Chapter 794
"A good news came from Liao Town, more than [-] people were beheaded!"

In the yamen of the commander of Jinyiwei in the capital, in Wang Tong's room on duty, a guard in Jinyi was reporting to a scribe, and there were several other people in the room.

Although the scribe did not have any rank, the soldiers were respectful. After all, he was Wang Tong's aide. Everyone discussed that this scribe was a person from Shen Ge's hometown back then. Mr. Wang's mastermind, if Mr. Wang wants to be promoted, even if you are a juren, you can arrange a fat job for you. This scribe is still kept by his side, which shows his importance.

Of the few people in the room, needless to say Li Qianhu who is in charge of the Department of Public Security, Lu Fu Cheng of Shuntian Mansion is not a simple person either. This Eunuch Meng is also a popular figure in the palace, and he is the eunuch of Eunuch Zou, the Imperial Horse Supervisor. My son, who has a bright future, is said to have just returned from delivering an edict to Wang Tong.

Such a person treats the scholar politely, which shows the status of the scholar, and before Wang Tong left for Shanxi, he left Yang Sichen in the yamen, and took care of him with all departments, and all errands related to Wang Tong must be done Yang Sichen reported to the other side that Yang Sichen could make decisions on many small matters in advance.

"Okay, I got it here, you go down first!"

What convinced the Jinyiwei guards in the yamen was that although Yang Sichen was noble, he treated people well, even to the lowest soldier and captain, he was polite and gentle, never put on airs, and often let the surrounding restaurants The restaurant sent me noodles, please eat well.

So when the situation on Wang Tong's side was unclear and there were many rumors about the capital, there were actually quite a few Jinyi guards who tipped off Yang Sichen and passed on the news.

Yang Sichen said something with a smile, and when the soldier bowed and retreated to close the door, Yang Sichen stood up and said:
"My lords, Liao Town's skill is better than that of the master. Since the expedition, news has been sent from Liao Town and Ji Town. Anyway, it's all good news, and several troupe masters of the theater came here yesterday. It is said that someone from Liao Town paid them to perform new plays, those plays that praise the loyalty of Li Zongbing in Liao Town."

After saying this, Lu Wancai, Li Wenyuan and Meng Duo all laughed, and Lu Wancai waved his folding fan and said:

"Master Wang has made such a great achievement, Li Chengliang has to set an example to show himself, but his mind changed quickly, and he actually knew to use this theater."

"Liaozhen has no less than [-] businesses in the capital, ranging from restaurants and teahouses to brothels, just to find out information for Li Chengliang. His knowledge of the capital is sometimes even more detailed than the natives of the capital."

Meng Duo at the side jokingly said that Li Chengliang, the commander-in-chief of the Liao Township, made friends with high-ranking officials in the capital, and he had many eyes and ears in the capital, and everyone in the world knew about it.

Yang Sichen nodded, sorted out the documents on the table, and said again:
"My lord is the most powerful army in the Ming Dynasty. They have such artifacts as cannons and blunderbusses. They also have His Majesty's blessing. That's why they won such a great victory. Li Chengliang has enjoyed peace in Liao Town for decades. I'm afraid it's a false name. The master led the northern expedition, he led the western expedition, now that the victory is being announced, who knows what will happen next?"

There was a lot of disdain in his tone, Li Wenyuan shook his head, and said with some seriousness:
"When I was in Ji Town, I often heard Mr. Qi talk about Liao Town, saying that the soldiers of the Ming Dynasty were no stronger than the soldiers of the Li family in Liao Town, but this Li Chengliang was too calculating, thinking that his family's prosperity and wealth were more than that of Daming's country. Those generals of his family had the ability to sweep the grasslands, but it is a pity that they will die of old age together with Li Chengliang in peace. This time Li Chengliang's elites almost came out in full force, and a big victory should not be a big problem."

Li Wenyuan was Qi Jiguang's personal soldier back then, and he has experienced many years of experience. Naturally, his analysis and treatment of soldiers is different from that of Yang Sichen who talks about soldiers on paper. Hearing what he said, Yang Sichen was very surprised. Li Wenyuan explained with a smile:

"The Li family has a lot of horses and cavalry. They have been operating in Liao Town for a long time, and they also control many tribes on the grassland. This time they go to the grassland, and the chances of winning should be great."

Yang Sichen shook his head when he heard that, Li Wenyuan also shook his head, and said with emotion:
"I didn't expect my lord to go to Guihua City to fight this battle, and it would be so useful. It forced Li Chengliang to fight again. If the ancestors blessed him, this battle would also be won. I am afraid that the northern border of the Ming Dynasty can fight 100 Years of peace."

Lu Wancai folded his fan on the side and said with a smile:

"Sun Shoulian in Liao Town imitated the carts of our Tianjin Guard last year. Later, he asked your lord to send craftsmen to help. It is said that there are more and more carts in Liao Town, and they should be usable for this expedition. Let’s face it, if the Nine Borders of Ming Dynasty can really enjoy the centuries-old peace that Brother Li said, our lord is the first to do it!”

Everyone smiled and nodded, chatted a few words, Meng Duo got up and said:
"Everyone, the Secretary of Public Security has nothing important to do today, and the palace is full of joy. Our family will go back to the palace to explain the errands. It's hard work for you guys."

Yang Sichen and the others got up to see each other off, and when Meng Duo went out, the door of the duty room was also closed. Before closing the door, Yang Sichen poked his head out, and ordered the servants in front of the door to boil water and make tea again, sent them away, and turned back to the house. Li Wenyuan said with a smile:

"Yesterday, someone came to say hello to Hutou, but I returned it. Hutou is only so big, so why worry about it?"

"Why don't you rush, your Hutou comes back this time, and you can be a commander in chief. If you don't do it, you will be knighted. Such a young and handsome man, if I have a girl, I will kiss you!"

Hearing Lu Wancai's joke, Li Wenyuan replied happily:
"If we can really be sons and daughters, we will have a good relationship. Speaking of this, Mr. Wang should marry Han Xia when he comes back this time. Xiaomeng said just now that there are people in the palace who are worried about this. That's right, Mr. Wang set up such a big family. The meritorious service, the marriage must be more than half, and the eunuch Han, the imperial prison, must be very happy."

Yang Sichen did not participate in this topic, but asked with a smile:
"Your Excellency wrote a letter the day before yesterday, saying that he is about to leave Shanxi now. So, after half a month, he should be able to arrive in the capital, right?"

Speaking of this, both Li Wenyuan and Lu Wancai nodded, Yang Sichen pondered for a while, the smile on his face faded, and he said again:

"Just now, Meng Duo asked Your Excellency about the arrangements for the return trip, and the palace also asked Your Excellency if he had any opinions on the victory ceremony when he entered the city. This is a bit wrong!"

"What's wrong, His Majesty trusts you so much, and you have made such great achievements, so it's right to ask about the arrangements."

Li Wenyuan said indifferently, the smile on Lu Wancai's face also disappeared, the folding fan was knocked on the palm of his hand, and he said in a deep voice:
"What does Mr. Yang mean?"

"To make such a great contribution, such a contribution is not enough to put it in a big word. Since the founding of the Ming Dynasty, except Taizu and Chengzu, who has such a meritorious service, and who has such a strong soldier in their hands?"

Li Wenyuan also lost his smile at what they said, and Yang Sichen said again:
"Your meritorious deeds, my lord is loyal, but His Majesty may not be suspicious of such a great achievement, but there will definitely be people who will say these things to His Majesty, close ministers return to close ministers, and the country belongs to the country, these things."

The more Yang Sichen spoke, the lower his voice, Lu Wancai opened and closed the folding fan, stood up abruptly and walked towards the door, this action surprised everyone, but saw that Lu Wancai opened the door, no one was outside, so Lu Wancai did not close the door, But he turned and sat down, and said in a low voice:
"Lower your voice, open the door and talk!"

In this way, we can know whether there is anyone outside. The words Yang Sichen said are too risky. If the walls have ears, it will be a big trouble. Lu Wancai's way of doing things is cautious. Lu Wancai sat on the chair and looked outside, but the voice lowered and said:
"But right now the credit is already like this, so don't make too much publicity if you can do it, so as not to be envied and hated by others."

Li Wenyuan patted the handle with his hand, heaved a long breath and did not speak, Yang Sichen nodded in agreement:
"Master Lu, this is a mature consideration. The students want to ask Master Lu to write a letter to Sir Wang, explaining this matter. The army entered the city to show their victories, and the city parade, the scenery is infinite, but the infinite scenery is too eye-catching. Even if you are peaceful in your heart, I'm afraid I have to have an idea, even though I'm holding my breath, I have to guard against it!"

"You're right, I'll write a letter right away, and have the trustworthy person in the Department of Public Security send it out quickly!!"

"You scholars, you obviously won the battle, but it's really boring to hold your breath like this."

"Mr. Shen Ge, when Wang Tong left, you said he was Meng Lang, and concluded that he would be defeated. When the big victory came back, you said that you had to guard against it. What? Is it a great crime to win a battle for Daming?"

In the side hall next to Fengtian Gate, Emperor Wanli and Shen Shixing sat opposite each other. Zhang Cheng stood behind Emperor Wanli to attend him. Emperor Wanli's face was quite gloomy. Shen Shixing stood up from his seat, bowed and said:

"Your Majesty, Wang Tong has made great achievements and has not committed any major crimes. I just want to remind Your Majesty that Wang Tong holds great power and has a large army. After this great victory, his reputation is also extremely high. My servant, Wang Tongyi has such achievements and such great power, in the eyes of outsiders, he is a bit top-heavy, putting the cart before the horse!"

Emperor Wanli took a deep breath and asked in a cold voice:
"You mean Wang Tong has evil intentions?"

"I don't dare, and I also believe in Wang Tong's loyalty. I just want to tell His Majesty. Wang Tong is like this. If he doesn't want to, it's inevitable that others don't want to. If he doesn't do it, it's inevitable that others won't. Your Majesty trusts Wang Tong. Wishing to give Wang Tong prosperity and wealth, this minister's words are also for the long-term consideration of Mr. Wang, and I am also afraid that if something happens, Wang Tong's reputation will be ruined, and instead he will fail His Majesty's trust and kindness."

Emperor Wanli glanced back at Zhang Cheng. Zhang Cheng bowed his head without saying a word, and couldn't see his expression clearly. Emperor Wanli turned his head and asked coldly:

"Then what do you think Wang Tong should do to be loyal?"

"Wang Tong should take the initiative to hand over his military power."

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(End of this chapter)

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