Chapter 903

Emperor Wanli was laughing and cursing on the high platform in front of Fengtian Gate. He had already lost his composure, but the officials below did not dare to move, and they still knelt obediently there.

The sudden dispute over the establishment of the crown prince caused Emperor Wanli to be suppressed for too long. Today, it suddenly turned around. Obediently, finally got Wu Zuolai, but he is also a rat in his bones.

Thinking about being suppressed by these people for so long, Emperor Wanli only felt that he was pathetic and ridiculous, and that Wang Tong was really loyal and valuable.

He was expressing emotion to Wang Tong on the high stage, but Shen Shixing under the stage raised his voice and said:

"Your Majesty, the ministers kneel down here. The delay is too long, and the elderly cannot afford it. Moreover, the court meeting takes too long, and outsiders will have many guesses. Please make a decision early, Your Majesty."

The members of the cabinet were neutral in this turmoil, and even leaned towards Emperor Wanli. Emperor Wanli also listened to Shen Shixing's words, but he was stunned, and immediately looked at Wang Tong.

Wang Tong took a step back without showing any trace, bowed and said:

"The Ministry of Rites has to go back to the Yamen to make the decree. Please order the court to disperse!"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, everything is under control."

Wang Tong bowed again and replied, Zhang Cheng beside him also got up and said:

"The servant girl will arrange for someone to watch over the Ministry of Rites to do it. Don't worry, Long Live Lord, they don't have the guts to delay."

Emperor Wanli glanced at Zhang Cheng and Wang Tong, but continued to ask:
"The Beijing camp and the forbidden army are not under my control, let them out"

Wang Tong's face was full of confidence, and he said with a loud smile:

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, these soldiers and horses cannot move, and everything is under His Majesty's control."

Emperor Wanli nodded, let out a long breath, turned back to the throne, took a step, but his body softened, and almost fell to the ground, Wang Tong stepped forward to support Emperor Wanli, Emperor Wanli shook his head and laughed at himself:
"I don't know why, I don't have any strength at all, but my mind and body are loose. It's been tense for more than two months."

After saying this, Emperor Wanli reached out and patted Wang Tong's arm, and said:
"You do things, I don't worry."

Waiting for Emperor Wanli to sit on the throne and look at the courtiers kneeling below, he felt extremely happy. Although his voice had become a little sore from the roar just now, the courtiers' kneeling is not a hard top, not a strong character. , but actual surrender.

Emperor Wanli wanted to speak, but hesitated for a while, but beckoned Zhang Cheng to come over, whispered a few words, Zhang Cheng nodded, walked in front of the high platform, and said loudly:
"Today, there will be generals who have disrespected people in front of the palace to investigate their crimes. Today, the decree issued by the Long Live God, there will be no neglect by the ministers, and the court will be dismissed!!!"

After hearing the sound of "Separate Dynasty", the people below raised their heads one after another, all of them were a little stunned. Just now, Emperor Wanli was so mad and lost his temper. There have been a lot of disputes between the government and the opposition in the past few months. Now the soldiers are surrounded again, and someone has been dragged out just now. Beheading, everyone thought that there would be a big cleansing and massacre next, but they didn't expect that the court would be scattered like this.

Disrespect in front of the palace, at most, is dismissal from office. Compared with the treatment of beheading and exterminating the family, this is really slight. Everyone is stunned, but who can care about this at this time, they are all relieved, after saluting according to the etiquette exit in a hurry.

Wang Tong glanced at the Wanli Emperor who was sitting there. If it was the Wanli Emperor a year or two ago, he might have ordered to kill him. But the current emperor knows that he can't take pleasure in a moment and cause the world to die. Chaos.

"Wang Tong, what charges are you going to charge that official who got up and went crazy just now?"

Emperor Wanli asked lightly, and Wang Tong turned around and replied:
"It is being tied outside, waiting for His Majesty's arrangement."

"Didn't you just kill him?"

Emperor Wanli was taken aback, Wang Tong bowed and said with a smile:

"Without His Majesty's arrangement, how dare I deal with it on my own. I just tied it up to frighten these officials."

Emperor Wanli was stunned, then laughed, pointed at Wang Tong and shook his head again and again, Wang Tong greeted the soldiers below, and immediately someone ran out and dragged Wu Zuolai in. Spiritless.

"Then what did you cut just now?"

"I got a sheep."

After a few answers, Emperor Wanli laughed again. The ministers left, but the three members of the cabinet stayed behind. They paused while looking at the above, but Shen Shixing stepped forward and said:

"Your Majesty, there are very few people outside the palace who did not participate in the discussion of the establishment of the crown prince. If His Majesty handles it strictly, it will definitely cause chaos, and His Majesty should be cautious first."

"What Elder Shen Ge said is true, Your Majesty, please look into it!"

Wang Xijue and Xu Guoqi bowed together and said, Emperor Wanli stared at Shen Shixing, and after a moment of silence he said angrily:

"When they forced me to establish a reserve, why didn't you come to speak for me?"

Naturally, there was no answer to this rhetorical question, but Wang Xijue paused and said:
"Your Majesty, this is not a time of leisure. The Imperial Army in the North Campus and the Beijing Camp outside the city are all sources of turmoil. In this palace..."

Having said that, Wang Xijue didn't finish speaking, but just kowtowed to the ground. Emperor Wanli smiled, looked back at Zhang Hong who was still kneeling there, and said relaxedly:

"There is no decree from me, there is no order from the pen, the Beijing camp can't be moved, and the imperial army, I have a decree, they can't be moved, but they can be kept. As for the palace, Wang Xijue, you are a hero. !"

There was a pause in Emperor Wanli's words, but at the end he sighed with emotion. He pondered and said again:
"The three of you go to the errands first, stare at the Ministry of Rites to make an order, and tell these people outside, I know they have lost their heads for a while, just do the errands well, don't play tricks, go!"

The three of Shen Shixing bowed together, and then retreated respectfully. The square under the high platform of Fengtianmen was extremely empty. After a long time, Emperor Wanli said:
"Zhang Banban, arrange for the escort to come and get all my guard of honor, hurry up!"

Zhang Cheng bowed to accept the order, turned around and hurried away. Emperor Wanli turned his head to look at Wang Tong standing there, and said with a smile:

"Two years ago, you and Hutou entered the palace in a box, and this time you entered the palace pretending to be an eunuch. You said it was funny. This palace is my residence, but every time there is trouble, I am by my side."

After a few self-deprecating words, Emperor Wanli said with emotion:

"You always help me by my side, otherwise, I really don't look like an emperor."

Wang Tong's expression didn't change, he bowed there and said:
"This is the duty of the minister."

When the emperor travels, the carriages and ceremonial guards are all ready at any time. Emperor Wanli spoke, and the preparations will be completed soon. Watching a group of eunuchs enter the courtyard, Zhang Cheng went to report that they were ready, but Emperor Wanli did not act. There patted the armrest hesitantly.

Emperor Wanli hesitated there for a while, then stood up from his seat, and said:
"It should be broken, and it should be messed up. If you have been tossing for too long, you should end it."

Emperor Wanli walked down the steps, lowered his shoulders, Emperor Wanli sat up directly, hesitated and pondered for a while on the shoulders, and then raised his voice and said:
"Go to the Palace of Compassion and Ning, Wang Tong will lead the guards!"

Wang Tong agreed to quickly follow, and Zhang Cheng also followed. Zhang Jing, who was kneeling there without making a sound, reacted at this time, stood up with support, but knelt for a long time, and he was also old, and fell to the ground again. , Zhang Jing struggled to get up again, trotted to catch up with Jianyu, stopped him and knelt down in front of the Wanli driving team regardless, and said earnestly there:

"Long Live Lord, Long Live Lord, the Empress Dowager Cisheng is the biological mother of Long Live Lord, what is Long Live Lord going to do, what people in the world think, what the ancestors and ancestors think, Long Live God will definitely be infamous!!"

Emperor Wanli straightened up slightly on his shoulders, looked coldly at Zhang Jing who was kneeling in front of the team, leaned down again, and said coldly:
"Send it, don't stop!"

The two little eunuchs rushed forward to drag Zhang Jing, Zhang Jing had a very high status in the inner court, no one dared to tear him apart, but Zhang Jing seemed to be crazy at the moment, pushed the two little eunuchs away, and said in a hissing voice :

"Long Live God, if there is no Queen Mother, how can Long Live God be where he is today? That is the mother of Long Live God!!"

The two guards were about to step forward, but they were stopped by Emperor Wanli. Emperor Wanli straightened up from his shoulders, stared at Zhang Jing and said coldly:

"If there was no queen mother, I would not have been besieged by demons two years ago in the residence of the noble concubine. If there had been no queen mother, I would not have had to call Wang Tong back this time to completely tear the face between the monarch and his ministers. I know, no My mother would not be where I am today, not even the prosperous Ming Dynasty today, it is precisely because my mother is my biological mother, so I have to do something, so that I will not even be able to do my own mother and child in the future, step down!"

What Emperor Wanli said was not harsh, but Zhang Jing stayed there after hearing it, his figure was hunched, as if he had aged many years in an instant, and he staggered aside without anyone stepping forward.

The eunuchs and maids in the palace were a little flustered, but they still knelt down on both sides of the road when they saw Emperor Wanli's team. They also saw the soldiers following the team, and they all looked shocked.

It doesn't take much time to get to the Palace of Compassion from Fengtian Hall. When Emperor Wanli arrived at the Palace of Compassion, he saw two circles of people outside the Palace of Compassion. The inner circle was guards and the outer circle was also guards. Facing each other face to face, not giving an inch, at the main entrance of the Palace of Compassion and Ning, from time to time, maids and eunuchs can be seen poking their heads out, and then retracting.

Seeing Emperor Wanli approaching, the tense atmosphere eased a little. Emperor Wanli ignored the confrontation over there, and just said:
"The Marquis of Wuqing has been going out to live with his mother, and I can understand my uncle's intentions. Please ask the queen to live in Marquis Wuqing's mansion for a while. Everything will be handled according to the rules of the palace!!"
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(End of this chapter)

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