Chapter 686
The military justice department, the training department, and the patrolling and arresting department, the three yamen were set up, the capital was shaken, and the officials and officials were noisy, but there were very few people who went to the shuffle.

Not everyone among the gossip officials and low-rank officials has a heart for the country and the people, and someone needs to take the lead in agitating before they can go to politics, and they will not do things that speak out for no reason. The benefits were not reaped.

Among the Qingliu scholars, a few leaders who could be called stood still and kept silent. Others naturally felt that this was the direction of the wind, and everyone should not act rashly.

Moreover, the Jinyiwei is the emperor's pro-army, and the palace issued an order to adjust the structure. Wouldn't those who want to go to the court want to interfere in the emperor's family affairs? In fact, it has nothing to do with outsiders. Naturally, people don't bother to pay attention to such situations.

The cabinet and the six ministries also kept quiet. The people headed by Yan Qing naturally did not want Wang Tong to take over the power in the Jinyiwei, but the promotion and changes of the Jinyiwei officials were not up to them to speak, and the palace could directly make decisions. Besides, they So what if you talk.

The cabinet draws up votes and the supervisor of ceremonies approves the award. This is the procedure of making a decree. But who owns the power to draft a vote? In the hands of the chief minister of the cabinet. I can't even interfere, why bother to eat this shit by myself.

After receiving the decree that day, officials at all levels in the Jinyiwei Yamen came forward to flatter and curry favor, and Wang Tong had to agree to it one by one. Everyone didn't have much dealings with each other, so far there was no grievance, and they never pushed other people's smiling faces away. reason.

This politeness has lasted for more than an hour. There are still a few thousand households in the capital who are in their respective residences. They discuss business affairs in the Yamen for a few days a month, but they are not here today. When they heard the news But he was a little later than the others, a little late and a little late, but he had to come. This is a matter of attitude.

After these thousands of households are polite, Xue Zhanye, who is in charge of Qianhu in Dongchang, has to come and say hello. Among them, others would definitely not dare to take care of Dongchang, but Wang Tong didn't dare to do anything, and Dongchang was also a little nervous.

Originally not working at the value room, so tossing and tossing until it was almost dark, Wang Tong rejected a few tables of banquets, and everyone didn't force them, and they went their separate ways. They always had to go back to think about the future changes and responses of Jinyiwei. The old rules and ways of the past are no longer useful.

Yang Zhan, the commander of Jin Yiwei, was surprised. After all, his status was high. After congratulating Wang Dao, he also left the yamen after staying for the rest of the day.

But as soon as he got on the sedan chair on his side, someone hung him up from a distance behind. Although Jin Yiwei was doing detective and spy work, but in the capital, it was the peace season, and the guards of the high-ranking officials were not vigilant at all. , not so much as a guard, but as a guard of honor, used to pretend to be majestic.

Some people also noticed that Wang Tong stayed in the guard room very late today, which is also understandable. Mr. Wang is a new official, with so many responsibilities on him, he always has to make a gesture for everyone.

When it got dark, the lantern had already been hung up, but one of Mr. Wang's servants returned, and went directly to Wang Tong's room. After the outside announcement, he went in to salute, and the rest of the people in the room were sent out. The person outside the door also stood in the distance, it seems that this person has important news to report.

In fact, the first person in the room to speak was Wang Tong. He frowned and said:

"Why did you come back so early?"

These characters with more than a thousand households in Jinyiwei, who are not constantly feasting outside, or even singing songs every night, it is impossible to return to the mansion at this time, even if they return to the mansion to keep an eye on people, they shouldn't just run back like this, at least they have to keep an eye on a few Only after hours.

The footman hastily explained:
"My lord, it's inconvenient for me to keep up with you, so I won't keep an eye on you?"

Hearing this, Wang Tong was taken aback, and the servant said again:
"Yang Qian didn't go back to his own mansion, but went to Wuqinghou's mansion. There are guards sent by the yamen outside there. There are many people, and the villain is afraid of being discovered. Come back now. Yes, sir, do you want to send more people?"

"No need, there's no need to continue following over there, you go down and rest!"

Wang Tong interrupted the servant's suggestion. Marquis Wuqing is the father of the Empress Dowager Cisheng and the father-in-law of the current Emperor Wanli. Yang Zhan is from the Marquis Wuqing's mansion, so there is an explanation for the various behaviors of today. Emperor Wanli Although he has grudges against the Empress Dowager Cisheng, he has never owed a bit of filial piety, and has a very good relationship with Li Wei, Marquis of Wuqing.

Yang Zhan's work for Wuqing Hou's family can be regarded as rotten in the pot, so don't worry too much about it.

When Yang Zhan was in the Jinyiwei yamen, and even in other parts of the capital, he was very majestic. He kept a low profile, and others did not dare to lose a little bit of etiquette.

However, such a member of Jinyiwei immediately became humble when he entered the Marquis of Wuqing's mansion. Although the concierge looked calm, he still stuffed the door bag with his own hands. Two silver coins, but Yang Zhan didn't dare to lose his etiquette.

After waiting for a while after entering the door, the third steward of the inner house came up to lead the way. When he saw the third steward coming, Yang Zhan also had a smile on his face, and had a polite chat.

The third steward of the inner house of the Marquis of Wuqing's mansion did not reject people thousands of miles away, and also talked politely, but Yang Zhan could hear it and could tell that the other party's expression and tone were reserved.

Not long after he got to the side hall, Yang Zhan heard footsteps outside, got up and straightened his official robe, stood there and waited. When the man entered the room, Yang Zhan knelt down quickly, kowtowed and said:
"Your official, Yang Zhan, pay homage to Uncle Wu Qing."

"You don't need to be so polite, you are now the commander of Jin Yiwei, why do you always give such a big gift, get up, get up!"

The person who came in said calmly, this person looks like he is in his early 40s, wearing a light gray Taoist robe, very casual and freehand. , is the brother of the current empress dowager, and is now named Uncle Wu Qing, and is the most prominent noble in the capital today.

As the emperor's uncle, it's hard not to be famous, but Li Wenquan is usually very low-key, never domineering, and always cautious, which is also praised by many people.

Being low-key is low-key, but it doesn't mean that the power in his hands is also low-key. Yang Zhan understands the reason for his prosperity and wealth, so his attitude has always been very correct. Hearing Li Wenquan's politeness, he quickly said with a smile:

"Uncle said so, but he would have killed the lower official. If there was no uncle's care, how could there be a lower official today?"

Li Wenquan waved his hand with a smile, motioning Yang Zhan to sit down. This time, Yang Zhan only made half of his buttocks and bowed forward cautiously. Li Wenquan said:
"We meet today, what do you think of Wang Tong?"

Yang Zhanwei pondered for a while, the obsequious look on his face disappeared, and he said in a deep voice:
"What Mr. Wang said and did is not like what someone of this age can have. He is very calm, and what the officials have seen and heard, Mr. Wang came to Jinyiwei to firmly grasp Jinyiwei for His Majesty. Ren Datong and Yan Yan Quan was instigated by the subordinate officials to make trouble, Lord Wang also showed a little bit of his heart at that time, it didn't look like a fake, but he really wanted to do things for His Majesty and Jin Yiwei."

Calling Wang Tong "Master Wang" is actually calling Ren Datong and Yan Yanquan by their first names, which is quite surprising with Bai Rili's intimacy.

"I have met that child Wang Tong twice. He is a good helper to the emperor. You can see that he has made so many contributions in Tianjin Wei, but he has never cared about it. He is only busy in the palace, let alone set up such a plan a few days in advance. feats"

Wang Tong was low-key, and Li Wenquan was also low-key. Uncle Wu Qing naturally admired Wang Tong quite a bit. At this point, Li Wenquan was a little distracted and said:

"The emperor is now grabbing power everywhere. The world belongs to the emperor, but it has come to this point. Alas, it's not my sister who doesn't worry about everything. She has to watch everything by herself. What's the result? The biological mother and child It’s so fun, it’s true.”

He sighed here, Yang Zhan was on the sidelines, and it was not his turn to intervene, and he even heard it too much. Fortunately, he is Li Wenquan's confidant, otherwise Li Wenquan would not go this god.

Li Wenquan stopped talking, and Yang Zhancai said cautiously:
"Uncle, although Wang Tong is now a commander, his authority is no worse than that of Lu Bing back then. He has not handed over all the responsibilities of Tianjin Wei, which is too much."

"He is loyal, that's enough. He brought down the scene in Tianjin Wei. Jin Yiwei's bastard should also be rectified. You used to talk about it all the time. Come on, the ones who should help you are going to go." Help, don’t let that kid mess around on his own, let me worry about the rest!!”

Yang Zhan quickly bowed and agreed. Uncle Guo's temper looked straightforward, but in fact he was impeccable. He was also a well-informed role in tax inspection and office work in the north and south. He didn't dare to be contemptuous. He hesitated for a while, and said again:
"Uncle, Li Chengliang from Liaozhen sent a letter. He accidentally killed the barbarian commander of Jiji. The son of the commander made a fuss. Li Chengliang wanted to give the commander to this son again, but it was against the rules. Liaozhen Gao The supervising army stopped it, but it will be very difficult to end the trouble if it continues, so I want to ask my uncle to make peace."

Li Wenquan waved his hands and said impatiently:
"A custodial commander is worth a few pennies, just give it to him, Lao Gao is really troublesome, just write a letter for me!!"
The last day of the double monthly pass
(End of this chapter)

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