Chapter 900

Not everyone can enter the imperial palace. There have been only so many people in the court for thousands of years. Most people's impressions of the court meeting are obtained from someone's "Eunuch Map".

On the high platform in front of Fengtianmen, the emperor sat upright, and a guard of honor composed of eunuchs and internal guards was arranged in the spacious open space in front of Fengtianmen. Officials from all over the place lined up in the open space according to their rank and yamen.

There are officials and eunuchs who sing ceremonies, censors who picket etiquette, and a band in charge of drums. The whole scene looks solemn and solemn.

In fact, such a regulated court meeting can only be held on the first and fifteenth day of each month. On weekdays, it is just the emperor and the bigwigs discussing politics in Fengtian Temple or Wenyuan Pavilion.

The Dachaohui is completely a ceremonial event. His main purpose is to let the officials see the emperor and increase their sense of belonging and honor in this solemn and solemn ceremony. It takes almost a whole morning to participate in this event, and it is often done in the afternoon. It's nothing political, and most officials regard it as a vacation.

However, the Great Court Meeting on July 11th is different. From the [-]th year of Wanli's enthronement to the [-]th year of Wanli, the Wanli Emperor would sacrifice to his ancestors on this day, and this day is the time of the Yulan Basin Festival among the people, and the Wanli Emperor would also invite The eminent monk came to pray for his mother to show his filial piety.

This rule no longer exists in the 12th year of Wanli. Of course, everyone understands what it means. On the 13th of July in the [-]th year of Wanli, the grand court meeting held by Emperor Wanli is even more different from previous years.

The court meetings on the first and fifteenth day of the lunar new year were purely ceremonial, and almost all the Beijing officials of the sixth grade came. With so many people and such a noisy scene, it was impossible to discuss politics.

However, Emperor Wanli has already made a decree. He will announce the establishment of a reserve at the court meeting on July [-]th. This is really a great event.

Even the civil servants who had no interest in it were excited, and those who made noise and participated in it were even more ecstatic. Emperor Wanli did not need to go to court as a silent protest. This protest finally came to an end under the pressure of the foreign court. Everyone has a result. After the decision of establishing a reserve is given, the situation will change drastically.

Even if Li Chu can't act according to his own will, then the right to speak in the government will be greatly weakened in the future. In the future, these two parties will become the new core and will control the government in their hands.

And Emperor Wanli and the inner court forces he relied on will continue to be virtualized. Wang Tong, who has always been in everyone's throat, and the wealth and power in his hands will be slowly virtualized and eaten by everyone.

From the change of Tumubao to now, the government and the public are dominated by literati, and there will be eunuchs to control them for a short time. It is too abnormal for an internal guard general to instigate internal and external policies, but fortunately, this abnormality is only a few days. Years, will soon be back on track.

There is another meaning of standing up the reserve this time, which is to tell the current emperor and the next few emperors who is in control of the world.

They are scholars, civil servants who have achieved fame in the imperial examination. The emperor can kill one or two, but he cannot govern the world without these civil servants. How the world is going today depends on the opinions of the civil servants.

On the morning of July [-]th, as usual, officials with lower ranks came earlier and waited in their seats in a proper manner. The big bosses were the last to come, and they walked on the road set aside in the middle of the official queue.

Shen Shixing looked ahead with a calm expression, still walking forward with that kind of prime minister's demeanor, Xu Guo kept his head down, and Wang Xijue was obviously uncomfortable, looking left and right from time to time.

Even the Beijing officials, even many Beijing officials of the fourth and fifth ranks, only had the opportunity to meet the cabinet masters, six ministers, and the capital censor, the central core of the court, only at the court meeting.

The appearance of Cifu Wang Xijue made some senior Lang officials couldn't help laughing. This Wang Cifu is very capable of doing things and seeing things, but his temper is a bit erratic. People in their 40s often have teenagers. look out.

However, although Shen Shixing and Xu Guo are in their usual state, they can still feel a little depressed, which is further illustrated by the appearance of Wang Xijue.

Compared with the low level of the cabinet members, the ministers behind can be described as full of ambitions. Yang Wei walked behind the cabinet members alone, and the ministers and the capital censor were behind Yang Wei. This is even more prominent His status made him stand out.

There was a murmur of discussion among the officials on both sides. Yang Wei's disciples instigated this wave of rumors, and in the end they achieved their goal of instigation, and formed an alliance with the Empress Dowager Cisheng. What will happen next is obvious , Yang Wei will have the status of Zhang Juzheng back then, and he will have power in the government.

"I heard that no, after this court meeting, the people below will connect with each other?"

"Impeachment of Shin Shoufu"

"Tsk tsk, Yang Wei will be pushed into the cabinet next. It is said that he has become the chief assistant of the cabinet. He still does not need to give up his position as the minister of the official department. What an honor!"

"For this sake, it is worth it. Yang Dazai has achieved such a level, let alone protect the wealth of his three generations, and make great achievements. This generation has no worries. Will the next generation of emperors forget this great benefactor?"

"Look at Wu Zuolai over there, he is very proud. It is said that his position has been settled. He will be a patrol officer first, and then wait for his prosperity step by step!!"

"This one is so greedy, you don't want to think about who his teacher is!"

The officials were discussing a lot. At this time, the ceremonial official has not come out yet, so everyone can be casual. Everyone’s words are full of envy and jealousy towards the officials of Yang Wei’s family. It's the performance of the spring breeze, and the quick action has already begun to please.

Those who are close can still hear that Wu Zuolai raised his voice and said:
"Brother Yao Bo said frankly that before he got angry, he is still suffering in prison, and everyone has to go to the prison to rescue him!"

There was echoing voices from all around, and those standing at the outermost edge of the official line were those who were indifferent or less experienced. They looked enviously at the colleagues and companions in the inner circle who were close to Wu Zuolai and Yang Wei's line of flattery, and they either ridiculed, or He cursed secretly, and then boredly looked at the big Han generals standing in the outer circle.

Although the Great Han General is also in the Jinyiwei system, it is the regulation of the guard of honor. He is responsible for standing there to show the majesty of the royal family. Anyone who has seen the Great Han General before Wanli ten years ago knows that the positions of the Great Han Generals are different, and the old and new clothes are different. There is a difference, the farther away from the emperor's position, the more worn out the armor, and there are even patches and holes.

Emperor Longqing once discovered this matter and wanted to punish the relevant officials, but it was ignored later. However, after ten years of Wanli, the armor on the generals of the Han Dynasty became more and more glamorous, no matter how far they were from the throne. Gradually there is silver in the palace, and these guards in charge of ceremonies are getting better and better. The fish scale armor is said to be rebuilt by Tianjin Weiguanfang. A pair of armor requires more than a hundred taels of silver. What a waste.

Don't mention them, those Jinyi guards outside the palace are even more amazing, wearing brand-new robes, walking on the street with their chests and stomachs folded, the ordinary people feel more and more that they are the ones who uphold justice, and the civil servants are getting more and more serious. No one paid any attention to them, but they won't be good for long. After today, the Qingliu who are in power will bring back these things little by little, and let these inner guards return to their old tattered appearance.


I don't know when, on both sides of the high platform of Fengtianmen, where the officials stood, there were more than a dozen eunuchs standing there. After knocking on the cloud board on the platform, the eunuchs all shouted in unison.

The eunuchs who shout here are all specially selected, and they have already practiced many times. More than a dozen people shouted at the same time, which suddenly suppressed the noise in the square. At this time, all the officials stopped talking. He began to tidy up his robes, correct his posture, and prepare for the appearance of the emperor.

"Play music~~"

Someone shouted loudly again, the monotonous and solemn music sounded, and the Emperor Wanli in his crown appeared on the high platform, and another ceremonial official shouted loudly:

The officials all prostrated themselves on the ground. Emperor Wanli sat on the throne, and the ceremonial officer shouted loudly again:

All the officials stood up, and the officials above the third rank were very close to the throne, and they could clearly see the sneer on Emperor Wanli's face. Everyone didn't care about it, and young people were like this. Their resistance was often just a sneer. Maybe he has to show in front of his ministers that he doesn't care, but the overall situation is settled, just sneer if you sneer!
Kneeling down, this is just the beginning of the etiquette of the Great Court Meeting, the ceremonial officer who is the left servant of the Ministry of Rites shouted at the top of his voice again:

"Greetings, see Your Majesty, long live my emperor!!"

The etiquette of three worships and nine kowtows and my emperor's long live has just begun. All the officials knelt down, kowtowed, and eulogized. At that time, the mood was completely different. Although they were kneeling, their mentality seemed to be that they were sitting on the high platform.


After the ceremonial officer finished speaking, he himself retreated into the queue. Emperor Wanli waved his hand lightly, and the scene was silent. Everyone was waiting for Emperor Wanli's words.

"For the matter of setting up the crown prince, you ministers have been fighting for more than two months, and you can no longer take care of political affairs. Today, I will decree to appoint the position of the crown prince, so as to put you at ease."

Emperor Wanli exhaled, the sneer on his face became heavier, and he said aloud:
"Zhu Changxun, the son of Concubine Zheng, is very suitable for me, and I am determined to make him the crown prince!!"
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(End of this chapter)

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