Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 684 I am here to save you

Chapter 684 I am here to save you
Yang Zhan, the commander of Jinyiwei, was born in a family of Jinyiwei's thousand households. According to the convention, the next generation will be a hundred households at most.

However, when Yang Zhan was serving as the general banner in the capital, there was a chance. Li Wenquan, the eldest son of Empress Dowager Cisheng's father Wuqing Hou Liwei, once encountered some embarrassing things on the streets of the capital.

Speaking of which, this is an old story during the Jiajing period. At that time, Jiajing had always been indifferent to Yu Wang, and the people in Yu Wang's mansion were doing very well outside the palace. It was an unintentional move, but this unintentional move lifted him up.

When Emperor Longqing ascended the throne, Yang Zhan was promoted step by step. In the fifth year of Longqing, he became the commander of Jinyiwei. Jinyiwei is the first-class key yamen in Beijing. Needless to say, the commander knows this position They are also fiercely contested, with big winds and waves, and they are inconspicuous in the position of Qian Shi, and they have real power, so they are very comfortable.

Yang Zhan knows how to be satisfied, and has stayed in this position steadily until now. According to the news Wang Tong got from the Department of Public Security and several other places, the three people in front of him are not high in power and status, but he has done a lot of practical work in Jinyiwei. He was born in hundreds of households on the street, and he is considered a familiar hand. He can't control the public affairs in Jinyiwei, but he has a lot of say in how to do it.

For such a character, Jin Yiwei's rise and fall, honor and disgrace are all related to him, so the focus on Wang Tong is also somewhat different from the two people around him.

Ren and Yan were arguing with their own nephews and their own power, but Yang Zhanfa asked Wang Tong why he did this, which seemed a bit selfish.

Hearing Yang Zhan's question, Wang Tong paused for a while, stood up from his seat, stared at the three people and said:
"You three, do you know that disaster is imminent?"

After saying this, the three people in front of him were taken aback for a moment, Ren Datong's expression changed immediately, he stood up and said hastily:

"Ren is loyal to his errands, loyal to the Long Live Lord, and has never made any mistakes. Even if there is any offence today, it is our pro-military work. Is Mr. Wang going to move out the Long Live Lord? This will make everyone It's too chilling."

That Yan Yan also stood up, bowed his body forward, and said:
"My lord, discipline the child when he does something wrong, why bother to make such a big deal, alas, that child is also stubborn, it's up to the adults to take care of it, and Yan will pay for it, so there's no need to make a big fuss!"

After talking about the imminent catastrophe, Wang Tong wanted to make an impassioned statement, but he didn't expect that the other two were really stern, and immediately his bones softened, and he couldn't help but choked his breath in his throat, and coughed there.

At this time, I really couldn't laugh or cry, but Yang Zhan calmed down, and Wang Tong calmed down, pointing to the two of them and said:
"To deal with you, you still need to alert His Majesty. I will talk to Luo Dutang, and then I will impeach you. Is it still impossible to take you down? Sit down and listen carefully!"

This was a tone of scolding his subordinates, and the two of them were also blushing and dared not speak, and sat down awkwardly, while Yang Zhan twirled his beard, but his expressions were different.

Wang Tong asked in a deep voice:
"Who does this world belong to? His Majesty. Who does this Jinyiwei belong to? Tell me?"

The three looked at each other, but this time it was Yang Zhan who answered:
"My lord, why bother to ask questions knowingly, Jin Yiwei is the emperor's own army, so naturally he is the long live Lord's own army and personal guards."

Jin Yiwei is a military official of the inner guard. Many of the habits of addressing the emperor are similar to those of the internal officials. For example, they are called "Long Live Lord" but rarely "Your Majesty".

"It's like this, who belongs to Ren Tongzhi, who belongs to Yan Chen, and who belongs to Yang Chen?"

"That's just a relationship. Even those adults are all the subjects of the Long Live God. The Long Live God passed their orders to come here. Let's do it, and we are also loyal to the King."

"Do you believe this yourself? When Liu Shouyou was in the capital, Jinyiwei first reported everything to Zhang Juzheng, and then submitted the news to the palace. When Zhang Siwei was in power, wasn't the Jinyiwei's report the same? Nowadays, Shenshi can't wait Seeing you, how do you send your news?"

Wang Tong said coldly, Ren Datong and Yan Yanquan looked at each other, and stopped talking, Wang Tong continued:
"Several leaders in the cabinet, several ministers in the six departments, and even the desks of several great eunuchs in the palace, got the news of our pro-army earlier than your majesty. I know it all. Do you think your majesty doesn't know? Your majesty's relatives The army is flattered and approached by others, so what is it called being pro-military? Your Majesty has already taken charge of the government, but you still act so smartly, really thinking that you can rub a few grains of sand into your majesty's eyes? Compared with Elder Zhang Ge, can he protect you well?"

The faces of the three people over there all changed. What Wang Tong said was naturally the truth, but did Wang Tong say these words at the behest of the people behind him? Who is behind him, isn't it Emperor Wanli?The emperor sent someone to say these words, why did he send someone to say these words, everyone felt horrified.

"The last general and others are all loyal and loyal. Maybe there are times when they are confused, but this loyalty to the Long Live Lord remains unchanged. Please, Mr. Wang, make more statements in front of the Long Live Lord, please make a lot of statements!"

The two people on the side begged in a panic, and Yang Zhan also got up, but his attitude was unhurried. He asked calmly:
"I see, this is the purpose of my lord's coming to Jinyi to join the army. Luo Dutang is a humble man, and even Lord Ren, Lord Yan, and the subordinate officials can't compete with my lord. My lord will take charge of Jinyiwei. Long live Lord is also at ease, but, lord Wang, You are so strong, if you are caught, you will be arrested, why bother to train, why bother to picket military discipline, Jin Yiwei has many good jobs, adults can choose at will, why do you want to patrol the streets to arrest them?"

Wang Tong frowned. Yang Zhan's tepid, inquisitive attitude made him feel very awkward, and he felt a little helpless. It seemed that Yang Zhan was not here to fight for power, but to figure out what he was doing.

Yang Zhan kept suppressing the atmosphere, and it was because of him that Ren Datong and Yan Yanquan were not oppressed by Wang Tong and collapsed and begged for mercy. The two of them just collapsed and collapsed, and even made a fool of themselves and begged for mercy. Yes, Yang Zhan has been staring at this question, and they also want to know the answer.

Wang Tong paused, then raised his voice and said:
"Is there anyone out there?"

Immediately someone outside the door agreed, "The little one is here", presumably the footman near the valet, Wang Tong raised his voice and shouted:

"Go to the experienced department and call Hou Zhen to come here, if you have any questions!!"

After a pause outside, someone replied:
"The little one is going to call someone, please wait a moment, my lord."

The experience department is directly managed by the commander of Jinyiwei. In fact, the literati in this military yamen have always been extremely independent. It has to be handled by a group of people from the department, so in the commander's department, the face is very big, and others also sell this face, and they are always very polite. Wang Tong, who just arrived, seems to be shouting at his own servants. Shout out, no wonder the person at the door paused.

The room was quiet for a while, except for Yang Zhan, the two of them also lowered their heads slightly, but they felt a little ashamed for being subdued just now. They looked at each other, and then glanced at the door, but they wanted to see Wang Tong's joke , if Hou Baihu from the experience department doesn't come, he will definitely be embarrassed, and let you know that Jinyiwei is not that simple.

They still want to find a place for this matter, that is, after a while, they heard the sound of hurried footsteps outside, and someone outside reported:

"Master Wang, Hou Zhen is waiting outside the door."

"Let him in!"

Wang Tong yelled casually, the door opened, and Hou Zhen walked in with a bow. As soon as he entered the door, he saluted Wang Tong respectfully, and said respectfully:

"My lord Wang has passed it down, what orders do you have?"

Yang Zhan and the three of them all stared wide-eyed. This Hou Jingren has always been a prominent figure in the Experience Department. With such respect in front of him, what did Wang Tong do in Jinyiwei to extend his hand so deeply.

"Hou Jingli, do you have a record of the participation of the officials of the capital on Jin Yiwei?"

"Returning to Mr. Wang, Jin Yiwei's detectives and spies, these memorials are also recorded as usual, and there is a list of records."

"From the first year of Wanli to the present, how many impeachments have been made every year?"

Hou Zhen hesitated for a while, and answered:
"There were 35 cases in the first year of Wanli, fifty in the second year, and 61 in the third year. Last year it was 120 and four."

After hearing Hou Zhen finished speaking, everyone was a little dazed. They had never paid attention to this statistic, but they could hear it. It was getting more and more every year. Wang Tong said:
"Everyone in this position, I have something to say clearly. If you are loyal to His Majesty and don't listen to other people's orders, I am afraid that the civil servants in the capital will not get along well with you in the future. They must do everything possible to find faults and expose faults. We are detectives and spies on all officials to maintain the capital. Those who are law and order, if they are not upright, I am afraid that they will be knocked down before they can do anything."

Speaking of this, everyone understood a little bit, Wang Tong said with a sneer:

"The school captain who is less than 30 years old is out of breath after running a few hundred steps. Some even collapsed on the ground, and some cut themselves with a knife. What can such waste do? I know, but here in the capital, there are people who eat and drink for free, extort money, and even set up scams to defraud money, cover up prostitutes, shelter and gamble, and sell stolen goods to thieves. This is unclean, so what right do you have to control others? Incompetent and immoral, Your Majesty Work hard, how long can I tolerate you, sooner or later, I will be wiped out, I came from Jinyiwei, come to rectify the pickets, do you think I am harming you, I am here to save you!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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