Chapter 678
There are many nobles in the capital, and many people have seen the scenes of each relying on their backers to fight each other, especially the group of the Secretary of Public Security. They naturally have what kind of background Wang Tong is, and they don't worry about being deflated, but because of this, they hold Look at the meaning of Han Gang's backing joke.

However, the development of the matter may not be as they wished. After the old eunuch came in, he went straight to Han Gang, slapped him across the face, and immediately silenced the scene.

Not to mention that Han Gang's eyes widened, his mouth opened wide, and he didn't know what happened. The two boys at the door were stunned for a while, and then burst into tears.

The old eunuch turned around and yelled at the young eunuch at the door:
"What are you doing so stupidly, take the child away for a snack, it's fine here."

The little eunuch who was dragging the child by the door came to his senses, hurriedly nodded in response, coaxed and dragged the child away, and Han Gang said in a muffled voice:
"Second Grandpa, this man is bullying his grandson, how can you beat his grandson!!"

As soon as he said this, the old eunuch pointed at Han Gang tremblingly and scolded sharply:
"You bastard who caused trouble, why did you beat you? If it wasn't for your grandfather and father's sake, our family would kill you first!!"

Wang Tong coughed at the side. Since Han Gang's backer knows the seriousness, this matter is not so interesting. It is important to finish it as soon as possible and go back to work. No one with a discerning eye can see who the old eunuch's pretentiousness is for. Well, a strong man like Han Gang, the dozen or so slaps by the old eunuch are just tickling.

Hearing Wang Tong's cough, the old eunuch hurriedly turned around and bowed deeply before saying anything. Han Gang next to him saw that his eyes were so wide that they almost fell out of their sockets.

"Master Wang, this young nephew has no one to discipline him since he was a child. Those who are not familiar with the place in the capital are always provoked. Please forgive me if I offend you in any way."

"Looking at your father-in-law's status and rank, wouldn't it be a loss of Wang Tong's blessing to call himself a young man in front of Wang? Looking at the face, I don't know what office in the inner court works, how to call it!?"

The opponent's posture is so full, the so-called stretching out his hand and not hitting the smiling face, what Han Gang said just now also proves that this incident may not be intentional to contradict and offend, Wang Tong's words also have a lot of leeway.

When Wang Tong spoke like this, the old eunuch heaved a sigh of relief, and said with a smile:

"Little Han Taiping is the uncle of this bastard kid. He works in the Imperial Prison, and now he is the chief supervisor."

"Eunuch Han's status is such that he claims to belong to our family. Don't call him a small one. Otherwise, if it spreads to the palace, he still doesn't know how to say that I am Wang Tong. Eunuch Han knows me? I think Eunuch Han is a face-to-face person! "

The chief supervisor of the Imperial Prison, the Imperial Prison ranks very high among the yamen in the inner court, and is in charge of all kinds of expenses in the palace, and the manufacture of utensils. It is one of the most lucrative yamen. One can see the position of this yamen. As usual, the imperial prison has a hand-printed eunuch, and there are two generals under it. The inner supervisor and the outer supervisor are called the chief. Division, the weight is very.

It's no wonder that Han Gang is so bullish. He feels that once his backer comes, even the commander of Jinyiwei will give way. After a closer look, this Han Taiping's appearance is really similar to Han Gang. This uncle is probably a real relative, not a relative. What kind of godfather did you climb up.

Hearing Wang Tong's question, Han Taiping hesitated, and said in a low voice:
"Master Wang, our family was sent to the imperial dining room to keep an eye on that night. At dawn, I sent mutton soup and noodle dishes to you and that master."

What he said was cryptic, but Wang Tong understood that the rumors outside were not to be reported, but the palace had issued a password-locked order on the Sanyang Sect's riots, and no nonsense was allowed outside, but pointing out the mutton soup incident showed that the eunuch should I saw Wang Tong at Concubine Zheng's residence.

So there is such a fate, Wang Tong nodded with a smile, and said:
"No wonder Eunuch Han recognizes me. Who is this Eunuch Han?"

People outside the palace plotted against Wang Tong in every possible way, but those inside the palace knew how important Wang Tong was. As the head of the inner prison, Han Taiping was fearful and fearful in front of Wang Tong. Tong's expression was calm, and he also heaved a sigh of relief, and hurriedly replied:

"To tell you the truth, Lord Wang, this bastard is the grandson of our brother. Our family was poor. They sent me into the palace when I was a child, leaving my brother at home. It is ashamed to say that other people enter the palace to take care of the family. Our family enters the palace." And it's going to hurt the family..."

This Han Taiping was a bit rambling, but Wang Tong listened with interest and never interrupted.

"... When I was 16 years old, I got sick. You need to use good medicine, but our family in the palace is of a high grade, so what good medicine is there for you? You can only wait there to die. Our family has no choice but to ask someone to give it to the family. Sending a letter to see if I can find a way, but my brother sold the house and land to raise money to send it to me and buy medicine outside to cure the disease... My brother was lost after returning, so he simply joined the army and fought until the end He married a wife and had children...and died on the battlefield...afterwards, when his father was patrolling, he encountered Tartar cavalrymen, but he didn't come back...his grandma and mother cried to death, pity him, the next two younger brothers, A younger sister, who is only 15 years old, also joined the army..."

He was rambling here, but everyone listened intently, Wang Tong nodded and said with a smile:

"It turned out to be full of loyalty!"

Originally, Han Taiping said these things to soften Wang Tong's heart, but he never thought of these four words. He froze there in astonishment, tears flowed down unconsciously, and he stretched out his hand to wipe it in a panic. Somewhat astringent, he opened his mouth and said:
"My lord's words, my poor brother and nephew are worth it. He gave his younger brother and sister to his neighbors to raise him, and he himself joined the army to support his younger brother and sister with military pay. As soon as he was promoted, our family hurriedly asked someone to say hello to Ji Town, and finally got the child back."

Having said this, Han Taiping finally understood what was going on, rubbed his eyes vigorously, and said:
"Our family is getting old, and it's always troublesome to talk about these things. Mr. Wang, you can beat this child as much as you want, and you can scold him as much as you want. He has no discipline since he was a child. He has a rough temper and has nothing to stop him. I hope Mr. Wang will not Pursue."

Wang Tong smiled, turned around and asked:
"Han Gang, you said that this training is just for you. Who told you this news? Has no one reminded you that this training is for two thousand households and thousands of soldiers?"

After asking this question, just as Wang Tong thought, Han Gang was immediately dumbfounded, and said:
"Yan Baihu, who is facing the street, told me that I am new to Jinyiwei and I don't know the rules, and I offended many people. This training is the first to concoct me."

Hearing this, Wang Tong shook his head with a smile. Han Taiping's face turned blue, wishing he could go up and slap a few more times, but at the end he sighed and said to Wang Tong:
"Master Wang, I'm not afraid of your jokes. After the kid Han Gang came to the capital, he beat up a hundred of them for trivial matters, and later beat up the two small flags under his hand. The whole hundred families didn't want to see each other. Show this old face to intercede for him, don't need him to go on a job, just get paid here every day, don't expect him to rely on this to support the family, anyway, our family subsidizes it, just let the three brothers have a status in the capital."

"Yan Baihu?"

Wang Tong turned his head to look at the cronies sent by Ge Li to lead the way. The cronies' expression changed, and he cursed secretly, then leaned over and lowered his voice and said:

"My lord, Ge Qianhu is not under the jurisdiction of the street, this Yan Baihu, Yan Baihu is a strict person..."

In the end, the voice was kept very low. This strict matter is the commander of the Jin Yiwei, Yan Jinzhong, who did not come out to greet him that day. He is also the leading figure in the Jin Yiwei. When he spoke, he heard Han Gang shouting over there:

"Second Grandpa, you said those things again. That damn Baihu molested a woman. That woman almost hanged herself when she came home. If you don't beat him, who will you beat? Those two men under my hands got too drunk and made trouble. The old man was almost disabled, this group of people are all beasts, Second Grandpa, let me go back to Ji Town, I would rather follow Grandpa Qi to kill Tartars than hang out with this bunch of idiots.

"You bastard..."

The eunuch Han Taiping was speechless, pointed at Han Gang, wanted to slap him but couldn't do it, Wang Tong shook his head, went to press Han Taiping's arm, and said:
"Eunuch Han, don't be so angry, it's not good to be angry!!"

Han Taiping looked at Han Gang and then at Wang Tong, but suddenly knelt down and begged hurriedly:

"My lord, your lord has a lot, don't be as knowledgeable as this heartless bastard, he has no father and no mother..."

Over there, Han Gang saw this scene and roared angrily. Before he could say anything, he saw Wang Tong helping Han Taiping up and patting the dust on his robe. Dazed, Wang Tong had already walked up to Han Gang, and asked with a smile:

"What is your job in Ji Town? How many Tartars have you killed?"

Han Gang hesitated for a while, and replied with some pride:

"I'm a small flag in Ji Town. Gubei was victorious. I killed five Tartars. Even if I don't come to the capital, I can rise to the position of the general flag there."

"Work under me in the future, and you will have a chance to kill the Tartars."

Hearing this, the yard was quiet again, Han Taiping looked over in astonishment, Han Gang didn't think about it for a while, and said in a daze:
"I'll kill a Tartar with you, you official in the capital, have you ever seen blood?"

Whether it was the victory outside Xuanfukou or Gubeikou, the officials did not publicize Wang Tong's participation in the mighty army. Han Gang was just an ordinary soldier on the battlefield, so he was naturally not clear about the overall situation. It is normal to know.

"There are not more than [-] Tartars killed under my command, but there are still several thousand."
It was a little wrong, our brothers changed it

(End of this chapter)

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