Chapter 691

"...There is indeed a case of embezzling the Mexican military salary..."

The imperial envoy has not returned yet, but the results of the thorough investigation in Ji Town have come out, and the official documents are always slower than the private news.

Many people in the capital already know about the investigation in Ji Town. According to Wang Tong's knowledge, many people in the capital are already preparing the impeachment memorial and preparing to kill the tiger. Speaking of it in the future, they can boast. The famous general Qi Jiguang was impeached by himself.

However, Wang Tong also knew that rumors were about to be released in the palace. For example, Emperor Wanli casually talked about the Japanese plague in the southeast that day. Shuojin's big victory still outweighs his mistakes.

Wang Tong also knew where Qi Jiguang was going next. He went to Guangdong as the commander-in-chief. The Ming army made the northern generals more important than the southern generals, and the southern generals focused on Yunnan and Guizhou. Guangdong has been in peace for many years, and it is the place that has been the least valued. The general army of Jizhen has the rank of general, while the general army of Guangdong is only the general army of a province, and the commanding army is only more than [-].

But there are no more than ten people in the world who know about it now, and those outside who are writing memorials and preparing to kill the tiger must not know about it.

At this time, Wang Tong remembered Lu Wancai's words, "bring up the minds of the officials." These people are ignorant and incompetent, they can only talk and discuss, and it is okay to cause chaos, but it is of no use to the country. But now If the emperor wants to use such people, they will become more and more clueless, and there will be more troubles in the future.

Although there are only a few hundred people from the Patrol Division patrolling the streets of Nancheng, when they see serious-looking soldiers in flying fish suits and embroidered spring knives walking back and forth in the streets, criminals will always have scruples. Don't dare to do anything, the law and order everywhere has improved a lot.

Originally, these trivial matters in the streets and alleys were all handled by the policemen and policemen of Shuntian Mansion. Jin Yiwei handled the errands with such dedication, but they had a lot of leisure.

There is nothing to do on the street, but since April, the Shuntian Mansion has never been free for a moment, from the Prime Minister Lu Wancai down to the office officials who are not editing, the head catchers and the most ordinary servants, No one is free because there are few cases outside.

Huang Sen, the former governor of Shuntian Mansion, was ordered to resign because of the Sanyang Sect incident in Beijing. The former governor Chen Zhizhong took the position of governor as a substitute, but he didn't dare to take charge of the affairs.

Lu Wancai came all the way from Tuiguan and Tongju, and he was familiar with the entire Yamen of Shuntian Mansion, and he had useful acquaintances everywhere. His position in this mansion was no better than those scholars who passed the imperial examination. When a person of birth comes to this position, he only knows the principles of sages and sages, but he does not know the practical affairs of political affairs.

Lu Wancai did not have this problem, he started from the bottom, he is proficient in practice, and he has the organization of the Department of Public Security, it is not easy to fool him.

From the moment he took the position of Fucheng, the people in Shuntian Mansion have been trembling, not daring to slack off in the slightest. To cheat and play tricks under Lu Wancai would be courting death.

However, after entering April, Shuntian Mansion was much more tired than usual. The reason was that Mansion Prime Minister Lu Wancai came here suddenly to investigate the cases of these years.

The so-called cases, of course, do not mention any cases that have not been solved for many years, but only count the large and small cases that occur every year and are reported by the common people, which are related to cases of robbery and deception.

The common people are afraid of seeing officials, and they would rather suffer a loss than sue the government for many things, but after all, there are also times when the loss is too harsh, not to mention that the capital is the largest city in the world, and there are many people coming in and out. , the number of cases naturally increased.

The atmosphere in Shuntian Mansion is not very good, but after all, it is at the foot of the emperor. I don't know who is standing behind the people of that family. There is also a patrolling censor, and the rumor officials all over the city are watching. Don't dare to be too foolish, I always have to check and ask, of course, I don't know if this case will be solved or not.

As usual, when someone goes to court to report a crime, he needs to file it. However, what Lu Wancai wants is not one year, but several years. What's more, he also asks for neighbor quarrels, trivial matters at home, etc. He just needs to steal, Records of criminal cases such as robbery, abduction, and defrauding.

Lu Wancai has been working in Shuntian Mansion for nearly 20 years. It is not easy to be deceived and procrastinated on the tasks assigned by him. In addition, this master is also a ruthless character. Everyone complains secretly and scolds mothers when they go home, but they dare not relax. Frowning and hurrying to work.

A lot of documents in the warehouse were bitten by moths and rats, and they were very tattered. Not to mention that there were tricks in handling cases, the documents were also written vaguely, and it was quite troublesome to sort them out.

But when he gets busy, the number of cases every year becomes more and more clear. The news of these cases has been known to all parties from the beginning.

Nowadays, what Lu Wancai, the Secretary of Public Security, does will attract many people's attention. Some people think that Lu Wancai did this to target someone. I can't get in the way, so I don't care about it.

"My lord, the Li family of the Xuan Mansion sent people to Beijing to give gifts the day before yesterday. Several members of the cabinet, and the left and right ministers of the Ministry of War received at least 8000 taels of gifts, and the few father-in-laws in the palace all received 5000 taels of gifts."

Since Wang Tong asked Hou Wancai to inquire about the news, Hou Wancai moved around more diligently, and the news from Si Houzhen's side kept coming.

However, Wang Tong is also clear about the news they can know. After Li Yunlai learned that he might be the commander-in-chief of Ji Town, he immediately sent people to Beijing for activities. The more things like this, the more afraid someone will be crooked. Giving big bosses a big gift can be regarded as eliminating uncertain factors.

Moreover, Li Yunlai also gave Wang Tong 5 taels, the same amount as Zhang Cheng, Zhang Jing, and the chief assistant of the cabinet, Shen Shixing. Now the Li family does not need to deduct military pay, and the money earned from leather goods and alkali alone is as mountainous as the sea. , affordable.

When it was sent to Wang Tong's side, Wang Tong couldn't laugh or cry, so he didn't accept it, and sent him directly to Tianjin Wei Litao, and gave him the money as if it were his family. Wang Tong doesn't lack this money .

Hou Wancai thought that the news from his family was quite precious, and Wang Tong couldn't pour cold water on his enthusiasm, so he said with a smile:

"You're doing a good job."

This compliment made Hou Wancai bow quickly, and said:
"This is all a small duty. Thank you for your praise. Last time, my lord asked me to inquire about Zuo Kou. I will tell you that most of these Zuo Kou are in villages outside Beijing. There are none in the city. After all, there are all kinds of eyeliners. Be careful, you will show your whereabouts..."

The so-called bandits are tyrants, thieves and robbers who sit on the ground and sell their stolen goods. They are even people from the green forest. Except for gold and silver, the rest of the stolen goods cannot be sold at a price by themselves, and they are easy to expose. This requires finding a way. People with a wide range of people and channels come to do these things.

The only ones who can have enough money to receive this kind of stolen goods, have channels to sell them, and don't worry much about the government's investigation, are the big and powerful people from all over the place.

The second brother Wu Dawu, who is now working for Wang Tong, was one of the bandits in Shandong who took the land and divided the spoils.

In the capital, there are hundreds of civil and military officials, noble relatives of the emperor, and numerous yamen. not enough.

Hearing Hou Wancai's words, Wang Tong had expected them to. Seeing Wang Tong's expression of nodding his head, Hou Wancai immediately panicked, hesitated, and said hesitantly:
"My lord, there is some news here, but I don't know whether it is accurate or not, so I dare not report it."

"Oh? Come and listen to me?"

"Li Ju's family on the side of Jubao Street in Xicheng, his father-in-law opened a pawn shop. The adults also know that the servants don't touch the property of relatives of famous people, but once upon a time, a friend of the villain went to On business in Baoding Mansion, I found out about a case there, but when I came back, I went to Li Ju’s father-in-law’s pawn shop, and saw the goods that should be in that case. The goods are said to be quite special, and only that place has them.”

The pawn shop is also a second-hand goods shop. If the goods pledged here cannot be redeemed at the due date, they will be sold directly. Juren's status is nothing in the capital, but after all, he is an official and famous. With this status, yamen servants will not Seeing that Wang Tong looked interested, Hou Wancai hurriedly said:
"This Juren's family used to be normal. After his father-in-law's family opened this shop, they gradually became rich and wealthy. They bought a lot of land outside the city, and the young one also married a third wife, and even redeemed the body of the red girl in the yard. , raised two outhouses outside, and his husband’s family turned out to be an ordinary family.”

If it was his father-in-law's property, he would definitely not allow this person to be so careless. It seems that what Hou Wancai said is true, and there are some shady things in it.

Wang Tong smiled and nodded, approvingly said:
"You've done a good job. Keep an eye on this matter, but don't tell others about it, and don't stare too closely. That family will know about it."

"The villain must do it with all his heart!"

After Hou Wancai stepped back with a smile on his face, Yang Sichen hesitated to speak. Wang Tong's current status, but he paid attention to a person selling stolen goods. Those who should be concerned, were thinking about whether they should speak up to persuade them, when they heard Wang Tong say in a deep voice:
"Call Shi Qi over here!"
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(End of this chapter)

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