Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 689 Another Rookie Arrives

Chapter 689 Another Rookie Arrives

Hearing Wang Tong's words, Yang Sichen was stunned for a moment, then smiled, shook his head while laughing and said:

"Students are confused, students are confused!"

According to the usual way of thinking, it is hard to think that there are factions around Wang Tong. After all, he has just passed [-], and the person who cares about this matter is still the chief minister of the court, which is really astonishing.

But if you think about it carefully, there is nothing wrong with it. The civil servants of the outer dynasty, the inner court and the emperor are not monolithic at all, but the emperor and the inner court are gaining more and more advantages, and Wang Tong is one of the spokespersons for this advantage outside the palace. The most popular one.

It is also Wang Tong who is amazing, he now has friendly people in every military yamen in the capital, and he has reached out in several places, coupled with the trust of Emperor Wanli and the eunuchs of the inner court, he is indeed a faction of his own.

Yang Sichen has been on business for Wang Tong for nearly four years. Anyone with a little knowledge knows that this is Wang Tong's confidant and aide. what people think.

If they were kept in, it would be easy for others to think that Shen Shixing and Wang Tong merged together. I'm afraid even the emperor would not want to see such a merger.

Wang Tong now holds Jin Yiwei in his hands. If he makes friends with Shen Shixing, he will vaguely have the same meaning as Liu Shouyou and Zhang Juzheng back then. The power is too great, and no one can rest assured. As long as the ministers are not old relatives and friends of Shen Shixing, I am afraid that they will immediately go to the public to criticize, and the top six cabinet ministers who seem to maintain a balance on the surface will also fight each other. How can Shen Shixing accept this.

It will arouse the suspicion of the emperor and the inner court, and cause chaos in the seemingly peaceful court. Naturally, Shen Shixing, who is cautious, will not take Yang Sichen in.

Then again, Yang Sichen was instigated by Zhang Siwei that day and took away a Qin girl from the Shen Mansion. There is no old relationship with such a relationship.

Taking the Bagong exam is fatal to every scholar, and it will also confuse people with a clear mind, such as this Yang Sichen. Of course, if Yang Sichen takes the exam on his own, high school is not too difficult , but if there is no support from the court officials, the future is really limited, not to mention that he has such a close relationship with Wang Tong, I am afraid that the people in the court will not support him, and they will be scrambling to suppress him.

There was a cold face over there, Yang Sichen was really at a loss as to whether he would have the face to return. Wang Tong's magnanimous treatment made him relieve his knots. Such a smart person, once his mind clears up, many things will naturally come to his mind. While feeling dizzy, he was even more grateful for Wang Tong's generosity.

"Okay, don't thank you, go find General Tan, and put your family nearby. You can go wash up now, clean up and come over to run errands. Cai Jianjun is not by your side, so you go outside to make troubles. Now my side It's a real headache."

Seeing that Yang Sichen was about to say words of gratitude, Wang Tong quickly waved his hand and sent the person away, saying this, Yang Sichen felt relaxed all over his body, he quickly saluted and walked out.

Wang Tong sat in the room for a while, but he was a little restless, so he simply went out to the school yard in the backyard. The longer he stayed here, the more trivial memories from the past faded away. The encounter and the performance just now brought back some memories of Wang Tong's career in the workplace.

At that time, I was in a smaller circle, and my vision was not as wide as it is now, nor is it as high as it is now. Thinking about the gains and losses of those years, and thinking about the experience now, it is really emotional. It was also when I was talking to Yang Sichen just now. The generalist suddenly thought that he is also qualified to be a faction, and he is also qualified to protect others. The glory and wealth should be obtained. The next step is how to keep the glory and wealth for a long time, but the responsibility seems to be greater.

Walking to the school field, fifty personal guards lined up in two rows on the school field, but General Tan stood aside, watching the two people fighting in the field. When he saw Wang Tong approaching, he took two steps forward. The guards stood still, which is also the rule of military discipline.

The personal guard Wang Tong recognized them all, but he didn't know one person in the field today. This person looked to be fourteen or fifteen years old, and he was holding a long knife in his hand.

In other rehearsals, in order to avoid hurting people, they all fight with wooden weapons, but there is also a problem. After all, wooden weapons are of little weight. I am used to using them, but it would be awkward to use real knives and real guns.

But Wang Tong's side is different. There is plenty of silver and a workshop. The weapons used for training are also made of iron, but they have no tips or blades, and are wrapped in leather cotton sheaths. When the amount is reached, bruises and bruises are inevitable, and it will heal after rubbing some medicinal wine.

The man holding the long knife is also taller than his peers. This is also a characteristic of Wang Tong's personal guards. Children aged fourteen or fifteen are all about the same height as adults. It's no wonder that they are all from the Wu family or local powerful The children are born, there is no shortage of things in the family, and the children practice martial arts, so naturally they have enough food, good nutrition, and are tall.

A skinny child was facing the man with the long knife, holding a stick in his hand. The head of the stick was wrapped in leather and cotton wool, which was regarded as a spear.

"Why don't you wear armor?"

Wang Tong asked in a low voice, the personal guards used the equipment to train, and they all had to pass on the bamboo armor. This is also a habit passed down from the Huwei Martial Art Museum, but the generals under Wang Tong felt that this habit was redundant, and they would always pass it on in the future. The characters who fight on the battlefield can't even take pain, so they don't need it if they can.

But when Wang Tong asked, General Tan just smiled and replied:
"Let them really fight a few times, or they will be born with everyone."

The man with the stick, Wang Tong, recognized that he was the younger brother of Li Bao who died in the battle. His name was Li Biao. One has a general real job, that is, he is young, and he first practiced and studied with Wang Tong, but the other one doesn't know him.

"Who is that person fighting with Li Biao?"

"Sha Dacheng's son, Sha Dongning, just arrived yesterday, and he hasn't had time to inform the master yet."

After the great pirate Sha Dacheng opened a shipping company in Tianjinwei, he sent his son here according to the previous agreement. Sha Dacheng also knew a lot of news in Tianjinwei.

The two exchanged a few simple words, and then cast their eyes on the field. Although Li Biao was rare and thin among the personal guards, he also practiced martial arts since he was a child, and he practiced for a long time in the personal guards. Calm, but he is on the defensive, his stick lightly pokes forward from time to time to force the opponent away.

And this Sha Dongning's movements are quite jumpy, he is always moving, holding a long knife in both hands, looking for a way to approach, the two sides seem to be confronting each other, but Wang Tong can see that this Sha Dongning has the advantage completely, and He had seen the posture Sha Dongning used. Back then when Gu Huhu led the pirates ashore, quite a few of them used this posture.

"This Sha Dongning used the Japanese style?"

"Master has good eyesight. Sha Dongning grew up in the Japanese country. He passed the school exam yesterday. He should have learned some skills of pirates and Japanese pirates. Regardless of his young age, Sha Dongning has blood on his hands. It is said He once led more than a hundred family members in Hirado to defeat more than 300 local Japanese pirates."

"Then Li Biao is no longer an opponent!"

As soon as Wang Tong made a judgment, the situation in the field changed. Sha Dongning took a bigger step forward. Li Biao thought that the opportunity had come, so he thrust out a stick in his hand and rushed towards him.

Wang Tong and General Tan shook their heads together, but Sha Dongning's step was a false move. He was thrusting forward with a stick from the opposite side, and the "long knife" in his hand slashed across Li Biao's body, and Li Biao's face immediately became ugly. , General Tan said loudly:
"Shadong Ning wins, Li Biao loses, spread out and go on duty!"

What is rare about this Sha Dongning is his calmness. After winning, he didn't show any complacent expression. Instead, he stepped forward and whispered a few polite words to Li Biao. When General Tan gave an order, everyone agreed in unison and dispersed. General Tan shook his head and said:
"If it's a real knife, Li Biao's whole body will be spared. Among these children, Dahu, Erhu, and the second elementary school of Bao's family should be able to fight, and the Han Gang that the master said should also be able to fight. But it is difficult for others, Sha Dongning has practiced this kind of fighting skills, and his skills are just right for the small space on the boat."

Wang Tong nodded and said:
"Practice according to the rules of recruits in the army first. If you can't make it through, you will be able to fight alone."

Tan Jiang nodded with a smile. Wang Tong used to be short of people, so he tried to use what he could. Now the situation is different, so naturally he must strive for perfection.

After watching the competition on the school field, Wang Tong felt much happier. When he returned to the study, Yang Sichen had already tidied up and was sorting the papers by category. Wang Tong shook his head and smiled. It was the same as before. There are too many papers on his side, and he needs such a reassuring staff member to do the paperwork.

"My lord, there is news from Tianjin Wei Shipyard that two more ships will be launched in July this year, and this time one ship will be [-]% bigger than the Feilu."

Wang Tong is quite concerned about the news of the shipyard, Yang Sichen certainly understands, so let's take this as an example first, Wang Tong smiled and nodded, quite happy, being able to build a gunboat [-]% larger than the Feilu, that means Tianjin Satellite Shipbuilding technology has improved.

Just as he was about to say the next thing, the servant outside informed him that it was Hou Wan, a small banner somewhere in Jinyiwei, who had something important to report. Wang Tong knew that Hou Wan was running errands for Hou Experience, so he let people in.

Hou Wancai's injuries from the board were almost healed, and he couldn't see any problems with his actions. After entering, he saluted and said respectfully:
"My lord, someone impeached Qi Jiguang, the general officer of Ji Town, for embezzlement of Mo's military salary, and the memorial has been sent to the Secretary of General Administration."
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(End of this chapter)

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