Brocade clothing as the country

Chapter 913 The second half of the third year of Wanli

Chapter 913 The second half of the third year of Wanli

People who are no longer sensitive to politics, after hearing the live drama in the court, know that Wang Tong has returned to the capital this time, and will stand firmly in this position.

Since Wang Tong made it very clear in the court hall that he was not granted the position of governor of the Beijing camp as rumored, there are enough honors in the capital and experience in commanding troops, and this person is inclined towards Emperor Wanli, Xiangcheng Bo Chen Jinsheng did not go too far beyond other people's expectations, and became the natural candidate.

However, this appointment also makes people feel a little ironic. Xiangchengbo Chen Jinsheng is the governor of the Beijing camp, and his son is the battalion officer of the Warriors camp. The force controlled by the Chen family accounts for almost half of the force in Gyeonggi.

It is indeed ironic, Wang Tong caused so much criticism because of this rumor, and the Chen family father and son were appointed, but there was no reaction.

This is also normal, the nobles generally cannot catch the soldiers, they are just a name, and the five battalions of the Imperial Army represent the eunuchs in the palace who are the real supervisors. In the hands of generals from Huwei Wuguan, this will not cause any serious problems.

The Chen family and his son, together with the Tang family of the imperial merchant, were regarded as marginal in the noble circle of the capital, but now they are considered the top family. Both father and son lack high positions.

There is another appointment that does not attract much attention. Xu Guangguo, the magistrate of Weihui Prefecture, was promoted to be the Chief Political Officer of Henan Province because of his excellent performance. , Even if you go to Beijing, you will not be able to do without the position of a servant.

Some people lamented that Wang Tong had ups and downs. Maybe the people who got in touch with him were rich and powerful. Xu Guangguo, who came from a family background, and a fallen noble from the Chen family, all had such a status, not to mention the businessmen in Jinyiwei. Pawns are all rich and powerful.

Since Wang Tong's resignation, although the court was burned by Emperor Wanli and the errands continued, when Wang Tong was in the capital, he summoned privately at least once in three days, but this year, until mid-September Only then did Emperor Wanli have his first summons, and it was still a kind of public discussion similar to a court meeting.

Everyone knew that Emperor Wanli was angry about Wang Tong's resignation, but no one would think that Wang Tong was going to lose power due to this alienation, only that Wang Tong would stand firmer in the future.

The officials of the court are clean, and the officials of the imperial court dare to stand against the emperor in terms of standing and reserve, and dare to elevate a trivial matter to the level of the sage, but in the current situation, they also know how to please the emperor.

The queen was weak and sick, had no heirs for a long time, and connived at her relatives to run rampant in the village and tarnish the reputation of the Tian family. The main reasons were these few reasons. Hundreds of officials went to the evacuation one after another, asking Emperor Wanli to re-establish the queen.

The Queen's backer is the Empress Dowager Cisheng. Now the Empress Dowager is confined to the Marquis of Wuqing to "recover from her illness". Standing on the wrong team, it is good to flatter Concubine Zheng.

With such a changeable position, the folks will naturally be ironic, but when you become an official, except for those who have a bit of character, who cares about such a trivial matter, and the matter of becoming a queen is also a hot topic.

The same is true of the palace summoning. Although Emperor Wanli did not publish the following memorials about the empress, he still sent the cabinet chief assistant Shen Shixing, the cabinet second assistant Wang Xijue, the new Minister of Rites Zhu Chong, and Wang Tong. When I came to discuss this matter, I thought there would be some entanglement, but in fact there was no obstacle.

Emperor Wanli had completely subdued the civil servants on the matter of establishing the crown prince, and the matter of changing the empress was just aftermath, and everyone couldn't afford to argue about it.

Zhu Chong, Minister of the Ministry of Rites, even suggested the issue of etiquette. In the end, Emperor Wanli thought about it himself. He felt that there were too many troubles this year. It would be better to change the Empress Yi at the beginning of Wanli 14th. .

At the end of October, Wang Tong's family members entered Beizhili under the strict guard of the soldiers. From now on, Wang Tong's post will be in the capital, so the family members will naturally be here.

Concubine Zheng is now calling the wind and rain in the inner palace, and the relationship between Concubine Zheng and eunuchs Zhang Cheng, Zou Yi, and even Zhao Jinliang is quite friendly, which makes Concubine Zheng more powerful. , but his power is unquestionable.

There are favored concubines inside, powerful ministers outside, and civil servants lose power. This structure fits most so-called dark situations. This treacherous concubine and treacherous ministers colluded to frame Zhongliang. There are too many notes in this drama, and some scholars have begun to write similar ones Benzi, goodwill to their theater for rehearsals.

Regarding this, Wang Tong just laughed it off, this kind of thing is nothing to him, there is no need to pay too much attention to it, but Yang Sichen took it seriously, and said that the common people are ignorant, if the drama says so, the people will really think so , He also invited a group of people to write dramas and prepare to fight back.

In the northern provinces of Jingshi, Beizhili, Shanxi, Shandong, and Henan, Wang Tong has relatively beneficial ears and eyes there, and after all, it is the north, and the Jingshi controls it more strongly. Discussions were soon suppressed, and soon began to lean towards Emperor Wanli, but for Jiangnan, it was completely the opposite. That was the base camp of civil officials and scholars, and the biggest damage caused by this change Those who are the ones are them, and naturally there will be no good public opinion.

Wang Tong is very optimistic about this matter. In the past, Wang Tong would not have known about Jiangnan's grievances. Nowadays, Zhang Liansheng, a thousand households of Jinyiwei in Nanjing, is very diligent in flattery, and all kinds of news are sent to the capital as soon as possible. According to Wang Tong, Sanjiang Commercial Bank sent many backbones to Jiangnan. On the one hand, there are unlimited business opportunities. After Wang Tong went there once, he also felt the need to establish his own news channel there.

After being forced into an embarrassing situation twice in the 12th and 13th years of Wanli, Emperor Wanli finally realized that the status of the emperor does not mean that he can control everything, and the people under him will obey his orders.

The generals who were born in Yiqianhuweiwuguan, which originally commanded troops in Xuanfu, Jizhen, and the outskirts of Gyeonggi, were all transferred to the Beijing camp and the Forbidden Army to lead the troops. Emperor Wanli continued to strengthen control in this area.

Emperor Wanli was doing these assignments, but Wang Tong went to Tianjin Wei a few times. Although he stayed in the capital for a long time, Wang Tong also knew that he was very powerful. If he stayed in the capital for a long time, his influence would change. Big, no matter what, it will weaken the power and influence of the emperor, so it is better to stay away.

Among the maritime powers of Tianjin Wei, according to what Tang Shan said in private, Sha Dacheng received Tianjin Wei to even the one-room house he raised in Nanzhili, and he also bought land in the adjacent areas of Yongping and Shuntian. , ready to take root thoroughly, but Shen Wang lived in Tianjin Wei for less time.

Someone from Zhang Shiqiang's side has already mingled with Shen Wang. Whether Shen Wang has a second offspring, there will be a clear return after this year's Chinese New Year.

Liao Town is becoming more and more repulsive to Tianjin Wei, but the advantage of sea transportation is too great, and Tianjin Wei's goods price advantage is also huge, it is impossible to drive them out.

However, the merchants in Tianjin Wei are increasingly being excluded from the outside world. Several shops originally opened in Liaoyang and Shenyang have been driven out. Now they are only in the Niangniang Palace at the mouth of the Liaohe River, Wanghai Terrace in Ningyuanwei, and Gaizhouwei. There are three shops in Lianyun Island in Lianyun Island, and the big businessmen have expressed their concerns to Wang Tong through various channels. They can still make money now, what will happen in the future?

But around the end of October, the sea was sealed off and the river was sealed off. They could only go to Yongping Mansion and Shanhaiguan by land, and take a long detour to Liao Town. Everything is troublesome, and this matter is not so urgent.

In November, something happened in Guihua City.

Guihua City is the protruding part of the Ming Dynasty in the north, and it is surrounded by enemy countries. It is strange that nothing happened, but this time it caused a disturbance on the side of the capital.

The Ministry of Household Affairs and the Ministry of Industry, as well as the Imperial Horse Supervisor of the Inner Court, all have officials stationed in Guihua City.

The matter in Guihua City is very simple. A caravan was looted when it was going to a certain place in the north of Guihua City. Not every caravan can defend well. The caravan waited for rescue, but the caravan was invaded by horse thieves, and most of them were killed or injured, while the rest escaped.

According to the rules of Guihua City, since the caravan registered here suffered a loss, it is natural to find this place. The business that suffered the loss is also gnashing its teeth to mobilize people. Now many relatives and noble children of tribes on the grassland are returning Living inside and outside of Huacheng, these people are the backbone of the tribe's armed forces. Seeing the prosperity of Guihua City here, they all want to use their swords and guns to seek a family background for themselves.

This time, when the call was made, in addition to the three hundred or so riders who should have passed, there were actually more than a thousand riders who volunteered to follow outside the city. When the group of people set off in a mighty way, those horse thieves had long since disappeared without a trace. can be found.

But when the large group of people went out of the city, they couldn't return empty-handed. They simply ran eastward for two days, found a peripheral tribe in Chahar, cleaned them up, and plundered the livestock, property and people back to Guihua City.

Then the Chahar Department assembled thousands of cavalry to retaliate and intercept the Guihua City caravan in that direction. More than a thousand cavalry followed and defeated the thousands of cavalry.

I don’t know what’s next, because the accountant member Wailang who mentioned this matter is going back to the capital. After he came back, he impeached him on the grounds that he provoked the frontiers without permission, brought disaster on behalf of the Ming Dynasty, and violated benevolence and morality. .
I slept until [-] o'clock in the evening, and wrote it after eating, and the second update was completed. It seems that the full attendance in August is not a big problem, ^_^
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(End of this chapter)

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