Chapter 915

Those who rob you and kill you must stand up for reason. This is the style of doing things in a big country. When Shen Shixing said this, everyone praised it.

It is only in the name of righteousness that things can be done with confidence. It is their business that the people in the caravan on the grassland kill people and set fires. If they suffer a loss, the court will first confirm your position. You are the victims. The imperial court will stand up for you, and if the "people spontaneously" help revenge, it is also a righteous act.

In this way, the common people and scholars in the world naturally share the same hatred. As for what happened on the grassland, who would care about the thousands of miles apart.

Great powers have always acted like this since ancient times. No matter how shameless they are, there must always be a dignified and dignified reason to give.

In fact, under such a rule, how could the caravans not know how to do it? This is already encouraging them to let go of killing and setting fire, how to explain it clearly.

At this court meeting, everyone was worried that the people in Guihua City would be good at provoking frontier provocations, but Wang Tong's generous speech turned into a discussion about how to encourage them to toss on the grassland, which made everyone dumbfounded. .

This court meeting was a beginning for Ming Dynasty. It meant that Ming’s policy towards the various ethnic groups in the north would change from shrinking and seeking peace to expanding outward, attacking and destroying the country.

This is a general meaning. Wang Tong said this just to let everyone not have any opinions on the policies of Guihua City. Daming Shoucheng has been careful for so long. Seeing such ostentatious actions, it is normal for him to be unaccustomed Well, Wang Tong just dispelled their thoughts, but didn't think of any complicated principles.

But when the court was leaving, Wang Tongman walked a few steps, fell behind and reported:
"Your Majesty, now that the Anda Department has been destroyed, Chahar and Horqin are retreating step by step, and the important towns on the Nine Frontiers are only established for steadfast defense, so it would be inappropriate to waste money there."

After Wang Tong finished speaking, Emperor Wanli immediately fell into deep thought. Zhang Cheng and other eunuchs also changed their faces, obviously moved by Wang Tong's words.

At that time, there was no reaction, but after Wang Tong returned to the Commander Si Yamen of Jinyiwei, Zou Yi from the Imperial Horse Supervisor followed closely to visit.

Jin Yiwei was slightly surprised by Zou Yi's visit, thinking that our Dingbei Hou Dutang is really amazing, after the court is over, there will be a great eunuch from the Imperial Horse Supervisor in the palace to visit, Thinking back to those few people in the past, they were either the servants of the cabinet or the servants of the chief of ceremonies. When they saw these powerful figures, they all kowtowed to pay their respects.

The purpose of Zou Yi's visit was very simple. He asked Wang Tong what he said when he was about to leave the court. Wang Tong's answer was also very simple. He said that he came up with this idea temporarily because of the discussion in the court.

"Today you said this sentence, Long Live Lord and all the father-in-laws thought it was absurd at first, the land of nine borders, guarding the northern border of Daming, is the root of Ming, what is inappropriate, but looking back, it is really with you As I said, in the current situation, there is no need to set up the four towns of Yulin, Yansui, Datong, and Taiyuan. Xuanfu can also abolish part of the troops. I don’t know how much it will save, but the abolition of the border towns is a matter of Big body, even though Long Live and all the father-in-laws are very tempted, I still need you to come up with a general charter first."

In the important town of Nine Borders, every year the capital spends nearly 400 million taels of silver in the past, which is almost equal to the sum of land taxes today, and counting the self-financing of Nine Borders, Daming spends nearly ten million taels on them every year, which is a very heavy burden. financial burden.

Nine borders are important places, so there should be no negligence in the slightest. Even if Da Ming does not provide relief to the victims in the interior or build water conservancy projects, he must give priority to ensuring the supply of nine borders.

But ever since Wang Tong wiped out the Alda tribe and captured Guihua City, the Daming Center suddenly discovered that the so-called northern border transformation was actually such a paper tiger, and because the Alda tribe was destroyed, Guihua City broke into the northern border In the hinterland, the five border towns set up to guard against the grassland tribes in this direction can all be abolished, which can save a lot of money every year and make Daming's finances much easier.

Whoever had such an idea in the past would destroy the Great Wall by himself, but today Wang Tongyi said that the various forces on the grassland are constantly being weakened and suppressed, and they will be gradually eliminated, and from the destruction of the Alda Department to the The plundering of the tribes on the grassland for more than a year had nothing to do with these border towns, it was all done by team training and village courage.

Daming spends so much money on the frontier army every year, but in the end, it relied on a group of people who did not spend money from the court to continue to win. With this calculation, what is the use of your frontier army? There is hard work without credit, but for so many years, we can only stick to it and not open up. This also shows that they are useless, or there is a problem with this setting itself and needs to be changed.

People in the palace, from Emperor Wanli to the fathers-in-law of various inner court yamen, have a kind of understanding, or superstition, of Wang Tong, that is, great power.

Since Wang Tong was able to bring up this matter, he must have a solution to this matter. Those who can do more work. Since this matter is beneficial to the Italian country and everyone wants to do it, it is necessary to send someone to ask.

To Zou Yi's question, Wang Tong could only respond with a wry smile:

"It was just a temporary idea, and I just said that to Lord Long Live."

The two sides looked at each other and smiled. After laughing, Wang Tongcai said:
"Since Your Majesty and all the father-in-laws are interested in this, Wang will also go to investigate one or two. There must be a detailed figure before it can be handed over to the palace. I also want to ask Eunuch Zou to go back and report, saying that the matter is urgent. No, it will take at least half a year to come up with a charter, after all, the nine sides span thousands of miles."

Since Wang Tong said so, Zou Yi had nothing to say, just chatted a few words, and left with a smile.

Until the second half of November, Wang Tong's family members had all returned to the capital, and there was no other news from Guihua City. It was almost the same as Wang Tong expected. The Chahar tribe who had suffered a loss might not dare to If the big report retaliates, if they really mobilize each other, the Chahar Department will not be able to take advantage of it at all, and it will even be eaten by other major departments.

On November 25th, the heavy snowfall in the capital has reached the second day. If the year is not good, the officials in the capital and neighboring prefectures and counties will be busy because of the heavy snowfall. Frozen and starved to death, even if there is no relief, it is still necessary to carry the frozen and starved corpses outside.

But this year there is no such problem, the annual harvest is very good, the food supply in the capital is sufficient, and the number of idlers in the capital is much less than in previous years. The homeless and homeless people were all thrown into the farms in the north of Tianjin Wei in the name of labor reform, working and eating, which made the capital a lot less thoughtful.

Just because there is nothing to do, all the officials and scholars, and those who like to make fun of, all put up their congratulations, saying "auspicious snow heralds a good year", flattering them for auspiciousness, and making Emperor Wanli happy.

Emperor Wanli was also a good follower, and he didn't go to court at all on November 25. As for what to do, people outside the palace also knew that Emperor Wanli was enjoying the snow in Xiyuan.

It's strange to say that when the Empress Dowager Cisheng Li wanted to talk about Concubine Wang Gong's elevating her to the throne, Emperor Wanli avoided Concubine Wang Gong and didn't want to pay attention at all. On the contrary, the attitude is better.

This time going to Xiyuan, not only Concubine Zheng Gui went, but Concubine Li De also called Concubine Wang Gong, all the princes and princesses followed, it was considered a family joy.

Zou Yi sent someone to Wang Tong, saying that Emperor Wanli sent Zhao Jinliang to the Marquis of Wuqing to send equipment such as cotton clothes and a heater to Empress Dowager Li, and greeted her.

Although the Marquis of Wuqing Mansion is tightly sealed, the supply is not less than before. Naturally, there will be no shortage of things like cotton clothes and stoves. After all, they are biological mothers and children. So heartless.

Emperor Wanli enjoys family happiness here, and all the officials and officials in the capital are also happy to be at leisure. Those who have errands are on errands, order a seat in the Yamen, and go back early, or at home, or gather with friends to enjoy the snow and drink wine , plus Wang Tong's hot pot, which has been carried forward, is also a joy in life.

Others are free, but Wang Tong is also leisurely. After more than a year of ups and downs, and now the whole family is together, and there is no important business, it is also a rare leisure for him.

Wang Tong also went to Jinyiwei Yamen and stayed for an hour before returning home. The wives and concubines gathered together, chatting and laughing, and set up a banquet at noon to enjoy the snow and have a feast.

Uncle Xiangcheng's mansion hunted outside the city, and the harvest was quite fruitful. They specially sent over some pheasants and a deer. The cook came over from Zhenxing Building at noon to clean them up. The pheasants were cut into cubes and fried with pickled melon, which was quite delicious. The deer is also a good dish for drinking. Most of the pheasant and deer are sliced, and there are also slices of big fish sent from Tianjin. They are all cooked in a hot pot. The whole family gathered around the pot again, and everyone was happy.

It is rare to have such a relaxed atmosphere in Wang's family. The female family members are all laughing and laughing, and Wang Tong has a smile on his face. This is also his rare rest and relaxation.

After drinking and eating, the family sat in the living room in the afternoon, with cakes carefully made by the chef, and several musicians who were proficient in music skills played the piano and sang there, which was even more enjoyable.

"Master, Mr. Sun Shoulian from Liao Town is asking to see you."

It was a time of joy and harmony, but there were servants to report, which spoiled the atmosphere, but Wang Tong was also puzzled, it was approaching the end of the year, and Sun Shoulian was not in Liao Town, why did he come to the capital?
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(End of this chapter)

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