Chapter 723

Rather than being imprisoned in the city and waiting to die, hungry and full, it is better to go out of the city and become a farmer. Although there are taxes and corvees, hard work always pays off. Even if you don’t farm, you can do other things. The following The clan naturally knows how to choose.

After Wang Tong asked that sentence, he also asked, "Do the clans in the city think like you?" The following answer was also straightforward, "Although I don't know what other people think, but if you really have a share in farming, you should be happy Gotta jump."

Speaking of this, there is nothing to continue. Every clan that was called was given a few hundred coins, and then sent away. Originally, they had to cater to the imperial envoys. Qing Wangtong's intentions, what he said and what he said are all so sensitive, it's better to keep a distance first.

"Although Your Majesty trusts His Majesty the King, we, as courtiers, must be cautious in our words and deeds, so as not to disappoint His Majesty's trust."

When everyone dispersed, the governor of Shanxi gave some advice, and Wang Tong nodded politely and thanked him.

The conversation in the Shanxi chief envoy's office quickly spread throughout the city. If this policy is implemented, it will be good news for Taiyuan, Shanxi, and even the impoverished clans all over the world. In the past 200 years, no one has ever been able to accomplish this. Wang Tong may have been ignorant of the majesty of the universe at such a young age, so he uttered wild words, and no one took it seriously.

Wang Tong came to Shanxi on the grounds that Zonglu was in arrears, but except for a few high-ranking officials who knew about it, he never mentioned it to the outside world, keeping a low profile.

Right now, everywhere in Shanxi, especially Taiyuan Mansion, Datong Mansion and Datong Town, the most important activity is horse bandits running rampant on the grasslands, robbing business travelers, and killing people for money.

The certificates of Huang's business firm were sent to the desks of every senior official, and the remaining several wealthy merchants also had their own connections, each showed their abilities, and exerted influence through various aspects. It is in the hands of the general army of Datong, but in Shanxi, there are not no people who are higher than these two.

In the generation of kings in Datong, although the vassal kings have no power, their influence is still huge, and they can be played at the court at any time, and the emperor is also very concerned.

Zhang Siwei, the former chief assistant in Puzhou, although Ding You is at home, has all the ranks and ranks. Naturally, such civil servants, heads of state, and governors should be treated with care. .

To put it more broadly, Shanxi is not far from Beizhili, and it is easy to hear any news from Datian. It does not take too much time for the capital's decree and letter to arrive.

Everyone in the world knows that trading with the Tartars will bring huge profits. I don’t know how many people in the court and in the localities intervene in the border trade business to share the dividends. The caravan was robbed on the grassland and the goods were robbed. One loss was huge for those wealthy merchants. Jia Lai said that it was not a serious injury, but the rampant horse thieves would bring about the bad consequences of impeding or even cutting off the trade routes, which would be a huge loss.

Dayi said that the damage to Dali was like cutting flesh, and no one wanted it. The robbed caravan came back in disgrace, letters were sent from all over Datong, and the backers of each family were moved.

Originally, both the civil and military sides of Shanxi, the local officials were all concerned about the purpose of the imperial envoy's visit to Shanxi, but after a few days, everyone couldn't care less about the Laoshizi clan, and horse thieves became the biggest problem.

"Fuyuan, clearing up the horse thieves, and returning the peace of the trade route, several companies have written posts, some from Daiwang's mansion, some from Zhang Ge's hometown in Puzhou, and some are said to be related to the capital. I guess the posts are also the same. It will be here in a few days.”

The governors are all appointed after the title of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, so they are honored as Fuyuan. Hearing what the chief envoy said, Yu Junyou, the governor of Shanxi who was sitting there, snorted angrily and said:
"The suppression of horse thieves is going to the north, which is the hunting ground of the Tartars. How to go out to suppress them, send troops out, and who will bear the charge of arbitrarily provoking frontier quarrels? Is this court going to take the blame for them? Everything is related to Datong Town, why did you ask to go to Taiyuan?"

Although the governor is acting like this, but the conversation is biased towards the chief envoy, the chief envoy also said with a wry smile:

"Deputy General Ma has shrunk his head now, saying that he is a temporary representative, and these matters cannot be decided, and the official seal of the imperial court's chief soldier must arrive to make a decision."

"If that's the case, Chen Fangbo, what are you still worrying about? If there are such other related rumors and revelations, just push them to Datong Town."

The governor and chief envoy set the tone, but those who went to the government to report that their goods had been robbed ignored them all, and only said that the Ming government only took care of Ming affairs, and that the North was not the territory of the Ming Dynasty, and it was not within its jurisdiction.

How can this kind of explanation be convincing? Those wealthy businessmen behind the backstage immediately jumped their feet. If they want to do such a border trade business, they have to take care of it from top to bottom. Yinzi, you can't let go of something if you say that it is not within the jurisdiction.

Some wealthy merchants made harsh remarks directly, while others wrote letters to complain to their proprietors in the capital. Some wealthy merchants already had children who were officials in the capital. After receiving a letter from their hometown, they had to write a letter The memorial is presented.

Although the small and medium-sized businessmen who were robbed did not have a strong backing, they could be reconciled to being robbed of their hard-earned money and goods. They had to go to the yamen gate to make a big noise and beat drums every day to express their grievances.

In the past, merchants with no backing dared to make noise in front of the government, and the guards beat them out with water and fire sticks, or they caught them and cooked them up to make you lose your skin.

But now it's a bit strange, there are Jinyiwei's soldiers staring at the gates of the yamen, although I don't know what this Jinyiwei is watching, but Wang Tong, the imperial envoy who came to Shanxi, is the commander of Jinyiwei, and the soldiers of Jinyiwei are all him With their eyes and ears prying, and the eyes and ears of imperial envoys watching, everyone should restrain themselves.

Small and medium-sized businessmen are making trouble, Dai Wangfu, Puzhou Zhangge's hometown, and the big bosses of the capital have all arrived with more sternly worded letterheads and so on.

When the matter has reached such a point, the local government does not dare to delay too much, otherwise the future of the family will be in danger, and it is necessary to intervene. Unexpectedly, at this time, the capital also came to order, and officials from the Shanxi department clamored to go to Shu, Another real merchant of the Ming Dynasty was robbed, and the imperial court also ordered to intervene.

At the end of September, the decree arrived in Shanxi, but this decree made the officials in Shanxi breathe a sigh of relief, because the responsibility was not on their side. The decree made it clear that the imperial envoy Wang Tong supervised the extermination of the horse bandits.

Daming was making such a big fuss, but the Alta Department in Guihua City was also in a similar situation. The caravans they robbed were not as many as Daming, but they still suffered heavy losses.

Moreover, since the rise of Alta Khan to dominate, no one has dared to touch the caravans protected by the Ministry of Alta for nearly 50 years. Moreover, these horse thieves are ruthless.

The grassland is vast, and often when those who fled back call for rescuers, all they see are mutilated corpses. At this time of year, the smell of blood most provokes wild animals and birds of prey.

Among the Tartar nobles, it is not easy to send out caravans, not to mention their status, there is not a team of thousands of people, and the caravan guards are a problem. You don’t have to be robbed by horse thieves, and you will be taken by other leaders and generals. Eat it in private.

These people's goods were robbed and their subordinates were killed, and it was impossible to let it go, not to mention that there was a caravan of San Niangzi here, and Seng Gedu Gulen, who had just sat in the position of Da Khan for less than two years, also paid attention to it. Teams of cavalry scattered around Guihua City and began chasing and killing horse thieves on the grassland.

After the brigade of cavalry was sent out, they really caught traces of horse thieves. When a caravan was robbed, the more than three hundred cavalry behind them caught up.

There seems to be no suspense between the cavalry and the horse thieves, but after the cavalry on this side chased after them, the horse thieves did not run away. After rushing in a mess, after dozens of people were killed, they collapsed first, watching the horse thieves walk away.

The news was reported layer by layer, Guihua City was shaken, and Senggedu Guleng had fought against Alta Khan since he was a boy, and he was extremely sensitive to such disturbances. A horse thief who could defeat Alta's cavalry, such a person on the grassland, is not To be recruited as a general is to be a hero who dominates one side. How could he become a horse thief? There is only one explanation for such a powerful cavalry, that is, most of the other squads, or the soldiers and horses of the Ida Department itself, or even the Daming's.
The soldiers and horses of Datong are so cowardly that they have not dared to take the initiative to fight for nearly a hundred years. Sengge Dugulen has the least doubts about Datong. Cavalry, well-armored, often use carts to pretend to be caravans.

Such a team cannot be taken lightly. The cavalry who go to suppress bandits on the grassland must act in a team of thousands of people. They must be cautious, but this group of horse bandits must be wiped out, and they must not be allowed to continue to do harm.

All kinds of news about the Daming border merchants were known to the Alta Ministry either actively or passively. The range of activities of the horse thieves was close to the Daming Border Town, and the cavalry of the Alta Ministry also approached in that direction.

The cavalry of the Tartar brigade suddenly moved frequently around the border town, and it was autumn and winter again. The officers and soldiers on the nine borders knew what this meant. Besides, although the Ming Dynasty had always been on the defensive against Mongolia, it had its own eyes and ears on the grassland. The other party said It is to eliminate horse thieves, but no one dares to take chances.

Every fort in Datong, the emergency reports from the guards were generally sent to Datong, and Datong sent an urgent envoy straight to the capital. At the beginning of October in the 11th year of Wanli, Datong was in an emergency, and northern Xinjiang was in an emergency! !

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(End of this chapter)

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