Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 675 Different reactions

Chapter 675 Different reactions
"From today onwards, I will resign from the position of the general banner here, starting from the school lieutenant, so as to see the effect later, Liu Side, do you know?"

Hearing Wang Tong's cold question on the horse, the trembling hundred households below hurriedly bowed their heads. Ren Chunlai, who was lying there naked, was covered in blood from his back to his thighs, and he breathed less and breathed more.

"Tomorrow I will carry it to the training place!"

After Wang Tong finished speaking, he turned his mount and led a group of people away. Among the onlookers, there were ordinary people and even the guards in brocade clothes from a hundred households. There are really many people applauding.

But while feeling happy, while looking at the backs of Wang Tong and his group, everyone felt terrified in their hearts, this new Commander Tongzhi of Jin Yiwei is really awe-inspiring.

Now that the sun was already high, Wang Tong rode through the streets of Nancheng, and from time to time he could see the scene of guards in brocade clothes with red belts wrapped around their arms throwing their colleagues who were screaming and resisting from the courtyard, and threw them to the ground. It's just thirty sticks and ten whips. After the beating, people can't stand up. After the beating, the crying family members dare to help people back.

When the gates of the city opened in the early morning, Wang Tong's personal guards and Li Wenyuan's selected soldiers began to enter the city. According to the list from yesterday, every family came to the door to enforce the military law.

Among the nearly [-] people, some did not go to the training yesterday, and some went too late and were locked out. Some of these people learned about the punishment from their colleagues who came back yesterday, and they were as anxious as ants in a hot pot. People have to be mentally prepared to come to the door. Some people don't take it seriously at all. They think they're fooling around and just fool around. When the military law team comes to the door, they panic. They can't make trouble if they want to. The military law team is well trained. There are so many people, no matter how strong the enemy is, they can only be framed and beaten on the street.

The guards in Shuntian Mansion controlled their strength well, and those who were beaten would be able to get up after five days. Ten lashes just made their backs bloody and bloody. Taking medicine for maintenance is not a big deal, but this face is really too embarrassing. Well, these Jinyi guards in Nancheng, especially these tired and arrogant characters, are consciously local figures on weekdays. The neighbors and common people see them with great respect.

But now his pants were ripped off, and he was beaten directly with a board on the street. His face was completely lost. I am afraid that he will be ashamed to see people in the future. part.

After being beaten, the family members hurried out to the chariot and horse shop and the carpentry shop, because the people in the marching law said that they would go to the Zhuangzi outside the city for training the next day, how to walk after being beaten like this Ride a horse, grab a hired buggy or grab a stretcher and get there!
When he walked to the back street of Nancheng City God, Wang Tong reined in his horse. Not only was the noise in front of him stronger than other places, but he also saw the people he sent standing on the side helplessly.

Wang Tong rode over to look, but laughed angrily. He saw a thick woman with a rolling pin in her right hand and a broom in her left hand, standing in the circle and yelling. In front of him, the woman called with something in her hand.

Standing at the gate of the courtyard was a thin and thin man, wearing the uniform of a royal guard, who was also yelling and cursing there. This thin and thin man should be the one to be arrested.

The people around watching the execution were all silent while watching the execution, but the people watching here laughed from time to time. Everyone was very happy to watch this farce.

Hearing the sound of horseshoes, some people turned their heads and saw Wang Tong. A group of people hurriedly saluted, but their faces were filled with shame. Wang Tong immediately shook his head and said:

"The Huwei army has been training for many years, but was stopped by a woman. If it spreads, it would be shameful."

The woman saw Wang Tong and others coming, but she also felt that something was wrong, she stopped talking for a while, and the thin man even shrank back,
Asked by Wang Tong, the faces of the errands here were all red and purple, and they didn't know what to say. Just as Wang Tong was about to speak, Tan Jiang, who was following him on horseback, said in a deep voice:
"This is also the effectiveness of the discipline of the adults' army. Even if the soldiers of the Tiger's Mighty Army are marching, they dare not act recklessly against good and innocent people."

"But I still don't have much experience. Being forced by a rambunctious woman, I can't do my job!"

Wang Tong shook his head and answered, but asked:
"Who is this person?"

"Returning to my lord, this man Hou Wancai, Xiaoqi of the [-]th household, did not leave yesterday!"

"Hou Wancai, you are no longer here to let your mother-in-law stand in front of you, and even your mother-in-law practiced military law together to fulfill the love between your husband and wife. What do you think?"

Hearing the answers from the people below, Wang Tong immediately asked in a cold voice. The Jin Yi guards who came to execute the execution heard Wang Tong's words, and immediately took two steps forward, staring at the fat woman.

This group of people has been fighting on the battlefield, so how can they not deal with a woman, but Huwei's army has strict discipline and strict orders not to disturb civilians. If Hou Wancai did it, they would not be afraid, but his wife would make them a little at a loss. .

The execution was to strip the trousers and beat the board in the street. No matter how aggressive a woman is, she can't afford to lose this person. The woman heard Wang Tong's cold words and didn't care about her sloppy appearance. She also panicked. Looking back at his man, he threw away the broom and rolling pin in his hand, cursed angrily, turned around and rushed into the yard.

"My lord, my lord, the younger one is a nephew who has experienced the experience of a Sihou, my lord is kind, my lord is kind."

Seeing the people from the firing squad approaching, Hou Wancai panicked and kept talking, but Wang Tong ignored him, pulled his horse away, and raised his voice and said:
"If the person standing in front of you is Hou Jing, just knock him down and beat him up, then he will save face for your family members and add [-] boards!!"

Wang Tong and his party hadn't left the street when they heard the sound of meat being scratched by a plank behind them, and Hou Wancai's screams.

Among the people who did not come yesterday, the following captains, warriors and other soldiers, and small leaders such as Xiaoqi were handed over to the firing squad for disposal, but there were four general banners who did not show up, and Wang Tong led the people to personally hands on.

After dealing with Ren Chunlai, he was delayed by the affairs of the Hou family on the way, and the next one was a Zongqi surnamed Cheng. This Zongqi had a wedding banquet with relatives yesterday. Pay attention to the training.

Both Zhou Linbing and Ge Li sent someone to guide Wang Tong, and it was not difficult to find the house surnamed Cheng Zongqi, but when they were about to arrive, they saw that the door of the house was full of people.

Wang Tong and the others were puzzled, thinking that there should be no military law team at this house, so why are there so many people watching the fun?

Before I got close, I heard scolding from over there:

"Get out of here, get out of here, you can watch my master's excitement."

The onlookers dispersed and looked around again from a distance, only then did Wang Tong see that in Cheng Zongqi's home, there was actually a person kneeling there with his upper body naked.

Seeing Wang Tong approaching, the shirtless man kowtowed to the ground and said:

"This subordinate doesn't know what is good or bad, and violated the military law. This subordinate is convicted, and is willing to accept the punishment on the side of the lord!!"

After finishing speaking, he kowtowed on the ground again and again. Although the weather in February is already in the mood of spring, it is still cold. Cheng Zongqi has been kneeling outside with his upper body naked for a while, with a few branches on his back, which is not very comfortable. , This is the so-called pleading guilty, no wonder there are so many spectators.

Wang Tong was the first one who was willing to march in the city. The rest of the people either made a fuss or reported their backers. To put it bluntly, no one was convinced.

I thought there was still some entanglement here, but I didn't expect Cheng Zongqi to be so sensible. Wang Tong glanced at him immediately, but his face softened, and he asked:
"Cheng You, I remember that you have an aunt who married into a certain earl's family, why didn't you report it?"

When Wang Tong revealed his family background, Cheng You shook his body, but still kowtowed and said:

"The little one who violated the military law will be punished. I dare not take any chances."

Wang Tong really didn't care if the capital brought out an earl. Hearing that Cheng You understood so well, Wang Tong immediately smiled and said:
"You do understand, but you will be punished if you violate the military law. This is unavoidable. Thirty boards and ten whips. Let him walk outside the city tomorrow."

All the guards in the team got off their horses, and they naturally understood Wang Tong's words, and they fought back, but this strength needs to be used in a measured way, and they will be walking outside the city tomorrow, which is to let people know the degree of pain .

Cheng You also knew how to be grateful, and immediately kowtowed again, thanking him again and again, there was no resistance here, and the beating was fast, and he heard the "slap" sound of the board hitting his buttocks, but after the beating was over, he didn't need his family to come forward to help him, People can stand up on their own, this effort is really light.

"You have passed this test, and the future will be long. I hope you can understand like this!!"

After Wang Tong finished speaking, he didn't stay here, he rode his horse and led the people away, while Cheng You knelt down and kowtowed on the ground again.

"My lord, Jiang Feng, the [-]th general banner under Ge Qianhu, is indeed suffering from a disease, and he has brought the doctor to see him."

Riding out of the alley, another rider came to report, Wang Tong nodded, and the leader in front heard this, turned around and said:

"My lord, that is Han Gang Han Zongqi on Barracks Street."

Wang Tong frowned and said with a smile:

"This person's name is Ge Li, and he said it alone, saying that it is a big trouble, let's go, let's go and see this trouble!!"

"Fuck you, train a bird, if you want to torment grandpa, there is no way!!"

Wang Tong and the others were outside a spacious house, and heard someone roaring inside, and there were several screams of pain, but it was not the roaring sound just now.
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(End of this chapter)

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