Chapter 670

The guard who entered the door looked at his uniform as a Jinyiwei school lieutenant. To put it bluntly, he was an ordinary soldier at the lowest level, but he spoke so swaggeringly in front of two Beijing officials.

Li Sancai and Gu Xian are not high-level finished products, but they have a great reputation in the capital, and they can enter and leave the mansions of cabinet bosses and six ministers. Senior officials everywhere have to be polite when they see them. Very reserved.

He was talking happily just now, as if he had everything in his hands, when he was suddenly reprimanded by a soldier in brocade clothes who came in, he was stunned for a moment.

Words such as "shut your mouth" and "go to the street to beg for food" are not much different from being slapped in the face, let alone speaking with such a condescending attitude in such a position.

Gu Xiancheng reacted, his face flushed immediately, he stood up from his seat, pointed at the captain with trembling fingers, and said:
"Who are you!!? Who asked you to do this!!!? Say this!!!?"

The Jinyiwei guard sneered and said:
"The words are so clear, don't you understand, it's my Lord Wang, Commander of the Jin Yiwei Commander Wang Tong Wang, who said it."

Such a straightforward answer made Gu Xiancheng stunned again. Scholars are used to twists and turns when speaking and thinking about things. Seeing that the other party is so confident, they wonder why.

That Jin Yiwei did not continue to entangle with him, turned to Li Sancai who was sitting there issuing the certificate and asked:
"Master Li, this second steward is your family's servant!"

Even though he didn't know why he asked this, Li Sancai nodded subconsciously, and the captain of Jinyiwei turned to the panicked second steward, and asked again:
"You went to Tianjin Wei to see it. Those eight shops in your family are indeed closed! You went to every one and asked about them, didn't you?"

The steward who came from Li Sancai's home in Tongzhou also nodded, his face full of uncontrollable shock, wondering how the other party would know what he was doing, the captain said to Li Sancai again:
"I'm just talking about it, I'm afraid you won't believe it, your shop in Tianjin Wei has been closed, you believe it now!"

Li Sancai nodded numbly, and the captain said again:
"Do you know why you closed your shop?"

Li Sancai's face darkened, but he didn't say a word, the captain said coldly:
"My lord said that there is no gratuitous enmity in this world. It is not good for my lord that you have repeated or evacuated or incited in series. Now my lord is busy with official duties and has no time to argue with you. First, close this shop to teach me a lesson. If you don't repent, my lord will let your Li family not get a grain of salt, and you can't do a business!!"

Li Sancai's face became more gloomy, but he didn't say a word of rebuttal. The Li family's wealth is inextricably linked to the private sale of official salt or private sale of salt by officials. The last time he attacked Wang Tong in the capital because of the Huwei army. , that is because Wang Tong went to Changlu Salt Field to investigate illegal salt.

The shops in Tianjin Wei and the salt business are the source of the Li family's money, and they are also the guarantee for him to do whatever he wants now. The shop has been closed now. If he strangles the line of private salt again, he will go bankrupt immediately. If he has no money , also became the words of a poor Beijing official, not to mention other people, even whether Gu Xiancheng next to him would be friendly with him, it was hard to say.

Besides, what is the reason for being an official? Isn’t it just to make a fortune? Relying on money to become a bigger official and gain more power, and then relying on this power and position to gain more benefits for himself and his family, this is Li Sancai’s life The purpose, but now Wang Tong directly sent someone to warn him, but Li Sancai panicked.

Criticism in the political arena, political battles, are all superficial smiles, stabbing knives secretly, waving elbows, not to mention civil servants scolding military generals. In the Ming Dynasty, civil servants berated and scolded military generals. Accept it, if the scolding is right, the civil servants are meritorious, if the scolding is wrong, one speaker is not guilty.

No one thought that Wang Tong would be so straightforward, without telling you the slightest official rules, and directly tearing his face to warn him, this really caught Li Sancai off guard.

He didn't stand up and get angry like Gu Xiancheng did. Li Sancai has been thinking about whether he has a chance to fight back, and he can even use this opportunity to make Wang Tong suffer, but no matter how he thinks, Li Sancai can't think of any way. He went bankrupt, broke his family, spit out all the money he earned, and even owed huge debts. As long as Wang Tong does this, he has no power to fight back, and he will never turn around.

"Please bring a reply to Mr. Wang. Li has absolutely no intention of targeting Mr. Wang. There may be misunderstandings in the past, and there will be no similar incidents in the future."

After being silent for a long time, Li Sancai spoke slowly, his voice a little astringent, Gu Xiancheng turned his head in astonishment, but saw Li Sancai's face was gray and defeated, he was holding the wisdom pearl just now, and his vigorous spirit had disappeared completely.

"Oh? Can the little one tell my lord what your lord said?"

The school lieutenant asked again, Li Sancai's face flashed with anger, but he still nodded slowly, then the Jinyiwei school lieutenant bowed and saluted, and said:
"Since this is the case, my lord still has a few words to say to Mr. Li. My lord will observe his words and deeds. If Mr. Li wants to do something against my lord, think about what kind of ability he has. , Think about whether it is useful to just say it with your mouth, or write it with a pen, so I leave!"

Having said that, he clasped his hands together, then turned around and walked away. Outside the door, there were also several family members who were poking around. When they saw the Jin Yiwei coming out, no one dared to stop him. They all stepped aside.

The lights in the room were flickering, but Li Sancai and Gu Xiancheng sat there blankly, and the second steward on the ground even forgot to stand up, and just knelt there blankly.

"What are you doing standing there stupidly, all the heat in the room has dissipated, close the door quickly!!"

In the end, it was Li Sancai who yelled outside, and only those who were at a loss did so in a hurry. Li Sancai said in a cold voice:
"Shut up about today's affairs. If anyone spreads the word, they will be killed immediately, and all family members will be sent to Miyun to guard Zhuangzi!!"

The family members were silent, and quickly agreed, and when the door was closed, Li Sancai breathed a sigh of relief, and said to the second steward on the ground:

"Go back and tell Grandpa that the shop over there will open in a few days, so don't worry!"

The second steward said "oh", and then came to his senses, staring at Li Sancai in surprise, Li Sancai explained a little tiredly:
"Even if I can strangle this side to death, I will fight to the death, and he will be a little troublesome. Since it is not a situation of endless death, then this time is just a warning, and the shop can still be opened. My father wants to ask, you Just explain a few words according to these words, if my father doesn't ask, you don't have to talk too much, it's all right, just stay for one night and go back tomorrow!"

The second steward got up quickly and saluted, then hurried out and closed the door. After the door was closed, only Li Sancai and Gu Xiancheng were left in the room. Gu Xiancheng stood up with a face full of anger, and roared in a low voice:

"Wang Tong is so arrogant and domineering. Brother Daofu, I'm going to visit various places in the capital to ask for help. If you say that words are useless, then let this arrogant person see what verbal criticism is, and let him know what the capital is. Qing Yi is also capable of killing people, brother Daofu, let this Wang Tong step on him, if news of tonight's incident gets out, how will you and I gain a foothold in the capital?"

Li Sancai didn't have any expression on his face, he just raised his eyes and glanced at Gu Xiancheng, and said calmly:
"It's in the inner house, how could it spread, you and I will fight Wang Tong desperately, if His Majesty protects you, the matter will probably be nothing, and you will lose everything for your brother afterwards, what else can you do at that time, you think it's gone How many people will be friendly with us if we donate righteousness and donate wealth, and make friends with the world's reputation?"

Hearing what Li Sancai said, Gu Xiancheng was also speechless, just now he waited for someone to go out before speaking in a low voice, Gu Xiancheng was just making a gesture, that is, after seeing his gesture, Li Sancai spoke the truth.

"Brother Daofu, if you don't touch Wang Tong, then you and I will pay you back."

After a long silence, Gu Xiancheng asked again. Li Sancai held a teacup in his hand, tapped it on the table a few times, threw it out suddenly, and it fell to pieces. He took a deep breath again, and said in a muffled voice:

"There is always a place for us to do things. In the court, Shen Shixing and Zhang Xueyan are in important positions, but they are not Zhang Siwei's cronies"

The incident in Li Sancai's mansion has not been spread, and no one in the capital knows about it, but Xu Guangguo found that Qingliu in the capital, which was about to make trouble, suddenly became quiet. , but it can't make any waves.

On that day, more than 30 Qingliu were punished for the crime of deceiving the emperor. Although they were frightened and on guard, it also aroused their thoughts of fighting against the enemy. As long as someone instigated it, it would cause an uproar. It just calmed down so silently.

To the north of the capital, less than three miles away from the city wall, there is a Zhuangzi bought by Uncle Xiangcheng and the Chen family. Use a horse to pull the roller to press the Zhuangzi's land, and the places that can be leveled are leveled, but if you make such a toss, the grass will not grow well. Said to spoil a good place.

On the morning of February [-]th, the city gate just opened. Wang Tong led his guards out of the city and came to this Zhuangzi. Prepare dry food and soup on the table, first entertain Wang Tong for breakfast.

The sun was a little higher, and people from Jinyiwei began to arrive——
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(End of this chapter)

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