Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 909 Three parties are the most stable balance

Chapter 909

Everyone in the capital knew that Yang Wei ordered his protégé Wu Zuolai to instigate this scandal, and Yang Wei also contributed a lot to it, but whenever it was necessary to pay money to contact people, it was Wu Zuolai who came forward. Even those backbones who have always been by Wu Zuolai's side were contacted by Wu Zuolai himself.

Yang Wei did participate in this matter, but it was also due to the difference between his seniority and the fact that most of the officials were in the shuffle, so he belonged to the herd and had faults, but not serious ones.

As for whether Wu Zuolai was instigated by Yang Wei, once he died, there was no direct evidence, Yang Weishangshu, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, blamed himself for being ineffective in teaching. In fact, in this situation, there is only this fault that cannot be called fault.

The Minister of the Ministry of Officials, Yang Wei, resigned from office, and Emperor Wanli naturally had no intention of keeping him. In fact, in the overall situation that seemed to be a bloodbath, Yang Wei had already escaped, and at the same time, the responsibilities of most officials were lightened.

It was Wu Zuolai who thought that the establishment of a reserve was a starting point. As long as there was a wave of rumors, he would be able to gain a higher level of advancement, and he could also make his teacher a step further. It is not a problem to be rich and prosperous. It is because of this ambition that he contacted Yao himself. Bo Shangshu, only to pull up banners everywhere as tiger skins and incite them.

If there is something wrong, everyone is right, but this kind of thing, all dynasties and dynasties have involved everyone, since someone started it, everyone followed to make fun of it, but they did not expect that they fell into the tricks of the villain, which led to the current situation.

"I know it's Yang Wei's mastermind, and everyone in the world knows it's Yang Wei's mastermind, but let this guy retreat peacefully, these people are cruel and ruthless, it's really a good trick!"

On July [-]th, Yang Wei resigned from office, and Emperor Wanli promised to play. After returning to the palace, he complained with Concubine Zheng. Concubine Zheng is not as panicked as she was a few months ago. It was a little more graceful and dignified. Hearing what Emperor Wanli said, she thought about it and said:

"From my concubine's point of view, it's really strange that Wu Zuo came here to take poison and commit suicide?"

"It's not just strange, Wu Zuolai's death, I don't know how many officials in the DPRK's big mistakes have turned into small mistakes, some even have no mistakes and grievances, even if he doesn't want to die, he will die. Everyone is admonishing my side, saying that this matter should not involve too much, and it is enough for the leaders to resign from office, otherwise there will be trouble."

"What does the emperor mean?"

"I'm not reconciled, but what they said is the truth. I still need to rely on them to manage the people and collect taxes. If I don't have them, I'm afraid the other family will grow up and become a disaster."

Emperor Wanli was sitting on the bed, wearing casual clothes, casually chatting with Concubine Zheng. There were only four people in the room. Zhu Changxun, who was already able to walk crookedly, was walking on the thick carpet with the company of his nanny, and fell down after a few steps. Falling, then got up and continued to circle, watching Emperor Wanli and Concubine Zheng laughing.

However, in this warm scene, the words spoken did not feel warm, but in this environment, Emperor Wanli was also very relaxed. He said a few words, rubbed the center of his brows very worriedly, and said there:
"These scholars usually talk benevolently and morally, what they really want to do, and they are not lenient at all. I have only learned from the memorabilia of their mutual attacks in the past few days that their plans for the Beijing camp and the imperial army are also to keep them from moving. As long as I can't mobilize soldiers and horses, I can only fight with them for words and laws. How can I win because of their numbers? Can really mobilize troops, who dares to say whether they will do more bold things?"

Wang Tong returned to the capital to discuss various arrangements with Emperor Wanli. Regarding the military forces of the capital, such as the Forbidden Army and the Beijing Camp, he did not expect them to move to assist in the suppression.

For more than two hundred years in the Ming Dynasty, the Beijing camp was gradually controlled by the Ministry of War, that is, the civilian officials penetrated deeper and deeper into it. The nobles who were originally military commanders were gradually rejected by civil officials and eunuchs, and the Imperial Army, although directly under the royal family However, the emperor did not have so much time to pay attention to it. The main leaders were eunuchs, eunuchs and civil officials. The inner court and the outer court seemed to be completely opposite groups, and it was convenient for the emperor to balance and contain them, but the key The problem is that the education and values ​​received by eunuchs and civil servants are very similar, and they often have the possibility of converging.

With them as hindrances, Emperor Wanli did not dare to say that he was completely at ease with the Forbidden Army and the Beijing Camp. It would be an exaggeration to say that he was worried about rebellion. There will be troubles, evasion and procrastination, these are inevitable, and in such a critical situation, there may be big troubles.

Therefore, after Wang Tong and Emperor Wanli combined, they first ordered them not to move, and then dealt with them after the civil servants and corresponding internal officials were resolved, so that they no longer had the status of ordering the army.

After July [-]th, the officials of the imperial court blamed themselves while attacking each other, shifting the responsibility for the turmoil of these days to others. If they could take the opportunity to let their colleagues step down, they might be able to get a seat for themselves.

This kind of mutual criticism made Emperor Wanli know a lot of news. It turned out that the civil servants did not have the confidence to mobilize the army, and they did not intend to let the soldiers participate in this incident. Their plan was also to keep the army still and have no means of violence. With the support of the Emperor Wanli alone, how can he fight against the numerous civil officials and scholars? There are ups and downs in the series of Queen Mother Li.

When Emperor Wanli talked about these things, he was quite distressed, but because he was here with Concubine Zheng, he didn't have any scruples about speaking, so he complained there.

"I remember when I was young, the emperor said that the emperor should not let his family dominate, so the emperor used Yan Song for more than [-] years, and later promoted Xu Jie and reused Xu Jie, but also let Gao Gong and Zhang Juzheng There is power over there, and the emperor always has Lu Bing by his side, when he came to the father, there was Gao Gong, but Zhang Juzheng fought against him, how come when I became the emperor, he only cared about one side but couldn't care about the other."

Concubine Zheng went up and changed the position of the pillow behind Emperor Wanli to make Emperor Wanli's posture more comfortable. At the same time, she gestured to the nurse in the room, signaling her to take the prince out.

After there were only two people left in the room, Emperor Wanli let out a sigh of relief looking at the roof, and said:
"Feng Bao and Zhang Juzheng are powerful. I use Zhang Cheng and Zhang Siwei. Zhang Siwei is powerful. I use Shen Shixing. I also have Wang Tong by my side. When Wang Tong is good, I will beat him, but why is the situation like this? , I remember when I was in the martial arts gym, someone said a witty saying, why press the gourd and pick up the ladle, I can't do this balance well, press one, and the other one immediately expands, immediately threatening my side, I beat Wang Tong, and the civil servants were extremely inflated immediately, and even made such a bastard thing a few months ago, I called Wang Tong back, but I was worried that Wang Tong's side was inflated, and the civil servants were weak this time , the influence of the inner court yamen will expand again, this is really..."

Speaking of this, Emperor Wanli kept silent, and he also felt that it was quite awkward to say that Wang Tong, after all, it was Wang Tong who came to the king's rescue time and time again regardless of honor or disgrace, and he was still so suspicious.

Zheng Guifei was silent for a while, then moved closer and said:

"Your majesty, the ministers and concubines listened to the emperor's intention and wanted to use Wang Tong, but were they afraid that Wang Tong, like those civil servants, would forget their duties?"

Emperor Wanli nodded silently, and Concubine Zheng said slowly:
"Your Majesty, my concubine is a woman and doesn't understand the overall situation, but I have read a few books when I was in the palace, and I have some stupid opinions."

Emperor Wanli didn't pay much attention to private conversations in the boudoir. He put his hands behind his head, looked at Concubine Zheng with great interest and said:
"What's the idea of ​​concubine Ai, let me hear it."

"Your Majesty, it is said in the book that the way to be a king is to lead the superiors and let the subordinates balance each other. This method is used by the emperor, the first emperor and the emperor's ancestors. Some use internal officials and foreign ministers, and some foreign ministers and foreign officials. Minister, but the balance between the two parties is unstable. There will always be one family that is bigger than the other, and there will be no balance at that time. But if there are three families, let them restrain each other and compete with each other. The family will certainly not sit idly by, such a balance can be maintained for a long time, and the emperor does not have to worry about mediating arrangements."

When Zheng Guifei said this, she saw that the smile on Emperor Wanli's face disappeared, and she stared blankly at herself. Zheng Guifei hurriedly lowered her head and said:

"The concubine is also lying..."

Concubine Zheng was interrupted halfway through her words. Emperor Wanli straightened up, patted him hard, and said with excitement on his face:
"You're right, you're right, I'm always thinking about internal and external control, but internal and external control, either one party dominates, or the two sides merge. If there are three parties, the inner court, the outer court, and Wang Tong, Let them stir up the three parties. With Wang Tong by my side, none of them dare to mess around. With the containment of the inner and outer courts, I don't have to worry about Wang Tong's dominance. Alas, why have I been so confused before? Han If you don’t say anything that broke his heart, you have caused so many troubles for yourself.”

Emperor Wanli had stood up from his seat at this point, walked around the room, patted his forehead with his hand and said:

"The emperor used Xia Yan, Yan Song and Xu Jie, but why did I forget that there are Lu Fang and Huang Jin in his palace, and Lu Bing outside the palace. This Wang Tong is my Lu Bing."

Speaking of this, Emperor Wanli laughed loudly, but when he turned around, he hugged Concubine Zheng. He couldn't stand still for a while, and the two fell on the carpet. Emperor Wanli breathed a sigh of relief, and said:
"Aifei is really my virtuous wife!!"

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(End of this chapter)

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