Chapter 690 Changes
Ever since Hou Wancai led Hou Wancai to Wang Tong's place to meet Wang Tong, Hou Wancai has nothing to do and has been running towards this side. The experience department is an errand in the yamen, and he can't do without it. If you have any news, you want to let me know. Letting this Hou Wancai come over to tell him is also the meaning of making his family look familiar in front of Wang Tong.

Hearing this news, Yang Sichen raised his head in astonishment, then lowered his head thoughtfully and continued to sort out the documents.

"Who was impeached?"

"It was a man named Zhao from the Military Division. His memorandum was delivered to the Secretary of General Administration an hour ago. Our people spread the news, and my uncle hurriedly asked the younger one to send the news."

Jin Yiwei has eyes and ears all over the capital, and the General Secretary and other key places naturally have eyes and ears. Wang Tong nodded. He knew this news earlier than most people in the world, so it was no surprise.

"Okay, I understand."

Wang Tong agreed, and Hou Wancai bowed and saluted, and was about to step back. He was a little puzzled, how could Mr. Wang be so calm about such big news? Naturally, Hou Wancai didn't dare to ask more questions. He asked behind him:
"I heard from your uncle that you are good at inquiring about news, and you are proficient in both inside and outside the capital city?"

Hou Wancai turned around quickly, and replied respectfully:

"The villain likes to inquire about things, and he has many friends of all kinds of religions. There are some things that others don't know, but the villain can know."

Hou Wancai is very excited now. His uncle in the experience department reminded him that although Wang Tong is young, his future is boundless. Moreover, he has just entered the capital, and there are few people around him who can use him. It will be great for the future to be able to curry favor at this time. There are many benefits, Hou Wancai asked himself that he didn't have any skills, but this inquiry was not bad, but Mr. Wang had several yamen in his hands, and thousands of people worked for him. He couldn't get any news, and he didn't use him. Time seems to have come.

After hearing Hou Wancai's answer, Wang Tong smiled and nodded, and said:
"In the capital city, there should be some tyrants who sit on the ground and pay money, and have no official status. Go and inquire and get their names."

The so-called tyrants who sit on the ground and distribute money without an official status are the kind of gangsters who form gangs, the kind of local ruffian bullies who run rampant, but such people are still figures in the state capital. Those below a certain grade are also existences like shrimps, and they cannot enter Wang Tong's eyes at all.

Hearing that Wang Tong asked him to inquire about such a person, Hou Wancai was also puzzled, but to be able to do an errand for Mr. Wang, this is a happy event that fell from the sky, he quickly knelt down to accept the order and said:

"Little one takes the order. I must inquire and complete it and send it to the adults."

After finishing speaking, he went down happily, and waited for Hou Wan to go down. Yang Sichen raised his head from the desk and said:
"Your Majesty is worried about the person who was raised by Lao Zhangge at that time, not to mention the position of a general like the commander-in-chief of Ji Town. This is a matter of course, and I am afraid that His Majesty will follow suit!"

Wang Tong sat there shaking his head and said:
"It's okay if there is no such thing as being greedy for Mo's military salary, but it happens to be true. I'm afraid Qi Jiguang is going to leave Ji Town this time!"

Both Wang Tong and Yang Sichen have read the files of the Department of Public Security and Jin Yiwei. When Zhang Juzheng was in power, Qi Jiguang did withhold his military salary and gave a big gift to the high-ranking official in the capital. Without these deeds, if there are memorials and impeachment, he can still defend himself, and if it is all true, then there is nothing to say, but it is a pity for such a famous general at that time.

Although Yang Sichen did not know what Emperor Wanli said when Wang Tong entered the palace, he could deduce from the situation that Emperor Wanli did not want Qi Jiguang to stay in this position any longer. It is inevitable to come down, even if this reason is not used, there are other reasons.

However, Wang Tong's emotion is at best a feeling. His impression of Qi Jiguang in that life was naturally lofty and upright. After he really got in touch with him, he actually didn't feel very good.

In the battle of Gubeikou, most of the Huwei army was used to attract the main force of the Tartars, and the loss and hard work of the Huwei army were exchanged for a big victory. Such a victory was of great benefit to Ming. Wang Tong was willing to fight hard for Daming. But this does not mean that he has a good impression of Qi Jiguang who used them as bait.

The emperor wants to deal with the general, even in private, it is difficult to talk about it, Yang Sichen recorded the summary of the document over there, and said:
"Let's not mention the news about the Jinyiwei now. If you want to know the news about Dongchang and the Department of Public Security, there will be no hindrance. Why use this person?"

"After Sihouzhen's daily errands, he couldn't spare time, so he relied on Hou Wancai to come to his door and give Hou Wancai something to do, which can be regarded as a peace of mind for them. Besides, the Department of Public Security has been in the capital for five years. Those people have been around for a long time, and they have developed relationships with all kinds of people, and there are always some places that cannot be seen when using them."

This is true of the Department of Public Security, which has only been established for a few years, let alone Dongchang and Jinyiwei. Yang Sichen smiled and said no more.

A few days after the incident was reported by the military department, everyone in the capital knew the news, and they all knew that the emperor was angry and said that he wanted to investigate the matter thoroughly.

Everyone didn't pay much attention to the truth of the matter. Everyone just noticed the attitude of the emperor. Seeing the attitude of the emperor, all parties who were still paying attention to it understood that the matter has come to this point. Everyone knows what to do. Those who are qualified to speak are all on the Internet one after another. Some say that Qi Jiguang is self-respecting and harboring evil intentions, and some say that Qi Jiguang is greedy, cruel, and licentious...

All kinds of dirty water, real or fake, were poured on it. Anyway, everyone knows that now we need things that are not good for Qi Jiguang, who will care if they are true or not.

The emperor sent an imperial envoy to Jizhen to find out all the crimes mentioned in the memorial and impeachment. At this point, everyone could have expected the result.

However, among the Nine Frontiers, Jizhen was not the first to move. At the end of March, Sun Daying, the commander-in-chief of Datong Town, beheaded more than [-] people in a fierce battle with the Tartars last year. Hanging up a idle job regardless of the military, he was sent to Beijing to be raised.

Ever since Wang Tongxuan’s victory outside the Xuan Mansion, and then Jizhen, Xuan Mansion, and Huwei’s combined forces outside Gubeikou, the frontier soldiers and generals suddenly discovered that the same thing happened to the Tartars on the prairie, and they seemed to be able to defeat them. And the combat effectiveness is not much stronger than that of frontier soldiers.

In the previous autumn and winter, when a small group of Tartars invaded the border, the frontier soldiers put their persistence first and never fought lightly. However, in the tenth year of Wanli, all the towns in the frontier fortress attacked one after another, and many battles took place with the Tartars.

The winners and losers are half and half, those who can win, still can win, and those who can't win, still can't win. Most of the Ming army who thought that their fighting power had become stronger suffered a little loss, but the memorial report was still full of hype.

On the contrary, Sun Daying, the chief soldier of Datong Town, was a little different. He brought his own bodyguards and peaceable soldiers and horses to fight, and it was quite a "coincidence" to run into hundreds of Tartar cavalry who came to the side of the bandits. Fighting more and fighting less, they gained the upper hand, and after annihilating all the Tartars, they took advantage of the trend to copy the tribes that followed, and captured some people and livestock.

Although Sun Daying led an army of nearly [-], many of whom were well-paid elites, such a victory was still very impressive, and it was necessary to praise it.

But at the beginning of the year, the Jinyiwei stationed in Datong and other intelligence channels reported something different to the capital. It is said that the wife of the leader of the small tribe on the edge of the bandits was left there by Senggedu Gulengqiang, and this leader was also arranged to invade the border of Datong at this time.

There are various doubts about this victory, but the news in Datong is not sure of its authenticity. Datong is also a place of entry. If there is such a problem, it is not easy to let Sun Daying continue to lead the army, and simply use it in the name of praise Let him go to Beijing to be an official.

The imperial envoy who went to Datong to declare the decree left a few days earlier than the one who went to Ji Town to investigate the case. Wang Tong also knew that once the imperial envoy who went to Datong to declare the decree left, there was still a secret decree in the palace to go to the Xuanfu to give to Li Rusong, the general soldier of the Xuanfu. .

If Sun Daying didn't accept the order and wanted to take any action, the soldiers and horses of the Xuan Mansion would react immediately, but according to everyone's estimation, Sun Daying would not have any resistance.

He has been in Datong for nearly ten years, and he has already made enough money. Now that he has been awarded the title of knighthood, he can enjoy the blessings in Beijing, which can be regarded as a good place for Sun Daying.

Besides, Ma Dong, the deputy general who was born in the Xuanfu, gradually gained his own power in Datong, which was also a restraint. Sun Daying was not such a courageous person.

However, when Sun Daying entered Beijing, there was a vacancy in the position of the general army, and it was supposed to be filled by the deputy general Ma Dong, but there was no movement in the palace, and Ma Dong was only ordered to take the position of the general army temporarily.

"Now Li Rusong is in Xuanfu, and Ma Dong's younger brother Ma Lin is serving as the deputy general in Liao Town. It is taboo for Li Chengliang and Li Rusong's father and son to control Datong. Immediately became a Jedi, and the princes in the court are very sober."

"At the beginning, Li Rusong was asked to send their Li family's soldiers to Xuanfu to prevent the Li family from becoming too powerful in Liao Town. We have already made such considerations, and we must not allow the Li family and the Ma family to join forces again."

Regarding such a situation, Wang Tong and Zou Yi had an exchange. The capital is the center of the world. Being in the center, it is not easy to maintain the balance of power in the world.

Not long after several imperial envoys left the country, another news came out from the palace, saying that the emperor had seen the situation in various places, and once praised the deputy general of the Xuanfu who had been lucky and stable in his work and had the talent of a general.

Even those who are not well-informed in the capital know that Li Yunlai, deputy general of the Xuanfu, is the father of Li Tao, the deputy of the first regiment of the Huwei Army. Of course, nothing is known about the fact that Li Tao led the martial arts youths to besiege the Wanli Emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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