Chapter 673
"Don't look like dough, just stand at attention like me!!"

Wang Tong shouted loudly on the wooden platform, no matter whether the guards below were knocked down or not, whether they were in pain or not, they all got up from the ground, looked at Wang Tong's standing posture, and hurriedly stood up.

"Jinyiwei, Jinyi Qinjun, the name is obvious. Who told you that we are not soldiers, but servants on errands. You are the emperor's guards and Jinyi Qinjun. You want to practice this military law. Look at your crooked appearance. Have you practiced in your daily life? Could it be that you just mess around in teahouses all day long!!"

Wang Tong roared loudly on the stage, he was condescending, and he could see clearly the lineup of guards in brocade clothes standing below. At this moment, there was no smile on his face at all, and no one cared about it anymore.

"Pick up the whip and stick, beat me if you can't stand upright!!"

The soldiers below listened to the order with a bang. They have similar queues and running exercises every day. They are naturally proficient in doing this. Be obedient, no matter how you arrange it, you will obey it obediently.

It didn't take much effort, the queue already had a shape, and a group of people stood and lined up according to Wang Tong's posture tremblingly. Wang Tong opened his mouth and shouted to the yamen servants standing on both sides of the wooden platform:

"Do it, marching method!!"

Those yamen servants with large boards in their hands agreed, and started to walk towards those people in the east. Zhou Linbing was discussing with Ge Li how to count, and he was a little panicked when he heard Wang Tong's order.

Zhou Linbing hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth and knelt in front of the wooden platform, and said:
"My lord, I didn't teach the villain well, but these people are our own brothers in the army, and there are people in the family who need to support them. If they are really going to be killed, they will be troublesome to the adults!!"

Ge Li was stunned for a moment, then knelt down, and said eagerly:
"These bastards should also be killed, but after all, my lord has just come to the capital. If you beat someone to death like this, after all, it's not good for you, and you will definitely get in your way."

Wang Tong jumped down from the wooden platform, went to the two men and dragged them up, and said with a smile:

"These bastards are irritating, but they haven't been punished for capital punishment. How could they be beaten to death? Didn't you see that the officer invited here is a servant from the Shuntian Mansion?"

Having said that, both of them were taken aback for a moment, then they understood, and bowed again and again and said:

"My lord is lenient, my lord is lenient, I will go and count the number of people!"

Thirty army sticks sound like a small number, but they can still kill people. If the water and fire sticks are used with all their strength, ten sticks can kill people. There is something special about it. The servants in Shuntian Mansion are experts at playing boards. It is said that they used watermelons to practice when they were young. It is natural and common to smash the watermelon all at once, but the watermelon is not broken when it is smashed all at once, but the inside of the melon is pulpy. It's time to work, even put pears on the watermelon, and when the board is dropped, the pears are smashed and smashed, and there is a sound of crackling, but the watermelon is completely fine.

These yamen servants who beat people can only collect money from the main suspect and make money by practicing the strength in their hands, but this also shows that they have excellent control.

Since Wang Tong doesn't use his own people to fight, but uses the servants of Shuntian Mansion to fight, it means that he still has a sense of proportion, at least he doesn't have to worry about killing people. If Wang Tong really wants to kill people now, just those tigers and wolves As a scholar, speaking of a big stick, it is very simple to kill one with a few sticks.

More than 100 soldiers who arrived late were under the supervision of Wang Tong's personal guards in Bao Erxiaoyi, and they were pushed down by the yamen servants, their trousers were pulled down, and the big board hit them like this.

The sound of "cracking" was constant, and the sound of screaming in pain was also constant, but after the thirty boards were beaten, the person was able to stand up even though he was staggering, which showed that the yamen servants kept their hands.

More than 150 people and more than a dozen guards beat the board. This is a very laborious job. In the end, these guards couldn't control the force in their hands. In the end, the screams of the beaten people became louder and louder, and there was no one at all. Poor, this is what they have tormented themselves.

Zhou Linbing and Ge Li couldn't identify all the soldiers in their hands, and they had to ride back to the city to call their hundreds of households to count them together. They all hurriedly informed Wang Tong and left on horseback.

As soon as they left, the armored Ma Sanbiao rushed over from the backyard and said:
"My lord, if there is nothing wrong, I will inform the people above Zhuangzi to prepare meals for the people below."

Wang Tong nodded and said with a smile:

"Can you name the hundreds of people in your cavalry?"

"My lord, why do you ask this? Don't say it's a person's name. I even know how the horses below are doing."

Wang Tong smiled and nodded, but changed the subject and said:

"Jingshi Jinyiwei can't do without training. I'm afraid this root is already rotten."

Ma Sanbiao didn't know if he understood. After saluting, he hurried to arrange lunch. Wang Tong turned his attention to the school field again. Chen Dahe led Bao Erxiao over, and the guards in brocade clothes behind them were already standing in line. .

"My lord, what do we do next!?"

"Bao Erxiao, have you practiced queues yet!?"

Bao Erxiao who was standing behind Chen Dahe didn't expect the adult to ask him, so he stood at attention quickly, saluted and said:

"Returning to my lord, the subordinates trained completely according to the recruits, without any slack, the queue assessment is excellent!!"

The sources of Wang Tong's personal guards are quite mixed. The soldiers of Huwei Army often did not do enough basic training. This is something Wang Tong often mentioned. I have practiced hard in the middle, and at the beginning it was just to satisfy Wang Tong. I thought the queue training was a show. I didn’t expect that after hard training, I found that the queue practice can make each other cooperate better, respond to commands faster, and move more steadily than before. , Only then did I know what Wang Tong often mentioned.

Therefore, a rule has been formed among the personal guards. No matter who the child is, no matter how good the bow and horse skill is before entering, the most basic training of the Tiger's Mighty Army must be passed once, and there must be an assessment by each battalion officer and even the regimental commander. Only when you have excellent grades can you gain a foothold in the personal guards, otherwise you will be sent directly to the Huwei Army or even the Security Army to start from scratch.

Bao Erxiao has a special sense of identification with both Huweijun and Wang Tong. He is the first batch and also the hardest training batch. Tan Dahu and Tan Erhu were sent to the army by General Tan to train for a long time. And so on, the basics are not bad.

Hearing Bao Erxiao's loud answer, Wang Tong nodded with a smile, and said:
"Second Xiao, Dahu and Erhu are here for you. You choose eight more people. A dozen of you go to train these Jinyiwei soldiers. Physical strength, formation, and discipline are all in accordance with the rules of our Huwei army. Can you do it well!"

"Please don't worry, my lord, I will leave it to my subordinates!!"

Bao Erxiao was taken aback for a moment, then blushed with excitement, and replied loudly, Chen Dahe, who was in front of him, was startled, turned around and slapped Bao Erxiao on the forehead angrily, and said:
"Keep your voice down!!"

Wang Tong laughed and waved at Bao Erxiao. Bao Erxiao saluted again and left excitedly. He could see several young guards who were monitoring the Jinyi guards over there when they heard Bao Erxiao's call. The words, everyone was extremely excited, Chen Dahe looked at it with a smile, turned around and said in a low voice:

"My lord, can these half-sized children do it? They are frizzy themselves."

"Is it necessary to train these idiots to be as strong as our Tiger Mighty Army? Let the second elementary school and the others go to train, and the level they can achieve is enough!"

Wang Tong said leisurely with a half-smile, Chen Dahe scratched his head, and also smiled.

Bao Erxiao and his team were quickly divided into teams. This time, a total of [-] Jinyi guards were training, and it was just right to divide each of them into [-].

After the rectification just now, these soldiers on the school field no longer dare to be as arrogant as just now. Bao Erxiao and others are young, and they are unambiguous when they fight. It is to follow suit, and dare not have the slightest violation.

Line up, turn right, turn left, walk in unison, stand at attention, etc. The most basic training soon began on the school grounds. I have seen their idiots just now, and this training is full of jokes.

Tan Dahu was quite excited at the beginning, and within half an hour he began to roar loudly. Wang Tong and several generals were watching in front of the wooden platform, and there were many people facing each other from left to right, standing at attention Occasionally, some even fell to the ground, and the standard military posture was even more varied, and it was extremely lively to watch.

"Thinking about it now, Tian Ronghao is considered capable. Back then, he made a hundred households in Nancheng quite handsome. At that time, he thought there were no rules. Looking at it now, it is considered good."

Originally, these Jinyi guards breathed a sigh of relief just after training, thinking that Wang Tong had made a lot of noise, this so-called training was very simple, it was nothing more than standing once and taking two steps, a child could do it, but After training for one and a half hours in a row, everyone knew how good he was.

They are all standing, they have to stand upright, they must not walk crookedly, and they have to look at the alignment with others. Who usually pays attention to this, and who can do it so quickly, but those little instructors are very tempered. One time, the second time I could still swear a few words, but the third time I just greeted him with a stick and whip, what a miserable situation!
When the dealers came out with the noodles and hot soup, everyone was relieved, and finally they could rest for a while
After Liwei on the school grounds, Zhou Linbing and Ge Li, two thousand households, came back quickly, and brought the hundred households who hadn't come, and immediately began to count the number of people.

The list of absentees soon arrived in Wang Tong's hands. Wang Tong shook the list in his hand and said with a smile:

"Do you think you can escape if you don't come? If you have the ability, don't do this Jinyiwei's errand, if you have the ability, escape to the Tartars!!!"
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(End of this chapter)

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