Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 904 Ruthless and Carefree

Chapter 904 Ruthless and Carefree
After Emperor Wanli said these words on the radio, the surroundings were quiet, Wang Tong just stretched out his hand to make a move, and the group of people who had confronted the imperial guards of the Compassionate Ning Palace retreated in a row, and the generals who led the imperial guards were astonished. It was Chen Sibao.

Chen Sibao also had a look of astonishment on his face, probably frightened by Emperor Wanli's words, he led the team back, kowtowed to Emperor Wanli, and automatically stood behind Wang Tong.

"Are you stopping in front of Long Live God to rebel?"

Zhang Cheng walked to the front of the team and shouted loudly. The guards outside the Palace of Compassionate Peace all changed their colors when they heard this. The leading generals looked at each other for a few times before bowing down. Respectfully said:
"I didn't get the military order just now, but now that Eunuch Zhang has said it, the little ones will disperse, and I hope you will forgive me!"

The guards of the Compassionate Ning Palace who stopped there just now scattered away. Judging by the reaction, it was obvious that they were frightened just now. No one thought that Emperor Wanli would have such a will.

There was chaos inside the main gate of the Compassionate Ning Palace, the gate was half open, and the messy scene inside could be seen, eunuchs and court ladies were running around, Emperor Wanli frowned, and said in a deep voice:
"Zhang Cheng, go discipline and discipline, these slaves are too unruly!"

Zhang Cheng took the order, led a few followers, went inside and yelled a few words, but it was quite quiet, before Zhang Cheng came out, he saw a eunuch in red robe running out of it.

Now the eunuch in the Palace of Compassion, that is, the steward of the Palace of Compassion, is Eunuch Li who once went to the Emperor Wanli to spread the word. This Eunuch Li ran out in a hurry. He knelt down before blocking him, bumped his head on the ground with great force, and blood was seen on his forehead not long after, this Eunuch Li's face was covered with tears, and he said there:
"Long live Lord, let the empress dowager move out of the palace. This is absolutely unacceptable. After all, the queen mother is the biological mother of the Long live Lord. She has taken care of the Long live Lord to this day. If the Long live Lord drives the empress dowager out of the imperial city, such a thing , Since the founding of the country by the great grandfather, it has never happened. How do people outside say about Long Live Lord, Long Live Lord, think twice, think twice!"

While talking, he kowtowed vigorously, the blood on his forehead flowed all over his face, which made people look very unbearable. Emperor Wanli kept his expression on his shoulders, but Wang Tong, who was guarding by the side, heard Emperor Wanli use it very dumbly. said in a low voice:

"Mother, mother, queen mother, why does the mother want to fight for power with her son, why does she want to ostracize her son?"

Wang Tong shook his head and shouted:
"Pull this father-in-law down. Your Majesty asked the empress dowager to move to Wuqinghou's mansion. It is also for the sake of the empress dowager and Wuqinghou. He is not here to thank you, but he is talking nonsense, and he will not be dragged down!!"

The imperial guards quickly agreed and went to pull this Eunuch Li aside. This Eunuch Li was also over 50 years old. Although he was struggling there desperately and screaming, he was still dragged aside.

In the main hall of the Compassionate Ning Palace, Empress Dowager Li was wearing a court dress, but beside her was a child, about two or three years old, chubby, struggling with a piece of snack, quite cute, Empress Dowager Li looked at this child with a smile, From time to time, he took a handkerchief and wiped the residue of the pastry from the child's face.

This is the only bit of warmth in the palace. The female officials and eunuchs in charge of the Palace of Compassion and Ning are lined up on both sides, and all of them stand there with ashen ashes. The noise outside gradually quiets down. After a while, I heard a little eunuch outside tremblingly saying:

"Empress Dowager, Eunuch Zhang is urging Empress Dowager to get up."

"The bastard who killed with a thousand swords, he is blind, get out!"

As soon as the little eunuch finished speaking, he was scolded by a female officer. Jinxiu, the first female officer standing on the left, bit her lip, stepped out and knelt on the ground, kowtowed a few times, and said in a harsh voice:

"Thousands of mistakes are all the fault of the maidservant. The maidservant will go out and plead guilty to the Lord Long Live. If he sacrifices his life, the Lord Long Live will take back his will."

Jinxiu's face was full of determination, after finishing speaking, she kowtowed a few times, got up and walked out, just took two steps, but was stopped by the Cisheng Empress Dowager Li:
"It's none of your business. It's Chang Luo that the Ai family asked you to pick up. It's the official position that the Ai family asked you to ask for. Go back and stand!!"

Jinxiu trembled all over, turned around and knelt down to kowtow again, after kowtowing twice, she collapsed on the ground, crying bitterly.

Zhu Changluo, who was sitting next to Empress Dowager Li, heard someone crying bitterly below, and the frightened dim sum fell to the ground. He subconsciously leaned towards Empress Dowager Li. The Cisheng Empress Dowager Li stretched out his hand to touch the top of Zhu Changluo's head lovingly, and said softly :
"Chang Luo, you are going back to live with your mother, and grandma is going out."

Upon hearing this, Zhu Changluo clapped his hands happily, and said with a smile:
"Great, Chang Luo misses her mother."

After saying this, I remembered something, and tugged on Queen Mother Li's sleeve and said:

"Grandma, where are you going! When are you coming back?"

Empress Dowager Li stroked Zhu Changluo's forehead lightly, was silent for a long time, and suddenly said softly:
"Your father also looked like this when he was young. Because of his lameness, he could only walk in and out of the house. He stumbled after walking a few steps on the carpet. Every time Aijia saw it, he wanted to laugh, but his heart ached.
The voice became smaller and smaller, and gradually fell silent. There was already a female officer in the room sobbing softly, but at this moment, Empress Dowager Li raised her head and said calmly:

"Prepare for Luanjia, Ai's family will leave the palace right away. Without Ai's family, there would be no wealth of Wuqinghou's family. Going to live in their house is better than sulking here."

Someone wanted to persuade them, but seeing the resolute eyes of the Empress Dowager Cisheng, they gave up the idea of ​​persuading them, and they each endured frustration and went to work.

"Long Live Lord, the Palace of Compassion and Ning is preparing for Luan's caravan."

"Long live, the Empress Dowager has returned His Royal Highness Zhu Changluo to Concubine Gong."

The news came continuously, the shoulder pads had already been placed on the ground, and Emperor Wanli sat there with an indifferent expression, not even nodding his head.

After a while, an eunuch came and kowtowed and reported:
"Long Live Lord, the Empress Dowager needs to drive first, and the supplies should be arranged by Long Live Lord."

These are all minor details, Zhang Cheng nodded and waved his hand to send people away. If things are done quickly in the palace, the efficiency is still quite high.

Emperor Wanli didn't wait long, and saw a luxuriously decorated carriage coming out of the Palace of Compassion, surrounded by eunuchs and female officials. Emperor Wanli recognized this carriage, and it was specially built after Tianjin Wei came out of the four-horse cart. Several luxurious models were presented to the palace as tributes.

At that time, Emperor Wanli also selected the best one to be decorated by the craftsmen of the Imperial Prison and presented to the Palace of Compassion. This is the one in front of him.

When the weather was hot, the carriage compartment was covered with bead curtains. Zhang Cheng, Wang Tong and others all bowed and bowed while the carriage was moving, but Emperor Wanli still sat in his seat and did not move.

Cisheng Empress Dowager Li watched Emperor Wanli through the curtain, and Emperor Wanli also looked sideways. The mother and son just looked at each other stiffly until they couldn't see each other.

Emperor Wanli remained silent until the creaking sound of the wheels crushing the stone slabs could not be heard. Emperor Wanli patted the armrest of the shoulder, and the eunuch who lifted the shoulder immediately lifted the shoulder. Emperor Wanli said in a deep voice:

"Marquis Wuqing must keep an eye on it, and the guards must be strict, and don't let treacherous people take advantage of the loopholes!"

"Please rest assured, Your Majesty, Jin Yiwei has been serving as the guard at Marquis Wuqing's mansion since this morning, the Empress Dowager and Marquis Wuqing are safe and secure."

Emperor Wanli let out a long breath, and said slowly:
"I'm so tired, I'll go back to Qianqing Palace first"

He stopped talking halfway, and Emperor Wanli leaned out from his shoulders and said:
"Go to the Imperial Study Room, Zhang Banban, and prepare the seal documents. Except for Deng Pu's Longxiang Zuowei, the guards and battalion officers of the other battalions must be replaced today, and they cannot be kept. With an army of soldiers who have a different heart for me, I can't sleep peacefully at night."

"Long Live Lord, there is no need to worry about this. Zhang Jing will sue the old man no later than tonight. The Empress Dowager is also out of the palace. There is no reason for the Imperial Army to disturb. If there is trouble, just leave them there, keep the ones that can be used, and slowly dismantle the ones that can’t be used.”

Emperor Wanli pondered for a while, then nodded there, Zhang Cheng bowed, his shoulders swayed up and down, Emperor Wanli was silent there, and suddenly said again:
"Wang Tong, let's talk about the arrangements outside the palace. Today's matter is too little for them to teach them a lesson. I'm afraid they will go out and mess around."

"Long live Lord, don't worry, Eunuch Zhang at the capital camp has already sent someone to deliver a decree, saying that anyone who does not act recklessly in the palace will be treason and will not be pardoned. More than a dozen chief executives from the Huwei Martial Arts Academy have already arrested him." Soldiers and horses, no one can move them. The soldiers and horses of the five cities are also under the control of the Jinyiwei Public Security Department and the Military Justice Department. Guarded by soldiers and a hundred government officials from Shuntian Prefecture, there is absolutely no possibility of communication inside and outside, and all important roads and arsenals are guarded by soldiers from various divisions of Jinyiwei, so nothing will go wrong."

Wang Tong was talking while walking, Zhang Cheng turned his head and made a silent gesture, Wang Tong was taken aback, but heard a slight snoring sound from his side, and after another look, Emperor Wanli had already fallen asleep leaning on his shoulder .

"Long Live Lord hasn't slept much these days and nights, go back to Qianqing Palace, move more lightly!"

Zhang Cheng said in a low voice, the eunuchs turned around, Zhang Cheng and Wang Tong were speechless, and walked towards the Qianqing Palace, the soldiers were left on guard at various intersections until they reached the main entrance of the Qianqing Palace Here, the guards here are also facing the enemy, but Zhao Jinliang is leading these guards.

It is inconvenient for foreign ministers to enter the important place of Qianqing Palace. Wang Tong stopped outside the door, and before he thought of going there, he heard Zhao Jinliang come out and send a message:
"My lord, the imperial concubine is here to invite you."

(End of this chapter)

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