Chapter 672

The order of "Thirty Army Sticks" went on, the soldiers in the field didn't take it seriously, they continued to chat and laugh, and continued, but after saying a few words, they realized that something was wrong.

The noisy scene just now quieted down again. All the training soldiers looked at Wang Tong standing on the wooden platform, and some people stared at the dozens of Wang Tong's personal guards in the field, thinking that dozens of you can do it. What, there are hundreds of them here.

The door behind the wooden platform opened, and another group of people trotted into the arena. The guards in brocade uniforms who were being trained were all shocked, but the people who came in were only a team of a hundred people, wearing short-breasted uniforms, holding wooden stick.

In any case, there were more people than few people, and the courage of the training soldiers was strengthened again. Although the scene was quiet, the training soldiers were all staring at each other.

"My lord, even if the subordinates are restrained, I'm afraid they won't be able to suppress it. In case something goes wrong, you'd better avoid it!!"

Seeing that the scene was wrong, Ge Qianhu who was standing under the wooden platform said nervously, while Wang Tong still stood there with his hands behind his back, and said with a smile:

"Only these mobs can't be suppressed. If they can cause trouble, why do I have to do this training!!"

There was a lot of disdain in Wang Tong's tone. Ge Li and Zhou Linbing looked at each other, but they were silent. Naturally, the two of them don't have to worry. They have won the hearts of many people, but the two of them are bound to suffer. Hearing Wang Tong's resoluteness, it is difficult to persuade them for a while, but they are all thinking about how to continue to open their mouths.

The arena was already noisy, and it was easy to distinguish the late Jinyi guards, the ones on the east side, and now everyone finally knew the purpose of the twenty guards lined up.

"Why arrest me? It's only half an hour late. I'm on duty. Who cares if I sleep at home all day!!"

The people on the east side of the clearing had already started to make noise. A man wearing the uniform of the general flag roared loudly there, and dozens of people gathered behind him.

The nearly 200 people who were late were all over there. The dozens of people in front were yelling and yelling, and the rest were watching. The person leading the guards was Bao Erxiao. No, when he heard what the general flag said, he replied coldly:

"The military order is to gather here at half past two hours. If you arrive late, isn't this a violation of military law? If it is in wartime, you will not be wronged if you are beheaded."

When Bao Erxiao said this, the general flag was stunned for a moment, and then he roared again:

"Mother of the military law, our Jinyiwei is on duty, what does it have to do with the soldiers of those old, rough country bumpkins!!"

Bao Erxiao's face darkened, and he said in a cold voice:
"Don't talk nonsense, lead the law obediently, be honest, so as not to suffer!!!"

After speaking, he strode forward. The man in Zongqi's 30s looked down upon Bao Erxiao when he was less than [-] years old. set.

This general flag thinks he is a person, and the hundreds of people in the empty field are looking at it, and they feel that they can't afford to lose face. When they saw Bao Erxiao approaching, they became anxious, and directly pulled out the saber that was with them.

"These bastards from Tianjin Wei regard our pro-military people as nothing. If we don't show them some color, we don't know how to suffer in the future!!"

"That's right, that's right, teach them a lesson, even Luo Dutang has to reason, and Ren Tongzhi will support us!!"

I don't know who followed up and fanned the flames all of a sudden. Immediately, more than a dozen people drew out their knives, yelling and cursing, and those who were not late in the west also pointed and yelled.

The twenty or so Wang Tong's personal guards lined up in a row turned around silently, and happened to be facing the hundreds of soldiers from the west who were not late. Seeing this provocative move, those people from the west Even the silent ones became angry, and started to curse, throwing out all the foul language.

This group of people are all natives of the capital, and they were raped when they were young. They dare not say anything else. It is indeed a first-class skill in the world to swear at people. Wang Tong's guards who turned around and blocked him all had spitting in their eyes. Fire came out, but everyone gritted their teeth and endured it.

The scene suddenly became uncontrollable. Zhou Linbing on the wooden platform turned his head and looked at Wang Tong. Seeing Wang Tong with a sneer on his face and still standing looking forward, he couldn't help shouting loudly. :
"Little Ding..."

Before he finished shouting, he was stopped by Wang Tong and said coldly:

"Let them make trouble, don't worry about it!"

In fact, without shouting at the top of the voice, the other side of the open space can no longer be heard at all, and it is already noisy to a certain extent.

Bao Erxiao looked at the group of people in front of him who were pointing fingers with knives and were full of obscenities. He also spat on the ground and lifted the five-foot wooden stick in his hand to the sky. A square team of ten people lined up, Bao Erxiao swung the wooden stick in his hand and eyes again, and the soldiers of this square team shouted in unison:

"Throw away your weapons, kneel down and don't fight!!"

Hundreds of people yelled in unison, shaking the scene to silence, before the general flag came back to his senses, Bao Erxiao pointed the stick in his hand and shouted:

This small square team rushed forward with such strides, and the general flag in front of them screamed loudly. They really wanted to do something, but they didn't know what to do. With so many people on the ground watching, wouldn't it be embarrassing if they ran away.

But he couldn't help thinking wildly, Bao Erxiao had already arrived, and three or four wooden sticks were poking towards him. The knife in the chief banner's hand hadn't moved yet, but he was hit on the wrist with a stick, and he couldn't hold the scream anymore. , Before the knife hit the ground, he was stabbed by a wooden stick on his stomach and thighs, causing pain everywhere, and knelt directly on the ground.

The general flag was kneeling on the ground, but it happened to be blocking the direction of the square team. He was kicked down by the person in front of him, and a dozen people stepped on him and went straight over. When the square team passed by, he couldn't get up for a while. .

If the square team had a spear in their hands, there would be only one assassination, but the wooden stick was dealing with colleagues who did not obey military discipline, so it didn't have to be so troublesome. Just stick the five-foot wooden stick out, or hit the arms and thighs.

In fact, Bao Erxiao and the others still kept their hands. Otherwise, the wooden stick would be easily broken if the wooden stick was used to death.

More than a dozen people drew out their knives, some didn't know whether to draw the knives or not, some had the scabbard spring stuck and didn't know how to move it, and some took the Xiuchun knife at their waists with the scabbard. They came out and danced wildly, and became a mess in a panic. How could such a team fight against the well-disciplined and well-trained Tiger's Mighty infantry.

It was just a charge, and the dozens of people who were aggressive just now were turned on their backs. Many people were knocked to the ground, and they didn't even have time to climb out, and they were directly trampled over by the square team.

In a blink of an eye, the ground was full of lying down people, and the group of people who were late did not catch up with the troublemakers, and those who were watching were stunned seeing this posture.

"Drop your weapon, kneel down and don't fight!!"

After dispelling the General Banner group, Bao Erxiao stopped the team for a while and yelled in unison again. Seeing the companion lying on the ground, begging for mercy, the rest of the people who were late were also panicked. Now Look, no matter what happens, the Thirty Army Sticks are going to be beaten, and they can't be beaten, so why don't we have to suffer more.

Bao Erxiao looked left and right, and saw the group with a large number of people again. He raised the wooden stick in his hand, and before he could give the order to charge forward, the guards in front of him tied the knife around their waists and slammed towards the ground. Lost, he simply knelt down on the ground.

Just now he was full of obscenities and yelling, Bao Erxiao thought he would fight again, but he didn't expect it to be so simple, the side facing him was already kneeling on the ground.

"All turn left!!!"

The latecomers knocked down one piece, knelt down one piece, and there was another direction. Bao Erxiao yelled to change the direction of attack again. The direction of a hundred-man square team was extremely convenient, especially for a well-trained team like the Huwei Army. Bao Erxiao held the wooden sticks with both hands, and just knocked down two of them just now, it was really not enjoyable, finally had the chance to perform in front of the adults, but the opponent was such an idiot.

In the end, before Bao Erxiao tidied up and rushed forward, the group dropped their weapons and knelt down. The exhausted Bao Erxiao choked in his throat and almost cursed. Generations of brocade guards, at least they are warriors who are good at dancing spears, how can they be so foolish.

The hundreds of people who were clamoring loudly there, but were unscrupulous in the west were completely silent at this time, facing their twenty or so Wang Tong's personal guards holding wooden sticks in their hands, staring at these hundreds of people coldly.

These hundreds of Jinyi guards were stared at by the twenty or so Wang Tong's personal guards, none of them had the intention of resisting, and those on the outermost side shrank back.

In just a few words, the scene that was still out of control just now became quiet, and in the extremely noisy Zhuangzi, there was no other sound except the sound of crying for pain.

"What kind of trouble can such an idiot cause!!"

Wang Tong said coldly on the wooden platform, although Zhou Linbing and Ge Li were relieved because the disturbance had subsided, they both felt feverish when they heard Wang Tong say this.

"Let everyone stand up according to the affiliation of their hundred households, and the two thousand households will count the people who have not come in the future, and report the list to the official!!"

Wang Tong gave the order loudly on the stage, and the two thousand households below agreed in a hurry. Wang Tong looked back at the courtyard wall. Behind the wall, he had prepared [-] armored soldiers, but he did not expect that these Jinyiwei of the capital were younger than he expected. It's even worse, there's no need for these soldiers.

More than a dozen black-clothed government servants holding large boards lined up on both sides of the wooden platform. These people were the execution servants specially invited to beat the boards. Wang Tong took a breath and shouted:
"Line up, stand up for me the fucking way!!!"

There was another silence below, everyone who could get up stood up desperately, and no one dared to be slighted.
On the last day, don’t keep the monthly pass, vote for Laobai
(End of this chapter)

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