Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 790 The Queen Mother

Chapter 790 The Queen Mother
The eunuch yelled in a high-pitched voice, which sounded almost the same. For a while, the two people in the room couldn't tell whose voice it was, but it was difficult for others to see the empress dowager Li's gaffe, and the conversation in the room immediately Stop, the words from outside came in clearly, and the eunuch outside the house could be heard lowering his voice and saying:
"Duke, the Empress Dowager and the Lord Long Live are talking."

The one who can be called the governor is Zhang Jing, the eunuch who is the chief inspector of ceremonies. He is now in charge of the East Factory. He is the second most important official among the internal officials. But in places like the Compassionate Ning Palace, he must be cautious.

But the outside became quiet, and Zhang Jing immediately heard Zhang Jing raised his voice and said:

"It is really urgent, otherwise the servants would not dare to disturb the Empress Dowager and the Lord Long Live!"

Looking at the tear-stained Empress Dowager Li, his mother was so sad. Emperor Wanli had mixed feelings in his heart. A filial son naturally didn't want to see his mother like this, but as the emperor, he knew that if Tianjin Wei was handed over to Marquis Wuqing According to the Empress Dowager's intention to set up a reserve, I am afraid that I will return to the situation ten years before my accession to the throne. This time, in the past two years, Emperor Wanli remembered clearly what he was like at that time.

Moreover, his favorite in the palace is Concubine Zheng. Emperor Wanli once said to Zhao Jinliang:
"If I had been born in a common people's family, I would have lived with the Zheng family for the rest of my life."

If the eldest son Zhu Changluo is the prince, then Concubine Wang Gong must be the imperial concubine, and may even replace the status of the queen, and such a woman who is obedient to the queen mother is by his side, it is really no fun at all.

Occasionally, in the spring breeze, under the situation that he had forgotten, he suddenly had an extra son. Emperor Wanli always felt that he had no sense of reality. He felt that this was not his son, but that of Concubine Zheng was.

No matter how reluctant he was in his heart, the situation had come to such an extent that Emperor Wanli couldn't think of any chance of turning around. He suddenly felt like a knife was piercing his heart. He finally had good friends like Wang Tong and Li Hutou. But because of his great success, he buried them in northern Xinjiang.

Empress Dowager Li picked up a handkerchief and wiped her tears, got up, walked to the bead curtain and sat down, and said in a shy voice:
"Your Majesty, it's not too late to talk later, let's see what's important!!"

Emperor Wanli stretched out his hands and rubbed his face. This is what he did like Wang Tong and others when he was in Huwei Martial Arts Hall. He calmed down a little and raised his voice and said:
"Come in and report!"

Someone outside agreed, but someone shouted loudly:

"Empress Dowager, Lord Long Live, I have something important to report!!"

A group of people outside could be heard asking "Ancestor Zhang is well" and "Eunuch Zhang is here too". Emperor Wanli could hear this voice every day, so he naturally knew that it belonged to Zhang Cheng.

"Come in together!"

Zhang Jing is more inclined to Queen Mother Li, Zhang Cheng is naturally inclined to Wanli's side, what kind of urgent matter is it that makes Zhang Cheng and Zhang Jing run over in such a hurry, if it is a second-class matter, Zhang Jing can come later, Wanli The emperor immediately thought of it, and grabbed the handle with both hands.

Zhang Cheng and Zhang Jing entered the room, and quickly knelt down to greet Empress Dowager Li and Emperor Wanli. Both of them had expressions of astonishment on their faces. Emperor Wanli asked:
"Is there news from Wang Tong, tell me quickly, tell me quickly!!"

He himself didn't notice that his voice was trembling a little. The inside and outside of the house were extremely quiet at this moment. Zhang Cheng kowtowed and said first:
"My maidservant's side is the report from Master Wang from the army, and Zhang Jing's side should be the news from Dongchang. Zhang Jing's side should say it first, and my maidservant's side can also confirm it."

Emperor Wanli couldn't care less about these things at this time, but he just said in a hurry:
"Express, express!!"

Zhang Jing kowtowed on the ground, unfolded the notebook in his hand, and looked at the contents. An unbelievable expression appeared on his face again, but then he read aloud:

"On the battlefield, everything is complicated. I don't dare to say everything I saw and heard. I only report the few things I can confirm. There are two battles in the war. In the first battle, [-] Tartars were defeated and nearly [-] were beheaded. In the second battle, the Tartars seemed to have sent nearly [-] troops, but our army also defeated them, beheading maybe [-] or [-]."

After reading this, Zhang Jing, who has been doing errands for many years like Zhang Jing, couldn't help but look up at the expression of Emperor Wanli, and then look behind the bead curtain, even though he couldn't see anything.

"After the great victory, the huge artillery bombarded Guihua City on the second day, the city wall was blown away, and the army poured in. Most of the Tartar enemy troops in the city had no time to escape. Most of the people were killed in the street fighting. Khan, the third lady, and the prince Lalik fought stubbornly in the palace, and were all killed by artillery bombardment in the palace. At this time, the little one had never seen it in person, but at night, looking from afar, the palace was in ruins. When the little one passed this letter, he still I feel vain, and based on what I have seen and heard in the past few days, it seems that the Ministry of Answers has been destroyed."

Emperor Wanli's eyes widened, and he also couldn't believe it. After worrying for so many days, the information was blocked for so many days, and suddenly there was an urgent letter, which turned out to be a big victory.

Such a victory cannot be described as a big victory. This is a perfect victory, but it is really incredible. The disadvantage of nearly 200 years, just 3 people out of the fortress, can be completely reversed?No one would believe it without seeing it with their own eyes. Besides, it is not uncommon for the Ming army generals to lie about their achievements.

"I know that I really can't believe what I said in the report, and what I said is the truth, so I ask all the adults to submit it after the military report from other places arrives."

After Zhang Jing finished speaking, seeing Emperor Wanli's stunned question, he explained:
"Dongchang has secret agents lurking in Guihua City. Because Mr. Wang led the army to go, the news on the way was cut off, so the news from that side was also late. Long live, slave. I shouldn't have said something, this It’s really unheard of, so it’s better to be more cautious.”

In fact, the dubious tone of this report has deepened its credibility, but in the Ming Dynasty, except for the two emperors Taizu and Chengzu, there had never been such a big victory at other times. So sure.

Emperor Wanli was silent for a while, and immediately turned his gaze to Zhang Cheng, who quickly said:

"The maidservant came here just after receiving the memorandum sent by Lord Wang. The time should be not far from Zhang Jing's, so we can prove each other."

After finishing speaking, he unfolded the memorabilia in his hand and began to recite. Emperor Wanli didn't listen to the previous honorifics, he only heard the most critical part.

".Your Majesty protects you, and the ministers led the troops to attack the Tartar city. The Tartar chiefs Seng Gedugulen, San Niangzi, and Chalike and others resisted stubbornly. There is more than enough. There are still thousands of remnants in the Western Regions of the Ida tribe, but most of them are coerced, and they are no longer enough to cause trouble. Guihua City and the land of Tumochuan are all under the jurisdiction of Your Majesty. There is no Ida tribe in the world. Prelude Your Majesty Ming, let Your Majesty rest assured. Your Majesty, please send someone to check on the situation afterwards, and there is another report."

After Zhang Cheng finished reading, he pondered again, and said:
"According to the Dongchang report read by Zhang Jing, what Wang Tong said should not be false. If you falsely report military achievements, you are already bold with more than a thousand heads. How can you report more than [-]."

After a pause, he opened his mouth and continued:

"Long Live Lord, this servant thinks that it's not so rare when you look into it carefully. In Xuanfu, Lord Wang led 3000 people to behead nearly [-] people. The time outside Gubeikou was also a few thousand heads. Now he is commanding an army of [-]. , It’s not so unbelievable to have such a great achievement.”

"Wang Tong won't lie to me, Wang Tong won't lie to me, he said he won a big victory, then it must be a big victory, it must be a big victory!!
Before the eunuch below finished speaking, Emperor Wanli stood up muttering to himself. He staggered and walked in the room with ecstatic expressions on his face. Zhang Cheng and Zhang Jing glanced at each other, and they both knelt on the ground Did not speak.

Emperor Wanli said excitedly as he walked:

"That day when Al Tan died, Senggedu Guleng and San Niangzi fought against each other. You spineless people dare not take advantage of the situation to attack. Instead, you sent someone to make peace. It's still Wang Tong, and it's Wang Tong. I strive for success, this kind of big victory, this kind of big victory, is really just like what he said, it is a great achievement, and it is a great achievement that will go down in history."

Having said that, Emperor Wanli stopped in his tracks, his face turned from ecstasy to anger, and the anger gradually became ferocious. He said:
"The people of the world, the people of the world, have no news at all, they just hope that Wang Tong's army will be destroyed, they just hope that our Daming will suffer a loss and lose the battle. The scholar croaks all day long, wanting me to punish Wang Tong's crimes, wanting me to admit my mistakes, if it weren't for Wang Tong. I still remember that the news of the signing of the collegial agreement spread to the palace, and my father was depressed all day long. I still remember what my father said, this is to bribe the Tartars with the gold and silver in the world to ask for peace, but today, but today, my general has destroyed Ida, destroyed Ida!!"

With Emperor Wanli's crazy appearance, Zhang Cheng and Zhang Jing looked at each other, and regardless of etiquette, they quickly stood up and supported Emperor Wanli. Zhang Cheng said eagerly:
"Long Live Lord, great joy and great sorrow will hurt the body, Long Live Lord, rest assured, and rest assured!!"

Being supported by Zhang Cheng and Zhang Jing, and calling a few times, Emperor Wanli walked around a few times before he calmed down. He suddenly threw off the two people who were supporting him, and glanced at the bead curtain that had been extremely quiet since the news came. Afterwards, Emperor Wanli burst out laughing out loud, and Emperor Wanli, who usually never made a show in front of people, laughed a little crazy.

Zhang Cheng and Zhang Jing were also a little at a loss. After finally waiting for the laughter to stop, Emperor Wanli straightened his clothes, bowed behind the bead curtain, and said:
"Empress Dowager, my son-in-law will leave now!!"

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(End of this chapter)

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