Chapter 912

A king should talk about power and strategy. Emperor Wanli is getting older, inside and outside the palace, from childhood to now, he has experienced all kinds of things, and he is more and more aware of power checks and balances. When the power of the subordinates grows, one must be careful. If they are allowed to grow, they will threaten the emperor's own status.

After Wang Tong led the army back from the Northland, he made great achievements, so he had to be beaten and checked and balanced. Wang Tong himself knew how to retreat modestly, went to the south of the Yangtze River, and exiled himself to the Northland.

But after Wang Tong left, the civil servants quickly became unscrupulous, and forced Emperor Wanli into a desperate situation with the establishment of the crown prince. The civil servants wanted to gain the power of Zhang Juzheng, and the queen mother wanted to completely control the government. I dare not use the army, so I can only let them stand still.

Before Wang Tong returned to Beijing, although the dispute was only about making the eldest son of the emperor as the crown prince, Emperor Wanli felt that it was a persecution of his imperial power and throne, and felt that the throne was unstable.

Wang Tong led an army to fight against the Alda tribe in Guihua City, and the Empress Dowager Cisheng put enormous pressure on Emperor Wanli in the capital. After Wang Tong returned triumphantly, the group immediately died down. The inside and outside were connected in series, Emperor Wanli was in distress, and in the end it was Wang Tong who came back, and then everything subsided, and everything was safe.

Now that Wang Tong is resigning, if things go smoothly, there is no need to worry about Wang Tong's power being too heavy, and there is no need to worry about the imbalance between the monarch and his ministers. But if Wang Tong leaves like this, who knows if there will be such a disturbance, Wang Tong He came to the rescue twice, and was scorned both times. Then, will he come again?In other words, after seeing Wang Tong's end, would others come here without hesitation?
Among the people that Emperor Wanli can trust, Wang Tong is the only one who has this ability and has proved his loyalty. It is hard to say whether other people have such overall coordination and watertight ability, and it is even more difficult to say whether they have such loyalty. Not everyone can guarantee their loyalty like Wang Tong, and they can also maintain their loyalty in the midst of two such big gaps.

The side hall of Fengtianmen was very quiet. Emperor Wanli did not sit down, but stood there with a changing expression. The rest of the people were kneeling. Except for Wang Tong, who was calm and calm, the rest of the people were exchanging glances, or looking at him. Emperor Wanli's face.

The civil servants were almost afraid to say anything, the remonstrances of Shen Shixing, Wang Xijue and Bi Qiang just added fuel to the fire, and Emperor Wanli was already angry, if he continued to speak, he would definitely be wrathed by thunder.

Among the kneeling eunuchs, Zhang Cheng looked the most disturbed. He wanted to speak all the time, but he knew that he couldn't speak on this occasion. If he said something, it might have the opposite effect. The rest of the people were kneeling there Zhao Jinliang, who was kneeling in the middle, kept walking on his knees and moved to the side. Zhang Cheng hesitated for a while, but suddenly frowned, staring at Wang Tong. .

But at this time, the central figure in the palace is Emperor Wanli, and whether Wang Tong will leave or stay is all in the mind of the current emperor. If it is said that when Wang Tong played the performance, Emperor Wanli simply refuted it back, then it would have been a long time ago. The next topic was moved on, but Emperor Wanli hesitated and remained silent, which showed that the emperor was not angry, but was carefully considering the gains and losses of Wang Tong.


Emperor Wanli said a word, everyone in the hall looked up, Emperor Wanli shook his head, and said again:
"Xiao Liang, bring in a brazier!"

Everyone was stunned, no one thought that Emperor Wanli would make such a decree that had nothing to do with anything now. Zhao Jinliang was taken aback when he heard the decree, and hurriedly got up and went out to give orders.

It was already August, and the brazier was already prepared in the palace. After a while, the brazier had been moved in. Emperor Wanli waved with a sullen face, signaling that the brazier should be brought over.

Before reaching the throne, Emperor Wanli walked down a few steps and threw the memorial in his hand. When the paper caught fire, it immediately started to burn, and the smoke drifted into the hall.

Emperor Wanli watched Wang Tong's resignation memorial burn until it turned into ashes, and then he waved his hand to have the brazier moved out. Wang Tong had already raised his head, and had been watching these things going on.

"Wang Tong has made great achievements this time, and I have rewarded you with the title of a noble and a farm... Jinyi's military errands were very chaotic when you were away. You should also organize yourself. Don't always think about going to the north to enjoy yourself and leave me behind. Capital."

"Your Majesty is terrified. Jin Yi is in control of the army. I will strictly punish you. Please rest assured, Your Majesty."

Wang Tong kowtowed again, and replied in a solemn voice. Emperor Wanli glanced around at the ministers, and said again:
"Get up, you won't feel sore when you kneel there, if you have something to say, Chen Zou, tell me quickly!"

There was some impatience in the tone, the courtiers all got up from the ground, and most of the older people took the opportunity to move their legs and feet, and then they all looked at Wang Tong and Emperor Wanli. Well, watching the question and answer between the two of them, it seemed that the resignation just now had never happened at all, but everyone heard those words, and the smell of burning paper still permeated the hall.

"Back to court~~~"

Before everyone could react, they suddenly heard the singing eunuch behind Emperor Wanli speak in a loud voice, and looked up again, but Emperor Wanli turned his head and walked towards the back of the palace.

Wang Xijue shook his sleeves, and was about to step forward to speak, but he was caught by someone after taking half a step. Looking sideways, it was Shen Shixing, the chief assistant of the cabinet, shaking his head with a heavy face. Wang Xijue hesitated, shaking his head there, He sighed softly.

After retiring from the imperial court, all the academicians in the cabinet went to Wenyuan Pavilion to be on duty, and the six ministers and the big bosses of the Metropolitan Procuratorate all returned. Naturally, no one on Wang Tong's side went with him, and Wang Tong didn't care.

Some of the ministers also observed Wang Tong's expression, but this disappointed them. Although Wang Tong was young, he was very good at nourishing his energy and calmness.

When he was about to reach the Thousand Steps Corridor, Zhao Jinliang chased after him, raised his hand and greeted loudly after a distance:
"Master Wang, please go slowly, Lord Long Live has an order!"

Several ministers stopped in their tracks. Although they were not supposed to listen in accordance with the rules of politeness, there was nothing wrong with the important affairs of the court and the orders of the Holy Majesty.

Wang Tong saluted and received the order, Zhao Jinliang stood there and raised his voice and said:
"Long live Lord, Wang Tong is at ease to be an official, don't think wildly, I respect this!"

After finishing speaking, Zhao Jinliang hurriedly stepped forward to help Wang Tong, and said:
"Brother Wang, that's all, nothing else."

The few ministers who stopped to listen looked at each other, shook their heads, and could see disappointment on each other's faces. There is nothing they can do about it.

"Brother Wang's move is still taking risks. Although you are sure, what if it happens!?"

That night in Wang Tong's mansion, there was a small family banquet, only Lu Wancai came, and when the food and wine were served, and they sat down, Lu Wancai spoke.

There was also a sense of complaint in these words, Wang Tong smiled and did not answer, but Lu Wancai took out a memorial from his arms, lit it on the candle, then threw it on the copper plate beside him, watched it burn, and then He opened his mouth and said:
"If His Majesty really approves your resignation, as a younger brother, you will have to submit a speech to remonstrate Your Majesty, and you may even mobilize some friendly officials. Whether you can redeem it or not will cost a lot of money."

"Is this the memorial?"

Wang Tong asked with a smile. Seeing Lu Wancai nodded, Wang Tong held up his wine glass as a signal, and after touching Lu Wancai, he said:
"Brother Lu, don't worry. Didn't His Majesty burn brother's book? Doesn't this show His Majesty's attitude..."

Lu Wancai drank the wine in his glass, shook his head and said:
"Everyone in the capital who should know about today's affairs has already known. Your majesty hesitated for a long time after you submitted the letter of resignation. He is sure, brother Wang, you have done so many things, the capital has made such a long arrangement, and in the end, it has become nothing again, do you have to make such a fuss again!?"

"Brother Lu, although you said that you took risks this time, you have to say that after this time, brother, I have stabilized in the capital. Although your Majesty hesitated to go to the palace, but doing so will let everyone in the capital know. It won't work to use the crimes of Gao Zhenzhu and Chen Da bullying the emperor to attack brothers!"

A maid came in to take away the copper plate containing ashes, Lu Wancai stopped there, and when the maid went out, Lu Wancai sighed and said:
"Why bother, you have helped His Majesty so much this time, which is equivalent to showing kindness to His Majesty. Wouldn't it be more beneficial to share such affection with His Majesty? If you do this, everything will be gone. If it was at the same time last year, well, it would not even be as good as when you returned from great achievements!"

Wang Tong put away his smile, played with the porcelain cup in his hand, and said in a deep voice:

"What is favor, what is kindness, all these are related to power and position, and they are not worth mentioning. If I think I have kindness to His Majesty, Your Majesty will feel uneasy. If someone takes advantage of the situation to provoke, His Majesty will be suspicious , That is the real catastrophe. This time, doing this is to let His Majesty put aside all affection and judge purely from the gains and losses. If there is no Wang Tong by his side, what will happen to the situation? Your Majesty has already judged clearly. He kept me, and after that, brother, I am in the capital, so it can be said that I am really stable."

After hearing Wang Tong's words, Lu Wancai was silent for a long time, sighed and said with emotion:

"It was like that back then, and it's like this today, it's really..."

Hesitant to speak.
Chapter 2 will be later
(End of this chapter)

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