Chapter 901
"Zhu Changxun, the son of Concubine Zheng, is very suitable for me, and I am determined to make him the crown prince!!"

This sentence was just spoken in a normal tone, and the people who were slightly behind in the line of courtiers in the audience didn't even hear it clearly, even the people in the first three rows didn't listen carefully.

All the courtiers below are subconsciously going to kneel down and say "Your Majesty", most of the people in the back have already knelt down, and the group of people in the front row who have bowed just now seem to be like "Your Majesty" after saying the word "Your Majesty". He was strangled by something, and the next words were blocked in his mouth.

Being able to be in the first three rows is naturally extraordinary. Although they are old, their eyes and ears are still smart. After confirming that they heard "Zhu Changxun", they all looked up in astonishment.

What they saw was still the sneering face of Emperor Wanli, and now they finally understood that Emperor Wanli's sneer was not a helpless resistance, but a sarcasm.

It's ridiculous. After more than two months, after the Queen Mother's family, the officials of the court, and even the local officials everywhere have expressed their positions, when everything is going to be finalized, Emperor Wanli wants to simply say a word at the court meeting. It's so naive to pull it back.

The process of decree is drafted by the cabinet and approved by the supervisor of ceremonies. The decree has not been approved by the cabinet. The scriptures are never useful, so hasn't the emperor learned a lesson from the handbook he gave to Wang Xijue?

"Your Majesty, please take back your order. The distinction between elder and younger is a great gift. The crown prince should establish the elder. If you don't obey, it will definitely cause disaster!"

Shen Li, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, first knelt down and shouted loudly. He is close to 60 years old. After performing these etiquettes, he still has the strength to make such a vigorous shout. It is really surprising.

"Please take it back, Your Majesty!!"

Yang Wei also knelt down to remonstrate with his ashen complexion, but he lacked the usual composure in court meetings, and his voice was louder. Everyone knelt down and shouted, and most of the officials present also knelt down after a brief astonishment. Shout out there.

Shen Shixing, Wang Xijue and the others looked at each other in blank dismay, not to mention that Emperor Wanli's move was too childish, and it was too inappropriate to choose this occasion.

There are so many officials present, and all important and insignificant characters in the capital are here. If you say it alone, doesn't it mean that these people will put pressure on you face to face?

There were also a small number of officials standing, they were either from the Shuntian Prefecture, or the disciples of Shen Shixing and others. If their teachers didn't kneel down, it would be foolish to rush to express their opinion.

"Your Majesty, please take it back if you don't obey the order!!"

Shen Li, Shangshu of the Ministry of Rites, also said that all the officials of the Ministry of Rites responded loudly, and whoever was appointed as the crown prince had to be decreed by the Ministry of Rites before it could be announced to the world.

"This is righteousness. We should risk our lives to admonish the Holy Majesty. If there is any failure, those who follow will be treacherous, and we will attack them together!!"

"The country has supported scholars for nearly 200 years, and this is the time to serve them!!"

Similar shouts came and went, and when such shouts sounded, many of those who didn't kneel before hesitated to kneel, and the waves below followed one after another.

These sounds awe-inspiring, but they are actually threats. If you don’t stay with everyone, you will be everyone’s enemy. After this incident, you will definitely become the target of public criticism. What is the most feared thing in the officialdom is becoming a person who doesn’t fit in , then there is no way to survive in officialdom.

There was a wave of louder voices below, and every word was to make Emperor Wanli take back his order, and let Emperor Wanli make Zhu Changluo, the eldest son of the emperor, the crown prince.

Emperor Wanli finally sneered, stood up while supporting the armrest of the throne, and said:
"Together, the country has been supporting scholars for nearly 200 years. I have heard these two sentences. When I was a child, I read the recorded sermons of the emperor's ancestors. At that time, it was 50 years of raising scholars. After 50 years, Is it still the same old tune?"
In the fifth year of Emperor Jiajing's reign, during the grand meeting of the court, Yang Tinghe, the chief assistant at that time, and his son had said such words. Emperor Wanli sneered while looking back at the eunuchs standing behind him. Sneered and said:

"Back then, the emperor could use Jinyiwei and Dongchang people to clean up these bastards who had no king and no father, but today I can't move the imperial army, and I can't move the Beijing camp."

After Emperor Wanli finished speaking, Zhang Jing, the admiral of the Ritual Supervisor, and Zhang Hong, the eunuch of Bingbi, both knelt down. Zhang Hong said with a solemn face:
"Long live Lord, Ming's soldiers and horses are not used to slaughter scholar-bureaucrats, not to mention that what the scholar-bureaucrats say is the principle of sages and sages. Long live Lord is so determined to go his own way."

Before he finished speaking, he just kept kowtowing there, while Zhang Jing knelt there silently. He was originally the palm print of the Imperial Horse Supervisor, and he was also the confidant of the Empress Dowager Cisheng. He contributed a lot, and Emperor Wanli did not use Dongchang, and there is also his shadow.

Emperor Wanli just looked at these people with a sneer, and then said:
"The foreign ministers can't be counted on. They either want me to be obedient, or they are timid. Among the internal ministers, they are all righteous and know the principles of sages, but they don't think for me."

Zhang Hong just kowtowed there. After Emperor Wanli said this, the other eunuchs and other eunuchs who came over also knelt down. Only one eunuch who followed behind was still standing. Emperor Wanli saw The eunuch in black robe turned his head, looked at the excited ministers below, and said in a deep voice:

"My ancestors bless me, I still have loyal ministers by my side."

The black-robed eunuch had kept his head down, but now he stepped over the kneeling people in front of him and walked forward. Many eunuchs who were kneeling on the ground raised their heads in astonishment. Who on earth is so bold? The guards are also far away from the high platform and cannot get close.

Some of the people kneeling below also noticed the eunuch who dragged down his black robe as he walked. The eunuch was actually wearing light armor, and he took out a piece of household goods about a foot long.

There was a sound of "touch", as if something had exploded, and the sound was so loud that the people in the three rows in front even smelled the smell of firecrackers, which seemed to be the smell after the firecrackers went off.

The black-robed eunuch fired a gun into the sky with a firecracker in his hand, and finally someone raised his head from the constant kowtow, and someone in the front row had already called out the name of the person next to Emperor Wanli, and the voice was worse than when he was admonishing him just now. Even bigger, but with the slightest trembling.

"Wang Tong!!!"

Someone called out this name, and it was quickly heard by the people around him, and it quickly spread throughout the square in front of Fengtianmen. The square that was still very noisy just now quickly fell silent from front to back.

The black-robed eunuch next to Emperor Wanli had already taken off his robe, exposed his light armor, removed the veil covering his head, threw the firecracker in his hand on the ground, and stood on the left side of Emperor Wanli. Sideways, looking coldly at the civil servants below, Emperor Wanli still had a sneer on his face.

"Roaring in front of His Majesty, trying to suppress His Majesty's change of will, interfering with the emperor's establishment of the crown prince, are you still the ministers of Ming Dynasty!!? Do you want to make trouble!!"

Wang Tong's voice was not high, but the square was too quiet. Most people heard these words clearly, and some couldn't help trembling.

Wu Zuolai, Secretary of the Imperial College, was already pale, but someone beside him said in a low voice:

"Brother Wu, Wang Tong is alone. Let's rush up and beat him to death. When the time comes."

Before I finished speaking, I heard the sound of "咔咚." It seemed to be the sound of metal colliding. The square in front of Fengtianmen where the Grand Court Meeting was held was surrounded by high vermilion walls, and there were also roads leading to it. door.

Now the gates on both sides were slowly opened, armored soldiers with axes and guns filed in, marched along the base of the wall, surrounded the entire square, and then faced the officials in the square.

The sound of metal colliding is the collision of armor leaves. Many people are deeply impressed by the regulation of this armor. This is the tiger's might plate armor of the Tiger's might army, which wraps the whole person.

The excitement in front of Fengtianmen suddenly became as dead as a cemetery, only the tinkling of nail leaves when the soldiers walked around.

After these soldiers in armor and armed with axes and guns stood still, two rows of Jin Yiwei with knives and flying fish uniforms ran in from both sides and stood in two rows on both sides of the high platform.

Emperor Wanli and the group of eunuchs with their backs turned to Wang Tong, many of them raised their heads in astonishment, and then they looked at Zhang Cheng over there. He breathed a sigh of relief and continued to kneel down, Zhang Hong's face was pale.

"Your Majesty appointed the prince as the crown prince, you are so rebellious, do you really think that there are no rules and regulations in Ming Dynasty?"

Wang Tong said coldly, the venue was still quiet, Wang Tong stared at Shen Li, Minister of Rites, and said:
"Shen Shangshu, why didn't you tell the world according to the decree, aren't you a courtier of Ming Dynasty?"

Shen Li, who was kneeling on the ground, trembled, but did not dare to answer. Wang Tong turned around and bowed to Emperor Wanli and said:

"Your Majesty, such rebellious people who have no king and no father should be severely punished."

"Go to prison, ask seriously, and find out who gave him such courage!"

Emperor Wanli said coldly, just as Wang Tong was about to take orders, someone stood up in the crowd, pointed at Wang Tong and cursed:

"Traitor, do you think you can coerce princes with swords, let you know"

Before he finished speaking, two armored soldiers walked through the crowd and came behind him, and hit his back with the wooden handle of the ax gun. dragged out.

There was no sound in the square, and after a while, someone said:
"The crowd is full of justice, so many righteous people, can you kill them all?"

This person was kneeling on the ground, unable to find out who was speaking, Wang Tong smiled disdainfully, and answered loudly:
"I killed them all. I killed tens of thousands of Tartars in the north, but here are just over a thousand."

The whole place was silent.

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(End of this chapter)

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