Chapter 789
Hearing what Empress Dowager Li said, Emperor Wanli's face was neither angry nor happy, and he just said:
"Mother, please speak."

"A few days ago, someone told Aijia about the establishment of special officials in Tianjin Wei. Now Huang Yifen, a member of the Armed Forces Department of the Ministry of War, can be called a capable member. With so much money flowing in and out, such a person is needed, what do you think, Your Majesty?"

Last time, he didn't propose a specific candidate. This time he directly mentioned the name. Emperor Wanli lowered his head and said in a muffled voice:
"This man is my uncle's protégé. My uncle spends more on food and clothing than me. Could it be that the family is short of money, so why are they so enthusiastic and restrained?"

Empress Dowager Li frowned suddenly. The situation in the capital has become more and more restless these days. After leaving Wang Tong, Emperor Wanli had to go through the foreign court to do many things. If there were trade-offs, Empress Dowager Li felt that Emperor Wanli would not refuse her request, but she did not expect to be so sarcastic.

With a wink at the side, the attendants all retreated, and Empress Dowager Li's voice turned cold, and she said:
"Your Majesty, Tianjin Wei protects the expenses of the palace, not only the 120 taels of gold flowers and silver, but also several commercial and shipping companies that the Yu Ma Jian has invested in Tianjin Wei, and the annual income and dividends are also quite a lot. Without this The source of wealth, the palace expenses will suddenly become embarrassing."

"How could it be cut off? Is the queen mother too worried!"

"If Wang Tong can't come back, or if he returns in a big defeat, in a place like Tianjin Wei, he has a military position that has lost power, does the emperor think he can still hold it? When the time comes when the court recommends one to pass, there will be another one." The two pieces of silver are brought into the palace, and the courtiers will obstruct and make things difficult for them to do anything in the palace. If they don’t make preparations in advance, they can’t do it. There is no silver in the palace, so the food rewards of the Imperial Army and the generals of the Beijing Army will be raised there.”

Empress Dowager Li's voice became severe, and Emperor Wanli just muttered bitterly:
"Whether all the officials in the court are ministers of Ming Dynasty or not, my life is easier, why can't they get used to it!"

"Your Majesty, what do you think of what Ai Jia said?"

The Empress Dowager Li asked again. Emperor Wanli was silent for a while, and said:
"What the queen mother said is that the emperor will make arrangements tomorrow."

Since Xuanzong, the Ming Dynasty has experienced the defeat of civil fortresses. The nobles and generals who have the right to speak in the court have been dealt a devastating blow, and the power of civil servants has begun to dominate.

Civil servants pay attention to strength of character, the way of sages and sages, and direct advice. Among them, the least risky thing that can win fame and praise is to persuade the royal family not to be extravagant and wasteful. Get rid of him, no matter how the tax inspectors and mine inspectors sent out from the palace behave, the civil servants must find a way to expel them back to the palace, and if they go too far, they will directly arrest these eunuchs and punish them.

As for the golden flowers and silver listed in Jiangnan's taxes and taxes that become fixed every year, the civil servants did not know how many times they had entangled with the emperors of all dynasties. .

The emperor's extra money may not be for extravagance, and civil servants' savings may not be beneficial to the country. Civil servants hate commercial taxes, but ordinary people have nothing to do with commercial taxes. Those who are related to commercial taxes are from high-ranking families. Rich merchants, as well as officials in the central and local governments, mostly come from these noble families.

Tianjin Wei imports a quota of 1205 million taels into the palace every year, and because of the prosperous business in Tianjin Wei, most of the imperial merchants set up shops and businesses in Tianjin Wei, which is also very profitable.

In this way, more than half of the income in the palace can be obtained in Tianjin Wei, and there is not much pressure on the people. Such a situation is not what the civil servants are willing to see.

In the past, the income of the Huangzhuang Huangdian was not much, and it mainly relied on the allocation from the Ministry of Households. The courtiers naturally had the right to speak, and they had the right to speak about the royal family's expenses, which would naturally affect other aspects. Now this right to speak As it gets smaller and smaller, civil servants will naturally regard Tianjin Satellite TV as a thorn in their side.

If Wang Tong was present, he would have punched and kicked Tianjin Wei out of him, and he had all sorts of ruthless methods, which made it difficult for others to attack and talk, but if Wang Tong was not present, these officials used a lot of methods to deal with the emperor, and they were often high-sounding. Emperor Wanli was really helpless.

What Empress Dowager Li considered was actually the truth, but Huang Yifen was from the Marquis of Wuqing lineage. At that time, Tianjin Wei's financial resources would be in the hands of the Empress Dowager instead of the emperor. In the hands, there is actually a significant difference.

But at this time, whether it is in the hands of the courtiers or the queen mother, the emperor and his ministers and mother and child, Emperor Wanli also knows how to weigh the interests.

Empress Dowager Li was very satisfied with Emperor Wanli's reply. She put on a smile on her already gloomy expression, and after casually talking about something else, she opened her mouth and said:

"Yesterday, Mrs. Wang brought Chang Luo to Ai's house to play. Chang Luo is only two years old, and he can tell that he is honest and honest. The Ai family likes it very much. Your Majesty, Chang Luo has been in the palace for almost two years. , so far there is no explanation, and now there are many turmoil and events, so it is better to have fewer reasons for such instability?"

This time, Emperor Wanli frowned. Emperor Wanli seldom showed any anger and worry in front of Empress Dowager Li, but when it came to this, he really couldn't restrain himself. The official news came, but he also felt bad luck.

Last time I could push back, but this time I have to think carefully before answering. The smile on Empress Dowager Li's face disappeared little by little, and Emperor Wanli finally said:
"Empress, Chang Luo is still young, when he grows older, he will become the king!"

"Why do you want to be crowned king when you are older? As the eldest son of the emperor, Chang Luo should be crowned as the crown prince according to the rules of his ancestors. Why delay it? Your majesty, the Ai family has talked too much. The emperor is unwilling to listen. The Ai family has gone through three dynasties. Those officials don’t know what they think, if the emperor has an heir but doesn’t make a crown prince, they will hold him tight, and the emperor will be at a loss when the time comes.”

Empress Dowager Li still used the method of persuasion, but Emperor Wanli frowned more and more, and said in a deep voice:
"The empress mother, whether to establish a heir or not is the emperor's family matter. The empress mother can say it, but they can't say it. I don't know whether Wang Tong will win or lose. The emperor is at fault for this matter, but this mistake is not an excuse for the courtiers and people with a heart to intimidate. If they really dare to speak, Ting Zhang will be waiting!"

"Absurd! What is a family matter, what is a matter of the world, you are the son of heaven, and the family affairs of the heavens are the affairs of the world. How can the officials in the court say nothing? Defeated, I'm afraid someone really wants to do something!"

The smile on Empress Dowager Li's face disappeared, and she said sternly, Emperor Wanli wanted to slap the table, but he just grabbed it hard, and said in a muffled voice:

"Mother, Concubine Gong is a person from the Palace of Compassion and Ning, and I listen to you, Empress Mother. The Empress insists on establishing a crown prince, because she wants to make Concubine Gong go further. Empress Mother, since the emperor ascended the throne, you have managed ten In the past year, my son has grown up, and my son has his own children, why do you bother to care about it. In this world, the surname is Zhu, not Li."

Emperor Wanli started to speak loudly, but later, his voice lowered down, his words were vague, but the room was really quiet, and everyone could hear clearly.

The two female officials in the room and the young eunuchs who were serving them knelt down with pale faces, lying on the ground, not daring to move or make a sound.

After finishing speaking, Emperor Wanli lowered his head, and the room was very quiet. He still raised his head and looked over. Empress Dowager Li was trembling there, pointing to this side. Emperor Wanli was also a little panicked. He spoke sharply:

"The world has been entrusted to you for two years, but what? The 30 years of frontier fortresses have been good news, but you let Wang Tong go deep into the northern border, causing such a big defeat and ruining such a good situation. How can you face your father? Emperor, seeing your emperor ancestor, what face do you have to meet the ancestors of Ming Dynasty!!"

Emperor Wanli shrank back. After the chaos of the Sanyang Sect, Empress Dowager Li did not ask about political affairs. Emperor Wanli thought he had confidence and his back became stiff. He didn't expect to be scolded by Empress Dowager Li like this. Unconvinced, he just muttered there:

"Father was appointed to be the crown prince very late, and the title of King Yu was not too early. Didn't the emperor's ancestor also start this?"

"Go down, go down!!"

Empress Dowager Li shouted sharply, and the palace servants around hurriedly retreated as if they were receiving amnesty. Empress Dowager Li pointed at Emperor Wanli and said in a solemn voice:

"You still say such foolish things in the palace, how did Emperor Wuzong fall into the water, and why did he die of illness in the palace? Back then, I said why he was able to pass through the Datong Xuanfu unimpeded and surrounded the capital. Don't you know that Emperor Wuzong's cronies Military officer, don’t you know how many civil servants your emperor offended at the beginning of his ascension to the throne? Do you really think that this world is one family? You trust Wang Tong, set up a card on the canal to collect taxes, and open sea trade. You are those civil servants I am happy in my heart, you were able to suppress it before, but now that you have suffered such a big defeat, how can you suppress it, do you really wait until someone else forces Aijia to sue the ancestor Sheji?"

Tell the ancestors Sheji, this is a waste of words, and Emperor Wanli's face has changed. When Empress Dowager Li said this, her tears could no longer stop, and she sobbed and said:

"Your Majesty, the Ai family is your own mother. You were born in October. You are the flesh that fell from your mother. Why do you always treat your mother as an enemy? If you don't do these things now, you will have to wait until the time comes." The day I do it, I'm afraid it will be too late."

After speaking, he began to cry again. Emperor Wanli sat there dumbfounded, and then sighed for a while. Just as he was about to speak, he heard an eunuch shouting in a high-pitched voice:

"Empress Dowager, Lord Long Live, I have urgent matters to report!!"

(End of this chapter)

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