Chapter 696
Since it was said that it was the emperor's oral order, Wang Tong got up the next morning to get ready, and called General Tan and several guards to go out of the city together. When the gate tower of Chongwenmen appeared in sight, the bells and drums on the other side of the imperial city rang.

Living in South Street, the bells and drums are very familiar to Wang Tong, and the gates of the imperial city are also open. Zou Yi can only come out at this time. He came early, so he has to wait for a while.

It was already bright in the east, and the rising sun could not be seen because of the cover of the city wall, but there were quite a lot of people waiting to leave the city at Chongwenmen.

Chongwenmen is the tax customs, and most of the merchants outside the capital enter the city through this place, but if the capital goes to other prefectures and prefectures, if they go through Chongwenmen, they have to detour, so there are not many people going out of the city, Wang Tong is here I've been in and out a few times, and it's always very deserted at this time.

Wang Tong and the others also stopped in the open space beside the city gate. A personal guard went to buy breakfast and waited for Zou Yi's arrival. Wang Tong and the others were dressed in casual clothes. Most of his children travel in this style, and everyone is not surprised.

On the contrary, Wang Tong saw that something was wrong from the people gathered at the city gate. The group of people gathered at the city gate did not look like good people. First of all, let’s talk about their attire, many of them were dressed in satin Clothes made of fabrics are naturally unaffordable for ordinary people, and they are all carried in packages, usually with horses or carts.

Horses and chariots accompanied each other, dressed in silk and satin, and all of these people were looking around, with a lot of menacing and strange expressions on their faces. Moreover, this group of people should know each other, and they were talking to each other in low voices, but they didn't know each other. They are very separated, and they are divided into small circles, which do not interfere with each other.

Wang Tong glanced there, and often met the eyes of this group of people. Some people turned their heads away after a glance, feeling a little guilty, while others glared viciously. Seeing Wang Tong's fierce expression, they also flinched. nod.

"My lord, this subordinate saw a familiar brother from the Patrol Division"

In the observation room, a guard came over and said in a low voice, Wang Tong was taken aback for a moment, but he understood that he and these people are the generation of ghosts and snakes, just now he was thinking whether to call the soldiers near the city gate, or call the Jinyi guards nearby Some people came to arrest him, and when he heard what the guard said, he remembered yesterday's newspaper.

The local tyrants in the capital, thieves and robbers, liars who set up tricks, and all kinds of people who have committed crimes or committed crimes in the past are all leaving the city and fleeing to other places.

The Public Security Department and the Patrol Department used their former eyeliner to insert people in, preparing to see who they defected to outside Beijing, especially those who needed special attention. If they knew who they defected to, they would often be able to follow the vine and find out many people. Another case comes.

That being the case, Wang Tong didn't need to observe and ponder, so as not to startle the snake, the soldiers over there had already bought the breakfast, it was nothing more than a few sesame seed cakes with meat, and everyone ate it to fill their stomachs.

Not long after, amidst the yelling of the soldiers guarding the city from the five city soldiers and horses, the city gate opened, and a group of people poured out. Wang Tong and others watched them go away.

After the city gate was opened, after the two caravans from outside entered the city, Zou Yi rode forward wearing a uniform and escorted by several cavalry. After the two parties met at the city gate, they left the city.

At the beginning of May, the weather in the capital was just right. It was very pleasant to go out and ride a horse on the road early in the morning. After walking out of the boundary outside Chongwenmen, there were not many horses and merchants on the road, so it was very quiet.

The guards on both sides spread out to protect the surrounding area, but Wang Tong and Zou Yi walked slowly together, chatting as they walked, the matter at the city gate was not an important secret, so they simply used it as a topic of conversation, and opened the conversation, Zou Yi smiled and said:

"The people in the East Factory now admire the adults very much. They say that they have been on business for so long, and they still have a feeling that they can't figure out the various places in the capital. Now Brother Wang is cracking down hard and asking the Public Security Department to do household registration. Let's take a look. It's clear, and it will be convenient for them to investigate anything in the future. There are fewer ghosts and snakes, and Dongchang doesn't have to worry so much about those trivial cases. You don't know. I lost money and jewelry outside, and as a result, Shuntian Mansion, Jinyiwei, and Dongchang were all mobilized. These bastards in Beijing should have taken care of them a long time ago, but they mentioned this matter to Shuntian Mansion several times, but they didn't A little echo, the servants of Shuntian Mansion are all fed by these thieves."

"This crackdown will last for at least two years. My plan here is that if these ghosts and snakes don't know what they are doing and want to do illegal things after two years, then I will crack down again."

Wang Tong said with a smile, and Zou Yi also smiled. After walking a few steps forward, Zou Yi said again:
"In this way, if there is any trouble in the capital, your people can act immediately, and they are familiar with the way, know where to go, how to do it, so that it will not delay time, and it will not be like that night, when the situation is critical, but you want us The brothers are doing their own thing on the outside."

Speaking of this, the smile on Zou Yi's face disappeared. Presumably because he was thinking of the adventure of that night, Zou Yi shook the reins in his hand to make the horse that was about to stop go faster, and said in a deep voice:

"As far as the capital is concerned, as long as there are civil and military officials, someone will always be able to intervene. Brother Wang, you must master this structure yourself. It is not easy for Long Live Lord to have such a caring force."

Wang Tong nodded. The person who led the way at the front was one of Zou Yi's companions. After leaving the city, he went all the way to the east, but there was a village in front of him. If the officials in Beijing do not need to go to Beijing on business, they will rest and stay here.

"Brother Zou, who exactly did you meet today?"

Seeing the guide pointing to the station, and his guards already riding forward, Wang Tong couldn't help asking curiously. When he got here, Zou Yi didn't hide anything, just said with a smile:

"It's Qi Jiguang."

When the guide arrived at the gate of the post station, more than a dozen soldiers appeared to stop him for questioning, but after Zou Yi and Wang Tong's men showed their identities, they let them through.

".Qi Jiguang handed over the errands in Jizhen, and sent a messenger to the capital to send a memorial when he left the boundary of Yongping Prefecture. He wanted to meet the Lord Long Live, but the Lord Long Live refused to allow it. But after a day, the Lord Long Live wanted to hear it again. What Qi Jiguang said, so we sent our family and Brother Wang over here, no matter what Qi Jiguang said, we just return what we hear and see."

Qi Jiguang went to Guangdong to take office, and his family had about 500 followers, most of whom were capable military generals. They stayed in this post, and it immediately became like a military camp, with a vague sense of murderousness.

But when I entered the meeting place of the inn, when I saw Qi Jiguang, the barracks outside and the murderous atmosphere disappeared. Qi Jiguang was wearing a brown and gold thread robe and was drinking tea slowly. The chairs and furniture were all newly replaced, and the tea sets used by Qi Jiguang were all expensive, and the faint fragrance in the air indicated that the tea was probably top-grade.

Qi Jiguang's hair was covered with a rich scarf, and his beard and hair were neatly trimmed. He was obviously a little richer than when he saw him in Tianjin Wei that year. When he saw Wang Tong and Zou Yi walking in, he quickly stood up and said:
"Eunuch Zou, Mr. Wang, I'm sorry!"

"I've seen Lord Qi!"

Qi Jiguang actually lost power, but he was still in the position of commander-in-chief of a province, and he still had the title of Earl on his body. Wang Tong and Zou Yi also had to pay attention to etiquette.

After seeing the ceremony, Qi Jiguang waved all the guards in the house to go down, picked up the teapot sitting on the red clay stove, and filled Wang Tong and Zou Yi with tea. Wang Tong and Zou Yi had to stand up to thank, Qi Jiguang said with a smile :

"Back when Fujian and Zhejiang were flattening the Japanese, there was good tea produced there, and this old man has this hobby, and some good tea is brought over there every year, but there is no good water in Ji Town, so it is different here in the capital!"

Zou Yi nodded with a smile, and said in a deep voice:

"But I didn't expect Mr. Qi to be so elegant. This time our family and Mr. Wang came here just to hear what Mr. Qi has to say, and report it to Lord Long Live after we go back. Mr. Qi is right."

There was a hint of urging in the words, Qi Jiguang shook his head and smiled, put down the teacup in his hand, and said:
"Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, the Tartars have been the great enemy. Otherwise, there would have been no Nine Frontiers. Now there are two evils on the grasslands. One is the Ida tribe that Datong is facing, and the other is the Horqin tribe that Jizhen is facing. Needless to say, the Ministry of Answer, although Alta Khan is dead, after Senggedu Gulen succeeded to the throne, his strength has not been damaged, and he is still the overlord of the grassland. Collusion, if allowed to merge, it will definitely cause great harm in the future."

Zou Yi and Wang Tong glanced at each other, their expressions remained unchanged. These things are not classified as secrets in their positions. Emperor Wanli and the ministers must know about them. If they came here specifically to say these things That's really not necessary, Wang Tong stared at Qi Jiguang for a few times, and suddenly found that his hair under the rich scarf was very frosty, and his face was full of wrinkles, Wang Tong suddenly found that Qi Jiguang was much older.

".The year before last, Jizhen, Xuanfu, and the Huwei Army in Gubeikou joined forces and wiped out more than ten thousand Tartars. Not to mention this battle, it can be seen that the Tartars are strong on the outside and strong on the inside. It can be said that the soldiers are strong and the horses are strong. Liao Town also has strong soldiers and warriors. The rest of the towns have soldiers and horses that are good at fighting. This is the blessing of the ancestors of the Ming Dynasty. All the captives will be wiped out, and even some of them will be wiped out, and one arm will be cut off!!"

Speaking of this, Qi Jiguang's tone became fierce and his voice became louder, but Zou Yi and Wang Tong's faces changed slightly. What Qi Jiguang planned was a national war, no wonder he wanted to meet the emperor.

(End of this chapter)

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