Chapter 753
"The whole cavalry team stepped forward a hundred steps!!"

Wang Tong issued orders loudly, and the orderlies on the cart began to pass orders to the cavalry with copper whistles and flags. Ma Sanbiao, who was on the right side of the cavalry formation, raised his knife and leaned forward.

The flag next to Ma Sanbiao also waved forward. When it finally stopped, the big flag moved forward obliquely, and the cavalry brigade that was confronting just now began to move. Speed, although the cavalry of the brigade is moving, it is just walking slowly.

Since the formation of the two armies, this is the first time that the Ming army has launched an offensive. Under the tactic of the chariot formation, the chariot formation itself is a torso covered in thorns, while the cavalry cruising outside the camp are the limbs used to attack and weapons.

The large-scale movement of nearly [-] horsemen naturally would not be unresponsive from the Tartar side, and the Chinese army that had just marched slowly came out of the formation again and moved forward.

And this time, there were more than [-] cavalry in the Chinese army, and the formations on both sides of him were also ready, ready to use their superior strength to face the Ming cavalry at any time.

The center of the current battle situation is the confrontation between the cavalry of both sides, but not all of them. It can be seen that some Tartar messengers ran from the golden banner to other queues, and thousands of cavalry broke away from the brigade and began to move towards the west side of the entire battlefield.

"The enemy has thousands of cavalry heading west!!"

The guard on the watchtower was loudly reporting his observations. In the center of the Huwei army's position, a wooden platform had been put together with four carts. The watchtower was on the wooden platform, and Wang Tong was also on the wooden platform. Hearing this announcement, he circled the watchtower and stared at the cavalry formation that suddenly separated.

The movement direction of the Tartar cavalry formation was towards the flanks of the Jizhen chariot formation, but there was no movement on their own side. Li Hutou shouted loudly:

"The second battalion and the third battalion of the firecrackers are loading ammunition, ready to change the shooting position!!"

Li Hutou and Tan Bing divided the entire chariot battalion into two areas, one in charge of half. Although the current movement direction of the Tartar cavalry was separated by the chariot formation, the Huwei army had to make arrangements in advance.

"No, no, the Tartars have just conducted a trial attack in both positions, and they will not only deploy restraints on the Ji Town side!"

Wang Tong frowned and observed, and said to himself, then raised his voice again, and shouted loudly:
"Fire gunners, artillery team, and archers, get ready, don't give orders, don't fire at will!!"

The following suddenly agreed, but Wang Tong's order had no practical significance, it was just an arrangement on the battlefield, Wang Tong was a little anxious.

Facing the advantage and his own army of Tartars, Che Ying certainly would not move lightly, but this also lost the position of taking the initiative to attack. He could only watch the opponent's army make moves, and the opponent drove the old and weak to try to attack. Wang Tong didn't know what to do, and it was because he didn't know that he was anxious.

In several battles with Tartar soldiers and horses, different discoveries were made several times, which means that there are always deviations in the pre-response, which feels very bad.

"The enemy's central army opened its mouth to the west, and one of them seemed to be an infantry. A group of infantry appeared, more than 3000 people."

Even the pawns on the watchtower were not sure. In fact, even if Wang Tong was in the position, he could easily see the new infantry of the opponent. There were still infantry on the grassland, mainly cavalry. Why did the Mongols abandon the cavalry with stronger mobility and stronger impact, and use infantry instead.

The answer is very simple. Wang Tong realized it in the next moment. This is a pawn composed of Han people. In the middle of Jiajing period, Shanxi and Datong once had a large-scale plague. A large number of Han people fled outside the Great Wall to avoid the plague. With the rise of the Alda tribe, a large number of households were plundered in Daming. In Guihua City, there are nearly 20 Han people. This population size is enough to make up an army composed of Han people, far more than 3000 people.

That team of infantry didn't have any formation, it was rather scattered. The reason why it can be called a team is because there are cavalry cruising around this formation, which looks like herdsmen driving sheep on horseback, because Driven by these cavalry, the infantry team slowly moved forward.

"Commander, the Tartar army has also opened its mouth on the east side of the town. Thousands of infantry are going to the army formation in Ji Town!"

The number of infantry over there is relatively large. It seems that the Tartars judged the strength of the Ming army based on the size of the army formation and the number of people.

"The enemy is in the front, ready to attack, ready!!"

The shouts of the generals below came one after another, and the scene in Jizhen was similar. At this moment, they heard the rapid beating of gongs in Jizhen, the two armies separated, and the military orders were carried out according to the original rules. Wang Tong knew what this order meant, and he turned his head to look over.

Sure enough, the Tartar cavalry who had just made a detour to the west came rushing towards the flank of the chariot formation. On the cart opposite to Jizhen chariot formation, a man hurriedly got off the chariot and came to Wang Tong's side. Loudly reported:
"Commander, Ji Town has sent a letter, please transfer the cavalry to support!"

The cavalry of the Ming army stopped after a hundred steps forward, and the Tartar cavalry that was facing him did not move forward either. Wang Tong glanced around the battlefield, nodded and said:
"Send the order, Ma Yong led 3000 cavalry to listen to the order under Vice General Yang, with Ma Sanbiao and Zhang Lei standing guard!"

The messenger shouted his orders and ran towards that side. If Zhang Lei, who was originally from Ji Town, was sent to lead the cavalry, it might not be too convenient if he needed to be called back. If Ma Yong from Datong Town was to lead, there was no need to worry. this.

"Check the ammunition loading, check that the matchlock is complete!!~~"

The gunfire officer below began to issue orders, and Mu En and Zhang Wu also loudly ordered the artillery artillery to start rectifying the artillery. Mu En hesitated there, but rode to the wooden platform and asked:
"Marshal, how did the artillery fire this time!?"

From the beginning of the battle to the present, Mu En is a little depressed. He has been in the artillery team for a long time, and the roar of the artillery seems to be falling apart. But Wang Tong refused to let him do it, feeling bored.

"Steady, wait for my order!"

Wang Tong looked at the battlefield in the distance, and gave an order in a deep voice, Mu En was depressed, but the military order was like a mountain, and it still had to be carried out, so it was natural to be vague.

Since Wang Tong didn't give any new orders, the one-jin cannon is still used now. For the soldiers of the artillery team, it is no different from setting off firecrackers, which is really boring.

The infantry lineup sent by the Tartars was getting closer and closer under the driving of the cavalry, but these infantry were worse than the old and weak cavalry who charged just now. It was only under the threat of death that they kept coming forward.

"Commander, the carts on the side of the Tartars are moving, and they are going to the main formation and Jizhen respectively!"

Tartar carts?Wang Tong was puzzled, thought for a while, but was startled by something else, and shouted angrily there:

"Why don't you fire!!"

According to the marks before the army formation, the forwards of the infantry had already stepped into the range, but neither the gunfire nor the artillery fired. On the contrary, there was still some commotion on the side of the firecrackers and artillery.

"Marshal, these pawns are Han Chinese!!"

I don’t know who said something in the queue. The Tiger’s Might army has strict discipline, but the distance between Wang Tong and the soldiers below is not that far. At this moment, almost all the soldiers from the general to the soldiers below are hesitant. Everyone doesn’t know what to do. Is good.

Wang Tong was taken aback for a moment, then became furious, and shouted angrily:
"They are Han Chinese, but they are working for the Tartars. Are they unarmed? If they charge up, will they be soft on you?"

The crying and howling outside could be heard clearly in the army formation. They were all accented in Shanxi area. They were indeed Han people. The army formation was quiet, and Wang Tong said loudly again:

"They have weapons in their hands, why don't they fight the Tartars around them, why do they charge forward, you have to pity such a bastard and hateful people, your own lives are at stake!?"

The infantry driven by the Tartars came within shooting range, and when they saw the corpses of the men and horses lying there, they were all terrified and trembling, not knowing what to do. His saber was hacked down directly, and the hesitant companions were hacked to death one by one. Blood and screams forced them to keep moving forward.

After eighty steps, a Tartar shouted in Chinese:
"Come on, they don't know how to fire, just rush over and give you a way to survive!!"

The footsteps of the intimidated Han Chinese infantry gradually accelerated. They were all Han Chinese who might not dare to strike. If I rushed over, I would be able to survive. If the Ming army on the opposite side attacked, we would not be soft. In the face of life and death, what righteousness, what Nationality, these ignorant people can't care about it at all.

The people in the front began to run, and the crowd began to speed up. They rushed up with red eyes, clutched their weapons tightly, howling.

Eighty steps, seventy steps, sixty steps, fifty steps, getting closer and closer, the Tartar cavalry who drove them also began to gather their formation, and followed the infantry formation, and the situation suddenly became dangerous .


The general of the Tiger Mighty Army shouted loudly, but there were no firecrackers fired immediately, and the Tarbarian infantry team rushed a few more steps before a few firecrackers were fired, then a dozen, then dozens, Then hundreds of firecrackers roared together, and the charge of the Tartar infantry was abruptly stopped forty steps away from the chariot formation.

The firecrackers finished firing one firecracker, then took the second one handed behind them in a daze, and continued to shoot, as if a huge sickle was waving in front of the array. Every time it was swung, a large number of lives were harvested, a large number of people fall
(End of this chapter)

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