Chapter 685

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Ren Datong and Yan Yanquan looked at each other, stunned for a while, Ren Datong stood up and bowed and said:
"Master Wang's painstaking efforts really made Ren feel ashamed. It was all for the good of our Jinyiwei. Ren was short-sighted, but it made Mr. Wang laugh. If there is anything that Ren can use in the future, please don't worry about it. Open your mouth, Ren can't say a single word."

"Your Majesty Wang speaks out, but his subordinates are willing to do their best."

Yan Yanquan also stood up, Wang Tong talked to such a point, what would the two of them dare to do, if they foolishly opposed Wang Tong and provoked the wrath of thunder, it would not be a question of whether they could continue to sit in this official position , but whether you can keep your wealth and life, please stand up and give in.

"Soldier training, military discipline inspection, and patrolling the streets to arrest people, these three tasks are hard work. My lord Wang is doing so hard for our army, which is really admirable to my subordinates. Since it is for the long-term benefit of our army, my subordinates are not reconciled. After others, from now on, Master Wang will do as he orders."

Yang Zhan also got up and said, Wang Tong couldn't help frowning when he heard him say that, Ren Datong and Yan Yanquan had given in, but Yang Zhan's attitude was a bit weird.

However, today's goal has been achieved, and after clarifying their interests and interests with several leading figures in Jinyiwei, they are all subdued. After all, if they are new to Jinyiwei, if they take someone out of power and send them to prison from the very beginning, it will definitely cause turmoil. what a good thing.

In fact, what the general banner said on the first day of the training was not bad. Jin Yiwei can't be counted as a soldier or general now, at most he is a servant in the yamen. Too cruel methods are not suitable.

Seeing the more submissive attitudes of the people in front than when they came in, Wang Tong's tone also slowed down, and he sat down and said in a deep voice:

"Nearly a thousand times of impeachment in ten years, Jin Yiwei didn't interfere. That's because Zhang Juzheng was protecting him. At that time, all the officials were his family's disciples. Jin Yiwei was a servant of Zhang's family. Of course, he would not be affected. It’s not that one person dominates, and the civil servants are divided into several factions. Whoever you listen to, you must not listen to anyone. If you offend anyone, those people will definitely look at your handles. Now that military discipline is lax, isn’t it just giving others hands? Do you have a handle?"

At this time, Yan Yanquan jokingly said:

"Don't be afraid if you have a handle. Master Wang will catch the general in Jinyiwei in the future, and naturally we can keep our army safe and sound."

This person's attitude changed really quickly, and he was good at flattering, and the meaning in his words was also clearly expressed. Behind Lord Wang is Emperor Wanli, who would dare to touch him.

"Strictness means that with His Majesty's protection, our Jin Yiwei will be fine in the future, doesn't that mean?"

Wang Tong asked a question, before Yan Yanquan answered, Wang Tong said with a wry smile:

"Jin Yiwei is only loyal to His Majesty and does not become a tool of the bureaucrats in the court. I am afraid that it will attract more attacks and impeachments. Now it is just one faction impeaching and the other protecting you. I am afraid that all factions in the court will come against us in the future."

Hearing Wang Tong's words, several people in the room were stunned, Ren Datong, Yan Yanquan, and Yang Zhan all smiled wryly, and Hou Zhen lowered it even further.

"The world belongs to the Lord Long Live, can't these officials in the court understand?"

Yang Zhan muttered something in a low voice, but no one could hear him. Wang Tong saw that the atmosphere in the room was a little weird, so he said loudly:
"The way we march and train our soldiers is to make people find no faults. As long as we don't make mistakes and are loyal to His Majesty, no one in the world can do anything about it."

Before the words fell, someone outside raised his voice and said:
"My lords, Luo Dutang is back, and there is also the father-in-law who passed the order in the palace with him. Please go to the main hall to receive the order."

Listening to Wang Tong's eloquent talk, explaining the advantages and disadvantages, the whole morning passed so quickly, thinking that Luo Sigong should come back with his attendants, but he didn't expect that after returning, there was still a decree in the palace.

Several people in the room glanced at Wang Tong, they heard so much from Wang Tong in the morning, and now suddenly there was a decree from the palace, and everyone thought to themselves, could it be that Wang Tong was appointed as the commander of Jinyiwei, rather than letting Luo Sigong become a nameless It's better to change this vigorous and resolute young master to come up.

Everyone thought this way, and they became more polite to Wang Tong. The servant outside opened the door. According to his seniority, Ren Datong must go out first, but they didn't expect that several people stood by the door and said politely:

"Master Wang please first."

Wang Tong was not polite either, he strode out and everyone followed behind.

". Set up a military law department with [-] households under its jurisdiction, which is under the control of Wang Tong. Set up a patrol department with [-] households under its jurisdiction, which is under the management of Wang Tong. Set up a training department. Senior and capable generals are selected from various places. He is the instructor and is under the supervision of Wang Tong. The soldiers of the Military Judiciary Division are called military policemen. The Patrol Division is full-time to patrol the streets and arrest those who do not abide by the laws and regulations in the Jinyi Guards. To assist. The training department trains recruits. From now on, those who are recruited into the Jinyi pro-army will not be able to make up for those who have not been prepared by the training department."

The imperial decree was a long speech, and the eunuch who announced the decree shook his head and recited it. Among the people kneeling below, from the commander down to more than a hundred households in the yamen, the army, generals and officials knelt on the ground.

When receiving the order, it is natural to be quiet, but the eunuch read halfway, and the place below was already buzzing. The yamen of Jinyiwei usually follows the order out of Beijing to handle errands, and naturally understands the rules of receiving the order, but this The content of the imperial decree is too appalling.

". Didn't mention whether it's a co-predictor or a matter-of-fact person. I only mentioned Wang Tong. Oh, it's Mr. Wang."

".Wouldn't it be too high to set up this military justice department?"

Each of the above items is closely related, and they are all matters in their own yamen. How can the people below endure, not to mention them, even Ren Datong and Yan Yanquan who are kneeling in front of them are full of horror. I couldn't care less, even Yang Zhan, who was a little unpredictable, raised his head and widened his eyes.

The eunuch who delivered the decree had never seen such a scene of delivering the decree, and the noise made him unable to continue reading. He couldn't help coughing a few times, put down the decree and said:

"Everyone, everyone, can we wait for our family to finish reading the imperial decree before discussing it, and don't make any noise when receiving the decree, this is the etiquette system!"

There are too many dealings with Jin Yiwei in the palace. The eunuch put down the imperial decree, and saw most of the kneeling faces below. He could name most of them.

"We pro-military should be more dignified, we are all quiet!"

Luo Sigong said something in a deep voice, but Wang Tong turned his head and glanced around. If there were people talking about Luo Sigong's sentence, Wang Tong turned his head and glanced around, but immediately fell silent.

The eunuch delivering the decree smiled at Wang Tong's position, and he didn't care if Wang Tong, who was kneeling there with his head down, saw it. And Wang Tong on the left looked calm and calm, what this change meant, the eunuch probably understood in his heart, he knew more about Wang Tong's position in the palace, so he naturally wanted to show his favor.

The eunuch's good manners were naturally seen by the people below, and they all put their heads down, knelt there and obediently listened to the order, even the father-in-law in the palace wanted to please the father-in-law, so let's serve him with 120 points in the future.

The Military Judicial Division has [-] households in charge, and the Military Judicial Division, except for the commanders, commanders, and commanders, the rest of the Jinyiwei are within the scope of its picketing, and the training department and the patrol department are directly managed by Wang Tong. He suddenly had five thousand households under his command, not to mention the authority and authority.

The Training Department trains recruits, and the Patrol Department is a specific job, not to mention that the Military Judicial Department is above the other yamen in Jinyiwei. Wang Tong has these yamen in his hands. From entering Jinyiwei to his job, no matter what he does, he must be there. Under the jurisdiction of Wang Tong, what's more, it is clearly stated in the decree that these divisions are not managed by the commander of the Jinyiwei, Tongzhi or Qianshi, but by Wang Tong. In Jinyiwei, he also wanted to grab these places.

As long as Wang Tong has these powers, he is the real commander of Jinyiwei, and he is the sky here.

Yesterday, the commander of Jinyiwei made everyone in the yamen furious, saying that Wang Tong is unkind, he is ruining the reputation of Jinyiwei everywhere, relying on power to bully his own brothers, this morning, I saw the three officials Ren, Yan, and Yang invited Wang Tong , thinking that there will always be people above who want to compete with this Wang Tong, and he cannot be allowed to be arrogant.

Unexpectedly, at noon, the imperial decree arrived, and then Jin Yiwei's life changed. Mr. Wang had already controlled Jin Yiwei in his own hands, at least in name.

After the eunuch delivered the decree, Luo Sigong stepped forward to accept the decree, and the two parties greeted politely. As soon as the eunuch left the yamen, to be precise, as soon as he left the main hall, everyone stood up, looked at each other, and fell silent for a while. No one commented, all eyes turned to Wang Tong who was standing in front, all smiles appeared on his face, and then all rushed forward.

"Master Wang, do you have time tonight?"

"My lord, this subordinate is."

"Master, subordinate"

The main hall of the yamen was busier than the market in an instant. Respectable people like Jin Yiwei didn't have any restraint, so they rushed to Wang Tong's side one after another, flattering them, expressing their goodwill as much as possible, even showing their kindness in front of Wang Tong. It's good to make an impression on Mr. Wang with a face.

The commander of Jin Yiwei made Luo Sigong completely left out in the cold. Before he could say a few words to Wang Tong, he was squeezed out by people who didn't care about him. When he stood still, Luo Sigong found that he had been squeezed to the door. Seeing the bustle ahead, Luo Sigong was so angry that he was about to scold his mother, but before he could open his mouth, he suddenly thought of one thing: the position of the commander of Jinyiwei at home has not been moved. There is no harm in sitting here if he is a puppet with real power.

In the outer circle, Luo Sigong also smiled.
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Thanks to "1999 Existence, Hao Shisheng, book friend 101205225709350, book friend 101025112114604, Rokey_y, haven't finished reading, ipooo, book friend 32120400, Ice Moon Festival", thank you everyone

(End of this chapter)

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