Chapter 693
Li Juren liked to take up lawsuits back then, and he often went in and out of courts as a juror of his own family, and won cases for others, and his family could also have some leftovers.

He came and went, but got acquainted with a habitual thief. The thief had a lot of stolen goods in his hands and couldn't sell them. Li Juren agreed to the lawsuit for him, and he gave the stolen goods to Li Juren.

Because it was stolen goods and worthless, they gave away a lot of them, but Li Juren didn't know it was stolen goods. He was shocked when he saw such a thing. After all, this Li Juren is also greedy and bold, and actually wants to buy the other party's stolen goods and sell them for money.

He has the status of a person, so no one else will doubt what he does. The price of the goods is lower than the market price, and he sells them quickly.

The profit made by this sum of money is huge, and the habitual thief also saw a way to sell the stolen goods. The two sides hit it off and started to operate immediately. The stolen goods in his hands gradually became insufficient, and he began to match others outside, batch after batch of stolen goods Shipped in.

Li Juren went to his wife and opened a pawn shop in the name of his father-in-law. The business of selling stolen goods is getting bigger and bigger. There are also many cheap commercial warehouses in the capital who buy goods here. If you need any goods, please contact us here. People in other provinces engaged in a case to rob things and supply them.

Because of his identity as a Juren and the cover of his pawn shop business, Li Juren was always proud of himself, but when Jin Yiwei's soldiers rushed in, he also knew that everything was over.

Now there are seven or eight mothers-in-law and children at home. When Jin Yiwei tortured him, he didn't even threaten the punishment of the prison. He directly pointed at Li Juren's family, and Li Juren immediately said everything up.

After ransacking the house, they left 500 taels of silver in Li Juren's house, and asked them to return to their hometowns. They also made an exception and let them go in to see Li Juren.

After knowing what the government did, Li Juren gave up, knowing that he definitely had no hope of surviving. What the government did was nothing more than to let him have something to say and not to play tricks.

Before breaking through the door to investigate, Jin Yiwei's envoys had already arrived at the place where the goods were looted, and took the case file from the local government. The sufferer who survived by chance was also brought to the capital.

The case is already an iron case, and Li Juren has confessed everything in detail, and all the criminals involved in this case have been arrested and brought to justice.

However, there are still few people paying attention to this matter. Although this case is a bit strange, it is what it is.

At the end of April, according to the rules, Li Yunlai, the deputy general of the Xuanfu, went to Beijing to face the saint after he was promoted to the general army, and thanked the saint. There are nearly 20 soldiers in Ji Town, and there will be too many people involved in the annual military expenditure and personnel arrangements. After entering, many people took advantage of Li Yunlai's arrival in Beijing to meet and contact him.

Li Yunlai is not the kind of muddleheaded person who can't get into water and fire. Naturally, you come and go, and the socializing is quite lively.

On the second day of May, just after the Great Court Meeting, Jin Yiwei's commander Tongzhi Wang communicated with the memorial, and the contents of the memorial caused a great deal of publicity.

The memorandum said that the population of the capital is nearly one million, that of Shuntian Prefecture is only 2000, and that there are only [-] soldiers and horses in the Five Cities. It is impossible to take care of the stability of the whole city. Please change the system.

The capital is divided into east, west, south, north, and here, each of which has a Jinyiwei Patrol Division, patrols the streets, arrests, and maintains law and order. For the case officials, the original arresters were sent to the Patrol Division. These arresters have rich experience and just assisted Jin Yiwei in handling the case and arresting them.

The Judicial Department of the Jinyiwei Army is linked with the Training Department. The military police of the Military Judicial Department and the recruits of the Training Department carry out law enforcement and training every day.

If he did this, it would be tantamount to taking the law and order power of the capital into the hands of Jin Yiwei. Although it was for the sake of protecting everyone, no one would feel relieved that such a force that was not under his control was by his side.

Criticisms such as "corrupting the ancestral system" and "unpredictable intentions" appeared one after another immediately, and the memorials were piled up on the Secretary of the General Administration's desk the second day after everyone knew the news.

The six ministries of the cabinet also spoke at the court meeting. There has always been a divided cabinet, but this time it was rare to maintain unity. The chief minister of the cabinet, Shen Shixing, did not say a word.

However, at the court meeting in Wenyuan Pavilion, when the officials raised questions one after another, Emperor Wanli spoke with a stack of papers.

"From the fifth year of Longqing to the present, only one place in the capital, the number of cases of being stolen, robbed, and deceived has increased by more than one hundred every year compared to the previous year. From five years ago to now, there are two more cases every year than the previous year For more than a hundred people, the common people are afraid of seeing officials, so those who report are like this, how many of them are not reported?"

All the ministers below were stunned, and those who reacted a little faster had already thought that Lu Wancai's investigation of the accumulated cases over the years in Shuntian Mansion was for this purpose.

"The capital is where the imperial city is located. The city where the widows live is so chaotic. The common people are in panic all day long. Don't you feel guilty?"

When everyone thought that the papers in the hands of Emperor Wanli were all factual evidence, but they only had moral rules on their side, their momentum weakened a little. Emperor Wanli had a heartbroken expression on his face. This kind of expression was never seen by the officials since entering the court. Having seen it, everyone subconsciously felt that it was a fake, so they dared not speak, so they could only listen to Emperor Wanli continue to say:
"A man from Jubao Street in Xicheng, who is still a famous scholar, concealed and sold stolen goods, and colluded with robbers everywhere. My dear friends, it is shocking, even those who read sage books are like this, let alone those treacherous and treacherous people, these people They are tigers and wolves, and the people are pigs and sheep, they can only be left to their own fish and meat, even if they are diligent, how can they take care of the millions of people inside and outside the capital?"

"Your Majesty, according to the rules of the ancestors, Jin Yiwei is the emperor's retinue, Wang Tong is so willful, he puts his ancestors and where he is, he has ulterior motives, I think he should be severely punished!!"

"Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei's detectives and spies are already extremely important, and if he is given the power of law and order, all parts of the capital have become Jin Yiwei's yamen and school grounds, and he is allowed to do whatever he wants!!"

"Your Majesty, just now His Majesty said that 'the chaos is so great' and 'the people are terrified'. The minister is also living in the capital. Why is it not like this? The world is peaceful and the world is clear. Who is turning black and white in front of Your Majesty."

As soon as Emperor Wanli finished speaking, all the ministers in Wenyuan Pavilion came out one after another, admonishing them sincerely. Emperor Wanli flipped through the document in his hand, but found the item "Ancestral Rules" written on it. He closed his eyes and said in a deep voice:

"You talk about the rules of the ancestors. In the past, the great grandfather had a legacy, saying that if there is no prime minister, the affairs of the six ministries should be directly related to the Bai court, but now the affairs of the six ministries are all about exposing the cabinet, and the governors of all places are also inquiring about the government and the cabinet, not to mention this song The position of the assistant, not to mention that people outside often call the first assistant the prime minister, according to the ancestors' rules, should the cabinet be there?"

Emperor Wanli read a lot, but he can't be said to have any outstanding talents. In the past, he would not answer immediately when the court debates were held. Today, Emperor Wanli reacted so quickly and uttered such a pungent question.

"Should the cabinet be there?"

Asking such words, Shen Shixing was also moved. Just as he was about to speak, Emperor Wanli glanced at the paper again, and said:
"If there is no cabinet, how can the government run smoothly? I only have one person, and if I decide everything, how can I ensure that everything is correct? Because of this, a cabinet was established when the ancestor was born, and it has been completed from generation to generation. In this way, I don’t know how much has changed inside and outside the court. It is good for the ancestors to establish the law, but it also varies with time. When will the governor be established? When I founded the Ming Dynasty, I have never heard of this official position?"

Everyone was dumbfounded. Emperor Wanli turned a page on the scroll, glanced at it a few times, and said again:
"How about weight? Jinyiwei has been patrolling the streets for nearly a hundred years. It's nothing more than no clear regulations and ambiguous responsibilities. On the contrary, it's an opportunity for people to manipulate people, steal and play tricks. Now divide the districts and perform their duties to let them understand. There are rules and clear accountability when doing business, how to say the weight is nothing more than adding some items.”

Shen Shixing bowed there to listen to the training, but he and the few people in the front wanted to see what was written in the document in Emperor Wanli's hand, but if they could see it from an angle, it would be a standard failure before the emperor. Everyone was puzzled, but they could only suppress their curiosity.

"Pan Jixun, you said that you have never seen the so-called chaos, and you have never known that the people are in panic. The widow asked you, how many followers do you come and go, and how many people guard the house where you live. As an official of the imperial court, you eat the imperial salary. But he talked like this. When he was studying that day, he thought it was ridiculous to read "Why don't you eat minced meat". Hearing your words today, he knew it was true. I am the father of the people in the world, and I have the responsibility to take care of it, let alone the emperor who lives in the city. But I know, do you want me to go around with you and ask according to the case title listed in the report?"

Pan Jixun, who had been named, could only kneel on the ground, unable to speak. Seeing the stunned look of the officials, Emperor Wanli also had a smug expression on his face, and said again:
"The demons of the Sanyang Sect were in chaos, and to quell the chaos in the capital, the nobles had to organize their own people to go to the streets. The Shuntian Mansion and the Department of Public Security had to mobilize temporarily. If they followed Wang Tong's memorandum, how could they be so embarrassing! ! Wang Tong wrote this memorandum and changed the system in Beijing, just to better protect me. Are you unwilling to speak like this?"
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The weather is getting hot day by day

(End of this chapter)

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