Chapter 910
After Yang Wei resigned, Shen Li, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, went through the procedure of establishing a reserve, and also submitted a petition to return to his hometown, and Emperor Wanli approved it.

Zhu Changxun, the son of Concubine Zheng, was the crown prince, and Zhu Changluo, the eldest son of the emperor, was granted the title of King of Fortune, and the fiefdom was set in Luoyang, Henan. After hearing the news, many people lamented and thought it was against the rules. He originally had the fate of a prince, but now But he can only be a vassal king.

Contrary to the sighs of so many people outside, Concubine Wang Gong is extremely happy. She was originally worried and frightened because her child was involved in the whirlpool, but now she has the blessing of being a prince and a wealthy life. This is really a great joy.

Moreover, news came from the Qianqing Palace that after Zhu Changluo, the King of Fortune, could consider allowing Concubine Wang Gong to live there, although concubines are not allowed to leave the palace, but the Empress Dowager Li has already gone to the Marquis of Wuqing Mansion, so there is no such thing here. How particular.

Concubine Wang Gong didn't have any desire to participate in the fight for favor in the palace, and it was his greatest hope to let her be with his son.

Regarding the matter of Zhu Changxun being the prince, the capital has been completely silent, and the capital is also completely silent, but in other provinces, but in the south of the Yangtze River, there are still many noises.

After the officials who returned to their hometowns learned the details of the capital's establishment of the reserve, they all kept silent, and those who knew the officialdom and political circles shuddered.

The Son of Heaven has always been wronged in front of the civil servants, but can't get cheap here. He behaves like Emperor Wuzong, but he just reuses eunuchs and rebuilds the nobles of warriors.

The only example is Emperor Jiajing, who discussed a case with great ceremony, and used Jinyiwei to beat civil servants and officials with a court staff, which completely destroyed his face. Therefore, during the Jiajing Dynasty, the civil officials have been firmly suppressed by the emperor.

But in the late Jiajing period, when Xu Jie was in power, until the first ten years after Wanli ascended the throne, the civil servant group headed by the six cabinets completely dominated the government. After the name Wang Tong appeared in everyone's field of vision, the civil servants gradually dominated After being reversed, there will be the great prosperity of Tianjin Wei, the great victory in Guihua City, and all kinds of twists and turns.

These are all surprises for everyone, but they can still sit on the sidelines, because they have nothing to do with themselves, but this time, everyone is shocked.

When the Emperor Wanli was at the Great Court Meeting, he mobilized heavy troops to surround him, and then dispatched troops from Tianjinwei to the vicinity of the capital. What did the emperor want to do? The emperor clearly wanted to completely wipe out all the officials in the capital.

How could the Son of Heaven do this, how could the Son of Heaven have such courage, and more importantly, the Son of Heaven had the strength to do so. Everyone related to the officialdom was shocked, fearful, and then kept silent.

It’s okay to ask for fame, and it’s okay to stick to the righteous way, but you can’t hurt your own life, and you can’t damage your own interests. Now that the emperor is doing such a naked thing, you’d better shut up!

Compared with these wise and self-protecting officials and former officials, those local scholars who have never been officials, as well as the so-called old Confucianists, have quite a big opinion on this.

Some people wrote letters to the capital, and some entrusted others to go to school, but their opinions were irrelevant, and their disputes were nothing more than a dispute of righteousness. It is also common for them to like their younger sons.

On July 22, someone in the palace sent news to the Supervisor of Rituals that Zhang Hong, the former eunuch of Bingbi Bingbi, died of a hunger strike.

The Forbidden Army and the Beijing Camp have exchanged blood. A group of generals from the Tiger's Mighty Martial Arts Academy have not been promoted to high official positions. The positions of scattered officials are all given high positions. There are also various benefits. The actual lack of positions is all Positions such as Qian Zong and Garrison have an advantage. They can actually control the soldiers and horses, and can mobilize them in the first time. their official positions.

As a general, Chen Sibao benefited the most this time. He became the battalion officer of the Warrior Battalion. Among the five battalions of the capital, the Warrior Battalion had the strongest force and the highest status. Chen Sibao came to serve as the battalion officer. It can be regarded as officially entering the highest level of Ming warriors.

Most of the changes of internal officials and generals were expected, and what everyone was most concerned about was what arrangements Wang Tong, the commander of Dingbeihou and Jin Yiwei, should make.

Wang Tong has a high position and authority. Although before that, he was suspected by the emperor and exiled himself to Guihua City, but this time he secretly sneaked back to the capital to help Emperor Wanli solve the storm of establishing the crown prince, and he took the lead.

During this turmoil, Emperor Wanli was almost cornered by the Empress Dowager and the courtiers. Regardless of his past suspicions and the infamy that this matter will soon incur, Wang Tong took the initiative to come here. What kind of reward should he get? .

He is already in such a position, if he wants to be rewarded, how should he be rewarded, and what kind of power should be given to Wang Tong to repay him for his achievements, but if he is given more rewards, will Wang Tong's power affect others? It will not make people suspicious.

When it was almost August, there was news from the palace that this time Wang Tong was going to be the governor of the Beijing camp. As soon as the news came out, the public opinion in the capital immediately went into an uproar.

The so-called "uproar" is no longer the excitement in the past, but a private exchange and conversation. Wang Tong's power expansion is already expected by everyone. The key is how it will expand. Wang Tong has Jin Yiwei in his hands. With the Beijing camp, three-fifths of the military power of the capital is in his hands alone. This is not the way of a subordinate.

But in the current situation, no one dared to say anything anymore. Whatever the current emperor wanted to do, he could do it.

Although Wang Tong went to Guihua City, he was still the commander of Jinyiwei. When he returned to the capital, as usual, he would participate in the court meeting and serve the emperor.

However, just after returning to the capital, the situation in the capital was unstable and Wang Tong was required to sit in the Jinyiwei to make adjustments, so Wang Tong did not appear at the court meeting until the third day of August.

In the daily court meeting, members of the cabinet, the six ministers, the imperial envoys of the Metropolitan Procuratorate, and people from all relevant yamen have to attend the meeting. Compared with half a month ago, it is already a new generation replacing the old.

The ministers of the Ministry of Officials and the Minister of Rites have been replaced by servants, and the other ministers are not as strong as Yang Wei and Shen Li. They value their current positions more, and they dare not make extravagant advancements, and they dare not do anything to make money out of the fire. danger.

When Wang Tong boldly appeared at the court meeting, the six ministers did nothing except treat each other coldly. As usual, the emperor was the last to arrive at the court meeting every day.

In the old days, these lords of the central center of the Ming Dynasty had to talk about the world, even the affairs of the wind and the moon, but after the turmoil at the Dachaohui, there was a servant who angrily reprimanded the minister, and the court attacked each other, scrambling to get rid of themselves, For a while, everyone was a little embarrassed, or the relationship between each other changed from being polite before to naked interest, and it would take a long time to return to normal.

Moreover, the side hall of Fengtianmen where the court meeting was held is not very big, even if you speak in a low voice, it is likely to be heard by others, especially when Wang Tong is here, everyone is more wary.

On the first day Wang Tong went to court, Wang Xijue, the second assistant to the cabinet, took the initiative to say a few words, but Wang Xijue stepped forward to salute with a smile, and said:
"Now Dingbeihou is the Dinghaishenzhen of our dynasty. In the previous chaotic situation, as soon as Dingbeihou came back, the world became quiet. He is really a pillar of the country!"

Wang Tong can hear the sarcasm in these words, but literati always want to find cheap things in their mouths, Wang Tong doesn't care, he just returned the gift lukewarmly:
"In today's peaceful and prosperous age, the inexplicable capital has become so chaotic. Could it be that there are some evildoers?"

Wang Xijue coughed, cleared his throat and said:
"My lord, some of Wang's words may offend you. We are courtiers, and we must have the duty of being courtiers. Power is the emperor's favor. There is nothing to say about this, but the power of a courtier is too great. Even For the grace of the majesty, the courtiers must also be self-aware, and must not spoil the affection of the monarch and his ministers for a moment of grandeur, and let down the grace of the majesty."

Wang Tong pondered for a while, then said calmly:

"Heaven's will is dictatorial. What the Holy Majesty wants to do is the Holy Majesty's business. How can we, as courtiers, speculate on our own?"

Hearing Wang Tong's impeccable answer, Wang Xijue shook his head, there was no smile on his face, he just sighed, but said solemnly:
"My lord, some powers are favors, and some powers are the means of death. Your current status and wealth, and your family members, you must not make troubles out of control for the sake of one person's momentary pleasure!"

After saying this, Wang Xijue nodded, and was about to turn around and go back to his own queue. He had just moved when he heard Wang Tong say from behind:

"Thank you, Mr. Wang Ge, for reminding me that Mr. Wang has self-knowledge and knows what he should do!"

Wang Xijue looked back, but saw Wang Tong cupped his hands and made a gesture of acknowledgment. Wang Xijue was a little surprised. This Wang Tong didn't treat civil officials coldly as rumored, but he still knew about human affairs.

Hearing an announcement from outside, Emperor Wanli walked into the hall. The eunuchs sang salutes, and everyone bowed respectfully. When everyone looked up, they noticed that Emperor Wanli nodded to Wang Tong. It was a greeting. Is this still a monarch? Whenever the minister bows down, the emperor actually wants to return the salute.

"...There is a copy of Chen Zou..."

In the current situation, the courtiers are just doing their own duties, there is nothing to report, everyone is silent, just silent for a while, Wang Tong bowed down and said:
"Your Majesty, please resign!"

(End of this chapter)

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