Chapter 795
"Wang Tong doesn't have any military power at all, how can he hand it over!?"

"Your Majesty gave him the military power to control the two towns and one battalion. This is the military power. What I said is not an insult to the heart. With a strong soldier in hand, the achievements are outstanding, and the loyalty may change. If the minister has another presumptuous word, if Wang Tong does not take the initiative to hand over the military power , that is to have unruly intentions, which may not have been revealed, but have already begun."

In the past, when this matter was mentioned in the court or in private, the courtiers had to kneel down to show sincerity, but Shen Shixing always bowed, and when he spoke, he still stared at Emperor Wanli, quite aggressive.

Emperor Wanli glared at him from the very beginning, but after a few intense conversations, he never broke out. Although Shen Shixing said his own words were not words of condemnation, they were actually such words, but after Emperor Wanli listened, But he couldn't get angry, staring at Shen Shixing for a while, Emperor Wanli sighed and said:
"Old Shen Ge, go down first, I will consider what you said!"

"For the sake of the country and the country, and for the sake of Wang Tong's loyalty and righteousness, please think twice, Your Majesty, I will take my leave first!"

Shen Shixing did not insist on his topic, but solemnly bowed down and left. Shen Shixing withdrew from the side hall on the side of Fengtianmen, but Emperor Wanli did not leave as usual.

The eunuch who wanted to come in again to burn incense and organize the papers was pushed back by Zhang Cheng as soon as he showed his head. Emperor Wanli sat on the dragon chair, and Zhang Cheng also stood there without saying a word.

After a while, the silence was broken by Emperor Wanli's inquiry. Emperor Wanli looked at the front and said as if talking to himself:
"If a person has such great power and strength, will he have a different heart?"

Zhang Cheng pondered for a while behind him, and said in a low voice:
"When I was in Prince Yu's Mansion, Eunuch Feng was more anxious than anyone else when he was sick or crying. Except for the first emperor and the empress dowager, Eunuch Feng was the one who cared about him the most. But later When it came to the position of eunuch in charge of the chief of ceremonies, Long Live Lord also knew about it later."

Zhang Cheng said these words after deliberation, the hall was quiet again, and after another meeting, Emperor Wanli laughed a few times and said:
"I thought Zhang Banban that you would say a few words for Wang Tong, but I didn't expect it to be like that."

Emperor Wanli didn't look back when he said this, Zhang Cheng bowed and said again:

"Everything that belongs to the servant is given by the Lord Long Live, and everything that belongs to the Lord Long Live is given by Jiangshan Sheji. The slave and maid can still be clear about the importance of the benefits."

Seeing that Emperor Wanli was silent, Zhang Cheng continued:

"Old Shen Ge is now the chief assistant of the cabinet. He is already the pinnacle of civil servants. He has no place to go up. Now, no matter what is said in the court, Shen Ge is the natural choice. The official is better, why did he say this to the Long Live Lord, no one knows that the Long Live Lord is a close friend of Wang Tong, and saying these things will definitely make the Long Live Lord unhappy, and Mr. Shen Ge is also for the vital interests of the Long Live Lord, and for the long-term stability of the Ming Dynasty."

Emperor Wanli didn't look back, but just waved his hand to signal Zhang Cheng not to say any more. After a while, Emperor Wanli sighed and said dumbly:

"Wang Tong made such a great contribution, and he returned to Beijing happily. I wanted to congratulate him, but when you said that, I lost all my thoughts. Wang Tong was born and died, and he didn't do anything. You guys Here we have to think about precautions, if Wang Tong hears these words, I really don't know if he will feel chilled."

"Long Live Lord, this is also for Wang Tong's consideration. It is because of the love and care that Long Live Lord has for Wang Tong. That's why I hope that the days when the monarch and his ministers get along with each other will last for a long time. This long-term pain is worse than short-term pain. This slave girl said something a bit No, Wang Tong was able to hand over the military power, and he also had the position of marquis. In the future, it is inevitable that he will be named the Duke of the state. The position of the commander of Jinyiwei is the first in the military position. He has a title and a real position. It is already the great kindness of the Lord Long Live! "

Calculating that Wang Tong led the army to return to Beijing in about seven days, the news of Li Chengliang's army going to Duolun continued to come in. If the number of success reports was used, the Liaozhen army led by Li Chengliang would have beheaded more than [-] people.

The timing of the Liaozhen army's dispatch of troops was well chosen. In May, the grassland is said to be warm and the flowers are blooming, but in fact it is also a time when the grassland is green and yellow. The cattle, horses and livestock have survived this winter, and the spring grass has not yet fully grown, and the supplies are the most scarce. , the life of the herdsmen is very difficult, and the big tribes are also busy with production.

Compared with them, the military town of Liaozhen was rich in supplies, and the horses had not lost weight after a winter, and were in a very good condition. With the momentum of ebb and flow, Liaozhen naturally had a great advantage.

Wang Tong has now entered the ground of Baoding Mansion, and Datong Mansion also went to the northern border. Many cavalrymen returned to their own teams, and some stayed in Guihua City. This time, they were all representatives. Ji Town's soldiers have strict discipline, and their large army passing through the border will only bring prosperity to the local people.

Because the army passed by, food and drink were spent, and the people and horses were consumed. Except for the food and grass they carried, they had to be supplied by the local government. The local public expenditure should be one piece, but the army's purchases were all in cash. This is really not good for the local people. few.

But it was such a beneficial and harmless process, but there were rumors in the capital, saying that the army crossed the border and disturbed the local area. Being insulted, the young lady committed suicide in shame and indignation, the local people were excited, and the villagers gathered to the military camp to ask for an explanation, but Wang Tong ordered them to bombard them with blunderbusses and cannons, killing and injuring more than a thousand people.

It is impossible to verify how the news started. Within a few days, the streets and alleys were full of discussions, especially in places where there are many scholars and civil servants, the details are becoming more and more abundant. What is the Beijing official who resigned from office and returned to his hometown in the third year of Longqing? That young lady is engaged to a certain Hanlin in the capital, why is that young lady favored by Wang Tong.

Some people vividly said that their whole family was killed by firearms, but they survived outside. There are also rumors that the army ate human flesh and drank human blood
However, there are also common people and merchants who have dealt with the army, as well as those who just came from Baoding Mansion some time ago. They all said that the soldiers and horses led by Wang Tong are strictly disciplined, and Baoding Mansion is also peaceful. There is no such thing at all, but The truth is boring, but the shocking news is getting wider and wider.

The more the news spread, the more bizarre it became. Someone has already written a memorandum, impeaching Wang Tong, taking credit for his arrogance, not restraining his subordinates, causing military discipline to be corrupted, or being disobedient, and asking the court to issue an order to restrain him.

This was originally a rumor, but the censor wrote it directly on the memorial and handed it up, and it was not a letter. This is the case with the so-called rumors. Sin, it doesn't matter if you say something wrong, on the contrary, you dare to speak out, which is one of the reasons why the officials are so unscrupulous.

However, the reason why the officials dared to make such a memorial is because they saw the recent actions of the court in the palace. Originally, the army entered the capital from the south gate and held a military parade in front of the Forbidden City. I was busy coordinating in Nancheng, but this suddenly stopped the fertile land, and there were ambiguous news coming out from all over the place. Although the various forces did not make any clear statements, it is necessary to ask for a name as early as possible, and it will be too late when others speak. Therefore, there are also speech officials who are rushing to go to the sparse.

Both the people and the court are talking about Wang Tong's great achievements. If you take advantage of this time to stand up and say a few words that are different from others, it seems that everyone is drunk and I am sober, wouldn't it be eye-catching.

When these memorials were presented, even the officials who presented the memorials had already guessed the outcome, and the palace did not respond at all.

People in the capital who can be called high-ranking officials naturally scoff at these rumors in the market. They are not concerned about this. They are concerned about two things. One is how far Li Chengliang can conquer Duolun, and the other is that Emperor Wanli these days Why don't you come to court, the court has not seen the emperor for seven or eight days.

In the past, with Zhang Juzheng and Feng Bao around, Emperor Wanli did not dare to be lazy and would come here every day. Later, there was a queen mother who often urged her. Even if it is a remonstrance, it is helpless for the emperor not to listen to you.

Many people have another thought in their hearts. It is better if the emperor does not go to court. Everyone can take care of the affairs of the court, so that no one will stare at him and tie his hands and feet.

The people in the palace knew where Emperor Wanli was recently. Now Emperor Wanli was with Concubine Zheng every day. If there was any urgent matter from the cabinet and the Supervisor of Ceremonies, they would report it to them. Emperor Wanli would directly give instructions there.

It doesn't seem to be true that Wanli is in a bad mood. It is said that the emperor was very leisurely joking with the pregnant Concubine Zheng, which made everyone even more confused.

"My mother sent Jinxiu here yesterday, saying that the emperor said that this country belongs to the Zhu family. This is the most reasonable thing. This country is not named Li, let alone Wang. The things left by the ancestors must be guarded."

After Concubine Zheng was pregnant, her body was not as good as before. She liked to be quiet and didn't like to move. Every day, Emperor Wanli accompanied her to walk in the garden, and when she returned to the house, the two sat together and chatted.

Emperor Wanli liked to talk to Concubine Zheng about the affairs of the court, and he was a little rambling, but Emperor Wanli was really relaxed at this time.

"The Empress Dowager is worried about Daming's Jiangshan Sheji, and she is also worried about His Majesty's family business."

Concubine Zheng said softly, Emperor Wanli nodded slowly, and after a while said:
"Wang Tong has such great achievements. I don't think about how to reward them, but a group of people think how to guard against them. I still think it makes sense. Such things make me feel uncomfortable and always feel sorry."

"Your Majesty is His Majesty after all. To consider the world, personal friendship is sometimes a small thing."

Emperor Wanli shook his head and smiled, and patted Concubine Zheng's hand. At this time, someone outside patted the door, and then raised his voice to report:
"Long live, Wang Tong has returned to Beijing!"

(End of this chapter)

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