Chapter 905
"The imperial concubine wants to see me?"

Wang Tong asked in surprise, and Zhao Jinliang naturally nodded in the affirmative. The concubines in the inner palace who want to see foreign ministers usually do so after becoming empress dowagers. Of course, when he was fighting the monster in the palace three years ago, Wang Tong also had a face-to-face with Concubine Zheng.

The current situation is no different from that at that time, Wang Tong straightened his armor and followed Zhao Jinliang in after hesitating for a while.

When he was in Compassionate Ning Palace, the eunuchs and maids over there glared at Wang Tong, wanting to eat his flesh. In Qianqing Palace, the eunuchs and maids expressed the greatest respect, and it was from the heart.

For the palace people, whether their master's power or not represents their own glory and wealth, if the master's family loses power, they will be worthless.

In a sense, Wang Tong is their great benefactor.

The difference between inside and outside is strictly prohibited. When Wang Tong walked in the corridor, the ladies in the palace avoided early, and they also hid on the sides to watch secretly, and chuckled from time to time.

Naturally, Wang Tong didn't look left and right, he watched his mouth, nose and heart, and walked quietly in the corridor, but the older eunuchs in Qianqing Palace were not so strict in the past to reprimand and drive them away.

After a short walk, they arrived at the main hall. After Wang Tong was led into the courtyard, he waited in the courtyard, while Zhao Jinliang ran in to report that this courtyard should be the private residence of the Tian family. There is something special about it, after Wang Tong glanced around, he bowed his head and stood there.

After a while, I heard a noise in front of me, looked up slightly, and the two maids lowered the bead curtain in front of the door. Not long after, someone reported:
"The imperial concubine is here."

The voice was not loud, Wang Tong hurriedly bowed down, just about to kowtow to salute, but heard a female voice behind the curtain saying:

"Our mother and son have received the great kindness of Lord Wang, how can we be worthy of Lord Wang's kneeling, please get up."

Wang Tong stopped his movements, saluted in a well-regulated manner, and then got up again. There was silence in the bead curtain for a while, and then Concubine Zheng spoke again:
"Chang Xun is still young, and there are still many places to rely on Mr. Wang in the future. In the wind and rain, I still ask Mr. Wang to help me a lot. Please take care of Mr. Wang."

Speaking of which, when he heard the ring ring ringing behind the bead curtain, Wang Tong looked up, but saw the figure behind the curtain saluted. Wang Tong hurriedly bowed back and said:

"How can I be worthy of my empress's gift? I killed Wang Tong. Now His Highness is the heir apparent. As a subject, Wang, it is his duty to be loyal and do his best. Please rest assured, empress."

"As time goes on, Lord Wang's glory and wealth have just begun, please rest assured, Lord Wang."

Concubine Zheng said something inside, and then there was no sound. After a while, a maid came and rolled up the curtain. Concubine Zheng had already left, but Wang Tong's expression didn't change. He was not allowed to come and go here. Zhao Jinliang led him here. Go and ask Zhao Jinliang to lead him out.

After the curtain was rolled up for a while, Zhao Jinliang trotted over and said with a smile:

"Brother Wang, Long Live Lord is very sleepy and needs to go to bed first. He asked you to wait at the Imperial Study Room, and Eunuch Zhang invites you to drink tea!"

Wang Tong responded with a smile, and followed Zhao Jinliang out of the yard, away from the Qianqing Palace, out of this range, but Wang Tong asked Zhao Jinliang to inform the imperial guards, and asked them to change the soldiers and horses he brought in.

Now those who can give orders on the other side are all locked up or resigned. In the current situation, if the order is not followed by the procedure, no troops will be mobilized. Wang Tong is also relieved. If the soldiers stay in the imperial city, then they will give others an excuse.

After going to the imperial study, Zhao Jinliang did not lead him in, but led Wang Tong to a small courtyard next to him, explaining as he walked:

"Eunuch Zhang has to accompany the Long Live Lord, and the errands of the Supervisor of Rituals cannot be delayed, so someone specially built a small courtyard next to him, where he can work and rest."

There were also guards outside the courtyard, but the people led by Zhao Jinliang naturally did not stop him. When Wang Tong entered the room, Zhang Cheng waved his hand with a smile, motioning Wang Tong to sit down, and then said to Zhao Jinliang:

"Xiao Liang, go and stand at the gate of the courtyard. The irrelevant people around the courtyard are all dispersed. Master Wang and I have something to say."

Zhao Jinliang bowed obediently there, and then ran out and closed the door. Not long after, he heard Zhao Jinliang yelling from afar, Zhang Cheng picked up the teapot and poured tea for Wang Tong with a smile, and Wang Tong quickly stood up politely.

"Zou Yi is still staring at the North Campus. It's still your idea. Long Live God ordered them to move. They may disobey the order, but they can't find any reason to keep them still. Just now All the battalions were a little anxious about the news, but no one dared to act recklessly."

Zhang Cheng smiled and said a few words, Wang Tong also nodded with a smile, Zhang Cheng said casually:

"The imperial army is too close, so I don't dare to be careless. Zou Yi is watching them there. Now, there is no trouble."

Zhang Cheng looked very relaxed, picked up the tea bowl and took a sip leisurely, and said jokingly:

"In the Ming Dynasty, from the orthodox year to the present, as long as there is not one prince, there will be troubles for this establishment. Even if it is a matter of certainty, there are some people who want to take a chestnut out of the fire and see if they can give it a go. It’s so powerful, it’s really rare.”

Speaking of this, Zhang Cheng's face was full of contempt and disdain, and he continued:
"This kind of people only see Zhang Taiyue's status and power back then, but they don't see Zhang Taiyue's ability. They are really confused and out of their minds to do such disgusting deeds."

"It's just a group of ugliness, why should Eunuch Zhang be angry with people like them?"

"Looking at these officials today, one by one wrote the righteousness in the memorials, but I saw the swords and soldiers, but they were full of ugliness. What can they do? The real trouble is the one who moved out. I can't bear to let go of the power, I always want to get it back, because of this power, the biological mother and child can't care about it, and this is what happened."

Once a person relaxes in a tense state, he is not so rigorous, and some words are spoken casually. Zhang Cheng is there sipping tea and grinning.

"I feel that Lord Long Live is too much in charge. I feel that our family is in the way. I feel that those in the cabinet are in the way. I want to take this opportunity to make waves and come to our house a few days ago. Superintendent of Rituals, a disabled person in our family has experienced everything, and has been the handprint of the Superintendent of Rituals for so long, what else do you want, if they want to fight, give it to them, but seeing you come back, our family feels relieved In one breath, now I know that our family can't let go of this position of authority."

Zhang Cheng laughed at himself with emotion, and Wang Tong was not easy to answer, so Zhang Cheng shook his head and said:

"Zhang Jing compared me when he was in Prince Yu's mansion. Feng Bao couldn't compare with him, so he just stared at me. When our family was the ceremonial supervisor and Bingbi, he was the palm of the imperial horse supervisor, and his status was higher than ours. I thought As soon as Feng Bao left, relying on the Empress Dowager's trust in him, he should be the one who took the position of the Supervisor of Ceremonies, and I was not angry, but so what, after this time, I guess I will go to the Central Capital to sweep the imperial tomb .”

Zhang Jing is a confidant of the Empress Dowager Li. The Wanli Emperor was unable to mobilize the imperial army to suppress the civil servants and Wu Qinghou's line. It was because Zhang Jing had been operating in the Yumajian for too long, and it was difficult for others to reach in. This time, Zhang Jing Naturally, Jing would also lose power. He and Zhang Cheng have also been friends for decades, so it is inevitable to sigh at this time.

Zhang Cheng put the teacup on the table, patted it lightly, and said in a deep voice:
"Zhang Jing is responsible for himself, he doesn't regret it, and others don't have to feel sorry for it, but Zhang Hong is really capable of doing errands and doing things, but it's a pity that reading has ruined his brain!"

Wang Tong has been listening with a smile. These words can be regarded as the complaints of an old man. You can listen to them, but you are not qualified to intervene.

After Zhang Cheng finished speaking, he looked at Wang Tong, but lowered his voice and said:

"You are not in the capital, and the Jinyiwei is in chaos. No one cares about anything in the capital, and no one is watching. All divisions started to move immediately, you only arranged for two days, now everything is calm, you are really amazing, you are worthy of being the capital of Jinyiwei."

Zhang Cheng still had a smile on his face, but Wang Tong, who was sitting on the side, had no smile on his face. He clenched his hands unconsciously and stared at Zhang Cheng for a few times. Wang Tong let out a long breath and recovered again. The normal state was lost, but there was sweat oozing from the palms of the palms, and the smile on Zhang Cheng's face became wider, and he said leisurely:

"You let the people outside make a fuss, forcing Long Live Lord to have nowhere to go, so he can only call you back to clean up the overall situation. Is this the plan?"

"What did Eunuch Zhang say? Wang Tong couldn't understand!"

Wang Tong replied in a deep voice, and Zhang Cheng took a sip of the tea, as if the tea was some kind of exquisite wine, he sighed with taste, but he had already changed the topic while talking.

"The reason why Feng Shuanglin was able to give power to the government back then, and why Zhang Taiyue was able to rule the world back then was because they supported each other, communicated with each other, and helped each other. It is impossible for root water to last nearly 20 years."

The old man in front of him was very thin. If he did it himself, he might be able to create the illusion of a sudden death. Wang Tong took a deep breath and suppressed his thoughts. The matter has not reached this point yet.

"Now our family is at the top of the courtiers, and you can be regarded as a first-class figure among the foreign ministers. Concubine Zheng has become the mother of the prince this time, and the queen's position is also a matter of time. Look, how similar it is to that time ?”

"What do you mean sir?

Wang Tong has relaxed now, and Zhang Cheng said leisurely there:
"The imperial concubine is not very old, and you are only in your early twenties. Our family is old, and we don't know how many years we can serve the Lord Long Live. However, Zou Yi is only 40 years old, and Xiao Liang is only 13 years old. This rich life will last a long time."
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In addition, the temperature in Shanghai dropped suddenly, Lao Bai caught a cold, this is uncomfortable
(End of this chapter)

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