Chapter 674

The southern city is mostly inhabited by ordinary people, but the junction of the southern city, the eastern city, and the western city is obviously more prosperous and prosperous.

The hundreds of households in charge of these places are considered the best places in Jinyiwei, with plenty of money and lots of fun. Dongcheng, Xicheng, and Beicheng are richer and have more business outlets, but there are no people who are easy to offend behind these businesses, Jinyiwei. The natives of the city knew the importance of the stakes, so naturally they would not provoke them. Of course, it goes without saying that the Nancheng people had too little money.

And at the junction of these two, commerce is much more prosperous than Nancheng, and there are more rich people, and there are no backgrounds. There is also a wonderful thing, that is, there are few other yamen. Patrolling the streets, the income is five times more than that in Nancheng, and the small flags, general flags, and even hundreds of households are naturally more.

With such a fat and vacant position, those who can serve as officials here naturally have some kind of relationship. There are two hundreds of households here who are subordinates of Zhou Linbing, but they are basically the type who listen to the tune and don't listen to the announcement. Yue submitted the confession on time, sometimes the case may not be on time, Zhou Linbing also pinched his nose and admitted it, after all, he could not afford to offend the people behind Baihu and Zongqi here.

Among the [-] Jinyiwei households in charge of the area between Xicheng and Nancheng, there is only one general banner, the general banner Ren Chunlai, who is the cousin of Ren Datong, the commander of the Jinyiwei.

Between Xicheng and Nancheng, there are seven gambling houses and brothels that can be regarded as second-class and first-class stores, and there are more than a dozen below this, not to mention places like restaurants, restaurants and teahouses. Street, go out with empty pockets, come back with pockets bulging, fat and oily.

It's so easy to do, who doesn't want to stuff their own people here, a hundred households have two general banners as usual, but there is only one here, and the other position is always vacant.When the three general banners came, they were all squeezed away by Ren Chunlai. Ren Chunlai was promoted from the bottom lieutenant, and he liked to eat alone, and he didn't want others to share it.

What's more, the hundred households on Ren Chunlai's head belong to Luo Sigong. Luo Sigong has always been soft. Now that Wang Tong is here, Luo Sigong's position is not stable, and he doesn't have the confidence to get close to others. He doesn't dare to fight. Ren Chun came to call the shots.

Ren Chunlai is 34 years old this year, within the age range of Wang Tong's recruit training, but on the morning of February [-]th, he didn't get up early at all.

When he opened his eyes, it was already noon. Ren Chunlai simply washed up under the service of the maid, and did not go to order after going to the street. Various snacks with Jiangnan flavor, listening to music and books, leisurely for two or three hours, and then went to Fenglin restaurant.

Fenglin Restaurant is a well-known tavern in the capital. Although there are only ten tables, famous dignitaries often come here. They do business for one hour in the afternoon and two hours in the evening. It was about to break, and the cooks of Fenglin Restaurant cheered up and made a single table.

The sorghum roast from Baoding Mansion, the delicious noodles with eight dishes and one soup, Ren Chunlai was half drunk, and staggered out, when the sun had already set.

After walking out the door, a helper greeted him, holding a small bundle in his hand, handed it up with a smile on his face, and said:
"Master Ren, how old are you with the money you received today?"

Ren Chunlai waved his hands nonchalantly, and said:
"If the copper coins are smashed into silver, go to the gambling house and exchange them for ingots, and you can take [-]% of them yourself."

"Thank you, Lord Ren, thank you, Lord Ren!"

When Jin Yiwei came to the position of the general banner, there were always a few servants around him, but most of them were Jin Yiwei soldiers under his command. Ren Chunlai was different. His sidekicks were two former neighbors who had no status as Jin Yiwei at all. This is a benefit that should not be given away.

After walking two steps on the street, there was a Xiaoqi in his 40s walking towards him. When he saw Ren Chunlai, the Xiaoqi saluted with a smile on his face and asked:
"Ren Zongqi, didn't you go outside the city for training today!?"

"Go to his grandma, uncle, I have so many errands I haven't finished yet, who has time to serve that yellow-haired boy!!"

The little flag smiled, but didn't continue talking, just greeted, and left again, saying that the errand was a lie, and the smell of alcohol could be smelled three feet away, but no one would bother to explain .

Ren Chunlai was walking on the street, and the shop assistants on both sides of the road were all nodding and bowing their heads to greet him. This old man cannot be offended, so he must be careful in serving him. When Ren Chunlai walked over, there were quite a few people spitting on the ground and cursing secretly. This bastard is too worthless.

I was thinking of going back to Dongqing Teahouse to drink some tea to soothe the hangover, but I didn't expect to walk halfway, another helper led the sedan chair and came up to me and said with a flattering smile:

"Master Ren, there is a new girl at the half-closed door on Huaishu Street, and her mother sent her here for Master Ren to try out."

The first-class and second-class stores are okay, but the ones that are not in the class, the new girls have to let Ren Chunlai go to bed first, this has been the rule for more than two years.

Life is nothing more than wine and sex. After Ren Chunlai finished drinking, a girl would come to his door. Naturally, the spring night is short, so go back and enjoy it.

He started tossing around before dark, was half-drunk again, and after having sex several times, Ren Chunlai was so exhausted that he fell asleep directly.

Naturally, he slept in the dark and didn't know about personnel. The next morning, Ren Chunlai felt that his bones were falling apart. He just wanted to hug the girl next to him and sleep again, but he heard someone beating drums in his ears, which was annoying. I can't sleep no matter what, I just want to scold my mother when I open my eyes.

Only then did he realize that it wasn't someone beating the drums, it was someone smashing the door, Ren Chunlai didn't have a family, he lived alone in a small house, wandering around happily, someone outside was knocking on the door, and there was no one to open the door.

Ren Chunlai shook his head and realized that there was someone beside him. He patted the girl behind him and said:
"Go and open the door!"

As soon as he turned over, he was about to fall asleep again, that is, just as he closed his eyes, he heard a loud "bang" outside, and the door was kicked open!
Ren Chunlai turned over and got up from the kang, cursing angrily:
"That short-sighted..."

Before the sentence was finished, the door of the room was kicked open with a bang, and then someone lifted the cotton curtain in the back room. The girl screamed and shrank into the bed, the cold wind blew in, and Ren Chunlai shrank too. , before he could start cursing, he saw the hundred households he was in charge of standing at the door.

Ren Chunlai would not be afraid if he was only in charge of the hundred households. It's not that he pointed his nose and scolded, but he saw his own family standing beside him like a servant. The big man with the red belt had a cold face, something was wrong.

Before he opened his mouth, he heard a big man ask:
"This person is Ren Chunlai, the general banner of your hundred households?"


"Catch it!!!"

After a question and an answer, before Ren Chunlai could react, the two big men walked up to him. He had no clothes on, and his body was hollowed out by wine, so he had no ability to resist. It was like being caught by an eagle. It was only then that Ren Chunlai panicked and shouted loudly while struggling:
"Do you know who I am, I am Ren Tongzhi's cousin, do you know Ren Tongzhi!!"

Reporting the name of this fellow acquaintance in Jinyiwei, everyone from top to bottom wanted to sell some face, but the big man who arrested him didn't stop at all, and directly dragged him out.

He carried it across the yard, out of the door, and fell on the ground in front of the door. Ren Chunlai was thrown with gold stars in front of his eyes. He was dizzy for a long time before he could react. When he looked up, he saw horse legs and human legs. Looking up hastily, he saw more than a dozen horses parked in front of him.

"You are Ren Chunlai?"

Someone asked a question, and before Ren Chun could answer, someone said loudly:
"Yesterday's training outside the city, Ren Chunlai has not yet arrived, the marching law punishes, thirty sticks, ten lashes!!"

Hearing this, and seeing the young acquaintance with more than a dozen riders, Ren Chunlai immediately knew who it was. He struggled desperately on the ground and said:
"This subordinate was on an errand yesterday. I was afraid of delaying the official business, so I ask Mr. Wang to forgive me..."

"You just got up at six o'clock yesterday, went to Dongqing Teahouse to drink tea, then went to Fenglin Restaurant to eat wine, and finally took a fan from Fangchunyuan back home, what kind of job are you doing, fight!!"

Wang Tong said coldly on the horse, Ren Chunlai didn't expect his whereabouts to be caught so clearly by the other party, he was stunned for a moment and couldn't speak, a servant from the Shuntian Mansion had already stepped forward and held Ren Chunlai down, and looked up at Wang Tong who was on the horse , Wang Tong has one right hand with five fingers spread out, which means five.

In other words, the strength of the board would make Ren Chunlai lie down for five days before he could get out of bed. The servants immediately raised the board and beat it down.

He was full of meat, naked, and the street was in front of the door, not to mention the pain in the buttocks and thighs. So many neighbors who usually humbly look at his ugly appearance there, this is a shame. Ren Chunlai was used to running amok, so he couldn't bear it, and couldn't help but raise his head and scream:

"My lord Wang, my cousin is also an acquaintance. He doesn't look at the monk's face but the Buddha's face. When beating a dog, he also has to look at the owner. If you act like this, you won't be afraid of hurting my brother!!"

"Whiplash Fifteen!!"

Before the next words were finished, Wang Tong raised his voice and said again, this time, there was no need to wait for the board to be finished. The guards beside Wang Tong got off their horses and swung their whips when they came to him.

The strength of these personal guards is really not small, the whips hit the backs, and the flesh was cut open. Ren Chunlai screamed like a butcher who was beaten on the ground, and wanted to roll, but was held down tightly, so he could only bear it.

"Side, you bastard, how dare you help Wang Tong design me, we are endless!!"

Ren Chunlai didn't dare to speak to Wang Tong, but he called out to his Baihu. The Baihu glanced at Wang Tong and said with a dry smile:

"It's not that I don't want to help you. My brother, I was beaten with thirty military sticks for being late, and I didn't dare to sit down all day."
Ask for double monthly tickets in May! !

(End of this chapter)

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