Chapter 677
The two children look quite similar to Han Gang, but they are not as big and tall as Han Gang, and they are very thin.

Speaking of courage, he was not weak, the courtyard was full of burly soldiers, and the two of them dared to come out to fight with things, but the child was a child after all, and after being snatched by Wang Tong's men, he panicked and burst into tears.

Wang Tong's subordinates have strict military discipline and marching methods, so they are naturally very measured, otherwise they would not be embarrassed by a rambunctious woman. Seeing the child distressed, everyone just went up and held down desperately Han Gang struggling.

After Han Gang yelled that voice, the two children became excited. Seeing that no one was stopping them in the yard, they ran outside. When they ran to the door, two people came out to stop them. Wang Tong smiled and waved his hands. People let out.

Han Gang on the ground didn't expect the two children to be released so easily, so he couldn't help being taken aback, and stopped struggling. The members of the military law team didn't dare to neglect, and directly took out the leather rope and hemp rope, and tied it up for Han Gang. It's solid.

"My lord, is the execution now?"

Wang Tong waved his hands with a smile, and said:
"Put this person up, I have something to ask him."

Several soldiers tried their best to stand up Han Gang. Wang Tong stood in front of him and asked with a smile:

"Why do you think this training is to toss you, who told you that someone is trying to concoct you!!?"

"Why not? Otherwise, we, a hundred households, would be singled out and bullied. Do you think grandpa is afraid?"

Hearing this, Wang Tong lunged and punched Han Gang hard in the stomach. Han Gang was held up, so he could only bear it hard, but it hurt so much that he bowed like a shrimp I got up, my mouth grew too big to speak, and finally recovered, I struggled desperately and shouted:

"What kind of skill is this? If you have the ability, let Grandpa go. Let's fight again."

After speaking halfway, he punched him heavily in the stomach again. Wang Tong's voice became cold, and he said solemnly:

"As a commanding officer, you don't know how to respect yourself, and you still call yourself a grandfather. Didn't you just beat me up? Didn't this officer beat you?"

After the two punches, Han Gang finally became a lot more honest. When he straightened up, he muttered non-stop, shouting:

"Don't think that you are a big official, and there are people behind me, or you will let me go first, and I won't care about you, or I will make you look bad later."

"My lord, if you don't know what's good or bad, it's better to hit a hundred boards and dozens of whips to be honest!!"

Seeing this man's arrogance, even the guards of the military law team in the courtyard were furious. They all asked Wang Tong, but Wang Tong waved his hand and said with a smile:

"Don't worry, wait for him to rely on the mountain, I want to see and see who is sacred."

Someone nearby said, go and get a chair for your lord, someone walked directly into the room, but Wang Tong stopped him when he was about to move, saying:

"There are family members inside, don't disturb them, just sit in the yard."

Men and women don't know each other, even though it's official business, if they see female relatives, it's very troublesome for some families. When the two children ran out just now, Wang Tong found that there might still be someone inside, although he didn't know Men and women, but don't provoke them.

Han was about to drink again just now, but he was silent for a while when he saw this, and when he spoke again, his temper was much lower, but his tone was still bad, and he cursed:
"My family is not the inheritance of Jinyiwei. I hit ten or twenty of you alone, making things difficult for me and tripping me up. Who did I offend? If it weren't for my backing, I would have been in great trouble. How about being born and raised here, I have a backer, and none of you can afford to offend!!"

"Why did this whole training become difficult for you?"

"If you don't call others, just call me. It's not making things difficult, I still use training"

"Shut up!! If those soldiers were holding long soldiers just now, how do you think you can persist? If you are capable, why are you tied up here!!"

Hearing Han Gang yelling like that, Wang Tong probably understood something, but this Han Gang thought highly of himself, but Wang Tong couldn't stand it. After being reprimanded and knocked to the ground by Wang Tong, Han Gang couldn't find any reason to refute, and immediately shut his mouth in disgrace.

"Did you learn that spear technique in Zhejiang? Or did you learn it in Jizhen?"

During the silence, Tan Jiang came over and asked, Han Gang was stunned for a long time before replying in a rough voice:

"Thistle Town."

General Tan nodded, turned around and said to Wang Tong:
"Just now, this man's attack and defense are quite regular. Mr. Qi's infantry marksmanship is the most important. It's not that he can't practice in these two places. Looking at his fights, he should have fought on the battlefield. That's why he is so young. ask."

This is almost the same as Wang Tong's judgment. The short but intense fight just now made Wang Tong sweat a little, but he felt extremely relaxed. He asked with a smile:

"How is the fighting skills in Jizhen compared to what Mr. Yu taught?"

"There is no comparison. Master Yu and Master Qi have exchanged what they have learned with each other, and they should use a set of tools. However, when Master Yu teaches the master, he should add a lot of his own understanding."

Wang Tong nodded, but Han Gang, who was tied up firmly, was stunned. Qi Jiguang and Yu Dayou are legendary figures in the warriors of this era, but the young fellow in front of him actually said that he was Yu Dayou's personal heir, why not? To his surprise, Han Gang was still a little complacent, no wonder he was knocked down, it turned out to be Yu Dayou's personal heir.

Someone went outside and took a gourd from the saddle and handed it to Wang Tong. After drinking a few sips of water, Wang Tong smiled and said to General Tan:
"This kid has been entrapped a lot on weekdays, and this time he was trained, nine times out of ten, he was sometimes used as a knife."

After the conversation just now, everyone could see that General Tan also nodded with a smile. Han Gang's mouth was not as tough as before, but he just kept his head down.

Wang Tong handed the gourd to General Tan, and said again:
"I have been tricked so many times, but I can still serve as the general banner here in Taiping, and I have bought this house. It seems that the backing is still very powerful. This official is interesting. Who is it?"

"My lord Wang Wang, I see that you are amazing, why don't you let me go, so that everyone can talk later!!"

Han Gang finally relented, and muttered, General Tan and Wang Tong's personal guards are very clear about Wang Tong's identity and power in the capital. Hearing Han Gang's words, everyone couldn't help laughing , I don't know who couldn't help it first, the whole room roared with laughter.

The smiling Han Gang couldn't figure it out, and in the end he lost his temper, and simply kept silent, which seemed to be a bit of a wait and see.

It took a long time for Han Gang's two younger brothers to go. Wang Tong and others came around noon, but they didn't come after waiting. Finally, the guards went out to buy food, brought it back in a food box, and left. I had a meal in Han Gang's yard.

After lunch, Wang Tong thought that Han Gang was bluffing, but the confident look on Han Gang's face made Wang Tong more curious.

After about half an hour, someone really came, and Wang Tong's bodyguards stayed in the yard, which was also Wang Tong's order, lest a group of people be outside, and Han Gang's backer would not dare to come in.

I heard hurried footsteps outside the yard, and heard a child's voice saying anxiously:

"Second Grandpa, I don't know if they left or not!!"

Soon footsteps came to the door. Wang Tong was sitting on the unloaded saddle. The gate of the yard was open, but he saw a little eunuch showing his head, and immediately shrank back.

Wang Tong was taken aback for a moment, then turned around with a smile and said to Han Gang:
"Your backer is actually someone from the palace, no wonder you are so confident!"

At this moment, Han Gang was silent, no matter how out of his wits he could tell that Wang Tong didn't care about the people in the palace at all.

There was the sound of a sedan chair landing outside, and then the two children appeared at the door. Seeing Han Gang standing there tied up, they hurriedly shouted:
"Second Grandpa, Eldest Brother is still tied up by the villains, go and save him quickly!!"

"Who is such a bastard, dare to bully Old Han's family!!"

Hearing loud screams, an old eunuch wearing a red robe and python clothes appeared at the door. To be able to wear a red robe and python clothes, this is not a eunuch in the palace, and it is not far from the position of an eunuch. It is also an eunuch in the inner court Amazing character.

The eunuch's face was full of anger, and Han Gang saw it over there, regardless of the few people around him holding him down, he struggled there and shouted:
"Second Grandpa, this group of people bullied me and even beat me just now, Second Grandpa decides for me!!"

The words were clearly a child asking for help from his elders. The eunuch looked unfamiliar, but Wang Tong didn't care. No matter how old he was, how could he be bigger than Zhang Cheng?No matter how big he is, he still calls himself a "servant" in front of Emperor Wanli.

The angry old eunuch was startled when he saw Wang Tong, then he lifted up his robe and hurried in, and rushed towards Wang Tong. Wang Tong dusted off his trousers and stood up with a smile. , I want to see what the old eunuch is going to do.

The two younger brothers of Han Gang outside were also rushing in, but the young eunuchs who followed were clever, and hurriedly reached out to grab him. The old eunuch was getting closer and closer with an angry face, but the smile on Wang Tong's face was unsettling. Change.

The two were about to meet, and just as Wang Tong was about to speak, the old eunuch walked directly behind Wang Tong, to the side of Han Gang who was tied up. The old eunuch came to Han Gang, rolled up his sleeves, and turned towards Han Gang After several slaps, everyone in and outside the yard was stunned.

He heard the old eunuch scold viciously:
"You bastard who caused trouble, our Han family will be implicated by you sooner or later!!"

After finishing speaking, he was slapped on the face a few more times, with a crackling sound.
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(End of this chapter)

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