Chapter 679
During the war between Ming Dynasty and Mongolia, hundreds of heads were not a great achievement, and there were all related people who were named princes and dukes, that is to say, there was a great victory in Gubei in the past two years.

Qi Jiguang, the chief soldier of Ji Town, and Li Rusong, the chief soldier of the Xuan Mansion, fought together on the grasslands, beheading and capturing nearly ten thousand soldiers. It was a rare victory since Chengzu's Northern Expedition. The soldiers of Ji Town regarded this as their rare glory.

Han Gang also participated in this battle, and after staying in the army for a long time, he came to the capital again. Although the information is not clear, his vision is much wider than before.

Hearing what Wang Tong said, the first expression on Han Gang's face was astonishment, and then it turned into contempt. He said "Hey", but he didn't continue talking, obviously showing disbelief.

Han Taiping stomped anxiously, but Wang Tong said with a smile:

"If I hadn't led the army to drag the Tartars over there, would your town of Ji be able to catch up?"

Han Gang was taken aback for a moment, then his eyes widened, and he shook his head again and said:

"That army was arranged by Marshal Qi. What does it have to do with you? You are just the commander of Jinyiwei... Ouch, Second Grandpa, why did you hit me again!!"

After muttering a few words, Han Taiping came up and slapped him hard on the back of the head. Seeing Han Gang asking, Han Taiping said angrily:
"What do you know, Mr. Wang is not only the commander of Jin Yiwei, but also the battalion officer of the Imperial Army. Outside the Xuanfu, Mr. Wang led his troops to behead more than 3000 heads. Outside Gubei, the number of Tartars killed is no less than yours in Ji Town. Because Mr. Wang doesn't take any credit, so he didn't make a fuss, you think it's because of your little credit, so you're making noise everywhere!"

Being able to reach such a position in the palace, the news is naturally better than the outsiders, but Wang Tong's several big victories were not shown outside, and the inner court knows more details than the outsiders.

Although there are some falsehoods in the news about Han Taiping, it is roughly the same. Han Gang was really surprised at this time. He could tell the truth from what his second grandfather said. Such an incomparably brilliant victory, and he was quite conceited of his own courage, but he did not expect that the leisurely young man in front of him would have such astonishing qualifications, not to mention that the other party was his own superior's superior.

He was not as good as others, and after a moment of astonishment, Han Gang was finally dejected. Wang Tong waved his hand, and the guards behind him immediately untied Han Gang.

Han Gang was untied, moved his muscles and bones, looked left and right, and found that Han Taiping was staring at him viciously, and then saw that Wang Tong was still smiling, Han Gang hesitated for a moment, knelt down on the ground, and said:
"This subordinate is rude and reckless, offended the adults, please punish the adults!!"

Wang Tong smiled and nodded, but said to Han Taiping:
"Although I admit my mistake, military law is military law, and what should be fought is still to be fought!"

Just beating the board, whipping the whip, the pain of the left and right can't kill people, Han Taiping finally heaved a sigh of relief, just now Wang Tong recruited, his nephew and grandson don't know good and bad, there is nothing he can do if he is not lucky, he just smiled and nodded and said:

"It's time to fight, it's time to fight. Master Wang will teach him a lesson, so that he won't suffer in the future."

"Thirty boards, ten whips!"

Wang Tong said, the yamen servants subconsciously looked at Wang Tong's palm, stretched out a few fingers, and he would not be able to get up for a few days, but Wang Tong held his hands behind his back, and the yamen servants of Shuntian Mansion were stunned before they realized it, Mr. Wang This means don't hit hard.

This kind of work is still easy to do, although some people in the room exclaimed, but they still pulled off their pants as usual, hit them with a board, and then whipped them with ten whips.

After the beating, Han Gang put on his clothes and stood up. Just now he knocked down the three Wang Tong's personal guards, but when he whipped the whip, he lost his strength, put on his outer robe, and grinned in pain.

"You bastard, don't thank Mr. Wang!"

Just stood up without saying a word, Han Taiping reprimanded again, at this time, everyone knew that the matter was over, Han Gang was also convinced now, when he heard his grandfather's words, he knelt down and kowtowed again and said:

"Thank you for your generosity..."

"Would you like to work with me?"

This Han Gang didn't expect that Wang Tong would actually give him a chance at this time, he was stunned, kowtowed heavily, and said:
"The young one is willing to do things for Mr. Wang, but he thought that Mr. Wang would be smashed to pieces and go through fire and water."

"Eunuch Han, your grandson looks very pleasing to the eye, and I will take care of it in my hands from now on. If you teach me a lesson, don't feel bad for Eunuch Han!"

Hearing Wang Tong's joking words, Han Taiping wiped the corners of his eyes, smiled with emotion and said:

"It's this kid's blessing to be able to follow Mr. Wang. No matter beating or scolding, Xiao Gang, you have to work hard, and following Mr. Wang will definitely become a talent!!"

Wang Tong raised his hand and signaled Han Gang to stand up. After Han Gang stood up, he was not as ostentatious as before. After all, he had experienced in the army and knew the rules of superiority and inferiority. He stood on the side with his hands down, and Wang Tong smiled. said:

"You have some skills, but what you practice in the Jizhen army is not the same as that in my Huwei army. Tomorrow you will also go to train outside the city, don't be sloppy."

The other side agreed, Wang Tong paused but asked:
"Then why did Yan Baihu tell you that you don't go on errands or deal with other people on weekdays?"

"Um... back to my lord, Yan Baihu came to the door yesterday and said it was the first time we met, but he was really angry when he heard some things. He said that his subordinates are new here. This time, I came up with this method for my subordinates. If my subordinates continue, I will definitely be punished by the marching force. At that time, I will be expelled from Jinyiwei. It’s not a good thing to say. The villain has been bullied a lot, this time it suddenly became popular... "

He didn't finish talking here, but Wang Tong turned his head to look at Han Taiping, said with a smile:

"Eunuch Han, I guess they want you and me to fight. They have a good idea."

Han Taiping had always been quite relieved, but now his face turned red with anger, and when he heard Wang Tong's question, he said sharply:
"If Lord Wang hadn't come here in person this time, no matter if Xiaogang was beaten or someone else was beaten, there would definitely be quarrels between our family and the adults. Our family worked diligently in the palace and only got this job when we were old. We didn't offend you. His Yan family, how dare they think of such dirty tricks, our family will never end with them!!"

Han Gang over there also knew that he had been provoked by others, so he bowed his head and didn't dare to speak there. Wang Tong said softly:

"As for the matter of Yan Baihu, I will take care of it myself. Eunuch Han has been out for a long time, so don't delay the errands in the palace. Han Gang's two younger brothers, if the father-in-law is at ease, I will leave it to the official. I have arrangements. .”

Hearing this, Han Taiping narrowed his laughing eyes, and said repeatedly:
"Why don't you worry, then please trouble Mr. Wang, our family will go back now, and there will be a thank you in the future."

Nodding and bowing out, the two children over there were ushered in. These two children had been watching his brother being knocked down and arrested, but now seeing their brother standing obediently behind Wang Tong, they couldn't help but get confused and wanted to move towards Wang Tong. My brother leaned forward, but he didn't dare.

"Han Tie, Han Shi?"

Although these two children are thin and small, they are in good spirits. They don't look like people who are starving and freezing, and their clothes are neat, but their eye circles are red from crying. Wang Tong asked, and Han Gang agreed:

"That's the name. Han Tie is twelve years old this year, and Han Shi is just in his early tenth year. Hurry up and greet the adults!!"

The two children came over and saluted in a daze. The atmosphere in the yard was different, and they were not so scared. Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Children need to eat more meat to grow taller, Xiao Li, you take them to the delicious restaurant to eat braised pork, and after eating, go and buy some fine dim sum."

Meat and desserts are really attractive to children. Even Han Gang, who had been tied up hungry for a long time, swallowed his saliva. Brothers Han Tie and Han Shi's eyes shone even more, and they almost cheered happily when they were taken away. go out.

The atmosphere in the courtyard was much better at this time. It really took a lot of time on Han Gang's side. Looking from afar, the sun was almost reaching the western city wall.

The four general flags have been dealt with once, and no one else has come to report until now, which means that the military law in other places has been completed, and nothing went wrong. This time everyone is really free, and everyone is a little relaxed. At this time, Wang Tong turned his head and asked the person sent by Ge Li:

"Where does Yan Baihu, Lao Shizi, live and do his business, do you know?"

Since Ge Li sent someone to lead the way, that person was an aborigine he was familiar with on the street, and he replied after a moment of hesitation:
"Returning to the adults, the villain knows the residence of Yan Baihu."

Wang Tong nodded, and said to General Tan next to him:

"General Tan, you take ten people to arrest this Yan Yan, spread rumors, arrange the training of recruits, and provoke the internal relations of the pro-army. This is a violation of military law, and we will punish them together today!!"

General Tan accepted the order silently, and a group of people went out. Hearing the sound of horseshoes going away, Wang Tong waved his hands to the crowd and said:
"Don't bother me in this yard, get out!"

A group of people, including Han Gang, followed and walked out of the courtyard. Han Gang also closed the courtyard gate. This street is not bad. There is still a teahouse nearby. Wang Tong and others went in and lost the ingot first. The money is on the table, let them serve tea and snacks, toss until now, although they have eaten lunch, they are still a little hungry.

The freshly made noodles over there were just ready to be served, and General Tan had already brought back a man who was wearing the official robe of Jinyi Wei Baihu and was tied to the horse's back.

When they arrived at the gate of the teahouse, the people were put down, and the hundred households knelt on the ground and shouted loudly:
"You know who I am!!?"

Everyone in the teahouse looked cold, Wang Tong said calmly:
"Thirty lashes, beat me hard!!"

Wang Tong gave the order, and the guards around him immediately stepped forward to hold him down, and whipped him down severely.
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(End of this chapter)

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