Chapter 907

The capital on July [-] was much cooler than in the past, but this was only limited to the government offices and places where officials Xungui lived concentratedly, while Nancheng remained the same.

The mansion that is really blocked is the Marquis of Wuqing's mansion. The front and back doors of Marquis Wuqing are guarded by Jinyiwei soldiers. For such a big mansion, if you want to buy anything, you can only do it through Jinyiwei. People outside want to give What is sent inside will also be checked before it can be sent in.

If people in the mansion want to say something to Jin Yiwei, three soldiers of Jin Yiwei must be present at the same time, otherwise the Jin Yiwei who talked to him in the past will be punished by military law.

Cisheng Empress Dowager Li said that she missed Marquis Wuqing and wanted to come and stay for a few days, but how could people like the capital not understand the meaning of this. This meant that Empress Dowager Li was kicked out of the Forbidden City.

At the beginning, some people outside thought secretly that Emperor Wanli's action was a foolish move. Even if Empress Dowager Li lost her power, she still had her status. It is useful. Putting such a god outside, wouldn't this bury the root of disaster?

But seeing the strict defense of the Jinyi guards, everyone understood in their hearts that there is such a countermeasure, and everyone is secretly talking at this time, isn't this Long Live Lord talking about filial piety?How could he be so ruthless and drive his own mother out just like that.

However, Li Wenyuan, the Marquis of Wuqing, expressed his gratitude. According to the news from the Marquis of Wuqing Mansion, after the Empress Dowager Li arrived at the Marquis of Wuqing Mansion, the brother and sister hugged each other and cried loudly. Naturally, there is a place for the Empress Dowager Li to be accommodated in the Marquis of Wuqing Mansion. However, at dinner time, Queen Mother Li couldn't eat any more, so Li Wenyuan went over to persuade her in person, and said a few words with tears in her eyes.

"I don't call you old sister empress dowager today. My brothers and sisters were happy eating meat for many days when we were young. Now that we are dressed in fine clothes and well-fed, everyone in the world flatters us. We should be satisfied. Your son has become the emperor, and he has expanded his territory. The one who set up a card to collect taxes is also doing a good job, why are you so fussy, you mother, why bother to fight with your son, and it's hard for me, an uncle, to be caught in the middle, old sister, you were kicked out Come out, as my younger brother, I am relieved, you don’t know, your brother’s family can’t sleep well at night, and they burn incense to pray for you every day. Now the matter is over, you come out of the palace, peace Is it better to be rich for a lifetime than to ransack your family and exterminate your family?"

It is said that after saying this, Empress Dowager Li immediately turned her face, took the chopsticks in front of her and threw them over. Although Li Wenyuan, the Marquis of Wuqing, had been pampered for so many years, he moved swiftly and escaped.

After making such a fuss, Empress Dowager Li cried for half an hour, didn't sleep all night, and fell asleep this morning, but according to the maid beside her, Empress Dowager Li seemed to have let go of a worry, and her complexion turned better. This is also one of the oddities.

Zhang Jing, the second-ranked eunuch in the palace, said on the afternoon of July [-] that he was weak and could no longer handle the government affairs of the Chief of Rites. He invited him to Nanjing or Fengyang, the central capital, to guard the imperial tomb.

The third-ranked eunuch Zhang Hong asked to see Wanli on the morning of July [-]. What he wanted to say was that Wanli should not make the second son the crown prince, but the eldest son. Naturally, the Emperor Wanli would not see him. Zhang Hong handed over his After printing the letter, he returned to his small yard and left Zhang Cheng a letter.

The letter said that he could not see Chao Ganglun being corrupted in this way. When he went on a hunger strike to remonstrate with the emperor, Zhang Cheng sighed after reading this letter, but he did not arrange for anyone to persuade him. He just said:
"It's a pity, a pity."

As soon as Zhang Jing left, his position of admiral and eunuch was directly handed over to Zhang Cheng. Speaking of it, Zhang Cheng was already very similar to Feng Bao back then. Almost, Xue Zhanye, who was in charge of Qianhu in Dongchang, was originally Zhang Cheng's confidant. Otherwise, the capital has been chaotic in the past few months, so many things would not have been tossed about.

The position vacated by Zhang Hong was replaced by Tian Yi, the chief eunuch of the Chief Eunuch of the Supervisor of Rites. The eunuchs in the palace are most like scholars. He kept silent, so he had this opportunity to be promoted.

But this result surprised everyone. At first, everyone thought that there must be Zou Yi in the seat vacated by Zhang Jing and Zhang Hong, but they didn't expect Zou Yi to stay still.

There was such a turmoil at the Great Court Conference that the officials in the court were trembling from top to bottom. In the past few months, in the turmoil of establishing the eldest son as the crown prince, there are really very few people who did not participate in the Shangshu. It happened yesterday With such a ferocity, all the participants trembled in their hearts, and their fear was abnormal.

Although only two people were beaten in total, that is, these two people were imprisoned because of disrespect before the king, and the others went home safely, but the situation was reversed, and everyone was very anxious, waiting for the next treatment.

There was no news about the disposal and liquidation in the Biansheng Palace. The officials who returned home deliberately sent messages from their cronies and family members, but the streets were under martial law. Several families who took to the streets were directly arrested. I don't even have the guts.

It was only when they got home that they found out that when all the officials were in court, various divisions of Jinyiwei flooded into the city and controlled the main traffic routes and various city gates.

Both the Marquis of Wuqing's Mansion and the Yamen of the Ministry of War were surrounded by Jinyi Guards, making it impossible to get in and out. In fact, the houses and Yamens in the city that had the power to dispatch troops and who might be able to do so were all strictly guarded by Jinyi Guards.

The eunuch who delivered the decree went to the garrison of the forbidden army and the garrison of the Beijing camp before the court meeting.

After the soldiers and horses were stabilized everywhere, the eunuchs who went to the capital camp also ordered more than [-] people to assist in the defense of the capital. These [-] people were an army that Emperor Wanli could control, but their generals were all mighty. A boy from a museum.

The Jinyiwei battalions plus the [-] soldiers and horses in the Beijing battalion can already control most of the key points of the capital. Jingjie Street is under martial law, and on the side of the Imperial Army, the person who announces the decree is the imperial horse supervisor and admiral Zou Yi, not to mention Zou Yi. There is no way to refute the decree of the Royal Horse Imprisonment Army. The emperor ordered that all the camps of the Imperial Army should not be moved.

No matter whether they were going to the Beijing camp or the imperial army, the eunuchs' decrees were different from the usual decree delivered by only a few generals who were the leaders. They all let the generals call the soldiers and then read them aloud.

Everyone in the barracks knew the content of the decree, and they all knew that the emperor ordered them to stand still. One thing more is worse than one thing less. Everyone was happy and at ease. If there were still people who wanted to fish in troubled waters, the soldiers would not follow them. Knives are possible.

At noon, the gate of the capital city was closed, and everything in the city was completely under control.

In fact, Yang Wei and other bigwigs have a big business, and there are many smart people in the family. They all know about the turmoil in the past few months. Notify the relevant people of the news. My master is in the imperial city, but there are still some cronies inside and outside the city.

However, although their plan was good, Wang Tong's thought was more complete. The government servants of Shuntian Mansion and the gangsters of Jinyiwei were all blocked everywhere, and there was no way to go out. People wanted to report the news, but they were stopped and arrested. You must know that even the family members of the big bosses may not know about these outhouses.

The group of people who were frightened by swords and soldiers at the court meeting gasped when they heard these arrangements. Didn't Emperor Wanli and Wang Tong set up a trick to let everyone get in?Thinking about what I was happily involved with in the past few months, it was because I thought my life was too long. The emperor's mother-in-law has been kicked out, and he still cares about you courtiers.

Except for Yang Wei and others, everyone else thinks of it with deep hatred. If it weren't for your tossing around, how could you get everyone involved? Besides, if that matter is over, don't you think everyone will have some great benefits? Thinking about the scolding by the minister of the Ministry of Rites at the court meeting, most of the officials started to write the memorial at the same time. It is said that Zhu Changxun, the second son of the emperor, is wise and martial, born with intelligence, and should inherit the great line, although children under the age of one cannot see so many advantages.

In the past, Li Chu had to show his stance in this matter, and now he has to show his own stance in this matter, and everyone dare not neglect.

After so much tossing around on July [-]th, everyone was worried about the day of July [-]th, but the palace did not give a clear word, those who should go to court should still go to court, and those who should go to the Yamen should go to the Yamen, otherwise If there is nothing wrong with it, it will be picked out by others, but soon the news came back. Today, Emperor Wanli is not going to court. Is this because he is planning how to deal with everyone in the palace? Everyone is thinking in their hearts, but they keep walking. It is important to send the memorial to the Secretary of General Administration.

In the afternoon, there was another news that the Tiger's Mighty Army was five miles away from the capital. It was strange. The news everyone got was that the Tiger's Mighty Army was still in Tianjin. Why did this happen? There was an explanation in the news At present, the Huwei army came here disguised as merchants by boat, and after arriving in Tianjinwei, they disembarked and changed their clothes.

Not to mention the short distance between Beijing and Tianjin, the transportation volume of ships is large, and all the ordnance and firearms are transported together. Tongzhou is [-] miles away from the capital.

After getting this news, the last trace of luck in some people's hearts disappeared. The Tiger's Might Army is the strongest army in Beijing and Tianjin. How can the idiot Beijing Camp be the opponent? The overall situation is completely settled.

Everyone in the capital was amazed, it was a perfect plan, even if there was a disturbance in the court yesterday, Jin Yiwei could close the city gate, and after holding on for a day, the Tiger's Mighty Army would be able to attack, and no one would dare to mess around at that time.

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(End of this chapter)

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