Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 695 Immediately see each other outside the studio

Chapter 695 Immediately see each other outside the studio
"Strike hard" is also a new name for the well-informed people in the capital. After knowing the method of this name, after careful consideration, it feels very appropriate.

Somewhere in Nancheng, a thief was caught, and someone who set up a trap in West Street was caught. Such news began to increase. After being caught, the execution was doubled according to the rules of the yamen. By analogy, it is not those local snakes who execute the sentence, but the Jinyi guards who have completed training.

The training was hard, the instructors beat and scolded, everyone was full of anger, and the execution was not easy, some were directly beaten to death in the yamen, and it was almost inevitable that some would be maimed.

Such a thing, no one will feel pity if it is killed or maimed, but it is not in line with Wang Tong's original intention, and an order has been issued, from now on, beating the board will be replaced by the whip.

Although the whip is bloody and bloody, but the medicine can take care of it, and the person will not be disabled, but after the medicine is used for diagnosis and treatment, the person is not sent back directly, but is escorted outside the city to wait. There are many manors outside the city. There is also a lot of work, some of these people are busy, and there are soldiers in training guarding them when they come in and out, and it is impossible to escape.

It was clearly stated in the official document at the time that after the punishment, he would have to be reeducated through labor, and only after he had been tempered by the rules could he be set free.

Some people can go back after working in a manor outside the city for a month, while others will be sent to those villages in the north of Tianjinwei, and some will be tossed about.

The first unlucky thief was sent to the yamen, and after dozens of sticks failed to sustain his death, the security atmosphere in all parts of the capital suddenly improved.

Those who don't do righteous deeds everywhere, mess around and harm the neighbors, those who can go out of the city go out of the city, those who go to relatives, those who avoid, and those who stay at home are also trembling and dare not do anything. I was temporarily bored, and occasionally discussed in private, saying that this kind of harsh criminal law may not last long, and I will come out after the limelight passes.

Unexpectedly, just a few days after the crackdown started, there was another news that Jinyiwei was investigating the backlog of cases in Shuntian Mansion. Those who committed crimes in previous years were not found out, and those who were serious would have to be thoroughly investigated.

There is no perfect business in this world. When a case was made, money was used in the day, and the relationship was entrusted, and the past was delayed.

As soon as the news came out, even those who could hold their breath hurriedly left the city, fearing that they would be swept away, let alone beaten to death, and would not be able to endure hard labor!
The attitudes of all parties in the capital towards the Jinyiwei have always been indifferent, even biased toward disgust, but they got used to seeing each other every day. On the street, passers-by often come over to give a thumbs up and praise.

Most of the Qingliu scholars are from rich and noble families, and they can’t usually feel how safe the capital is, but they can’t stand the praise of the poor family, and the people around them will say good things, so the public opinion is so, and it’s people like Wang Tong who preside over it. They didn't dare to stroke the tiger's whiskers, and they simply pretended not to see what they said was cruel or disobedient.

From the beginning of the "strike hard" in May, there was an uproar among the people in the capital, and the common people applauded, but the officials treated it indifferently, as if there was no such thing.

The reason why the officials and Shilin were indifferent to Jinyiwei's action to purge the capital's public security was that on the one hand, they didn't want Wang Tong to show his achievements, and on the other hand, there was another major event that attracted everyone's attention.

In April of the 11th year of Wanli, Concubine Wang Gong gave birth to a prince who was named Chang Luo in the palace. This boy was of great significance to Emperor Wanli because he was the first son of Emperor Wanli. The continuation of the dynasty depends on blood inheritance. The appearance of a male male proves that there is a successor to the Ming Dynasty, which is naturally a big deal.

Congratulatory forms were put up everywhere. According to the usual practice, there should be a big banquet for the officials and officials to amnesty the world, but Emperor Wanli didn't do it. He just gave the name of the eldest son of the emperor and ignored it.

Everyone was excited at first, but this action in the palace seemed to have poured cold water on everyone, making all the officials resentful, and the birth of the eldest son of the emperor quickly quieted down.

The news in the palace also spread quickly, saying that Long Live God still favored Concubine Zheng and Li Depin more, and occasionally summoned other concubines, but the Queen and Concubine Wang Gong basically ignored them.

What the emperor thinks, it can be judged clearly through this, and the officials and officials are not so eager to express their opinions. Giving birth to a baby does not mean that they can become adults, and the possibility of premature death is also very high. It will not be too late to wait a few years to say.

Immediately after the campaign to clean up the law and order in the capital began, no matter what dynasty or generation, what kind of hooligans, gangsters, thieves and robbers, in front of the government, they are all chickens and dogs, which can't be mentioned at all. Seriously, if you start cleaning, you won't encounter any resistance, not to mention that the one who did it was the always strong Jin Yiwei, and it was promoted by Wang Tong, the most popular official in the capital.

The errands are extremely easy. Every day, various yamen send papers to Wang Tong. What cases have been handled and what results are reported to Wang Tong. Originally, the people's views on Wang Tong were greatly influenced by those scholars Qingliu.

They think that Wang Tong is a traitorous minister, someone like Jiang Bin and Qian Ning, but when the regulations for crackdown come out and the effect is seen, many people say it is "blue sky".

"My lord, the bank in the city has been built, and the gold and silver from Tianjin Wei will be put into the warehouse tomorrow. Sun Xunjian is watching this matter, and there will be no mistakes."

"It's just digging a house and talking about a bank. It sounds funny, but when you think about the so-called clear streams that blocked the way when I entered Beijing, they are really funny. The distance between Beijing and Tianjin is so close. Could it be that this official It's really stupid to bring in all the money at once!"

Hearing Yang Sichen's report, Wang Tong laughed and teased a few words. When he entered Beijing that day, Wang Tong only brought tens of thousands of taels of silver for his own use, and the rest was gold flowers and silver sent to the palace.

And the large sums of gold and silver that were really to be brought over were all sent in batches, either by car or by boat, and were sent to the capital without attracting attention. At this time, no one paid attention to it. And said:

"This year, the plate income in Sanjiang can increase by a few percent. With Sha Dacheng's fleet, our trade between Tianjinwei and Liaozhen is much more convenient. Several large commercial firms are located in Liaoyang and Shenyang. A semicolon was set up, but Sanjiang Commercial Bank did it early, and this time it is Jinshan Yinhai again."

Wang Tong nodded with a smile, and said:
"Sun Shoulian is also hot-eyed, and we are also making money around us. Take out [-]% of the share. Liao Town has enough portion from the commander-in-chief Li Chengliang and the supervisor Gao Gonggong to the following. Everyone will share some. This letter should be sent to Zhang Shiqiang as soon as possible. Zhang Shiqiang This person is responsible and keeps an eye on everything, but sometimes he is reluctant to spend money, and the money is spent when it should be spent."

Yang Sichen agreed with a smile there, and quickly wrote over there. Everything in Tianjin Wei was really on track. They all saw it in their eyes and understood that this was a signal from the palace to the outside world.

Few people would be dazed to touch Tianjin Wei, even though it has become one of the best wealth gathering places in the world, if they want to make a move, it is to compete with the palace for meat, and they must be careful of Wang Tong's various methods.

"I read the news from Tianjin Wei, are there only private people who go to the workshop and shipyard to buy things?"

"No, someone asked, if the workshop is willing to sell them cannons, they can pay twice the price, and if they can help install them on the boat, can we still talk about it?"

Hearing Yang Sichen's reply, Wang Tong pondered for a while, and said:
"Cannons under three catties can be sold at five times the original price, and there must be a guarantee."

After saying a few words, Wang Tong fell silent again. He made excellent firearms and bigger and bigger sea ships. These things should be equipped for the army of the Ming Dynasty, and they should be equipped with the sailors of the Ming Dynasty to sail the sea. , but Tianjin Wei's weapons, armor, and ships are almost famous all over the world, but no government officers and soldiers come to ask for it.

But it should be the case when you think about it. The generals go to the arsenal to get weapons. Why not talk about the weapons, but they don’t need to spend a penny. Or, the army is Ming's army, and it has nothing to do with me. Whether the equipment is good or bad, or whether the combat power is strong or weak, has nothing to do with me. Why spend the meager military expenditure on buying these excellent soldiers and armor, which is not good for me to eat and use ?
Wang Tong is not in trouble for this, he can already promote many things in this position, so there is no need to rush.

"My lord, Eunuch Zou, the horse supervisor, is here."

While he was thinking, he suddenly heard an announcement from outside that Zou Yi was busy with the affairs of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, so he rarely left the palace. Hearing his arrival, Wang Tong didn't dare to neglect him, and hurriedly invited him to the main hall to serve tea.

"Long time no see, Eunuch Zou, how have you been?"

"It's just that we haven't seen each other for a month, so we can't talk about it for a long time. Our family has something important to do. Brother Wang, let the irrelevant people go away!!"

When there were only two people left in the room, Zou Yi turned serious and said:
"This time, our family brought the oracle of the Long Live Lord."

Wang Tong quickly stood up from his seat and was about to kneel down to receive the order. Zou Yi waved his hands and said with a smile:

"It's just you and me, just a few words. Lord Long Live ordered our family to go out of Beijing with you to meet someone. We will set off tomorrow morning. Remember to keep it secret and don't let others know."

Although Zou Yi said so, Wang Tong still showed enough etiquette, but after hearing what Zou Yi said, he was a little puzzled, who was he going to see? ——
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(End of this chapter)

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