Chapter 906
When it was getting dark, Wang Tong left the palace. The relaxed Emperor Wanli slept soundly, and no one wanted to disturb him. Everyone knows that Emperor Wanli has been mentally and mentally haggard for the past few months, and he must have not had a good rest. , the overall situation has been decided, let the emperor have a good rest, there is still time to talk about anything the next day.

Although the sky is still there, there are no pedestrians, vehicles or horses on the streets of the capital city. Only heavily armed Jinyi guards and Shuntian government officials are patrolling the streets. Today, the capital is under martial law, and no one who is unrelated is allowed to go out. Naturally, it looks like this.

Speaking of which, Wang Tong also has two families now, and most of the family members are resettled in Guihua City, but there is Song Chanchan here, which is very convenient.

It had been a few days since Wang Tong returned to the capital, but this was his first day back home. He had many people staring at his mansion in the capital, so he had to be careful.

It's been half a year since I didn't see Song Chanchan. Song Chanchan is not very old, but she looks rather haggard. These days, she is frightened and exhausted. It is really difficult for her to manage and operate in the capital.

When husband and wife met, Song Chanchan, who was pretending to be strong and presided over the overall situation, was also wronged. In front of her own man, women are more willing to show their weakness, which goes without saying.

During dinner, let the left and right back down, Wang Tong and Song Chanchan said Zhang Cheng's words, hearing this, the spoon in Song Chanchan's hand fell directly to the ground, her face turned pale with fright, and she couldn't help shaking.

"Don't be afraid, our arrangement in the capital, except for those who have lost their brains from reading, can't understand, and anyone who is a little closer can find clues."

Wang Tong comforted in a low voice, which was also a review of this plan. Song Chanchan drank the maids who had been tidied up recently, took a sip of soup with trembling hands, and finally calmed down. Wang Tong continued:
"However, Yang Wei and the others really made this happen. The position of Zhang Chengzhang's Etiquette Supervisor and Eunuch has to be replaced. Lu Wancai and the others will not last long. They are all helping to cover up, so that there is no danger. do it now.”

"Master Zhang Cheng is the emperor's companion after all, he won't say it?"

"No, without Zhang Cheng's help, this position will not be secure. Similarly, without me outside the palace, Zhang Cheng will not be able to do it in the long run. We all rely on each other. With this alliance, we will not talk about it."

Seeing the confusion on Song Chanchan's face, Wang Tong smiled again and said:

"Zhang Cheng made it clear today that when he gets older, he hopes to pass this position to his adoptive son, Zou Yi. When Zou Yi gets older, it will be Xiao Liang's turn. He also said that I am young, and this is what I plan to do for a long time It's not just him and me, but even his disciples and grandchildren will go on like this, such a long-term matter is not only related to him, but also his party, Zhang Cheng naturally knows how to measure it."

Speaking of this, Song Chanchan is a little calmer, relying on each other, helping each other, the eunuchs of the inner court and the powerful ministers of the outer court form an alliance, this is the principle of long-term wealth and wealth, such a secret is also a bond of mutual connection, it is broken It is meaningless, and there is another point, Zhang Cheng is already old, he considers his own power and wealth, and also considers the wealth of the people below him, Zou Yi and Zhao Jinliang, including Cai Nan and Meng Duo, are all close to Wang Tong People, maintaining this relationship is not only good for him, but also good for the long-term of the people below him. This is one of the reasons for insurance.

Wang Tong was in the same year as Emperor Wanli, the monarchs and ministers were all young, and there were still decades of future wealth and honor in the future. When Zou Yi and Zhao Jinliang and others in the palace were prosperous and needed help, Wang Tong must be prominent. This is one of the reasons why Zhang Cheng considered it. one.

But this matter is really scary to say, these things Song Chanchan did in the capital were actually discovered by Zhang Cheng, and even covered it up. If there is a slight repetition, it may be the crime of copying the family and exterminating the family.

Fear after return, fear after return, after all, it is success, there is no danger in the past, the young couple has been separated for so long, and it is also a small farewell to a newly married, so these worries are put down.

After the passion was over, Song Chanchan lay in Wang Tong's arms and asked lazily:
"My lord, I don't know if there will be a big prison in the future. I'm afraid Yang Wei's party will be invited to forget it. Should I make some preparations here?"

At this time, the other couples were talking about their own love, but here they talked about official business. Wang Tong didn't think it was unusual, but said in a deep thought:

"Maybe it's a penalty, and there won't be too many people dismissed from office."

Song Chanchan was convinced by Wang Tong's judgment, at least the bureau arranged by Wang Tong, the various arrangements he made, and the direction of the capital's situation were all within his expectations.

Hearing what Wang Tong said, Song Chanchan was a little worried, and said worriedly:

"Master, if those officials are still there, wouldn't it be difficult for the master, I'm afraid it will become entangled with the master, and after this incident, the master must be the target of public criticism!"

Wang Tong patted Song Chanchan lightly, looked at the top of the bed, and said in a low voice:
"If Your Majesty drives them all away, who will run his affairs for him, who will govern the world for him, and without them, who will check and balance me, Eunuch Zhang and the others."

Having said that, Wang Tong smiled mockingly and said:
"It's good to keep those officials, otherwise, how could His Majesty reuse me!"

The words were ambiguous, but Song Chanchan understood. The worries of the night were dissipated in this sentence. The birds are exhausted, the rabbits are dead, but the birds are not exhausted, and the rabbits are not dead. Naturally, there will be no such people who cross the river and tear down the bridge. It's broken.

Emperor Wanli slept soundly, Zhang Cheng couldn't bear it and went to rest first, but Zhao Jinliang was guarding outside and could not leave, but this night was mainly accompanied by Concubine Zheng holding the child.

Zheng Guifei, who had been frightened for more than two months, was now radiant, sitting lightly on the side of the bed, looking at her son in the cradle, and at the same time looking at Emperor Wanli who was snoring softly.

When Concubine Zheng was first favored, she also thought about the position of the empress, but she was smart and quickly realized that it was impossible, because the queen was chosen by the Empress Dowager Li for Wanli, and the power of the Empress Dowager fluctuated. Uncertainty, but in the matter of the inner palace, it is the same.

Later, Concubine Zheng even worried about whether her current position would be replaced, because that Concubine Wang Gong gave birth to the first son of Emperor Wanli.And this Concubine Wang Gong's background made her even more afraid, this Concubine Wang Gong was a court lady next to the Empress Dowager Cisheng, with this support, the threat was too great.

As for the saying that Emperor Wanli had an affair with the Wang family by accident, and after having a son, it was accidentally passed on to the ears of Queen Mother Li, and then Emperor Wanli admitted that Concubine Zheng did not believe it.

She has been in the inner palace for so long, and there are so many women, how could there be such a coincidence? It may be a coincidence for Emperor Wanli, but it is definitely not for Empress Dowager Li. It can only be said that the Compassionate Palace has always had such preparations, Even if Mrs. Wang didn't give birth this time, there might be "accidental" Mrs. Li, Mrs. Zhang, etc. next time.

But now, all the dust has settled, Empress Dowager Li is out of the palace, and those who agree with Li Chang are all suppressed outside. His son has become a prince. Although he is still a noble concubine, he is not far away from becoming a queen.

The empress is the pinnacle of concubines in the harem, but Concubine Zheng thinks more than that. The harem is like an officialdom. Once in this position does not mean that it will always be in this position. There are also constant competitors in the inner palace who want to stabilize For his own status, if he wants to make his son the crown prince stable until he ascends the throne and becomes the emperor, he must have alliances and support, and he can do what others do.

The example is so easy to think about. How does the Cisheng Empress Dowager Li do it? Isn’t there Feng Bao in the palace and Zhang Juzheng outside the palace? There is Wang Tong's faction outside the palace, and these two forces also need help from the harem.

Concubine Zheng would rather break the rules in the palace, would rather disregard the dignity of the monarch and ministers, and worship Wang Tong through the curtain, and Concubine Zheng also intends to make the steward of the Qing Palace, although the steward of the Qing Palace is not in the twelve prisons , but the Qianqing Palace is the residence of the emperor, the most important thing. The eunuchs in charge of the Qianqing Palace have always been no less than the eunuchs of the twelve eunuchs, and even higher than those who have no power in the yamen. , but they are close to Zhang Cheng and Wang Tong, and they are loyal to Emperor Wanli. If such a person is not promoted, he will be promoted.

Concubine Zheng was planning, but Emperor Wanli, who was sleeping soundly on the bed, suddenly got up, the night was quiet and the room was dimly lit, Emperor Wanli's sudden movement startled Concubine Zheng, and she screamed, Even so, the baby in the cradle beside him was frightened and cried loudly.

Emperor Wanli moved his hand under the pillow and breathed heavily. When he got used to the darkness and saw Concubine Zheng, he finally woke up, and said in a muffled voice:
"You don't need to be polite, just coax the child."

Concubine Zheng hurriedly picked up the baby to comfort her. Emperor Wanli stared at the light beside the bed and pondered for a while before raising his voice and saying:
"There is someone outside!"

"If you go back to the Long Live Lord, the servant is here!"

Zhao Jinliang agreed and ran in. Emperor Wanli hesitated, and said:
"I want to see Zheng Guotai now, hurry up and make arrangements!"

Zhao Jinliang was stunned for a moment, then ran out again. The gate of the imperial city was closed at night, but there was a way to get out. Concubine Zheng wanted to ask while coaxing the child, but seeing Emperor Wanli's gloomy expression, she still didn't speak. .

"You showed Wang Tong my imperial edict, what was Wang Tong's reaction!"

Zheng Guotai's robes were a bit disheveled, but he woke up from his sleep and rushed into the palace. It's not surprising that he hurriedly entered the palace. When Emperor Wanli asked this question, Zheng Guotai hesitated, and said:
"He first asked if His Majesty's safety was in the way, and then said that he might have to retire and return to his hometown this time, and then...then hurried to the capital."

After hearing this, Emperor Wanli's nervous expression gradually relaxed, but he yawned again, waved his hand and said:

"Back off, I'm tired, and I have to go to bed again!"

(End of this chapter)

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