Chapter 754
The firecrackers behind the wooden wall of the cart felt that a long time had passed. In fact, they just took over four firecrackers and fired four times, that is, hundreds of firecrackers fired one after another.

But the rushing infantry lineup has been pushed back to seventy steps away. The people in front have tried their best to stop their footsteps, but they are pushed by the people behind who can't stand their footsteps. mouth, and hit the shells into the crowd.

The shooting time was not long, but it was enough to cause the infantry assembled by serfs to collapse. The flames blazed in front of them, and the comrades had blood holes in their bodies, and they fell down screaming.

Compared with this scene, the slashing by the Tartar cavalry was not so terrible, and they could resist. They turned around one after another, and fled backwards regardless. If the Tartar cavalry came to drive them away again, they would also resist.

Even the driving Tartar cavalry could not stop such momentum, just like the ebbing tide, the crowd that was rushing ferociously just now receded all of a sudden.

After retreating nearly [-] steps, they were re-encircled by the Tartar cavalry, and rushed towards the direction of the army formation. The Huwei army's firecrackers standing behind the wooden wall had already had a rotation. There was no need to hesitate, everyone was holding firecrackers blankly, ready to fire at any time.

The army formation of Huwei Army was extremely quiet, and the atmosphere was very depressing. The guns on the Ji Town side fired again. Just now everyone was too focused, so they didn’t notice that the Ji Town position actually opened fire. Now It was already the second round of firing, this is the style of a veteran.

On such a life-and-death battlefield, the sole purpose of soldiers is to survive and win. Those who stand in the way of this goal are the enemy. What's more, when the Han people who were coerced rushed over, they would not be jealous of the Ming army's infantry who let them go. If you have mercy, you will only do it crazily.


The howling Han infantry stepped into the range again, and the general issued a loud order. This time, the firecrackers and artillery of the Huwei Army opened fire decisively without any hesitation.

If the Han people who were driven forward just now were pitiful, now they are standard hateful. They already know that they will die if they rush forward, and they still have a chance to fight with the Tartar cavalry around them, but they would rather be driven forward. , I have been a serf for too long, and I have lost my blood.

Being driven to rush forward, this time he did not rush within [-] steps, or even a hundred steps away, and was about to be beaten by artillery and ran away crying. The battlefield at this time was a bit ridiculous.

A group of cavalry including Ma Sanbiao have already begun to dismount their horses in turn to rest their horsepower. The chariots on both sides are constantly firing outwards. After being driven back by the Tartar cavalry, it seemed like a monkey show on the battlefield.

Every time they rush to the front, they lose more than a dozen lives, and then go round and round, which makes people tired, but they have to deal with it, but the army formation in Ji Town is fighting more fiercely.

In addition to using more infantry in that direction, there were also several groups of Tartar cavalry who took turns to advance forward on the flanks, but they fought well, did not charge with all their strength, and did not get strangled. The Ming army cavalry on the side kept in contact. Although the fight was easy, the officers and soldiers in the chariot formation did not dare to slack off. Those Han infantry who were driven away were fine. Take advantage of the gap, and always maintain a certain strength in the corresponding direction.

This kind of battle can even make people unable to concentrate. It is boring, tiresome, and powerless. The generals are waiting for Wang Tong's order. For this kind of entanglement, it is better to use the cavalry to disperse them, it does not have to be so troublesome.

Wang Tong, who was on the wooden platform, kept staring at the back of the Tartar infantry. There were also cavalry driving behind them. His sight was blocked so badly that he couldn't see clearly, but he could also see another group of infantry on the cart. Rest something.

"Order Ma Sanbiao to drive away the pawns and pawns in front of the Tiger's Mighty Army formation. Don't fight, just let them disperse for a while!"

Wang Tong finally issued the order, and the messenger quickly issued the order, and the cavalry team on the flanks of the chariot formation began to regroup and move forward slowly.

The troops on this side moved, and the Tartars immediately reacted, and cavalry could be seen from the formation to join the team driving away the infantry.

With a whistle, Ma Sanbiao led the cavalry and rushed out. The distance from the middle of the formation to the enemy's attacking formation was less than [-] steps, and the horses could not rush forward, not to mention staying strong to deal with the following cavalry.

However, the infantry driven by the Tartars were indeed a mob. When they saw the Ming cavalry approaching, they immediately broke up. This time, the Tartar cavalry did not rush to gather, but formed into formation to prepare for the battle.

"An order for the cavalry to come back and stand by!!"

Wang Tong gave another order that the Targa's cavalry had always had an absolute advantage over the Ming army's cavalry on the battlefield here, and if he rashly let his cavalry charge over there, he would die.

The hurried gong sounded, and the cavalry of the Ming army retreated again. The Tartar cavalry who had already lined up also did not pursue. Instead, a general gave an order, and the Tartar cavalry dispersed again to gather back the infantry who had just dispersed.

Then again and again, the Tartar army seems to be well-trained, so is it the only way to drive the Han serfs to attack?

"Commander, such a stalemate in the battle situation is quite detrimental to our army's morale, please make a decision early, Commander!"

At this time, the only person who is qualified to say this is General Tan, Wang Tong frowned and said:

"Although the Targa infantry scattered just now, the cavalry blocked the front again, and it was still impossible to see what they were doing behind!"

"Commander, if our army hesitates so much, I'm afraid we will lose the opportunity, in case the Tartars gain the upper hand."

"I just want to see what they are using to take advantage of this opportunity. The cavalry rushed forward and engulfed the Han infantry. Both of these have been used and proved to be useless, but seeing how leisurely they are, there should be more Backhand, I just want to wait and see what this backhand is!!"

Wang Tong said in a deep voice, Tan Jiang was about to speak, but he heard a loud report from the guard upstairs:
"Commander, the Tartars have already set up wooden frames, there are about twenty of them, and they are being built three hundred paces away from the main formation to the Ji army's position!"

Wang Tong looked over quickly, and there was a commotion in the army formation below. The Tartar infantry and cavalry team could no longer cover the construction behind.

The wooden frame built with thick wood seems to be in the shape of a square cone. The craftsmen are still passing the wood one by one. Wang Tong doesn't know what it is, but looking at these wood and iron pieces, it seems that they are all Customization, as long as they are tenoned and then bundled and reinforced, the finished product is finished.

The shelf was built very quickly, and the height was over seven feet. Someone even hung two cylindrical wooden cages on both sides of the wooden shelf.
".This is the return cannon!!"

Tan Jiang lost his voice and said, Huihui Pao, although the name contains the word Pao, it has nothing to do with firearms. This is a counterweight trebuchet that came from the Western Regions after the rise of the Mongol Yuan in the late Song Dynasty and early Yuan Dynasty. This kind of trebuchet It can throw heavy stone bullets, which can cause great damage to the city defense fortifications. The original character of Pao is Pao, which means trebuchet, and Huihui, which began when Song and Jin confronted each other, generally refers to those from the Western Regions. People, and later mainly talk about Semu people.

Catapults have a long history, but the trebuchets used in China are all powered by manpower. After this technology was introduced to Arabia, craftsmen in the Western Regions improved the trebuchets by adding a counterweight and pedal transmission pulley device, so that the trebuchet The machine can throw heavier stone bombs and can throw them farther.

The Mongolian Yuan Dynasty attacked the Quartet and broke through the city, relying on such sharp weapons, not only for siege, but if the enemy army fought by relying on the terrain and fortifications, and set up trebuchets, it would have a great impact on the enemy's infantry and cavalry. kill.

This is the current situation. Both Huwei Army and Ji Town use carts as their formations, which is equivalent to starting a city on flat ground, because the fortifications composed of carts and vans hinder the cavalry's attack, and the infantry rely on the fortifications to launch outwards. With long-range firepower, infantry cannot leave the protection of the chariot formation without authorization. Under such circumstances, as long as the fortification is blasted away with a trebuchet, the defense will be broken through. In field battles, everyone knows the advantage of cavalry over infantry.

Meng Yuan was expelled from the Central Plains by Ming Taizu Zhu Yuanzhang. After Ming Chengzu Zhu Di’s several Northern Expeditions, coupled with the mutual attacks of various Mongolian ministries, the strength of all degraded extremely, and the technology of trebuchets was gradually lost. Thinking of meeting him on this battlefield today.

Three hundred paces away, the firearms on Ji Town's side couldn't hit that far, and the Huwei Army's side
Wang Tong had never seen a return cannon, but when he was in the Huwei Martial Art Museum, he heard Huang Yang and Yu Dayou say that it was enough to know that it was a trebuchet. Although General Tan was nervous, Wang Tong smiled and said:
"This must be the method that the Tartars have been preparing all along!"

After saying this, he issued an order loudly on the wooden platform:
"After a round of blunderbuss and artillery salvo, the first regiment and the second regiment will go out to meet the enemy!!"

When the order was issued, the generals below all responded loudly, and the car formation that had been dull for a long time immediately boiled up. Wang Tong and General Tan got off the wooden platform together. Wang Tong said:
"General Tan, in this car formation, you and the supervising army will be entrusted to you!"

"Please don't worry, my lord. There are 2000 security guards and long husbands, and they are enough to report to the car array without losing it!"

General Tan bowed to answer, very confident, Han Gang had already brought Wang Tong a horse, Wang Tong nodded and got on the horse, but Mu En came over there again, and asked listlessly:
"Marshal, how did the artillery team move this time?"

"Take out all the cannons you can take out, and it's time for you to show your talents!"

Mu En's eyes lit up, and he agreed loudly. Just when he was about to turn around and prepare, Wang Tong said with a smile again:

"Don't move the biggest three doors!!"

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(End of this chapter)

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