Chapter 697

"Although Senggedu Guleng married the third lady, there were discords at the beginning. The Ida department may not be monolithic, and the Horqin department colluded with or fought with other departments outside the pass, and it did not stabilize. Now, the nine sides of the Ming Dynasty have their own elites. Soldiers and horses, we are strong and the enemy is weak, this is a good opportunity to eliminate the great trouble."

Zou Yi lowered his eyelids and said in a deep voice:
"My lord Qi said that our family will report all the words of your lord to the Lord Long Live."

The Alda tribe that Qi Jiguang mentioned had overwhelmed all the tribes on the grassland from west to east, from Monan to Mobei decades ago. They claimed to be the most powerful overlord on the grassland since Genghis Khan. During the Jiajing period, more than [-] cavalry were mobilized several times to invade the bandits, and they approached the capital several times.

And because the Horqin tribe relied on the various ministries outside the pass, it had the advantages of trade, and the small tribes were attached to it, and the population was constantly replenished, and it gradually became stronger. Despite the defeat at Gubeikou, it was able to mobilize more than [-] cavalry.

The important town on the nine borders of the Ming Dynasty is said to have over a million soldiers and horses, and the number of soldiers and horses may be only one tenth. The battle of the country after Yingzong led 50 people to conquer.

This kind of battle, winning is of course a great achievement, leaving a name in history, what to do if you lose, the failure on the battlefield is okay, when the time comes, the country will be overthrown, it will be a catastrophe.

Zou Yi was calculating in his heart, and his face was also indifferent, but Wang Tong's eyes were a little bright. He had seen the cavalry on the grassland twice. The season is spoiled, so is the Tartar cavalry on the grassland.

Now the soldiers and horses in Ji Town are strong, and the Huwei Army is also constantly expanding and strengthening. In addition, there are tens of thousands of members of the Li family in Liao Town. As long as these three families work together, even without the participation of other border towns, you can try the plan Qi Jiguang said .
Wang Tong just lowered his head. He and Zou Yi came to represent Emperor Wanli, so they couldn't express their emotions too clearly. Zou Yi looked indifferent, and Wang Tong lowered his head again, but Qi Jiguang couldn't see their reaction.

"Ji Town has excellent soldiers and horses, and Li Chengliang in Liao Town also raises good soldiers, but this is how I am here. If I am not here, it will inevitably fall into disrepair. Li Chengliang is also indulged in wealth, and I don't know how his sons can be If you can't keep those soldiers and horses, after these few years, you won't be able to talk about fighting, and it's hard to guarantee that there will be heroes among the Tartars. At that time, the situation will be reversed, and it will be another situation. , the old man can’t worry about it anymore.”

After talking for a long time, it was nothing more than taking this opportunity to fight against Mongolia, completely defeating the enemy on the grassland, and winning peace for Ming Dynasty for decades or hundreds of years.

However, neither Zou Yi nor Wang Tong would say a word about these matters, and neither of them knew whether the walls had ears.

"Is this what Mr. Qi said? Please rest assured, Mr. Qi, our family will definitely say what Mr. Qi just said, Long live Chen Zuo!"

The pen, ink, paper and inkstone had been prepared in the house long ago, but when Zou Yi heard about it, he took out a notebook from his pocket and quickly wrote it down. After Qi Jiguang finished speaking, he finished writing it a little later.

Going out of the palace to run errands, being ordered to do errands, regardless of people inside and outside the palace, the most disgusting thing is to encounter today's situation, talking about a big deal, it's nothing to dare to intervene, record it, listen , Remember, this is followed by an extra burden, even if Chen Zuo went up, he couldn't get rid of it.

When Zou Yi heard these things, he naturally didn't feel happy. His words already had the meaning of saying goodbye. Qi Jiguang has been proficient in the way of being an official for nearly 40 years. Hearing Zou Yi's implication, Qi Jiguang didn't seem to understand, just said with a smile:

"After finishing the important matters for His Majesty, there are still a few private matters to be entrusted."

After saying this, Qi Jiguang took out a square bronze medal from his bosom, and was about to raise his voice to greet him, but smiled at himself, threw the bronze medal on the table, and said with a smile:

"Did the two of you laugh at the habit Ji Zhen developed?"

Wang Tong stretched out his head and looked over. There was a tiger's head on the bronze medal, which was quite exquisite, but Zou Yi smiled and said:

"This is Tiger Brand. We have heard about it in the capital."

Qi Jiguang smiled, but Zou Yi turned to Wang Tong and explained:
"Master Qi's orders are prohibited in Ji Town. Whenever there is an important order, the tiger card must be handed over to the messenger. If the person who receives the order does not see the tiger card, he can kill the messenger. Moreover, the tiger card is changed every month. It is made by Master Qi's own craftsmen. , which cannot be imitated by ordinary people.”

"Eunuch Zou laughed at this. Ji Town is a critical border town. Don't dare to be negligent in everything. When you go to Guangdong, you won't need it. Hang it in the house as a thought, but this way south, the old man still treats it as a march. Keep this tiger card for use.”

When Qi Jiguang said it calmly, Wang Tong followed suit, and as a self-mockery of a veteran, Qi Jiguang raised his voice and shouted outside, and a strong young man came in, dressed as a soldier, with a low eyebrow and pleasing to the eye.

"My lord, this is Qi Wu, the old man's personal soldier. He is not bad on the battlefield. The other personal guards of the old man have been with the old man for many years. They are getting old, and they are used to each other, so they are reluctant to leave. But this kid is only seventeen this year, and he can't be wasted with my old man after learning all his skills. He wants to find a future for him. If Mr. Wang doesn't dislike him, let Qi Wu be a guard, or go to Jinyiwei. It's better to be a job in the Tianjin Huwei Army than to be down and out with this old man."

Wang Tong has encountered many things about entrusting people to himself, but he didn't expect that Qi Jiguang just made such an astonishing remonstrance impassionedly, and later it was the same thing, just a personal guard, leaving too many places by his side It can be placed, and the young warrior who can be valued so much by Qi Jiguang always has his excellence.

Wang Tong looked at Zou Yi beside him, but Zou Yi had an unknown smile on his face, which was quite weird. Wang Tong shook his head and ignored it, and said with a smile:
"Since Mr. Qi said so, it is better for Mr. Wang to be respectful than to follow his orders. Please rest assured Mr. Qi. If Qi Wu is really capable, Mr. Wang will protect his background. If he is not capable, he will have food and clothing for the rest of his life."

"In that case, the old man would like to thank Mr. Wang."

Qi Jiguang nodded with a smile, raised his teacup as a gesture, Wang Tong felt strange, Qi Jiguang's status and status were all placed here, but it was just a matter of arranging a personal guard. After putting away his smile, Qi Jiguang turned his head and said to Na Qiwu:
"Xiao Wu, you will be Lord Wang's servant from now on, but you have to do your job with all your heart, don't make any mistakes, lose the people of Ji Town, and lose the face of this old man, do you know? Go and meet Lord Wang!"

When Qi Wu heard this, he quickly knelt down, kowtowed several times to Wang Tong, and said:
"This subordinate has met Mr. Wang."

"Well, pack your luggage later, and follow me back to the city!"

Wang Tong nodded and said something, Qi Wu agreed, but after getting up, he knelt down to Qi Jiguang again, kowtowed more than a dozen heads one after another, and said with some tears:
"Please take care, Marshal, Xiao Wu can no longer serve by your side!"

Qi Jiguang nodded gravely, but when Qi Wu got up, his face was full of tears, Wang Tong frowned, thinking to himself, what a good man, why are you crying, and thinking about it, maybe this is Qi Jiguang's unparalleled rule of the army, with personal soldiers and personal guards It is reluctant to be loyal to him, but it is too awkward.

Qi Wu came out of the tent, Qi Jiguang seemed to have nothing on his mind, he let out a sigh of relief, and after he finished what he said just now, he entrusted him again, his whole body seemed to be a few years older in a short moment, and he was much weaker when he spoke again , he stood up from his seat and said solemnly:

"Qi was greatly favored by the former emperor and the current saint to guard Jizhen and command the frontier army. Although he can't go to Beijing to face the saint today, he still has to kowtow and congratulate him in order to fulfill his duties as a minister."

After finishing speaking, he knelt down and kowtowed in the direction of the capital's imperial city, and Zou Yi and Wang Tong also stood up.

On the way back, Wang Tong and Zou Yi were not as relaxed as when they came. After leaving the station, both of them were a little silent. After walking for a while, Zou Yi said with some dissatisfaction:
"This Qi Jiguang, why don't you just report these words to the Chen Zou, but you and my brother were born to listen to it, and you have to bear the responsibility for nothing. This trip happened."

Wang Tong shook his head and said with a smile:

"Qi Jiguang is also a smart man. If such words fall on paper, the spittle of the officials will drown him. Not to mention being the general soldier of Guangdong, it is not sure whether he can be a soldier in Guangdong, but Qi Jiguang is loyal to state affairs. Being willing to take the risk to say these words can be regarded as his sincerity, Brother Zou needn’t worry, these words should be returned to His Majesty.”

Zou Yi shook his head with a wry smile, glanced back, and said to Wang Tong with a smile:
"Brother Wang, you may have heard the allusion about Qi Jiguang's fear of guilt."

"This famous general is still afraid of his wife?"

"Why don't you be afraid? This is already a joke in the world. It is said that Qi Jiguang's soldiers and horses lined up in full armor to embolden him, and then invited his wife to watch the battle, trying to scare the woman. Unexpectedly, when Mrs. Qi Jiguang came Don't be afraid, I asked Qi Jiguang what he meant, and Qi Jiguang didn't know what to say in a hurry, so he said, "Madam is specially invited to parade."

After Zou Yi finished speaking, Wang Tong was taken aback for a moment, and the two of them laughed loudly. They didn't expect such a general to have such a thing. Zou Yi said again:
"It's so fearful, but Qi Jiguang has raised two houses outside. Now that the children are not young, his wife has no choice but to admit it."

Wang Tong listened and shook his head, but he wondered in his heart, could it be that Zou Yi used this to persuade himself to get married, but Zou Yi said there:
"The two houses outside were recognized by his wife by pinching his nose. With Qi Jiguang's identity, how could there be only three women?"

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(End of this chapter)

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