Chapter 687

After Yang Zhan came out from the Marquis of Wuqing's mansion, he naturally went on his own errands, but Mrs. Uncle Wuqing went to the palace to visit the Empress Dowager Cisheng.

Now that there is any news in the palace, it is difficult to hide from Emperor Wanli. Hearing Zhang Cheng's report on this matter, Emperor Wanli sneered:

"Whether you are worried about Wang Tong or me, why do you still let uncle watch over you, really."

But there is nothing too harsh to say, after all, the Empress Dowager Cisheng's plan is for the good of Emperor Wanli, and this kind of mother-child relationship has nothing to do with power.

From the will of the palace and the statements made in various aspects, everyone knows what Wang Tong's status is in the capital now.

With Wang Tongzhi's status, no one would dare to neglect him. The whole training was not like when he first came here, and he had to borrow a Zhuangzi from Bo Xiangcheng's Chen family.

Now that the training department has been set up, everything must be carried out in the normal direction. Jin Yiwei bought the Zhuangzi with money and used it exclusively as a training ground. Uncle Xiangcheng's family is not at a loss. When they bought it that day, it was [-]% more, and Wang Tong also promised them two Zhuangzi in the north of Tianjin Acropolis.

Those who complained and were lazy at first are all energetic now, and dare not play tricks during the training. Look at the limping person in front of you. Didn’t come on the first day, and their pants were stripped in the city? Did you hit him? You lost all face. Now you can't be quick, and you can't come here obediently.

Also, look at the big man over there, the backer of this man is the head of the imperial prison, he has been cleaned up, and he comes here to practice every day.

They practiced diligently outside, but there was a dumbfounding situation everywhere in Nancheng. After Wang Tong came to the capital, the newsletter from the Department of Public Security was also sent to Wang Tong with the acquiescence of all parties. There are fewer troublemakers, petty thefts, and fewer molesting women, and the common people applaud.

"It's better for these gangsters to practice outside for a lifetime, and don't come back."

There is such a sentence in the newspaper that anyone who reads it will be dumbfounded. It seems that these gangsters are indeed going to be trained. This is not the emperor's pro-army, it is clearly a gangster from the capital.

It turned out that the obedient Ge Li and Zhou Linbing, quite a few people in Jinyiwei saw their jokes, or sneered behind their backs. After so many years, they were like grandsons in front of Wang Tong, without any dignity at all. Face, now the joker is gone, the rest is envy, envy these two for their quick response and early lifting of the sedan chair!

The Military Judiciary Department has five hundred households and more than 520 people, but Wang Tong gave this position to Li Wenyuan. Li Wenyuan is now also a thousand households of Jinyiwei, so it is natural to be this position.

The five hundred "family members" brought by Wang Tong from Tianjin Wei were changed in the documents of Jin Yiwei's thousand households in Tianjin Wei at this time, and they became the soldiers of Jin Yiwei, and 300 people joined them. Everyone understands the importance of it. Dongchang sent a hundred soldiers over, and Jin Yiwei himself also sent people in. Otherwise, it would be all under the control of outsiders. Another 100 people were called over.

Li Wenyuan trained Jinyiwei's subordinates. Although they were servants of Jinyiwei, they were trained in the way of military training. After several years of training, they were all excellent.

To put it bluntly, the Jinyi guards of the Department of Public Security were all old subordinates of Wang Tong back then, so it was self-evident who they listened to.

In order to distinguish the Jinyiwei Army Judicial Gendarmerie from the rest of the Jinyiwei, the right arm is all wrapped with a red belt, but these 500 people are not always dressed like this. On weekdays, they are in groups of two, either on horseback or on foot, patrolling the streets, There are also people who dress up and observe secretly.

In March, these people had already appeared on the street, and Jin Yiwei's military discipline also improved, but there was an immediate effect.

The training department's airs are also quickly set up. Jinyiwei is doing the job of guarding the emperor and arresting spies, but except for a very few people, most people know how to hang around the street with a knife. Other than that, what else? Do not know at all.

Needless to say, the instructors of the Imperial Horse Prison Army for military training are naturally the officers and soldiers of the Huwei Army, and then the other battalions of the Imperial Horse Prison are assisted. , recruit instructors and coaches at any time, and go to the school field for training at any time.

The only one that is still in the preparation stage is the Patrol Division. If the soldiers of the Jinyiwei are not trained, they will have no good effect on the street, but will be a disaster.

The people in the capital were surprised again. The military judiciary department, the training department, and the patrol department, these three pretensions are easy to say, but they are really complicated to do. There must be a backbone, a system of rules, and financial and material support. , but did not expect Wang Tong to do it with ease. The Military Justice Department and the Training Department have already started to operate and started to run errands.

What kind of ability and strength does the ability to do things represent, naturally needless to say, everyone's feelings towards Wang Tong are somewhat different.

Everything was on the right track, Wang Tong entered the palace more times than others, as a foreign minister, he was often banned in and out of the palace, which was really against the rules.

Some people in the capital wanted to talk, especially the young Qingliu who wanted to be famous, and Wang Tong looked so impressive that if Shangshu impeached him for breaking the rules, even if he failed, he would attract attention to himself.

There are also some people who are a bit safe in their hearts, thinking that it is more effective to form a wave of public opinion, and they intend to go out and join some colleagues to do it together, but they don’t expect to go to various gathering places to propose, but the response is not great, and some people speak well Let me advise you, didn't you know those things when Wang Tong first came to Beijing?

The more than 30 examples of the crime of deceiving the emperor are right in front of you. Some people will retreat after hearing this, but there are still people who are not reconciled. They say that they are loyal to the country, so how can they care about personal gains and losses.

However, if you want to do such a thing, you can't get around Li Sancai and Gu Xiancheng. Without the teamwork and encouragement of these few people, nothing will have much momentum.

For Li Sancai and Gu Xiancheng, they have to stay far away from anything related to Wang Tong now. When they hear that others want to do something, if they have a good relationship, they must give advice. Will say yes.

In this way, no matter how confused and ignorant people are, they can tell from the performance of the top figures like Qingliu scholars that they are all dead.

No matter how fearful they are, there will always be a few dumb-headed youths with bad brains, but after they are published in the memorial, the impeachment memorial seems to have disappeared without any news, and then they are less and less popular in the yamen. See you soon.

"Your Majesty, after the fish, shrimp and conch are caught, they are filled with sea water in large wooden barrels and sent to the capital on a carriage. The road is slow, and several large barrels must be prepared and rotated halfway."

The table is very rich and rich. Most of the imperial meals in the palace are mainly livestock and poultry. Occasionally, the things in the water are also from the river. The fish, shrimp and shellfish in the sea can only be seen frozen in winter, which is not usually seen. , but today is different, the table is mainly seafood.

This is Wang Tong's offering. It was fully prepared in Tianjin Wei, and sent to the capital, not to mention the materials, even the cook was sent from Tianjin Wei.

Although Emperor Wanli said that he was busy every day, he was very happy when his friends came to the palace to eat and chat with him, and it was something new that he rarely touched. The atmosphere at the banquet was quite lively.

"Wang Tong, it's so troublesome, I'm afraid someone outside the palace will say it's extravagant."

Zhang Cheng said in a low voice, on such an occasion, he would naturally be there to serve. Hearing his words, Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Eunuch Zhang, it's not far from Tianjin Wei to the capital, and how much it can cost. If His Majesty is happy to eat, in summer, it will cost less and be more convenient to take water transport."

Wang Tong explained in this way, Zhang Cheng smiled and said nothing, but Emperor Wanli kept chopsticks. He liked the two dishes better, and said while eating:

"After all, fish and shrimp have a bit of fishy smell, and I'm not used to eating them, but this conch slice tastes good, and this dried shrimp braised pork tastes much better than that in the delicious restaurant."

Speaking of those years, everyone was laughing. Seafood was full of seats, and rice wine to warm the stomach was a must. Emperor Wanli could drink a lot, but after a few bowls, he was a little drunk.

At about the same time, the dishes were removed and the hangover tea was replaced. Emperor Wanli was overwhelmed with alcohol, a little excited, and said:
"Wang Tong, what you have done is good. In the past two months, I have seen the reports everywhere, and the people are friendly. In other places, even if you feel uncomfortable, you can't say it is wrong. Those who used to have their own ideas are much more respectful."

The last sentence is the key point. Wang Tong's success in Jinyiwei has given a signal to those bosses who are used to making their own decisions. Long Live Lord is very serious about seizing power, and he has Wang Tong and other people who can make troubles under him. , if you insist on it again, you have to consider the consequences.

"It's all under the protection of His Majesty's Tianwei, so the minister can go so smoothly!!"

Naturally, Wang Tong wouldn't take credit for it stupidly, so he first attributed the credit to Emperor Wanli. Emperor Wanli took a sip of tea, leaned on the back of his chair and closed his eyes. Opened his mouth and said:
"I have to replace all those people from the past, so that I can free up my hands and feet to start a career. I want to replace people in Ji Town, and Li Yunlai, the deputy general of Xuanfu, will take over."

Hearing this, Wang Tong was stunned. The people in Jizhen, isn't that Qi Jiguang? He is a general supported by Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao. Let him continue to command Jizhen.

The calculation is indeed so, but Wang Tong suddenly felt a little emotional, Yu Dayou died of illness, Ma Fang was old, Li Chengliang was gradually addicted to wealth, Qi Jiguang was about to leave Ji Town, are the famous generals of this generation dying?
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(End of this chapter)

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