Chapter 671
On February [-]th, it was quite cold in the morning, but it was much warmer when the sun rose.

Wang Tong stood on the edge of the wooden platform, and beside him stood two Jinyiwei Qianhu, one was Zhou Linbing, the former boss, and the other was Ge Li Ge Qianhu who had dealt with him several times.

Zhou Linbing has been dealing with Wang Tong since he first developed. He is considered to be one of the rare people in the Jingshi Jinyiwei who knows Wang Tong's background, so he naturally dare not neglect him. Wang Tong was unceremoniously beaten up again by the Tianjin Guard. Now that Wang Tong is his boss, he is really scared.

Wang Tong's personal guards were all in the open space in front of the wooden platform, and grids were drawn on the open space with white ash. When someone came, Wang Tong's personal guards asked about the origin, and arranged to stand and wait somewhere, that is, according to the The assigned position of the hundred household establishment where the person is located.

The reason why Wang Tong chose this Zhuangzi was because this Zhuangzi occupied a large area, and there was no problem in accommodating 2000 people, but now the open space in front of the wooden platform is sparsely populated.

"I looked around, and there are about 600 people. The two directly subordinate hundred households must have come, and the people who are close to them must have come. Can the rest be out of control?"

Wang Tong looked at the open space and asked with a smile. He asked with a smile, but Zhou Linbing and Ge Li became nervous. Zhou Linbing hesitated for a while, then approached and lowered his voice and said:
"Forgive me, my lord. This is the same with our pro-military activities. If you take too much care of the small ones, even if you offend others, the higher-ups will probably punish you!"

Ge Li on the side also nodded, and Wang Tong shook his head slowly. When he was working in Nancheng Baihu that day, Baihu Tian Ronghao had a lot of power and great independence, and Zhou Linbing couldn't interfere in many things.

Moreover, Wang Tong's position is different now, and he knows a lot of news. Knowing that thousands of households can't control hundreds of households, there is also the above meaning. There are always hidden dangers and problems of one kind or another, so Jinyiwei has always been strong with a hundred households and weak with a thousand households. Outsiders think that there are differences in job titles, and they have their own superiors and inferiors, but they don't know that Jinyiwei also has its own special situation.

It was so that day, now that Wang Tong is taking care of it, this kind of rule naturally doesn't count, but no wonder how Zhou Linbing and Ge Li are, Wang Tong changed the subject and said in a deep voice:

"There are 670 recruits from Zhou Qianhu's side, and 460 recruits from Ge Qianhu's side. Among them, five Baihu and nine general banners are also recruits. Why are there so many veterans here?"

Zhou Linbing winked at Ge Li, saying that he can't always talk alone in front of his boss, Ge Li coughed dryly and said:
"My lord, now that this new recruit enters the industry, it's the Taiping season. He has no cases and no errands. After ten years, he is still a stunned young man. When he is familiar with everything and can do errands and errands by himself, he will be over 40 years old. In this way It's safe for people to use it, and you don't have to worry about getting into trouble here in the capital, so we still have to rely on them!"

"Why don't let them teach, don't let the recruits learn, just let them hone and toss by themselves, how many things will be delayed!!"

"If an adult wants to ask such a question, the villain will just say something offending. One more thing is worse than one less thing. Even if the little ones want to, the higher-ups will not agree!"

Wang Tong shook his head and laughed, and said with emotion:

"Our military yamen is the same as the civil servants' side, but ah, it's not just us, who isn't like that!"

After expressing emotion, Wang Tong looked back at the temporary sundial and said with a smile:

"The official document of the training has been notified to all of your subordinates!!"

Hearing Wang Tong's question about this, both Zhou Linbing and Ge Li felt relieved, and just now they pressed each sentence, even though they were standing outside, they both felt sweaty.

"Reporting to my lord, everyone has been notified. First, I called a hundred households from all over the place to report, and then rode around to watch what they passed."

"The subordinate directly arranges a trustworthy place to watch everywhere, and I have been notified!"

The two of them hurriedly answered, Wang Tong nodded and said:
"Open the city gate at Maoshi, and gather here at Chenshi half-hour, that's what the military order says!"

"My lord is right, that's exactly what the military order says."

The two of them didn't notice that Wang Tong replaced the "official document" with "military order", and they both agreed repeatedly. Wang Tong said with a smile:

"The hour and a half has arrived."

After speaking, he walked towards the wooden platform, Zhou Linbing also turned his head to look at the sundial, and stood under the wooden platform with Ge Li according to the previous instructions.

There were more than 600 people standing on the open space in front of the wooden platform, but a few people, a dozen or so people spread out, almost filling up the huge open space. No one looked at the wooden platform, they were all chatting and laughing there , Some people drew squares on the ground with their embroidered spring knives, picked stones and stones to play chess there, surrounded by a group of people, this is the place with the most gatherings.

No one paid any attention to the position arranged by Wang Tong's personal guard before. There was a lot of voices in the open space. From time to time, some people laughed and screamed strangely, and they were very relaxed.

"It's also spring. If you close your eyes, you'll think it's our Tianjin Wei beach outing."

Wang Tong stood on the wooden platform with his hands behind his back and said with a smile, Chen Dahe was in front of the wooden platform, Chen Dahe turned his back to Wang Tong after hearing this, he turned his head and said bitterly:

"My lord, I thought there would be something great here in the capital, but I didn't expect it to be such an idiot. If this kind of laxity were in our Tianjin Wei school grounds, I would have been beaten to death with a military stick!"

"Seeing these counts as your gaining knowledge. Do you think the whole world is like our Tianjin Wei?"

Wang Tong replied with a smile, looked around, looked up at the position of the sun, and said loudly:
"Chen Dahe, let the people who come here for training stand to the west, and persuade them with kind words, don't get angry, don't do anything!!"

Chen Dahe responded, and took the order to go over to handle it somewhat puzzled. Wang Tong's personal guards stepped forward after receiving the order, and began to persuade these people to go to the west. Patience also follows.

Standing on the wooden platform, the scene below can be clearly seen. The Jinyi guards who were happily chatting there were very impatient to be disturbed by someone, but Wang Tong's personal guards were nice and nice, so they just complained a few words and went to Going to the west, anyone who wants to come in from outside will enter through the east gate.

"Dahe, those people from the west are rushing over there, you arrange people to look after them, and now don't allow newcomers to go there, don't let anyone get in!!"

Chen Dahe, who had just returned to the wooden platform, was busy again in confusion. Twenty or so personal guards lined up and stood on the side of the hundreds of people in the west, which was regarded as separation.

Wang Tong changed his posture and stood at attention on the stage with his hands behind his back. It turned out that those people just glanced towards this side, and then they continued as usual, with people entering in pieces from the outside.

The newcomers just glanced at the stage, and then saw that most of their acquaintances and friends were together, shouting hello and wanting to go forward, but they were stopped by Wang Tong's personal guards, who cursed and saw Even if they don't let them, they won't insist anymore. The newcomers will gather together with the newcomers, or chat loudly with the guards.

"I heard no, Wang Tong wore armor and rode a horse to take office. There were jokes along the way, but he was taken aback by Luo Dutang's kindness to greet him. He really lost our pro-military people!"

"Look, he is standing on the stage with his hands behind his back, pretending, what the hell!!"

"When I was on an official job, I had dealings with his father, and his father was always with everyone to be careful. It's only been a few years, and this kid has already flattered the emperor!!"

"I don't think he will last long. Who among the adults in the court thinks he is good? Look at these messy things. In this weather, it's good for the brothers to listen to music in the teahouse."

"That's right, we brothers haven't got together for a long time, so it's better to get together at Mingchun Tower tonight. It is said that there is a little lady from Nanzhili over there who sings the song."

Many of the chattering discussions reached the ears of Wang Tong's personal guards, and some of the words could be said to have been passed on deliberately. Despite Tong's order, they still hold back.

After a while, Wang Tong turned his head to look at the sundial, said with a smile:

"It's time!"

After saying this, Wang Tong raised his voice and wrote, raised his voice and said:
"Close the gate of Zhuangzi, and no one is allowed to enter."

The people below quickly agreed that all the people running in the yard were Wang Tong's personal guards and family servants. When the order was given here, someone immediately ran to the other side to close the door. Those who want to enter Wang Tong's side are naturally not allowed, and those who are late curse a few words, turn around and leave, and some people even shouted to cancel, screaming strangely:
"Brothers are going to drink tea, you play monkeys here!!"

There were people laughing and cursing inside, making a mess, but the door was still closed. Wang Tong looked in the direction of the door, nodded with a smile, and said:
"Let the following be quiet, I have something to say!!"

Hearing his order, a group of people began to walk into the open space, yelling loudly to make everyone quiet. Wang Tong and others have been very kind from the beginning to now, and the soldiers who came for training were not afraid, but since the other party came, they were laughing. You have to give the other party some face.

Zhou Linbing and Ge Li standing below kept peeking at Wang Tong on the stage. Others didn't know, but they knew what kind of character this young master was, but they didn't expect Wang Tong to be smiling all the time.

After tossing about a stick of incense, the noisy scene finally calmed down. Wang Tong looked around, cleared his throat and said loudly:
"After all, it's almost time for lunch. Time is tight, so I will give you an order!!"

Hearing what he said was funny, there was a burst of laughter below, and Wang Tong raised his voice and said:
"Soldiers who are late will be punished with thirty military sticks according to the military law, and they will be beaten immediately!!"
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Special thanks to the "Confused Sleepwalker" book friend for your generous support. You are now the elder of the Jinyi Dangguo fan list. Lao Bai is grateful and grateful. Lao Bai will continue to work hard to update steadily, and strive to improve his writing level. Thank you for your support.

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(End of this chapter)

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