Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 724 Ask the imperial envoy to call the shots

Chapter 724 Ask the imperial envoy to call the shots

The governor of Xuanda is stationed in Yanghewei, the governor of Datong is stationed in Datongfucheng, and the chief soldier and supervisor of Datong Town are also stationed in Datongfucheng. These are the leading officials of Datong Border Town.

The cavalry cavalry from the Alda Department came out and approached Datong border town more and more. Shanxi was shaken. Datong border town was responsible for the defense here. Naturally, these military and political officials had to discuss countermeasures.

The military affairs are urgent. According to official rules, everyone should go to Yanghewei to discuss matters, but now they don't care too much. Governor Xuanda came to Datong and discussed in the official office of the governor of Datong.

The governor of Xuanda is in charge of Xuanfu and Datong towns, and the title of the governor of Datong also has the title of admiral of military affairs. It is said that they are all superiors in Datong town, but in fact, the commander and supervisor of Datong town are self-contained. It's all for the court to make a decree, and the rest of the time it's just a little bit of face for each other, so everyone can get along.Therefore, the governor and the governor didn't interfere much with the affairs of Datong Town during peacetime, but now the situation is different, and the urgent documents have been sent to the capital, so they don't care so much.

A few people sat in the hall, of course Xuanda Governor Weng Wanda sat in the middle, Datong Governor Mei Wenjin sat on the left, and Deputy General Ma Dong, who was temporarily acting as the commander in chief, sat on the right. It is sitting at the bottom of Ma Dong.

The official ranks are arranged in this way, but it is Ma Dong who leads the army to do things. It is extremely domineering for other generals to occupy the position of the general army, even if it is temporarily, but Ma Dong may come from a family of generals and has always been Very low-key and restrained.

His attitude of abiding by the rules made the governor and the governor feel rather tricky, but when things got to this point, it didn't matter whether it was tricky or not, let's talk about things first.

"Nowadays, there are police everywhere from Suicide Hukou to Huyukou. The beacon fires have been lit on the Qiangbao side of the town the day before yesterday. There is no snowstorm on the grassland this year, and the harvest in Guihua City is not bad. Why are the Tartars provoking quarrels everywhere? "

Weng Wanda has served as Governor of Xuanda for almost ten years. He is in his early [-]s. The old man's spirit of building the border wall and training the border soldiers has disappeared. He only thinks about peace during his tenure.

The governor of Datong's face was quite ugly. Now that the matter is up to now, the governor is still pretending to be confused. He said coldly:
"My lord, in the past few months, caravans everywhere have been robbed, not only our caravans, but also the caravans of the Tartars. Yesterday, the letter from Yuanfu Shenge also arrived, let us strictly investigate In such a situation, who cares about those profiteers, the Tartars are so cavalry everywhere, who knows whether they are chasing horse thieves, or have some evil intentions for our Ming Dynasty, Senggedu Gulen is not my answer, he was back then "

"'The old slave has such a class of soldiers and horses, and he still lives in the north'. Our family has also heard the saying. Now that we have reached this state, everyone must come up with a charter. What's the use of such a routine, caravan The matter of being robbed must be seriously investigated and dealt with, and the changes of the Tartars must be carefully guarded against, and our family will also write notes for the palace."

Xu Wen, the supervising army here, also said sharply, he is also a cliché, but a few people can understand it, and they know it in their hearts. A certain eunuch from the ceremonial supervisor, and several eunuchs also have letterheads, border trade profits So heavy, many eunuchs in the capital also intervened, horse thieves were so rampant, and many people were damaged. When the large cavalry from Guihua City came out, it was tantamount to cutting off the commercial road. Who would be reconciled to such a break? Naturally, it is necessary to supervise and resolve it.

After talking for a few words, the three people in the room still focused their attention on Ma Dong. Ma Dong was sitting on the chair, not making a sound, nor seemed to be listening.

"Master Ma?" "Master Ma!!?"

The governor of Datong raised his voice and shouted twice, Ma Dongcai, the deputy general acting as the general of Datong, trembled a little, as if he had come to his senses. Seeing everyone's attention, he paused and said:
"This general is temporarily serving as the chief soldier of Datong, so I dare not speak nonsense, let's wait for the imperial court's decree!"

"There are no outsiders in the house, and the current situation is like this. Why should Mr. Ma say that? If you deal with it properly this time, isn't Mr. Ma the position of the general soldier of Datong? Maybe he can be awarded a knighthood and reward. You know best here Just talk about military matters!"

Weng Wenda said, "It's a step down for each other, but Ma Dong actually wants to push it out. In this season, there must be someone who is responsible, and they can't bear it with a few civil servants."

I don't know whether this Ma Dong is stupid or smart. Ma Dong just said a word over there, and he cleared his throat and said:

"Since I want to tell you, my lords, don't be offended. With the current situation on the grassland, we dare not act rashly. If we send troops and horses to cause misunderstanding and give the Tartars an excuse to attack, it will be a catastrophe. Now, for the current plan, we must strictly guard all the gates and forts in the frontier fortress, and let all the troops be ready and ready."

The words are clichés, but they did so, but the other three were not reconciled to only getting this answer. Datong Xunmei Wenjin frowned, and said:
"Although there was a change in the Ministry of Answers, there was no war after all. If horse thieves are allowed to run rampant, we may not be able to explain it here?"

Sitting there, Ma Dong's expression changed, he stood up after hesitating for a while, and said solemnly with his fists clasped:
"Speaking of which, there are some things that need to be discussed. Everyone should have some concerns about what the soldiers and horses of Datong look like. For so many years in Taiping, except for Sun Daying who went crazy and won the battle last year, there are others. How many dare to go out to fight, let alone go out to fight, even if the Tartars come to attack, how many of them can hold on?"

Everyone was speechless, Ma Dong said again:
"At present, there are 13 soldiers on the list. In fact, there are 3000, thank God. How many soldiers can there be among the 3000 soldiers? I'm afraid I can't make up [-] soldiers. Those who can go out to fight at that time [-] people, the others are not even as good as the farmers who cultivate the land. The problem now is not to wipe out the horse thieves, but whether they can hold it. , the Tartars are getting closer and closer, as long as they attack the side wall, they will immediately collapse, and by then, everything will be over."

After Deputy General Ma Dong finished speaking, Governor Weng Wenda and Governor Mei Wenjin both took a breath of air-conditioning, and their faces darkened, but Xu Wen, the eunuch who supervised the army, looked a little confused there.

Weng Wenda now also knows the soldiers and horses on Yanghewei's side, or even the strength of the soldiers there, and the governor of Datong, Mei Wenjin, naturally can't see outside the city of Datong.

What's more, both of them are civil servants, and it's okay to talk about it according to the military book, and plan the way of military affairs. How can they understand whether the soldiers are strong or weak, and it's not just what the generals say.

Hearing what Ma Dong said was so serious, think about the frequent activities of Tartar soldiers and horses outside. If it really broke through and broke into Shanxi, according to the previous rules, the generals were only demoted, and they would be punished as responsible persons. Take it out and ask for guilt.

But they don't know soldiers, Xu Wen, the supervisor of the army, is also in the army all day long. The eunuchs who came out of the inner court are different from the civil servants. , You must also have the ability to do poor things, and you must know how to do practical things.

Xu Wen is much clearer than the governor and governor about the combat power of Datong Town. It is indeed weak, but it should be able to defend it. Moreover, after so many years in Taiping, since Sun Daying and Ma Dong, the successive commander-in-chiefs are still hardworking. , there are soldiers and horses capable of fighting everywhere, and Ma Dong has some military generals from the Ma family in his hands, so he can gather all the capable troops of 8000 people.

Not everyone on the Tartar side can fight, but they can have more than [-] elite cavalry, and they all take advantage of having horses. But when the Tartars come to attack, they cannot come out with all their strength, and they have to stay behind to guard and return. Transforming the city and guarding against other tribes, calculated in this way, Datong's side is not completely defenseless when the Tartars come over, and they can still fight, at least they can keep the key points.

But what Ma Dong said was so miserable, Xu Wen pondered over and over there, and felt that Ma Dong's statement was safe and sound. If it was really all-encompassing, and he patted his chest and talked, there was no way to explain it in case of defeat. Now tell the situation It's better to be miserable than to be really miserable when the time comes. After all, it has nothing to do with the individual.

The governor and the governor looked at each other for a few moments, but they didn't have any ideas. Thinking about the prospect of being ruined and being arrested and imprisoned, they were even more disheartened and didn't know what to do.

"My lords, I will have a plan, I don't know if I should say it or not!!"

At this moment of embarrassment, Ma Dong opened his mouth again, and the supervisor Xu Wen simply stopped talking, but the two of them seemed to have grasped at straws, and kept saying:

"Master Ma, please speak, Sir Ma, please speak."

"Right now, Mr. Wang, the imperial envoy, is in Fucheng, Taiyuan. He has already ordered him to supervise the extermination of horse thieves. Since there are police in the frontier, it is better to act in a hurry. Let's report the emergency to the capital and ask Mr. Wang for an idea. This way, we don't have to Take responsibility for things like this."

"Lord Ma's plan is safe. According to His Majesty's temperament, after seeing Datong's emergency report, Wang Tong might be in charge of preventing the captives. Forget it, let's play together!!"

After the discussion was completed, everyone signed the seal and sent it to the capital quickly. Ma Dong still had a heavy face in the official office, but he had a sneer when he came out.

The guards surrounded him and got on the horse, and a leader of the guards came over and said:

"Master, there are a lot of goods at Baiyangkou, and the price is very high now, do you want to?"

"I'll say it again, when I sell it is up to me, you go to Baiyangkou today and explain it to there, you don't have orders, don't play with those goods, or his whole family won't live Already!!"

Baiyangkou is in Datong Town near Xuanfu Town, where Tianchengwei is located in Datong Town, and Ma Dong was guarding there back then.

(End of this chapter)

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