who in the capital would have thought that they would still be reinstated, but now they are already in the capital, and their reputation is growing. Chen Ge and others are now Desperate, who knows if it will recover in the future?"

Gu Xiancheng nodded, Li Sancai lowered his voice, and said again:
"I don't need any money for my brother. If Chen Ge loses, we will stand on the sidelines and stand on the sidelines. If we advocate righteousness in the future, who will speak out."

"Brother Daofu is thoughtful, but younger brother is careless."

Gu Xiancheng said with some shame, Li Sancai waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Uncle Shi, there is no need to be humble. You have a great talent, but it is not yet the day to show it. But there is no need to rush. As long as you continue like this, sooner or later you will enter the cabinet to pay homage to the prime minister."

The two were talking happily, but a long follower knocked on the window outside the window, and then raised his voice slightly and said:
"Master, I have some news from my inquiry, can you come in and report it conveniently?"

"Uncle is here, it's my family, you come in and say it!"

With permission, the long follower ran in respectfully and greeted Gu Xiancheng again. This is also a customary habit, and Gu Xiancheng is also familiar with it. He straightened his body a little there, ready to listen.

"The two lords must have known about the affairs of the Sixth Ministry of the Cabinet from the newspaper copy. The younger one inquired about the news from Jinyiwei."

"Oh, what did that little Wang Tong do?"

Gu Xiancheng asked with interest, Chang Sui nodded with a smile, and said:
"Wang Tong wrote below today, saying that Jinyiwei has thousands of schools in the capital, and anyone under the age of 40 is considered a rookie. Except for those who are on duty in the city, they will all go out of the city for training. The commander of Jinyiwei, Luo Sigong, has already approved this. Qianhu is signing up for the list."

"It's really a young man's heart. It's ridiculous. There are nearly ten thousand Jinyi guards in the capital, and most of them are lazy people. I don't know how much trouble I have caused by tossing around like this."

Li Sancai commented with a smile, and then jokingly said with the interface:
"Master is right. Ren Tongzhi and the other two are not allowed to do anything, saying that they might delay the errands in the city, and several thousand households are also making troubles, openly or secretly. Luo Sigong has always been unable to suppress people. In the end, only I promised to let him train the two thousand households in Nancheng, and if the effect is good, we will train the others!"

Gu Xiancheng clapped his palms together and said:
"I don't know the heights of the heavens and the earth, but now Wang Tong has suffered a lot, and his prestige has lost a bit. He is a country warrior, and he thinks he is a bit brave. A little cleverness can run rampant in the capital. Next, he will be in trouble."

Li Sancai was silent, and asked Chang Sui to continue talking, Chang Sui nodded and said:

"The people who were sent to several other places came back and told the little one that Wang Tong went to take office that day, riding a horse and wearing armor, and was fully armed. It didn't look like he was going to kill people when he took office. Arrogance is quite resentful, this time Wang Tong is messing around again, they are also unwilling, and they are all planning to join forces to make trouble with him."

When a new official takes office, if his subordinates collude and cause trouble, it will really make the new official feel ashamed. People around him will look down on him, and things will not go smoothly in the future. Hearing this, a smile appeared on Li Sancai's face, and Gu Xiancheng became even more elated. , Chang Sui said there again:

"Street arrests and picketing for military discipline, Wang Tong said that he should do it after training, and he said that no one can do it!"

Li Sancai nodded slowly, Gu Xiancheng turned to look at him, Li Sancai said in a deep voice:
"Tomorrow, you should contact some familiar censors. Wang Tong has done these things. It should be possible to impeach him for disturbing the people."

Gu Xiancheng nodded, Li Sancai sat up straight, waved his hand to make the attendant retreat, and when the door was closed, Li Sancai spoke again, this time with a lower voice, whispering:
"You go to Yan Qing's side, then go to Li Zhi's side, and say that if it is to be effective, Qingliu's words alone are not enough, and they have to work hard everywhere. In addition, you go to Shen Shixing's side in private, and work with Shen Shixing Elder Ge said that if he has any ideas, we can do the same on our side, whether Wang Tong will take action or not is all in the mind of Shen Ge."

"The door of Shen Shixing's mansion is difficult to enter. Several times I went there, but I was blocked back."

"If you can get through the old Shen Ge's door and do things for him, it will be more useful than Yan Qing and others, and you should try again."

The two discussed in a low voice, but at this moment, there was no sense of sages or sages, loyalty and truth, it was completely the biggest meaning of betting between two ends, if people outside heard it, their jaws would drop in shock.

Didn't say a few words here, but the long follower outside shouted again:
"Master, the second steward of the Tongzhou mansion is here."

Li Sancai frowned, and said to himself:
"At this time, I came in before the city gate closed."

When the second steward entered the room, not to mention the sweat on his forehead, his face was full of panic, he took a few breaths, and reported:
"Master, all eight of our family's shops in Tianjin Wei have been sealed off."


Hearing this, Li Sancai stood up abruptly from his chair. Nearly [-]% of his business in Tongzhou was transferred to Tianjin Wei, and eight of his businesses were blocked at once, which was equivalent to strangling his fortune, but the news was too much. Too sudden, completely unprepared.

Just got the news in the room, but heard a commotion outside, Li Sancai felt irritable, just about to open his mouth to curse, but heard a few screams from outside, the door was pushed open again, a man in a brocade sweater The servants have come in.

Seeing the big man come in, Li Sancai and Gu Xiancheng stood up in panic, and the second steward fell to the ground directly. The guard's face was cold, and he said:
"Your family's second manager came to the door, and Mr. Li also knows the news about Tianjin Weifeng shop!"

Li Sancai nodded in bewilderment, and the guard said again:
"My Master Wang has something to tell you. If you want to continue to open a store and continue to make a fortune in peace and prosperity, just keep your mouth shut, and then make small moves behind your back to let your whole family go to the streets to beg for food!!!"
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(End of this chapter)

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