Chapter 902
"Master Shen, His Majesty has already issued an oral order, why don't you draw up an order!"

Wang Tong's voice was raised, and he asked again. The vest of the official robe of Shen Li, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, was quickly soaked with sweat. He looked up at Wang Tong and Emperor Wanli on the high platform, and then turned his head to look at Yang Wei beside him. Waiting for someone, hesitating there, unable to speak.

"You traitor, you are intimidating the Holy Majesty, you are intimidating all the officials, today Wu is willing to give up his life, and he will die with you!!"

Finally, someone broke out in the quiet field. Wu Zuolai, the secretary of the Imperial College, jumped up from the ground, his official hat fell on the ground, his face was red and purple, and he ran towards the high platform with teeth and claws.

There were kneeling people all around him, it was quite inconvenient for Wu Zuolai to run forward, but the rest of the kneeling officials knelt to avoid him, which gave him a way out.

Seeing Wu Zuolai running in the crowd, commotion gradually started in the silent crowd. Some raised their heads, some whispered to each other, and some stood up straight.

Yang Wei, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and Shen Li, Minister of Rites, no longer cared about the ceremonies of monarchs and ministers. They all stood up straight from the ground and turned their heads to watch. How about the official, isn't he afraid of making a big mess?
While the crowd was excited, I heard someone shouting in a drawn out voice:


Before the sound fell, the soldiers in armor and holding axes and guns all around the open space took a step forward, and shouted "Kill!" in a low voice, the nails collided, and the shouts were in order, all the noise was suppressed at once. go down.

The brocade-clothed guards standing on both sides of the high platform drew their knives out of their sheaths in unison, aiming coldly at the front, just these two movements, the field became quiet again, raised their heads and quickly lowered their heads, whispered to each other, hurriedly stopped, and straightened up He continued to return to his kneeling position, and became more honest.

Wu Zuolai, who was running forward, staggered when he shouted "Kill", and slowed down involuntarily when he saw the gleaming array of knives in front of him.

The people below were busy being honest, and no one cared about kneeling to avoid him. Wu Zuolai took another step forward and fell to the ground with a somersault. The scene was extremely quiet.

Wu Zuolai ran for a while, and was already very close to the high platform. He slowly got up from the place where he fell, but saw Wang Tong pointing his firecracker at him.

"Death to benevolence, if you take a few steps forward, you can become famous in the world, come on, I will fulfill you!"

With a sneer on Wang Tong's face, he said sarcastically, these words made Wu Zuolai's face flushed red, but he turned his head to see that there were kneeling people all around him, and no one got up to respond. Wu Zuolai only felt his legs It's like casting copper and iron, and it can no longer move an inch.

It can't be said that he can't move. It seems that there is something dragging behind him, making him want to retreat. Wang Tong shook his head and said disdainfully:

"You have no guts, you roared before you, and your intentions are wrong, pull it down and chop it up!!"

The brocade-clothed guards on both sides of the high platform were stroked, and several people came out immediately, rushed into the crowd, dragged Wu Zuolai who was staying there, out of the crowd, and walked towards the outside of the courtyard.

The scene was still quiet, from the big bosses in the front to the chief executives in the back were all kneeling obediently there, Wu Zuolai was about to be dragged to the door, but Wu Zuolai struggled violently and shouted loudly:

"Your Majesty, please forgive me!!! Your Majesty, please forgive me!! It was Yang Wei who threatened the subordinate officials to connect with the rumors and ask the subordinate officials to discuss the establishment of a crown prince. He also promised that the villain would definitely give me the favor when the time comes." The position of the right servant of the Ministry of Rites, the villain is also forced, and the villain is also forced, so is Yao Bo, so is Yao Bo."

The Jin Yiwei who was supporting him kept walking and dragged him out. The scene was quiet again, and after a while, he heard a "click", and the crying stopped abruptly.

This is a beheading. All the people in the square realized it. Standing on the high platform and looking up and down, they could see all the people kneeling below trembling in unison, but someone stood up behind the row of Shangshu. , pointed at Yang Wei and others and cursed:
"You colluded internally and externally, causing chaos and chaos. This world belongs to the emperor, not to you villains. Yang Wei, Shen Li, you gangsters of villains, your majesty, your majesty, these people are at the center of the court, and they are really the country. Great harm, Your Majesty, please punish me severely, I just found out today that I was bewitched by a traitor, and actually did such a rebellious and evil thing, I would like to plead guilty and be willing to be punished!!"

Emperor Wanli's face was indifferent, but he whispered to Wang Tong:
"Official position is important, the right servant of the Ministry of Rites has jumped out!"

Wang Tong stared at the righteous and angry official and shook his head. The right servant of the Ministry of Rites must have followed the crowd, and he probably thought he was one of the core. When he found out that Yang Wei had given his position to his protégé, he immediately turned his face. .

"Your Majesty, Yang Wei also used his official position to threaten the lower officials. The lower officials were forced to do so, and the lower officials are willing to expose it!!"

Some people in the back row also stood up, pointing at the front and yelling, more and more people jumped out, and the scene became noisy again.

"Your Majesty!! Your Majesty!! The son of the noble concubine is a virtuous one. I am now drafting an order to declare to the world, to declare to the world. His Highness Zhu Changxun is the crown prince!!"

Shen Li, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, who had been stunned for a long time, yelled loudly there. When he yelled, the surrounding was quiet, and everyone immediately realized that what was a big deal caused Emperor Wanli to keep Wang Tong secret. Recall, what is the purpose of deploying armored soldiers in this square, it is not a reserve.

The most important thing right now is to express one's own attitude, put everything else aside, first express this position, and after a little silence, they immediately shouted, saying one after another:

"The noble concubine is a virtuous concubine, and has the demeanor of a mother who respects the world. She should be the empress, and the son of the noble concubine should be the heir apparent!!"

"His Royal Highness Zhu Changxun is intelligent and heroic. He is the crown prince's natural choice. It's the luck of Ming Dynasty, the world, and the ancestors!!"

"If Your Majesty does not agree to appoint His Highness as the reserve today, the ministers will never agree!!"

For a while, the crowd was full of enthusiasm, and everyone was shouting that Zhu Changxun, the son of Concubine Zheng, should be the crown prince. Only Yang Wei and others in the front row knelt there, their bodies were almost frozen, and they didn't even lift their heads. As soon as he was soft, he had already fallen to the ground, but who would take care of him at this time.

The noise became louder and louder, and the guards in brocade clothes on both sides of the high platform showed doubts on their faces. Why did these civil servants suddenly change their positions, and they were so righteous?
The noise that had just arisen gradually quieted down again, because they heard laughter, how could anyone be laughing on this occasion, and it was still that kind of wild, unscrupulous laughter.

The laughter came from the high platform, where Emperor Wanli was laughing and laughing wildly. You could see Emperor Wanli swaying from laughter, and he seemed a little unstable. Emperor Wanli laughed so much that tears flowed out, and he kept wiping there. It seemed that he was out of breath, and he had to support Wang Tong's shoulders to stop.

It was quiet again below, even the Jinyi guards in the arena were looking at the Wanli Emperor who lost his composure on the high platform, Wang Tong turned his head and said in a low voice:
"Your Majesty, if you indulge yourself and hurt your body, please exercise restraint!!"

Emperor Wanli gradually stopped laughing, but the tears that came out of the laughter were still flowing down. He wiped it with his cuff several times, but he simply ignored it. Emperor Wanli let go of the hand supporting Wang Tong's shoulder and turned to He took a step forward, raised his arm, pointed to the officials below and said:

"This is your strength of character? Is this the so-called scholar-bureaucrat?"

Emperor Wanli's voice was hoarse, but it was extremely loud. Naturally, no one answered him. Regardless of their rank, every official knelt on the ground and lowered their heads as much as possible.

"I am the Son of Heaven, when will you treat me as the Son of Heaven!!!? Who will I appoint as the crown prince? I am willing to let that son be the crown prince. What does it matter to you? Will it damage the country, the country, or the mountains and rivers? , tell me!!”

The slightest smile disappeared from Emperor Wanli's face, his question was actually a yell, and Emperor Wanli's tears were still flowing.

"You think I don't know what you want to do, you want to be Zhang Juzheng, you collude with my mother, you want me to be a puppet in name only!!"

"His Majesty."

Zhang Cheng, who had been kneeling behind him, quickly stood up and said in a low voice, Emperor Wanli waved his hand to stop his next words, covered his face with his hand and rubbed it a few times, shook his head and took a deep breath, the expression on his face changed to With a sneer, he pointed to the group of people below and said:

"Look at your appearance, it's ridiculous!! Poor!! Didn't the memorials always say that you are not afraid of death!!? Didn't you say that life is not worth it!!? Look at you now, with a country as big as mine, is it necessary to Are you governed by those villains who spread rumors, talk about state affairs, and fight for power?"

"Wang Tong, go and persuade Lord Long Live, these words shouldn't be said!!"

Zhang Cheng became a little anxious, and said to Wang Tong in a stern tone, that Emperor Wanli was completely insane, but Wang Tong just stepped forward but was pushed away by him, pointing at the bottom and continuing to shout loudly:

"The Son of Heaven and the scholar bureaucrats rule the world together, and you cowardly, ignorant, greedy and profit-seeking rats rule together. This world will be ruined sooner or later, Lizi!!! Treacherous!!!"

Emperor Wanli was about to continue, but was dragged back by Wang Tong. Wang Tong ignored the etiquette and shouted in a low voice:
"Your Majesty!! The overall situation has been decided, everything is in the hands of His Majesty, the business is important! Your Majesty!!"

The voice of the last sentence increased, and Emperor Wanli seemed to be awakened, and he was stunned there before reacting. At this time, Emperor Wanli's eyes were filled with bloodshot eyes, and he slowly woke up at this time.

Emperor Wanli stared at Wang Tong for a while, held Wang Tong's hand, and said:
"If it wasn't for you, if it wasn't for you, I don't know what it would be like to be crushed by these people. Inside and outside the palace, no one listens to my words, and they will fight against me everywhere. Wang Tong, you are a loyal minister, you are the real one. Your loyal minister!!!"

(End of this chapter)

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