Chapter 692
After Wang Tong and Wu Da and Wu Er arranged to recruit people from the rivers and lakes and green forests, some people came here intermittently, and it was not appropriate for these suspicious-looking people to appear in an important place in the capital. Special personnel are there to inspect and train.

This kind of people often can't settle down in one place, and they can't get used to listening to orders and training every day. Of course, some people can bear it, and some can't. The method is to give money for the round-trip travel expenses and send it back. It is always the best use of everything.

Among such people, there is a group of people who are an exception, that is, Shi Qi and his party who stole the money from Wang Tong's convoy on the way. More than a dozen of them were brought to Beijing, and they stayed in the courtyard near Wang Tong's residence. The order passed to them was not to leave the gate of the courtyard.

There are no guards outside the house, and the daily food and clothing expenses are sent by someone, and even the garbage is piled by the door, and someone is responsible for cleaning it, which is quite weird.

But in the past few months, Shi Qiyi really stayed in the house and did not go out. This time Wang Tong sent someone to greet him, and within half an hour, Shi Qi arrived.

Yang Sichen left a record of his conversation with Hou Wancai. He also went out to report that Shi Qi had entered the house. He said that he hadn't seen him for several months, but he was a little fatter than when he first met. If it wasn't for his body Wearing a servant's Tsing Yi, it is easy to be mistaken for someone's master.

After entering the door, Shi Qi also had a faint excitement on his face. Seeing him coming in, Wang Tong, who was sitting on the chair, said with a smile:

"You can hold your breath, but you haven't gone out for several months."

Shi Qi knelt on the ground and replied respectfully:

"Since the elder has ordered the villain not to go out, naturally the villain should obey."

"I heard that you can't sleep well every night, and you caught all those who wanted to climb over the wall?"

"The villain brothers can't hold their breath. They don't know that wealth is right in front of them, so they get a little edgy. The villain and their brothers are deeply in love, so we can't let them go."

Wang Tong smiled and nodded. If someone ran out of the house, Wang Tong's subordinates would follow him. If they were not going to the city to work, they would arrest people outside the city. If they entered someone's house in the city, they might be decisive. Killing, even if caught outside the city, will be tortured and questioned.

And the circle in the yard is to see if they can hold their breath. After all, this is Wang Tong's first group of Jianghu recruits. Their families don't know about it at all, so they have to be careful.

This Shi Qi is very knowledgeable. Not only does he not go out, he also strictly restrains his companions from moving. His group is used to being happy outside, and many people are irritable. Going out to see and see, some people feel that being recruited is not as rich as they thought at the beginning, but it is the same as going to jail, and they might as well go back to their profession, but Shi Qi calmed down and controlled him.

It was precisely because there was no Shi Qi to restrain his companion and calm down that Wang Tong called him over today. Wang Tong picked up the document on the table and said loudly:

"Li Ju's family in Jubao Street, West City."

After finishing speaking, Shi Qi didn't hear the following, and raised his head in astonishment, Wang Tong said with a smile:

"Do you remember this sentence?"

"Young man, remember, it's Li Ju's family in Jubao Street, Xicheng."

"Lead your brothers to find out the details of this family, what income they have, and who they make friends with on weekdays. The more you know, the better, do you understand?"

Shi Qi kowtowed on the ground and agreed, and Wang Tong said again:
"Be careful yourself. If you are caught by an official, the official doesn't remember what you have been sent to do, and I don't know you."

"The villain understands that the villain just inquired about it because he became interested."

Wang Tong nodded with a smile, this Shi Qi is really useful, he knows the fun, he said:
"Go and pay 2000 taels first, and you can't do the job empty-handed."

Over there, Shi Qi kowtowed again, but this time the kowtow was a little louder than before.

"My lord gave 2000 taels at a time? Tsk tsk, no wonder Shi Qi is so diligent about his errands."

It was Shi Qi's first time working for Wang Tong, and Wang Tong couldn't be so laissez-faire. Shi Qi and others were staring at Li Ju's family, and a group of others were staring at them.

Every day, they reported the things that Shi Qi and others did, and summarized them at Wang Tong's side, but Lu Wancai took care of this matter in person, and arranged for the spies from the Department of Public Security to go down and watch, and Wang Tong dialed 2000 directly. After the two silver coins passed, Lu Wancai couldn't help but exclaimed. Seeing Wang Tong was puzzled, Lu Wancai said with a smile:

"This kind of green forest people, whether they steal, rob, or set up a trick to deceive, can leave a thousand taels of silver a year. They are already so-called robbers. People like Shi Qi can be regarded as experts. If the money comes into the account, I'm afraid I won't be recruited."

"Wu Da Wu Er is far more than this amount?"

"My lord, these brothers from the Wu family are the number one bandits in the six prefectures of Shandong. They are always asked to sell their stolen goods in the mountains and seas. This is naturally different. They have no foundation and family business, and they are floating around. There can be thousands of taels every year. It's been amazing."

"That's right, not every year there is such a silver car team that they can keep an eye on."

The reason why Wang Tong wondered was because his silver cart was stolen by Shi Qi and others for more than 1 taels of silver. After thinking about it carefully, he found that there was too much specialness in that matter, so he couldn't help laughing at himself. After a few words, the two chatted and laughed, Lu Wancai turned to the topic, cleared his throat and said:

"My lord, those sent by the Department of Public Security are the most reassuring, and the news is not worried about leaking out. Shi Qi and others first went to the pawnshop of Li's father-in-law to pawn the goods, and then redeemed them. They went back and forth several times, but they had nothing to do with the pawnshop's court officials and fellows. After getting familiar with it, there were also people outside who pretended to be peddlers walking around the neighborhood, and the old policemen who were watching from below praised a few words, saying that Shi Qi has rules in doing things, no matter whether he enters a pawn shop or a peddler. Leave traces."

Wang Tong nodded, and Lu Wancai continued:

"His group didn't spend money lavishly. The adults transferred the money there, but there were a few young people who wanted to drink, but they were also dragged back."

Having said that, Lu Wan paused, and said:
"My lord, what do you really want to investigate? In this place in the capital, our public security department can't find anything. It's just a jury, and there is no official. After all, even if you have an official, as long as there is a mistake, it will be investigated and punished." !!"

Wang Tong waved his hands with a smile, and said:
"Don't say you are using this matter. Let Jinyiwei's divisions and thousands of households investigate alone. Could it be that they can't find out? Using Shi Qi and the others is also to see their skills. It can be regarded as military training. In addition, there are other considerations in this matter .”

Lu Wancai hesitated for a moment, then said solemnly:

"Brother Wang, our own brothers don't talk about birth and death. Brother Wang is now the commander and acquaintance of Jin Yiwei. These details are just one person, just a dozen people from the rivers and lakes, so why bother to spend so much energy on it? Now that the commander-in-chief of the border town is changing, Qi Jiguang, Ma Dong and others are also dealing with adults. Brothers should worry about it!"

Hearing Lu Wancai's words, Wang Tong was startled, then got up and saluted, and said:
"Brother Lu is a friend of Wang. These words are for Wang Tong's good. Wang Tong understands."

After saluting solemnly, Wang Tong sat down, but said with a smile:

"Who will come and who will come from the border town? I have to worry about such things. That is to bring about the disaster of destroying my family. The matter of Li Juren, if you look at it alone, it is indeed a trivial matter, but everything is based on a small opinion. Boss, brother Lu, do you think that asking Shuntian Mansion to investigate the criminal files of these years is an act for no reason?"

Lu Wancai was stunned, unfolded the folding fan and shook it a few times, then said with a smile:

"Since that's the case, I'll just wait and see, brother."

Shi Qi went to investigate, and he really found something, and it was a coincidence. They watched it for a few days, and saw someone bringing a large amount of goods to the pawnshop to pawn.

Driving the carriage, the carriage is full of goods, and they are actually yelling that they have no money in their hands, that there are people at home who are waiting for medical treatment, and that there are eighty-year-old mothers and three-year-old children. Infested by moths and rats, the goods are extremely old, but in fact, the goods are moved in without even dust.

This loophole is too big, and the next redeemers are all shops and firms inside and outside the capital.

But if there is such an activity in Juren’s relative’s house, it’s still a pawn shop going in and out of the pawn to buy it. First, you won’t notice it. Second, these things are in compliance with the rules. Third, Juren is nothing in the capital, but after all, he has fame. As an official, the officers are unwilling to cause this trouble.

At the end of April, one of Shi Qi's brothers hurried back from Zhending Mansion on a fast horse. A caravan was robbed there, but the goods were similar to those delivered a few days ago.

And according to the report, Shi Qi and others climbed over the wall and went in to see that some goods were stored in the cellar in the courtyard, and things like cloth and satin were taken out to be washed and dried. Judging from the large amount of alkali used, it should be stained with blood. It must be cleaned before sale.

After investigations to such an extent, there is no need to investigate. Wang Tong signed the official document, and the Department of Public Security and the Department of Justice of the Jinyiwei Army dispatched to break in and arrest Li Juren's family, his father-in-law's family, and the pawn shop.

A Juren was arrested by Jin Yiwei, which is not a big deal in the capital, and no one cares about the psychological society. What the capital is most concerned about is that Qi Jiguang, the chief soldier of Ji Town, was transferred to Guangdong as the chief soldier, and Li Yunlai, the deputy general of the Xuanfu, was promoted to Ji The commander-in-chief of the town and the commander-in-chief of Datong are vacant, and the deputy general Ma Dong will take his place temporarily.

(End of this chapter)

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