Chapter 908
On July 13, the [-]th year of Wanli, Emperor Wanli decreed that the three divisions of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, Dali Temple and the Ministry of Punishment jointly interrogated Yao Bo, the former censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate.

Yao Bo went to the court that day, and he was the first official in the world to advocate the establishment of the eldest son of the emperor as the crown prince. He dared to be the first in the world. Mobilizing troops, such a one-sided situation even attracted people from the Empress Dowager Cisheng's line to join.

Until the end, Emperor Wanli secretly dispatched Wang Tong back to Beijing, and used the personnel of Jinyiwei and Shuntian Mansion, as well as his cronies in the imperial army and the Beijing camp, to control the situation in one fell swoop.

On July [-]th, officials from the DPRK and China were ordered to return to their respective homes. Except for two Wu Zuolai, no one was convicted or imprisoned.

When the Huwei army arrived outside the capital city on July [-], any changes would be suppressed by the emperor and Wang Tong, and the liquidation began.

A dissolute speech officer, who has been in the Metropolitan Procuratorate for nearly ten years, has never said anything surprising, and the memorials are all echoing the crowd, why dare to speak on such a major event as Li Chu, who is the number one in the world, and is still So unscrupulous, why did such a person with little reputation and prestige go to the shuffle, and the big bosses of the court and the local officials all over the country were so enthusiastic about it.

In fact, on the day of the court meeting, everyone already knew who was the instigator behind the scenes. In fact, without the troubles at the court meeting, everyone already knew who was the instigator behind the scenes.

But what you know is what you know, and procedures are procedures. You must use reasonable and reasonable means to let everyone in the world know what is going on?

Is it for the difference between seniors and young, for the persistence of the sage way, or for power and profit, or for oneself to have a higher status and greater power.

The three divisions interrogated, and the supervisor of ceremonies sent eunuchs to attend the trial. Such a grand scene hadn't happened in Daming for many years, and it was even rarer for a censor to be interrogated.

Once upon a time, the rule of innocence of the speaker seemed to have become a common practice in Ming Dynasty. If he was punished if he said the wrong thing and gave the wrong memorial, the latecomers would definitely shrink back, block the way of speech, and make politics fatuous. The truth has become the truth. In order to become famous in the world, many officials and Qingliu pretended to be shocking, wantonly slandered and attacked the courtiers, even targeting the emperor, and the most severe punishment for them was the imperial staff and exile.

Although the court rod and exile are harsh, they do not harm life after all, and are even regarded as medals for literati. A certain person is just a third-rate figure. If you go to the village, you will be the local Qingwang. If you are still in the officialdom, you will wait for a higher promotion. The same is true for exile.

The emperor, eunuchs, and powerful ministers also know this truth, so they all have the same attitude towards civil officials who talk nonsense, and let them say it, just like a bird singing.

But it was this kind of attitude that made the officials even more unscrupulous, and also made people with ulterior motives see this method that could be used.

But this time was different, the soldiers who appeared in Fengtianmen Square that day had explained that the mighty tiger soldiers and horses outside the city were also circumstantial evidence, Wang Tong never knew what it means to say that the speaker is not guilty.

Zhao Jin, the censor of the left capital, declared illness, and Wei Zhengyin, the imperial envoy of the right capital, also wanted to claim illness, but was stopped by the eunuch who came to announce the decree. In this case, the minister of the Ministry of punishment can still be ashamed to interrogate, and the chief of the Metropolitan Procuratorate will interrogate it The censor from the Metropolitan Procuratorate, isn't that slapping himself?But I have to go.

After such a commotion for so long, even the children and old ladies in the capital know what to argue about now. Now that there is a settlement, there is a joint trial between the three divisions. Many people want to see this excitement.

Naturally, everyone can't enter the important area of ​​Dali Temple, but curiosity is inevitable, so the people who work as errands in Dali Temple have taken a lot of benefits these days, allowing them to inquire about the process of the trial.

It is said that the theater troupe in the city is the most enthusiastic. If this case can be adapted into a play, it will definitely be a hit.

The process of interrogation is not so story-like. In the past, the eunuchs of the Supervisor of Rituals just sat on the sidelines without saying a word, and there were a few small eunuchs and civil servants who took notes. This time, in addition to the recorders, there were also The criminal guards from Dongchang came and didn't speak, but just put all kinds of torture instruments from Dongchang on the hall.

These things are tools for skinning and deboning, and the blood stains on them have turned black, making them even more sinister. The eunuch said clearly:

"Don't try to make this person famous this time. If you don't say it, let him try Dongchang's tricks."

This was said calmly, but the officials who heard it couldn't help shivering. This father-in-law said it so clearly and expressed it so unscrupulously, it must be the meaning of the palace.

Many people think that to dare to be the first speaker in the world, of course, has a bit of character, and such people are not frightened by the imperial edict, let alone torture.

But after Yao Bo was brought into the main hall, his performance was beyond everyone's surprise. Dali Temple only started to ask questions. .

"My lords, this official was wronged, and I was forced to submit this memorial. At that time, someone threatened me with my wife and children, saying that if I did not submit this memorial, my wife and children would die. , Xiaguan and his wife and children depend on each other for life, and they have deep feelings, they are really forced to do nothing!!"

After saying this, the trial court looked at each other in blank dismay. No one expected that Yao Bo would react like this. Because of this, the presiding officials of the Ministry of Criminal Justice and the Metropolitan Procuratorate forgot to speak out for a moment. Yao Bo continued talking on his own.

"Your Majesty's family affairs, there is room for outsiders to intervene. This memorandum is disrespectful. I have always regretted it. I have no place to be ashamed. I want to end it myself in prison, but I think that if the official cannot tell the truth, Could it be that the Holy Majesty has suffered innocent injustice, and there is no way to atone for his sins even after death, and this lower official has survived to this day."

The faces of the people who tried the case were all black. According to their inner thoughts, this Yao Bo naturally didn't have to linger, but the trial was in the main hall, and there were eunuchs from the palace staring at him, so they could only ask with a straight face:
"Yao Bo, you don't have to act like this. Since you said someone instigated and instigated it, who did it!?"

"Wu Zuolai, the Secretary of the Imperial College, gave the Xiaguan a large sum of money and the land deed of the Xiaguan's estate. In the end, he threatened the life of the Xiaguan's wife and children."

Hearing this, the officials adjudicating the case looked at each other in blank dismay, but no one was willing to ask further. Everyone knew who Wu Zuolai, the Secretary of the Imperial Academy, was, but did Emperor Wanli really want to involve so much?

"Wu Zuolai of the Guozijian is just a sixth-rank idle official in the cold yamen. He has so much money and this land deed. What is he trying to instigate you to go to the university? Is it possible that he, a sesame official, wants to get something in it? No profit."

The eunuch who had been listening there spoke up. Hearing a few words from the eunuch, the officials who were adjudicating the case immediately understood the position of the palace. I am going to handle this case, and I will be implicated in a big way.

But they were also surprised that Yao Bo dared to go to this memorial at the beginning, but he didn't have the courage to do it, but now he knows everything.

"Then....Wu Zuolai said it was his mentor. The father-in-law and several adults must know about Wu Zuolai's mentor. Even the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Mr. Yang Wei, when Wu Zuolai threatened to dismiss the official, he also said that it was Yang Wei. Master Yang means that if the subordinate officials don’t follow suit, they will surely fall into a situation of eternal doom. The subordinate officials are just a little censor of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, how dare they dare to fight against the current Grand Chancellor, they really have to do it!”

"A censor of the seventh rank is really not worthy to meet the Shangshu of the second rank. How pitiful this person is!"

Over there Yao Bo finished speaking with tears in his eyes, but the eunuch here said something full of sympathy, everyone in the main hall of the trial was speechless. The trap of entering the urn will not work, so there is nothing to say.

Under the threat of torture, Yao Bo didn't show any integrity, he directly confessed all the affairs of Wu Zuolai and the first officer in the past.

However, these confessions were made in the imperial prison. After the palace got the news, they didn't have too many doubts. They still arranged for Yao Bo to confess during the joint trial of the third division, in order to pass this matter through Yao Bo and the third division. The occasion of the judicial interrogation was publicized.

Now that Yao Bo has bitten out Wu Zuolai, as long as Wu Zuolai is arrested, Minister of the Ministry of Officials Yang Wei will also be accused and sent to prison, completely discredited.

At this point, Emperor Wanli and Wang Tong realized that they had underestimated the power of the civil servants, and when the Jinyi guards came to arrest Wu Zuolai, they found that he had taken poison and died.

When Wu Zuolai was found, he had been dead for a long time, but Wu Zuolai's family had gone back to their hometown early, so they couldn't ask any questions.

Jin Yiwei and the criminal department's Wu Zuo who went to check reported that they were indeed poisoned to death, but whether they were poisoned by themselves or were poisoned by others is unclear. Although there are signs in Wu Zuolai's house that Wu Zuolai committed suicide by taking poison, but so Given the current situation, the possibility of poisoning seems to be very high.

Once a person dies, it's all over, and Yao Bo's talk can only be directed at Wu Zuolai. As for whether Yang Wei was the chief envoy, Wu Zuolai had already died suddenly, so it's hard to say.

After this incident, Yang Wei, the Minister of the Ministry of Officials, blamed himself for lax discipline, saying that he had no face to take up the position of Minister of the Ministry of Officials, and asked to return to his hometown. any guilt.

(End of this chapter)

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