Chapter 911

"Your Majesty, please resign!"

There was silence at the court meeting, everyone from Emperor Wanli to the eunuchs serving in the palace heard clearly what Wang Tongzhong said angrily.

When Emperor Wanli saw Wang Tong coming out, he smiled subconsciously, and then the smile froze on his face. Zhang Cheng and Tian Yi, who were on the right side of Emperor Wanli, both looked up and stared at Wang Tong in astonishment. Zhang Cheng even opened his mouth to ask questions. , but years of inner court center cultivation kept him silent.

And those kneeling civil servants in the court hall didn't care about the appearance of the emperor, they all raised their heads, stared at Wang Tong who was kneeling there with wide eyes.

The court meeting in the side hall of Fengtianmen, the officials who participated in the court meeting could present the memorial on the spot, Wang Tong held the memorial in both hands, and knelt there very upright.

According to the rules, after the subject finished speaking, Zhao Jinliang, who was beside the Emperor Wanli, was about to go down and hand over the memorial to the emperor. The big brothers were shocked, and Zhao Jinliang was also stunned, but he reacted quickly. To collect the memorial, just after taking a few steps, I heard someone shouting sharply behind me:
"What are you panicking! I haven't heard anything yet!"

It was Emperor Wanli who was scolding, his tone was full of anger, Zhao Jinliang hurriedly knelt down, and did not dare to move again, Zhao Jinliang's status in the inner palace was also unusual, although he was the attendant of Emperor Wanli, Emperor Wanli would not treat him What he said was serious, but the sentence just now was full of anger.

Seeing Zhao Jinliang lying on the ground and not daring to move, Emperor Wanli glanced coldly at the people in the hall. The people in the cabinet and the six ministers were all staring at Wang Tong. In the eyes of Emperor Wanli, the eyes of these civil servants were full of excitement. Wang Tong was about to resign, and the thorn in their side disappeared, so they were naturally extremely excited.

"Wang Tong, I didn't hear what you said, please say it again!"

Emperor Wanli said indifferently, Wang Tong's kneeling posture did not change, nor did the tone of his voice. He said in a deep voice:
"Your Majesty, please resign!"

The result of asking again was the same, and the act of asking again seemed quite naive and absurd. Emperor Wanli blushed suddenly, his tone was full of anger, and asked again:
"Wang Tong, why did you resign from office? Do I owe you anything!?"

"Your Majesty, the turmoil in the capital has been calmed down. If you are in the capital, how will your majesty treat all officials and ministers?"

Wang Tong's tone was calm, without any twists and turns. His calmness made Emperor Wanli even more angry. He no longer suppressed anything, and roared out directly:
"I am the Son of Heaven, I can do whatever I want, you are my loyal subject, you are on my side, you are loyal to me, why can't I treat all officials and ministers!!? I think it can be right, why do you think you can't, You are the Son of Heaven!? I am the Son of Heaven!?"

After saying the last sentence, all the people in the side hall looked at each other helplessly, the eunuchs all knelt down, and the ministers lowered their heads again.

Wang Tong kowtowed and continued:

"Your Majesty, calm down. Today, I am the commander of the Marquis of Dingbei and Jinyiwei. There are rumors that your majesty will supervise the envoys of the Beijing camp. Your Majesty, in this way, all the divisions of the Jinyiwei and the soldiers and horses of the Beijing camp will be the important places in the capital. More than three-fifths of the army is in the hands of one person, how can I deal with myself?"

Emperor Wanli was stunned, but did not immediately deny it. The ministers below exchanged glances, and they also heard the news that Wang Tong was in charge of the Beijing camp. Seeing Emperor Wanli's reaction today, it is confirmed, Wang Tong continued:
"Your Majesty is the greatest under the Great Tomorrow. If the subject is bigger than the monarch, it will be a disaster for the country. The subject should have the responsibility of the subject. The subject knows that he has made meritorious deeds. His Majesty should reward him. However, the subject has such a high position and there is nothing to reward. It is already my fault to make His Majesty hesitate, and I do not wish to do so, so I ask you to resign."

"Wang Tong? You mean that I am mean and ungrateful, and you are worried that I will be jealous in the future?"

"I don't dare, Your Majesty. I know that this action is deceiving and treasonous, but I provoked His Majesty's anger today because it is for the sake of the relationship between the emperor and his ministers in the future. As a warrior, I don't know how to dress up words, but my words are all sincere. Please also, Your Majesty." Think twice."

Emperor Wanli interjected in the middle, his voice was cold, and there was no emotion. Wang Tong replied calmly. After saying "Think twice", Wang Tong straightened up and cupped his hands. , and Emperor Wanli looked at each other. Wang Tong had a frank expression and firm eyes.

Seeing Wang Tong's expression, on this expression, there was no expected resentment, nor even an expected smile. It was just solemn and frank, and Emperor Wanli immediately understood that Wang Tong was really resigning from office, not To vent the resentment of what was beaten and banished last year.

Emperor Wanli let out a long breath, but fell silent, and the hall was quiet again, but this time the silence was too long, Emperor Wanli did not make a sound for a long time, and the eunuchs and ministers raised their heads quietly.

Emperor Wanli still stood there, glanced at Wang Tong, then glanced at the big men in the inner court and the outer court in the palace, his expression changed, he opened and closed his mouth, hesitated for a long time, and then asked in a low voice:

"Wang Tong, are you worried about my suspicion?"

"I dare not!"

"Wang Tong, are you afraid, afraid that you came back last year with great achievements, but I was bored by giving you a marriage, and then sent you to the south of the Yangtze River? , it is better to resign first, so as to avoid the trouble at that time."

"Heaven's heart is holy, I dare not presume. The reason for my resignation has just been explained. I just want to do my duty, and I dare not embarrass Your Majesty. That's why I resign."

Wang Tong straightened up again, and replied loudly. Emperor Wanli raised his finger and pointed at Wang Tong, wanting to say something, but he still didn't speak after a pause, and really fell silent.

The silence was relatively long this time, and the youngest of the eunuchs and ministers was about 45 years old. They bowed down when they went to court, and it was not so hard. Even so, everyone’s knees were lined with cotton pads. It is really too much to maintain this posture when you are old.

The silence was too long, and many people couldn't maintain such a rigid movement. They all raised their heads or made some movements, mostly exchanging looks and winks with each other. No one could have expected this situation now. What everyone is guarding against is that a The power is overwhelming, even surpassing that of Qian Ning and Jiang Bin in the past, and there is no way for the civil servants to restrain him. He has financial power, military power, and the help of the inner court bosses, and even the support of Zheng Guifei. Can be unscrupulous.

What's even more frightening is that Wang Tong is very young, that is to say, his current position is not the end, but just the beginning, and he doesn't know what will happen next, and everyone will be replaced one after another due to old illness.

After thinking a lot and calculating a lot, no one could have imagined that such a Wang Tong would know how to advance and retreat, and would resign openly at the court meeting.

If it is said that Emperor Wanli summoned the right in private, and Wang Tong said this, it may be a deliberate gesture, but if he said it on such a formal occasion, there are circumstantial evidence from people from the inner and outer centers, if it is confirmed, it will be difficult if there is any repetition.

Bi Qiang, the new minister of the Ministry of War, knelt there and hesitated for a while, gritted his teeth, straightened up and bowed, and said loudly:

"Your Majesty, I have a word. Although Lord Wang's move was sudden, it was a swift and courageous retreat. His retreat allowed His Majesty to arrange calmly, and also made the people of the world feel at ease. The best of both worlds will become a good story in the future.”

A sneer appeared on the corner of Emperor Wanli's mouth, and just as he was about to speak, Wang Xijue, the second assistant to the cabinet, also spoke out and said:
"Your Majesty rewards the Lord Wang for his meritorious service. This is the right thing to do. However, the title of the land and house can be rewarded, but military power should not be taken lightly. The Lord Wang himself will. It is also related to the Huwei army. Most of the force in the capital is in the hands of one person. Even if the king is loyal, he is afraid that some treacherous villains will think that there is an opportunity to take advantage of it and want to provoke the camp. Your Majesty, the disaster of the forbidden army in Tang Dynasty, isn't it? Lesson?"

"You guys are old-fashioned looking for a country!"

Emperor Wanli's indifferent face for a long time finally showed a smile, but it was a sneer. Bi Qiang, Minister of the Ministry of War, did not dare to say any more, but Wang Xijue kowtowed and said loudly:
"Your Majesty, if you are waiting in this position, you must think of seeking the country!"

"Your Majesty, please think carefully!"

After Wang Xijue finished speaking, Shen Shixing, the chief assistant of the cabinet, also said in a deep voice, knelt down and bowed down, and all the ministers of the six cabinets bowed down and said in unison.

The corner of Emperor Wanli's mouth twitched, but he stopped when he wanted to say something. He suddenly realized that this was a good opportunity. Wang Tong's current situation was the same as last year, even more troublesome than last year. Last year, Wang Tong It's just that he has achieved unprecedented frontier merits. At that time, he was only worried about Wang Tong's dominance, so he thought of beating. If he didn't be beating, the positions of commanders of Dingbeihou and Jin Yiwei would be enough to reward him.

But now, Wang Tong didn't care about the beatings and arrangements back then, he still took great risks to sneak back to the capital, mobilized troops and horses to completely subdue the civil servants, if there is a little mistake this time, Wang Tong will fall into a place of eternal doom, and will become the target of public criticism , but Wang Tong is still on the side of Emperor Wanli.

This kind of feat, such a statement, must be rewarded, but Wang Tong is currently firmly in control of the Jinyiwei and Shuntian Mansion, and has a close relationship with the Huwei Army. The reason why he was allowed to control the Beijing Camp is because he can't find anyone who is more at ease. , but let Wang Tong master it, the power of the minister is too great, and it makes people have all kinds of worries.

In fact, the current Wang Tong, even if he is not allowed to control the Beijing camp, his power and strength are enough to make people worry. If you lose his position, you can rest assured...

What three-party balance, what credit, Emperor Wanli couldn't care less for a while, can solve this... But, without Wang Tong...
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(End of this chapter)

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